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How To Use Volatile In A Sentence

  • He experimented by exposing paraffin wax to crushed Salvia leaves and found the solid wax readily adsorbed the volatile terpenes from the air.
  • He experimented by exposing paraffin wax to crushed Salvia leaves and found the solid wax readily adsorbed the volatile terpenes from the air.
  • Since nitroglycerin is moderately volatile and adsorbs to plastic, the sublingual tablets must be stored in tightly closed glass containers.
  • Extractive matter. Alcohol soluble, other solvents, nonvolatile ether extractive.
  • Training crossing guards to spot and defuse volatile situations is one of the options being explored. Times, Sunday Times
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  • No. (2) The term spice means any aromatic vegetable substance in the whole, broken, or ground form, except for those substances which have been traditionally regarded as foods, such as onions, garlic and celery; whose significant function in food is seasoning rather than nutritional; that is true to name; and from which no portion of any volatile oil or other flavoring principle has been removed. Home Ec 101
  • Plato remarks in The Republic that bad characters are volatile and interesting, whereas good characters are dull and always the same.
  • Second, real economic conditions within Europe are likely to be more variable and volatile.
  • Such are your own and your friends’ impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery — too volatile and versatile — too flowery and coloury. Villette
  • Communication of aphid attack between plants has recently been shown to involve other volatiles.
  • However, they said that prices for the yellow metal could remain volatile in the near term following a recent sharp rally as the outlook of the global economy remains uncertain.
  • Products include disposable gas-detection tubes, single-gas personal monitors, multi-sensor chemical-detection monitors, photoionization detector (PID) monitors for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), wireless gas-detection systems, and radiation monitoring networks for energy production and refining, industrial and environmental safety, and public and government first responder security sectors. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • A VUV soft ionization source was adopted in the mass spectrometer, which can avoid the formation of fragment ions and analyze volatile organic compounds in ambient air without pre-separation.
  • The frail economies and volatile politics of some Pacific countries were also a concern for the leaders.
  • The tobacco sector could well be a safe haven in these volatile times. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fear about Ireland's high debt burden left investors seeking shelter in German bunds, which also kept the euro weak against the dollar for a fourth straight day though it was well off the session low in volatile trading after a U.S. FOREX-Dollar climbs to 1-month high vs yen, euro | Reuters
  • Maybe we should find a less volatile set of measurement protocols. Times, Sunday Times
  • High-T wollastonite + vesuvianite + grossular-bearing assemblages within neighbouring skarns that developed by reaction with exsolving H 2 O-rich volatiles support this conclusion.
  • The steam then extracts the aromatic oils (volatile oils) and the distillate is collected.
  • The slight layer of greasy matter that habitually lines the sides of vessels from whence no effort has been made to remove it, produces effects exactly like those of the oil of camphor, that is to say, that in measure as it becomes thicker it likewise arrests the motions of the concrete volatile essence. Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
  • And you don't need a cylinder of volatile compressed gas in your car to do it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Burning buildings can produce carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic and sulphurated compounds.
  • Economists warn against giving too much weight to monthly figures because they can be volatile. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could also be volatile, pettish and confounding.
  • Studies of layering in individual lava flows suggest that rising volatiles may effect mass transfer of complexed ions during differentiation in magma chambers.
  • Why is it difficult to degenerate (breakdown) plastics so it can be harmless to the environment? ortho-nitrophenol is steam volatile while para-nitrophenol is not. what is the reason behind this? en Español Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • The paint thinner in the garage is a solvent and the barbecue grill tank contains volatile gases.
  • The reunion is imperilled by the physical arduousness of the journey, the boys' suspicions about the father's true motives and the volatile dynamics among the three.
  • The dollar's attempted strong upward thrust was for now largely rebuffed in volatile currency trading.
