
How To Use Vole In A Sentence

  • Following the sound, Silk found himself among the sellers he sought Hobbled deer reared and plunged, their soft brown eyes wild with fright; a huge snake lifted its flat, malevolent head, hissing like a kettle on the stove; live salmon gasped and splashed in murky, glass-fronted tanks; pigs grunted, lambs baaed, chickens squawked, and milling goats eyed passersby with curiosity and sharp suspicion. Nightside The Long Sun
  • The architectonics of the sculpted locks, the author argues, augment their power to fend off sorcery and other malevolent forces.
  • However, anotIT vole relative titled the montane vole, have no interest in partnership beyond sex.
  • Alexandre Vidal, du CRNV, est le meneur du volet québécois de cette opération qui se veut pancanadienne. Institution of higher what
  • Finally met Judith "with the blue shutters": the American to whom the villagers have been trying to introduce me, going as far as to give me directions to her house "avec les volets bleus". Péquenaud - French Word-A-Day
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  • Not to mention the expression suite-ing that results in the physical indistinguishability of voles across such a wide range of C-values. A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
  • Cap. In crastino mane venit quidam sacerdos frater ipsius Coiac postulans vasculum cum chrismate, quia Sartach volebat illud videre, vt dicebat, et dedimus ei. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • The clerk regarded him with benevolent amusement.
  • The most common bird of prey is the kestrel, which feeds chiefly on rodents such as mice and voles but will occasionally take small birds, beetles, small frogs, etc.
  • Pray: Lord, teach me to live my life unaffectedly—just like a child who is completely secure in the love of a benevolent parent. Recovering From Religious Abuse
  • Still and all, when I say there is something "insidious" about the taste of Dutch Coca-Cola she hs to ask what insidious means -- she knows what it means, but she just has to check, because she doesn't understand why I would choose such a word -- I revised to "malevolent" -- to describe such a benign thing. Evolver Diary Entry
  • Sure enough, the tremor of his voice instilled fear but something within felt familiar with his malevolent aura.
  • Has arbores seu arbusta Balsami fecit quondam quidam de Caliphis Aegypti de loco Engaddi inter mare mortuum, et Ierico, vbi Domino volente excreuerat, eradicari, et in argo pr鎑icto plantari: est tamen hoc mirandum, quod vbicuncque alibi siue prope, siue remote plantantur, quamuis fort� virent, et exurgant, non tamen fructificant. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • This orphanage solicits its benevolence of the wealthy people.
  • Therefore, they perceived themselves as corporate members and experienced its power as essentially benevolent.
  • Warmer temperatures may allow species with a low rate of infection, such as brucellosis in caribou or echinococcus in voles, to survive in larger numbers increasing the number of susceptible hosts and infected animals. Potential impacts of indirect mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • At first it's difficult to shake the feeling that it's kitschy schlock that they're radiating, rather than the sinister malevolence they may be aiming for.
  • Where the Sumerian tale presents the deluge as the work of an intemperate overlord whose attitude to humanity is far from benevolent, whose might may not be right, and offers an ethical opposition to him in figure of a merciful intercessor, the Biblical tale ultimately sanctions the genocidal destruction of most of humanity by ascribing it to a God whose wisdom, justice and mercy are presented as unquestionable. Creative Control - Part 4
  • Enjoin beneficence and forbid malevolence: so shalt thou be loved of The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This does not mean, though, that he accepts our modern idea of an omnibenevolent God. Nietzsche the Pantheist? | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Weatherbee grinned malevolently, but made no offer to help him. In a Far Country
  • Rowan Oliver's drums suggest a meeting of Al Foster and Jaki Liebezeit while John Richards' electric bass is a malevolent, fuzzed monster.
  • She mentally reviewed his no longer youthful figure, his monastic face, black-haired and large-nosed, with eyes full of expression, his curly mouth, at once judgmatic and benevolent. Flowering Wilderness
  • Ramsden is a good-tempered truth-seeker, not a malevolent muckraker.
  • He had a habit of flashing the wads of cash his benevolent son sent home to him.
  • She poured from both into her tumbler, inhaled on her cigar, and sat there silently watching us from her malevolent little eyes. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • Le larron does not seem to be used in conversational French (my daughter taught me the word after she learned it in her French class while reading a classic text) ... so here are some useful synonyms: un escroc (swindler, con man, crook) un malfaiteur (burglar) un voleur (thief) French Word-A-Day:
  • He was postcoitally benevolent, practically glowing—he would make an effort to really understand her. Say When
  • The refusal of judges to give any interviews, under cover of antiquated ‘rules’ which a long forgotten lord chancellor had invented, compounded the sense that they were all, or almost all, malevolent recluses.
  • It was a benevolent organization that gave aid to fellow miners, their widows and children, as the many newspaper articles of the period record.
  • During the day I was sustained and inspirited by the hope of night: for in sleep I saw my friends, my wife, and my beloved country; again I saw the benevolent countenance of my father, heard the silver tones of my Elizabeth's voice, and beheld Clerval enjoying health and youth. Chapter 7
  • The answer is yes, I do believe in benevolence and malevolence as being a part of mans nature, I think where we differ, is the belief in the architect of nature and whether the formation of the natural world including the physique was a guided or a random process. Child Abuse Alert
  • The concept of durbar reveals the jagadguru's benevolence for the welfare and well being of the devotees who participate to gain the acharya's blessings.
  • The sheer malevolence she saw there brought back memories she thought she had forgotten. YELLOW BIRD
  • Voles are an important source of food for many predators, including snakes, hawks, owls, coyotes, weasels, foxes, mink and badgers.
  • I'm very grateful to find others like yourself who have overcome and continue to combat these fear ridden lunatics that try to subjugate our society to their truly malevolent goals.
  • belief in a world filled with...formless but often malevolent beings
  • Small mammals, especially rodents such as voles, pocket gophers, and mice make up most of the Great Gray Owl's diet.
  • You possess too much candour and benevolence not to make allowance, and to forgive the various emotions of my mind, which you have witnessed in this, to me, unhappy conferrence. The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale
  • Her stare was malevolent, her mouth a thin line.
  • Other animals found nearby included two extinct species of vole - a small rodent resembling a mouse - that were used to date the site.
  • In this way a benevolent spirit is forged and wisdom is free to flourish.
  • From the resultant penalty, Wood went for goal, but on this occasion the malevolent wind steered the ball off target.
  • In international politics, benevolent hegemons are like unicorns - there are no such animals.
  • Benevolent autocracy is an uncertain foundation for legitimate and sustainable national governance.
  • In the Confucian Doctrine, propriety a concept of the political theory, and benevolence, the ethical system.
  • In a peak year for hares, the hares edged out the voles as a source of meat for both adult owls and their owlets.
  • Finally, nostalgic for his happy Chicago childhood, he turned his drama department into a surrogate family with himself as benevolently beaming paterfamilias.
  • Steven King's prison novel is classily rendered with Tom Hanks starring as the benevolent prison warder tending to death row inmates.
  • She did not know much of the faery lore, but she was sure that all the stories about them made them out to be malevolent spirits who hated the men who had driven them from their lands with fire and sword.
  • The benevolent man reproved the keeper for what he called harsh words. Friends and Neighbors
  • These organisations project a reputation of being caring, considerate and benevolent.
  • The quickness of his temper was counteracted by the generosity and benevolence of his heart.
  • This person did not have access to what we call our benevolent fund," he said Thursday. - Home Page
  • Deer, cottontail rabbits, voles (field mice) and pocket gophers are some of the most common species that damage trees in Nebraska.
  • Her stare was malevolent, her mouth a thin line.
  • And neither the feces of bobcats nor the urine of foxes, coyotes, and bobcats discouraged voles from attacking seedlings.
  • Ezra Klein perceives himself as a benevolent and educated individual. In Which Ezra Shows Why He is not Close to Conversion, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • His benevolent demeanor and tolerance have apparently not worked well.
  • In an undesigned world, plague, pestilence, famine, diphtheria, cancer, tuberculosis, and other natural ills no longer had to be reconciled with the sovereignty of an omnipotent and benevolent deity.