  • Such are your own and your friends 'impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery -- too volatile and versatile -- too flowery and coloury. Villette
  • Quicklime is an alkali that operates in this much like the salt of tartar in the other operation; you must not leave the matrass open, because the force of this water doth consist in a volatile. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • Mr. Gaddis's admiration for Kennan is obvious, but it does not stop him from portraying his subject's flaws— an immense ego, a deep insecurity, a volatile temperament. Uncontainable
  • Volume was light and trading volatile as some traders were off for the Jewish new year holiday in an already slow week shortened by Monday's Labor Day holiday.
  • It is trying to transform itself from a retailer into a fast-moving goods company, to improve profitability and reduce its reliance on volatile high street sales. Times, Sunday Times
  • Volatile compounds in tomato juice have been detected by TCT-GC-MS from the concentrate juice using the methods of nanofiltration, freeze concentration, vacuum evaporation and ultrafiltration.
  • Once upon a time Monarchs regularly refused dissolutions as they tried to cobble together the best available Government from the volatile politics of the time.
  • Pizzetti is the artist who has rejected the volatile and ephemeral seductions of fashion and the servitude to others by preferring loyalty to himself.
  • The neighboring Persian Gulf is even more volatile.
  • In the context of a portfolio, risk is dampened by reducing a portfolio's share of volatile assets or introducing assets with low or negative correlation to the core of the portfolio.
  • Former colleagues of Usi describe him as intelligent, ambitious and volatile.
  • CALCINATIO calcine (vb) To heat to a high temperature but without fusing in order to drive off volatile matter or to effect changes. A Darker Place
  • Trinidad went through one of the most volatile periods in its history during the 30s as they marched to independence - you had labor struggles, government crackdowns on rabble-rousers and full-on riots in the streets.
  • Its most toxic ingredient is benzene, a volatile organic compound that increases the risk of cancer.
  • There are risks that some mishap or injudicious remark by a minister might ignite a popular reaction from a volatile electorate.
  • The wounds are raw, and the region remains volatile. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once it lands, the mission is designed to last for three months, during which time it will look for and measure volatiles, such as water and organic molecules.
  • This is not surprising given the value of information in this area; exploration companies are extremely volatile on the stock market.
  • In this respect, volatile anesthetics may alter the sensitivity of post junctional membranes to depolarization.
  • The push was dogged by rising costs, shrinking stockbroking fees and volatile markets. Samsung Securities, Daiwa Cut Jobs in Asia
  • The group is also struggling with volatile oil prices, which affect haulage and packaging costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Experimentally, a few milliliters of a volatile liquid are placed in a stoppered flask containing a small orifice.
  • The first is that, in addition to the basaltic magma associated with mid-ocean ridges, Iceland's volcanoes produce significant amounts of rhyolite, which is silica-rich and, more significantly, contains a lot more volatile substances. Ars Technica
  • What's stunning about Flower and Garnet is how minimally all these complex emotions are communicated and how Behrman skillfully negotiates the volatile path of his story without lapsing into melodrama or sentiment.
  • Deep breathing through the nose and mouth is often involved when volatile substances are abused, not simply ‘sniffing’.
  • Tannin, organic acid, phenolic compounds, flavone, carbohydrate, sterol, triterpene, amino acid, protein, volatile oil and fat were detected, There are higher contents of fat and flavone in the dregs.
  • Though generally perceived to be an energetic and volatile character, he has yet to show anything but easy charm in dealings with Scottish journalists.
  • Shorter maturities are perhaps a little too volatile and respond to day-to-day liquidity conditions too readily to be used as such a guideline.
  • Most paints and deck stains contain volatile-organic compounds, or VOCs, which include a variety of chemicals that may have adverse short - and long-term health effects. Face Your Fears Day: Five threats that lurk in your home
  • Using vacuum headspace distillation they isolated volatiles from 20 kg of raw onions and then used solid phase extraction and preparative capillary gas chromatography to obtain 10g of the key compound.
  • Volatile organic compounds come from a wide variety of sources, both man-made and natural.