  • His reserve might by the ill-natured have been termed dissimulation, inasmuch as when asked by the ladies of the embassy what had become of the young person who had amused them that day so cleverly he gave it out that her whereabouts was uncertain and her destiny probably obscure; he let it be supposed in a word that his benevolence had scarcely survived an accidental, a charitable occasion. The Tragic Muse
  • It's impossible not to be awed by the grandeur of temples and throne rooms of a country still in love with its benevolent monarchy.
  • Among the creatures expected to blossom as a result would be the tiny water vole, whose populations were decimated by the introduction of the mink from North America.
  • The group is currently working on gaining protection for the lands and developing corridors that suit species from big cats to tiny voles.
  • Jullie looked at him, with that benevolent smile that always seemed to be on her face.
  • This eyewash is integral to the whole imperial project of the ‘civilising mission’, a kind of experience that lends support to the benevolence of western powers.
  • I hate to be the one to tell this woman that voles don't entertain thoughts of adultery, nor do they defend a lady vole's honor, nor do they "philander," because voles don't commit adultery, and they don't have honor. Book review: 'For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage,' by Tara Parker-Pope
  • Before baiting, mow the grass so more bait can reach the trails and burrows used by voles.
  • Timon changes from benevolence to sour misanthropy with a many inartistic abruptness, many readers feel. Archive 2009-11-01
  • From a long way back, a dream of European unification under benevolent French tutelage has existed in France.
  • And, oh, maiden! "added the queen, with benevolent warmth," steel not thy heart against her -- listen with ductile senses to her gentle ministry; and may God and His Son prosper that pious lady's counsel, so that it may win a new strayling to the Immortal Fold! Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Complete
  • Plato in his Symposium discusses only the kind of love that is found in men, which has its final cause in the lover but not in the beloved (terminato ne l'amante ma non ne l'amato), for this kind mainly is called love, since that which ends in the loved one is called friendship and benevolence (ché quel che si termina ne l'amato si chiama amicizia e benivolenzia). Judah Abrabanel
  • These include the common moral decencies of integrity, trustworthiness, benevolence, and fairness.
  • The Captain is the benevolent-yet-stern sheriff of this here town and Madame La is his beatific, beautiful wife.
  • Thirty years of rule by benevolent despots who promote economic growth and development - even if it made sense - is simply not an option here.
  • Satan's rebellion arises in no small measure from an over-estimation of the importance of existents and a rejection of those aspects of his relationship with God to be affirmed through belief: the unobservable act of his own creation; and the benevolence of the Son's vicegerent rule, which he takes to be an expression of divine authoritarianism. Feisal G. Mohamed: Evaluating the Post-Secular Return to Belief
  • For example, how does one sell the image of a benevolent corporate citizenry that has the best interests of society in its heart?
  • Because want to construct more facilities is have to want benevolence index number.
  • If men are prone to mistake their selfish feelings for benevolent affections; then we may easily see wliy they so generally disbelieve the doctrine of total de - pravity, which is plainly taught in the word of God. Sermons on various important subjects of doctrine and practice
  • When required to run a maze, male and female pine voles prove equally good at the task.
  • They have been the most patient and benevolent as well as astute of midwives. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Also returning will be the local firefighters, who will be collecting money for their benevolent fund as well as their own depot.
  • Perchè avendo egli domandato di me per venire a vedermi ed essendogli risposto 'che non potrebbe vedermi più perchè ero vicina a morire' -- egli rispose che in quel caso voleva morire egli pure; la qual cosa essendosi poi ripetata si conobbe cosi l'oggetto del suo viaggio. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 4 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • If you look to Kennedy’s 1963 civil rights speech, you’ll note that the civil rights act was very much a bismarckian reform in that it as much a response to fear of violent revolt for equal rights as it was a benevolent act to improve the status of a minority group. The Volokh Conspiracy » Public Opinion, Anti-Discrimination Law, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Visitors to the Aquarium of the Lakes will be able to discover all about the secret world of otters, bats, water voles and shrews as part of Wildlife Activity Week which runs until Sunday, February 22.