  • While commodity costs, including currency exchange fluctuations, are seen up in "mid-single digit" percentage terms this fiscal year, compared with a 15% hike last year, Mr. Huet said the volatile environment makes it hard to give a clear long-term prognosis. Unilever Sees Small Profit Rise
  • Greater volatile loss was due to more manure applied to grassland, whereas leaching loss decreased with the elimination of manure applied to fallow corn land.
  • The grain markets will remain volatile because the carryout is still very tight, said Mike Cockrell, chief financial officer of Laurel, Miss., chicken company Sanderson Farms Inc., whose shares rose more than 7% in the wake of the USDA reports. USDA Raises Forecasts for Corn, Wheat Exports
  • But her ‘domineering, autocratic style’ and her sometimes volatile temperament are also highlighted.
  • And you don't need a cylinder of volatile compressed gas in your car to do it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Electricity prices are driven by volatile gas wholesale costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • An interior volatile chemical factory isn't beyond conceivability. Behe's Test
  • Money was the least volatile commodity traded by Salomon Brothers and therefore the least risky.
  • Later, I heard that biacetyl/diacetyl was used to flavor margarine; I also heard that microwave food products use excess flavoring agents because the microwave heating process drives the volatiles away faster than regular cooking. Hot Buttered
  • BASF said in late July it expected "rockier" times amid volatile prices for raw materials but still reported a 27% surge in second-quarter net profit on the back of its large oil-and-gas unit, which is helping offset rising manufacturing costs. BASF Poised to Acquire Rival Ciba
  • Especially today, in the current volatile climate, it is vital that leaders steer a clear and consistent course.
  • That concluded a half which was bad news for the candidacy of McClair to partner his volatile new colleague.
  • With no buses in sight and taxis unwilling to stop in such a volatile neighbourhood, he merely lit up a cigarette and ambled back to his hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The principal volatile components of wine tend to form azeotropes of two, three, or more components.
  • I admire, exposed unto the violence of fire, grows only hot, and liquefies, but consumeth not; so when the consumable and volatile pieces of our bodies shall be refined into a more impregnable and fixed temper, like gold, though they suffer from the action of flames, they shall never perish, but lie immortal in the arms of fire. Religio Medici
  • Makhmalbaf adapts the volatile terrain to his story, such as in a harrowing and memorable scene set in a medical camp populated by limbless mine explosion victims.
  • If a person has an unusually volatile, excitable or violent nature [or is drunk] he cannot rely on that as an excuse.
  • Aplite and pegmatite sills and dykes are also common demonstrating that a metasomatic volatile-rich phase played an important role in leucogranite migration.
  • The detection of some volatile substances in blood does not in itself indicate inhalant abuse or even occupational exposure to these chemicals.
  • This is not surprising given the value of information in this area; exploration companies are extremely volatile on the stock market.
  • Contributions to total vapor pressure of non-ethanol volatiles are ignored.
  • As much or perhaps more than longer-term advances for the sector, many options traders appear drawn in by the chance to turn a quick profit in a volatile market. Traders Return to Rare-Earth Metals
  • It began as a routine supply mission to the front lines, in a volatile but largely becalmed city.
  • The paint thinner in the garage is a solvent and the barbecue grill tank contains volatile gases.
  • Other successes on the project include low-emissivity, double-insulated glass and elimination of volatile organic compounds in paints, adhesives, and casework substrate.
  • He is working on identifying volatile chemicals that can be used to control pests. Times, Sunday Times
  • A volatile file with relatively little processing might be better handled by a balanced tree index.
  • Since they are not controlled substances, inhalants such as glue and other volatile solvents are easily obtainable by children and pose a significant health threat.
  • Some other possible mechanisms could include increased dust deposition, volatile biogenic emissions, or tectonic activity.
  • The volatile frontman, who has also attracted interest from Everton in the past, has been a revelation since returning to Brazil, netting 19 goals in as many appearances for Cruzeiro .
  • How volatile might Turkey become if his hope of entry were extinguished?