  • Bagado then stood in front of the desk with the malevolent body language of a defensive linebacker. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • The latest Jacques Brossard was awarded on May 10 to Joël Champetier for his fantasy novel Le Voleur des steppes. Science Fiction Awards Watch » Blog Archive » Prix Boréal
  • Villagers opposed to opencast mining plans near their homes claim the proposals could encroach on local water voles, currently the UK's fastest declining mammal.
  • A broad panorama of the triumphs and follies of humanity, an exploration of the quirks of the mind, of the nobility but more often the meanness and sheer malevolence of human nature, the collection was knit together by a web of self-consistent thinking, a skein of ideas woven from a lifetime of close reasoning on life, art, and literature. William hazlitt | the man of letters « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • But the intent has always been moralistic: to provide stable and benevolent government.
  • Last year, it was also discovered that the site has a thriving population of the endangered water vole due to the rank grass which provides ideal protection and a source of food.
  • I pray GOD most sincerely to bless you with the highest transports ” the infelt satisfaction of humane and benevolent exertions! ” Life of Johnson
  • God knows how many sacrifices, prayers and sufferings have been offered to support me in my service to the church, how much benevolence and solicitude, how many signs of communion have surrounded me every day.
  • The worn but spit-shined sanctuary is silent this weekday morning and the life-size statues of La Virgen de Guadalupe and St. Jude, aglow in shadowy candlelight, gaze benevolently out of their gaudy, flower-bedecked encasements. American Grace
  • Insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, and butterflies are a major part of their summer diet which also includes mammals such as mice, voles, young squirrels and rabbits, and shrews.
  • This is another malevolent twofer: it's a quick way to gain weight, and it can help saturate your arteries.
  • The General gave the crowd of reporters a benevolent smile, which they simply ignored.
  • Charitable payments or gratuities given by employers should not be deducted from awards of damages as it is important not to discourage benevolence.
  • Small mammals, especially rodents such as voles, pocket gophers, and mice make up most of the Great Gray Owl's diet.
  • Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself
  • That evil is malevolent violence, a curse that is the bane of our human existence.
  • The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
  • Negro affairs before 1865; but these are hardly extricable from war expenditures, nor can we estimate with any accuracy the contributions of benevolent societies during all these years. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue
  • Ramsey the Liberal politician had ideas of democracy which cut across this benevolent dictatorship.
  • The strength of altruism lies in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
  • Volentes insuper omnia iusta & rationabilia statuta, ordinationes & consuetudines per dictos gubernatores sic eligendos in forma prædicta facienda & stabilienda, nec non omnes iustas & rationabiles ordinationones per [Marginal note: Nota.] nuper gubernatores prædictorum mercatorum Anglicorum de communi assensu eorundem mercatorum pro huiusmodi gubernatione sua in partibus prædictis iuxta priuilegia & authoritates sibi per magistrum. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
  • And in that look is the end of innocence, of benevolent patronage, an era when strolling architects and plumy journalists can gossip complacently about how they have arranged a good time for the rest of us. The Festival of Britain, 60 years on
  • It was only the other day I read in the report of the Consumers’ League in my own city that “a benevolent institution, ” when found giving out clothing to be made in tenement houses that were not licensed, and taken to task for it, asked the agents of the League to “show some way in which the law could be evaded”; but it is just as well for that “benevolent institution” that name and address were wanting, or it might find its funds running short unaccountably. VII. Pietro and the Jew
  • To rule mankind as benevolent tyrant was now clearly seen by our Lord to be a rejection of the will of God who does not impose his sway upon unwilling peoples or force them into submission for their good.
  • If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence
  • Voles have been known to travel tunnels developed by moles to gain access to flower bulbs and other plant roots.
  • By supporting the work of the Benevolent Fund through a donation or Deed of Covenant.
  • For example, eagles are able to spot a vole or lizard from more than 400 m away.
  • He is remembered as a benevolent ruler who increased agricultural production and built dams, dikes, and bridges for the Vietnamese people.
  • They preferred an older ethic of philanthropic benevolence, and while some Australians undoubtedly benefited from such charity, it left others unprovided for.
  • And so we exist peacefully in the garden, they chasing voles and nibbling the nepeta, I digging holes and nibbling the nasturtiums.