  • ~ To understand the reaction which occurs, it must be remembered that a volatile acid anhydride is expelled from its salts when heated with an anhydride which is not volatile. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • The one-liners are snappy, the situations volatile and the comic opportunities richly rewarded.
  • Throughout their careers, the volatile brothers have courted controversy and rarely been out of the celebrity gossip pages.
  • volatile emotions
  • Perhaps our leaders would do better using British pint as a measure of economic value rather than the volatile currencies now in use. Times, Sunday Times
  • And because these stocks often are volatile, investors can score with well-timed buys.
  • But it has made international affairs a volatile and unpredictable realm.
  • To do this, we need an easily accessible source of volatile materials.
  • A liquid market with little information is one where prices are typically highly volatile.
  • It therefore includes some of the characteristic aroma components of apples, and others that are especially accentuated in apple fermentation; these include the volatile phenols that give animal and stable aromas to grape wines ethyl guaiacol and ethyl phenol, p. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • For substances with lower boiling points than water, heating can be used to drive off the more volatile substance, which can then be collected by condensing it.
  • There was also an outgassing of volatile molecules such as water, methane, ammonia, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.
  • The aroma of asafoetida is due to a complex mixture of sulfur compounds, a dozen identical with volatiles in the onion family, and a number of less common di-, tri-, and tetrasulfides. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • I had some very volatile neighbors who liked to fight late, late at night.
  • As Nead compellingly demonstrates, the volatile magic of gaslight lent enchantment and vitality to the pursuit of pleasure after dark, recreating the city as a vast stage set or Benjaminesque phantasmagoria.
  • Volatile nitrosamines can be selectively reduced from mainstream smoke by passage through a plasticised cellulose acetate filter tip.
  • Much heat is evolved during this process, and a variety of volatile products are disengaged, as carbonic acid and hydrogen gas, the latter of which is frequently either sulphurated or phosphorated. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • This method works quite well for many gases and volatile liquids, but it cannot be used for substances that decompose on heating, such as urea.
  • Cash is not king Generations of investors have regarded cash as a safe haven in volatile times, but that is no longer the case. Times, Sunday Times
  • A diffuse, volatile blend of everything from anarchism to religious millenarianism, it continued to mark working-class movements up to and including Chartism.
  • The humic organic matter of peat is also altered on burial, water and volatiles being lost during the process of coalification.
  • Unlike freebased cocaine, the production of crack does not require the use of a volatile solvent (ether).
  • Barb: Cityduck – it is true that Europeans are afraid of the volatile Muslims and tippy-toe around offending them – since the cartoon incident. The Volokh Conspiracy » Another Call for Governmental Suppression of Speech Offensive to Religious Sensibilities
  • But it's not at all obvious that investors would automatically prefer pacier though more volatile returns. Times, Sunday Times
  • A volatile-rich metasomatic phase produced late growth of poikilitic K-feldspars, layered pegmatites and aplite dikes and an explosive network of dykes emanating out of the top of the Nuptse-Everest leucogranite.
  • Gordon himself was a real charmer but he puts on this volatile act for the cameras and I think our chef was totally overawed by him.
  • She is very unhappy but cannot yet explain her volatile moods. Times, Sunday Times
  • For many buy-and-hold investors, a volatile and trendless market is a challenge. Lately, Stocks Going Nowhere, Fast
  • A portfolio of more volatile securities is more likely to generate capital losses than a portfolio composed of less volatile securities.
  • The herb is of the umbelliferous order, and its fruit chemically furnishes "anethol," a volatile empyreumatic oil similar to that contained in the Anise, and Caraway. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • At one point, things threatened to turn violent, but police arrived and calmed the volatile situation down.