  • The benevolent fund needs donations so it can continue to combat isolation.
  • In its more special meaning it has been supposed [134] to imply not merely the going forth of good towards an object, but the meeting of good in that object, the term benevolence being used to express the love of that which in itself does not contain any love-worthiness. Theism: The Witness of Reason and Nature to an All-Wise and Beneficent Creator.
  • The term benevolent compassion puzzled Noam Cohen, executive editor of and a former copy editor at the New York Times. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Moors and heaths would have supported populations of wild horses and cattle, hares, wild goats and smaller creatures like voles, snakes and lizards.
  • Kennedy, like his brothers, was a believer in statism, in the goodness of large government, in the benevolent wisdom of experts and bureaucrats, in the need for Mother State to not just guard her little tax-paying chicks, but to potentially guide and shape their every step, thought, and action. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • In such a case, the person has failed to show benevolence for morally discreditable reasons, and so has behaved badly.
  • Olive Schreiner was not an aristocrat, and her perception of the Africa where she was born is a different perception than, for instance, the perception of someone like Karen Blixen, who, for all her remarkable empathy, brought her aristocratic assumptions to the continent and conceived herself as a benevolent goddess on a farm that existed because of the land-grabbing and punitive tax policies of the colonists. The Story of an African Farm
  • I never saw a more interesting creature: his eyes have generally an expression of wildness, and even madness; but there are moments when, if any one performs an act of kindness towards him, or does him any the most trifling service, his whole countenance is lighted up, as it were, with a beam of benevolence and sweetness that I never saw equalled. Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus
  • Shelob, Smaug, the Balrog ... in their astounding names, the fearful verve of their descriptions, their various undomesticated malevolence, these creatures are utterly embedded in our world-view. Archive 2009-06-01
  • in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
  • Had the plaintiff sued his brother then the action would have failed on the grounds of volenti.
  • For the space of ten seconds they eyed each other malevolently from a distance of two feet. THE LONELY SEA
  • What a lovely frivolent way to amend the Constitution. 07/12/2004
  • To discourage voles or gophers, add a handful of sharp gravel to the planting hole or plant bulbs in wire or fabric baskets.
  • Sometimes, when my father was feeling benevolent, he would ‘double’ either my sister or me on his ancient Massey Harris bike down to the Aussie.
  • a benevolent, providential God which sustains his perfectibilist hopes. PERFECTIBILITY OF MAN
  • West of Scotland supplied with work by a benevolent aristocrat, his expectation that a grateful peasantry will bless their benefactor is rudely dashed (II, 32). Notes on 'Walter Scott, Politeness, and Patriotism'
  • To the right, it becomes innately benevolent, permeated by numina, a romantic meadow of Thinning; its aesthetic is idyllic. A Theory of Modes and Modalities
  • He could see the malevolent grin upon her lips as she snarled up at the man that was a puppet upon her strings.
  • Je regarde par les fenêtres de ma salle de classe et je vois un "v" d'oies candaiennes qui volent au-dessus des arbres aux feuilles cramoisies, jaunes, rouge foncé, orange ... Contretemps - French Word-A-Day
  • He was a benevolent old man, he wouldn't hurt a fly.
  • His circumlocution was a suave way of stating that he had done all that could be expected of a neighbor and benevolent friend, and that the ordinary relation of broker and customer ought now be established. Unleavened Bread
  • The pope writes: "Et quoniam, Deo volente, aptum nunc tempus est, agate, ut divina gratia co-operante, cum augmento possitis quod neglectum est reparare". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • But the benevolent character thus deeply laid is the _Christian character_. The Faithful Steward Or, Systematic Beneficence an Essential of Christian Character
  • After last year's triumph, you are cordially invited to bring your otters, voles, badgers and weasels for a day's work experience.
  • To others, he was a negative, malevolent influence over his father from the 1970s onwards, when North Korean began its long and tragic descent into economic depravation, isolation, starvation and poverty. Kim Jong-il obituary
  • We are looked upon quite benevolently, and we are quite an old fashioned company - we always pay our bills within a few days, but we are not daft!