  • And, since financial markets, while volatile, have been largely on an upswing since August, he added that "there's a risk that Washington misreads improvement in the stock market and bond market as an opportunity to continue fighting along polarized lines, when it's really not. Investors' Dread-Letter Day: 11/23
  • Its attitudes are a Hare-brained mixture: both principled and progressive – not many dramatists make a woman representative of an era – and sentimentally flawed, since that woman, sensitive, volatile, beguiling, is aflutter with traditional femininity. The Children's Hour; Plenty; The Heretic – review
  • During deep burial the peat undergoes coalification which squeezes out up to 98\% of the water and some of the volatile hydrocarbons. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • The aroma of asafoetida is due to a complex mixture of sulfur compounds, a dozen identical with volatiles in the onion family, and a number of less common di-, tri-, and tetrasulfides. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Mary Mara makes the volatile Ruth a mainspring of precarious tension, capable of a solitary three-way argument over a peanut-butter sandwich.
  • Professor Jessop is trying to get rid of the use of volatile chemicals such as hexane by giving industries an option to use a manufacturing process that is both economically and environmentally friendly. D Mag - News
  • Has to have beef tea and sal volatile, and kameela drenches twice a day! Flashman And The Mountain Of Light
  • Beneedixitque eis, dicendo, Crescite et multiplicate vos, et replete aquas in maribus; et volatile multiplicet se in terra. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • They can thus avoid the costs of variety and added risk in a volatile market.
  • Production is potentially dangerous, as you need to heat volatile methanol with caustics.
  • The digestion of Saturday slop from the Take Away in a suspension of yeasty lagers generates quite a fruity bouquet of various volatile gases that need to be vented to the atmosphere.
  • Their volatile moods fluttered up from the keys. Times, Sunday Times
  • Osmium tetroxide (OsO_ {4}) is a very volatile liquid and is used under the name of osmic acid as a stain for sections in microscopy. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • Core inflation, which excludes volatile energy and food prices, reached an 18-month high of 3.1% last month, suggesting that demand-pull inflation pressure is also building up. Korea Central Bank Raises Key Rate Again
  • The researchers sampled gases, or volatiles, discharged from the volcanoes, and analyzed the nitrogen and helium compositions to trace their sources.
  • It should be kept in damp conditions to be stable, but some teachers have left it in dry cupboards, making it volatile. The Sun
  • That has it exposed to defense contractors General Dynamics (GD) and Raytheon (RTN), which have a more volatile outlook, especially given the government's fiscal challenges. Ten Plays for a Market Correction
  • He concluded that she was in remarkably good physical health, but she had indeed changed from a confused, disoriented state to a hypertense and volatile one. Fallen Hearts
  • Creavitque Deus cete grandia, et omnem animam viventem atque motabilem, quam produxerant aquæ in species suas, et omne volatile secundum genus suum. Archive 2008-07-01
  • A portfolio of more volatile securities is more likely to generate capital losses than a portfolio composed of less volatile securities.
  • Kerosene is volatile, flammable and leaks very easily from containers.
  • A volatile file with relatively little processing might be better handled by a balanced tree index.
  • He's volatile, doesn't tolerate fools and is built like a front rower.
  • Geldof's frustration at the highly volatile media sector's malaise is clear.
  • The exceptions are cannabinoids and volatiles.
  • The validity of this assay may be questioned since acetaldehyde is a highly volatile and reactive molecule.
  • With Trifolium repens L. as the material, the essential oils was extracted from its bud, full and downfall flowers, and the volatile components in it were analyzed with GC/MS/DS.
  • The leaf of the _Melaleuca minor_ yields, by distillation, the volatile oil of cajeputi, well known as a powerful sudorific, and a useful external application in chronic rheumatism. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Furan, a colourless, volatile liquid used in some chemical manufacturing industries, causes cancer in animals in studies where animals are exposed to furan at high doses.
  • Volatile compounds in tomato juice have been detected by TCT-GC-MS from the concentrate juice using the methods of nanofiltration, freeze concentration, vacuum evaporation and ultrafiltration.
  • And really, these are not optimal specimens for looking for chloroform, which is a volatile substance, meaning that it quickly dissipates into the air. CNN Transcript Jun 19, 2009
  • She spluttered chaotically - her head racing as she was overcome by a volatile cocktail of heat and cold.