  • There is no possibility of explaining the system of life in this world, on any principle of _conqueringly_ Divine benevolence. Love's Meinie Three Lectures on Greek and English Birds
  • Jesus was a man, of illegitimate birth, of a benevolent heart, and an enthusiastic mind, who set out without pretensions of divinity, ended in believing them, and was punished capitally for sedition by being gibbeted according to the Roman law. Global Democracy and the Rise of the King of Darkness
  • And we'll see whether that was done, you know, malevolently or deliberately or not.
  • Remove bird feeders to help lower the availability of food for voles.
  • Or it might well be that the physician was not careful then, as at all other times, to hide the malevolence with which he looked upon his victim.
  • Advisors will also be working with individual landowners, helping to improve the image of water voles and thus decrease the use of rodenticides.
  • Included in the price are two nights' accommodation berthed in Amsterdam and one night in Volendam, buffet breakfast on board, twin-bedded en suite cabin, a visit to Delft, return coach travel and ferry crossings.
  • And then we passed into the yard and dairies, where the same benevolent worship had congregated fowl of strange and unheard-of breeds; and there was a little bonham; and above all, staring around, wonder-stricken and frightened, and with a gorgeous blue ribbon about her neck, was the prettiest little fawn in the world, its soft brown fur lifted by the warm wind and its eyes opened up in fear and wonder at its surroundings. My New Curate
  • The study found that while some species, including hedgehogs, voles, shrews, dormice and hares, are generally declining in rural areas, their populations are rising in towns, cities and suburbs.
  • The unbelievers continue to carp about suffering and evil, and why an omnipotent, benevolent God allowed these to exist and even proliferate.
  • The key points of early treating crush syndrome are fluid infusion, correcting hypovolemia and hyperkalemia, prompt osteofascial compartment open decompression or amputation.
  • YMCA members were not so desperate for social acceptance that they would accept without question those ideas of social behaviour and comportment so benevolently introduced to them by their middle-class patrons.
  • An occasional benevolent Christian complied with his request to the extent of a dig with a stout boot under the rib; but every now and then, the furibund jarvey apologised to us for the slowness of our course by asking -- "Won't I serve him out when Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol 58, No. 357, July 1845
  • Those who did not called themselves the Serim chose to rule “benevolently” over humans and lived their lives in a way that they hoped would someday return them to Heaven. My Fair Succubi
  • After all, how can we expect a person who is cruel to small creatures to show kindness and benevolence to his countrymen?
  • The study found that while some species, including hedgehogs, voles, shrews, dormice and hares, are generally declining in rural areas, their populations are rising in towns, cities and suburbs.
  • They have malevolence in their darkest thoughts.
  • And this is the case with Dr Octopus who is only temporarily controlled by a malevolent force.
  • Boreal Owls prey on small mammals, including voles, mice, and small squirrels.
  • He now seems more than ever convinced of his own rectitude, more certain that his words and actions are necessarily benevolent.
  • It may be faid, in general, that all God's con - daft towards Abraham was kind and benevolent; but there were fome particular ihftances of his con* duiSl, which wei-e more peculiarly expreffive of friendfhip, and which defervc to be diftindly men - tioned. Twenty four sermons on various useful subjects
  • The central character is a malevolent witch out for revenge.
  • If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence
  • They have repeatedly given up their time to save lives and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their benevolence.
  • Although there were decidedly violent aspects to this ancient goddess. she was generally a benevolent figure who possessed most of the fortunate qualities now associated with Venus, the lesser benefic.
  • What astonishes those observing from the sidelines is that most of the wider community of around 1,700 people perceive Mackintosh to be a benevolent landlord who has spent his own money on improving their lot.
  • There should be no question that regarding the deep-bore tunnel fiasco, WSDOT directors and department heads are malevolently corrupt. O’Brien Grills Staffers About Tunnel Cost Overruns « PubliCola
  • Melich, vt vinctus ad eum duceretur, A quo cùm adductus esset, quaesiuit imperator, quare ita crudeliter illos fratres iusserat interfici, respondit, quia subuertere volebant legem nostram, et malum et blasphemiam de propheta nostro dicebant: et imperator ad eum; O crudelissime canis, cùm videres quod Deus omnipotens bis ab igne eos liberauerit, quo modo ausus fuisti illis mortem inferre tam crudelem. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • A valuable ruby on his little finger winked malevolently in the clear flood of light from the electrolier. "The Moon Woman" by Minna Irving, part 1
  • From the doorsteps, some misbegotten mutts might cast a malevolent but lazy eye toward us.
  • The safe ways were "bushed" by a benevolent Government, and night and day the gay tinkle of the sleigh-bells sounded on it. Anne's House of Dreams
  • As a witness of the last days of this cruel and malevolent regime, Downfall is clear-eyed and unsentimental.
  • What most people seem to really want is a kind and benevolent laird with a can-do attitude and deep pockets.
  • Work / family programs are typically benevolent in intent but difficult to justify in business terms.
  • Field mice and voles enjoy the bulbs as winter food. Winter Garden Glory
  • The hedge sheltered toads, frogs and voles and the birds were going berserk.
  • Meanwhile, seagulls the size of winged chihuahuas stare malevolently down from steepled sandstone spires.
  • France's master of suspense, Claude Chabrol, relishes every malevolent, icily controlled shot of this perfectly constructed thriller, right up to its terrifying, violent climax. La Cérémonie: No 16
  • No one would start from the premise that the natural world reflects the will of an omnipotent designer and conclude that the designer is benevolent.
  • Work / family programs are typically benevolent in intent but difficult to justify in business terms.
  • These two were regarding him with something that felt like malevolence. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • Contemplate on one hand, the unenvying, the benevolent friend of mankind. Sermons on Prevalent Errors, and Vices and on Various Other Topics
  • His general public image was that of a true sage, a benevolent, white-haired wise man, full of sound advice for the guidance of the lives of ordinary people.
  • It justifies a larger space and needs some benevolent soul to offer a venue and find the time to liaise with art teachers across the area.
  • Meal ended with La Grande, a wafered Chocolate Peanut Butter Torte with Banana Ice Cream coupled with an unusual but brilliantly bold pairing of Michele Chiarlo, Moscato d'Asti, "Nivole," Piedmont, Italy 2006. Paige Donner: Greening Hollywood: The Grand Del Mar Eco-Luxury
  • To distinguish this object from the malevolent "Nemesis," astronomers chose the name of Nemesis's benevolent sister in Greek mythology, "Tyche.
  • He had thick reddish-yellow eyebrows at the base of a slightly receding forehead – wanting in benevolence, phrenologists would have said, and with the bump of self-esteem considerably developed. Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • M. Krempe was not equally docile; and in my condition at that time, of almost insupportable sensitiveness, his harsh blunt encomiums gave me even more pain than the benevolent approbation of M. Waldman. Chapter 5
  • The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
  • On the one hand, he conceded that the old rites had the weight of immemorial tradition behind them, and no doubt propitiated malevolent spirits.
  • (NB Se li cuoci per 10 minuti esatti, all’assaggio sembrano quasi crudi ma tutto sommato piacevoli e si sciolgono in bocca; se li cuoci di più, diventano più asciutti e perdono la loro ’scioglievolezza’ … cuoci quindi according to your taste). Ovis Mollis « Baking History
  • Voles can scar lawns by constructing runways and clipping grass very close to the roots.
  • She is a naive yet passionate girl-woman in Hood, one willing and able to defend herself and those she loves -- including standing up to a malevolently intimidating priest played by Gary Oldman -- whether with her personality, a knife or her body and her passion. Stanton Peele: Three Actressing Tour de Forces
  • I never thought I would be involed in politics, I'd fideidefensor #politics "Nadine Dorries sueing Damien McBride over smears" I hope she bankrupts him even politicians should have some vestige of the truth Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Spirit mediums and their adherents built ‘spirit huts’ near trees that were necessary to propitiate malevolent spirits.
  • Sharon could feel something in the room, something malevolent, something watching her, savouring the smell of her fear. I.O.U. - SOMEONE HAS TO PAY
  • She kittened and frivoled through the Reign of Terror with an archness that was commendable, though somewhat misplaced, and she let loose a lay figure labeled _Marie Antoinette_ that was designed to frame her own accomplishments. Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905

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