  • He added: ‘With children playing Russian roulette with their lives it is no longer tenable to ignore volatile substance abuse.’
  • Methods: The separation and identification of volatile oil of Anaphalis Margartacea were carried out by GC MS method.
  • In this volatile period, tough-guy anti-heroes, populist salt-of-the-earth protagonists, and debonair dandy heroes shared the spotlight.
  • Young offenders are much more volatile and less cohesive. The Prisons We Deserve
  • Root contains some volatile oil, a large proportion of pectin, a peculiar coloring principle called carotin, and sugar. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • The bismuth target is cooled during irradiation to prevent the volatile astatine disappearing.
  • It was a volatile day as the two recent main influences on the rand, namely the rouble and the yen went in opposite directions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Iodine, bromine, creosote soap, and others containing very volatile substances, are best prepared cold by shaving up the curd soap in a mortar, and mixing the medicant with it by long beating. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • Their volatile moods fluttered up from the keys. Times, Sunday Times
  • The procession now re-formed, in the order in which it had arrived, and to the lilt of the gay music of the powerful band, the volatile spirits of the multitude revived, and the loud "huzzahs" rent the air as The Mark of the Beast
  • It should be kept in damp conditions to be stable, but some teachers have left it in dry cupboards, making it volatile. The Sun
  • The challenging nature of this scenario reflects the unpredictable and volatile world we live in, as well as the nature of our job.
  • Cheatgrass, sagebrush, manzanita, and ponderosa pine are all part of the volatile ground fuels mix that surrounds the fast-growing city.
  • He understands how volatile this situation is.
  • Some would opt for gold, although it pays no yield and its nominal value is highly volatile.
  • It has leapt out of its containment and so become volatile.
  • The explosive power of nitroglycerine had been recognised but it was a dangerous, volatile substance which no-one had managed to harness safely.
  • Suspected Muslim insurgents detonated a car bomb and raked a karaoke restaurant with gunfire in Thailand's restive south, wounding at least 17 people in back-to-back attacks in the volatile region, police said Sunday. The Seattle Times
  • What is the complete sequence of amino acids in this polypeptide? ortho-nitrophenol is steam volatile while para-nitrophenol is not. what is the reason behind this? en Español Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Many insects choose certain tree species - for feeding and laying eggs - based on aromatic chemicals, called volatiles, that the trees produce.
  • Volatiles such as glue, gasoline, formaldehyde, styrene and paint strippers can cause major damage to the brain, lungs, heart and liver.
  • It should be kept in damp conditions to be stable, but some teachers have left it in dry cupboards, making it volatile. The Sun
  • Non-metallics, adhesives, and lubricants are particularly susceptible to outgassing volatiles that may deposit a residue onto nearby surfaces.
  • The immobility or bruteness of nature, is the absence of spirit; to pure spirit, it is fluid, it is volatile, it is obedient. Nature
  • a suitable non-volatile or slightly volatile "solvent," such as nitro - naphthalene, di-nitro-benzene, nitro-toluene, or its homologues; products are obtained varying from a gelatinous consistency to the hardness of ebonite. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • Diesel particulate matter consists of soot mixed with anything from volatile organic compounds to sulphur and nitrous oxides.
  • Dry-cleaning reagents contain petroleum or tetrachloroethylene, highly volatile chemicals with distinctive odours.
  • He also has a serious side and a volatile side, but it is his affable, effusive nature that strikes you above all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cityduck – it is true that Europeans are afraid of the volatile Muslims and tippy-toe around offending them – since the cartoon incident. The Volokh Conspiracy » Another Call for Governmental Suppression of Speech Offensive to Religious Sensibilities
  • Food and fuel prices are very volatile in a war situation.
  • Tuck in behind an abundant gas giant and you have protection from solar flares and an inexhaustible supply of hydrocarbons and volatiles.
  • The fuse may be a simple mechanical striking mechanism, or involve the release of corrosive or volatile chemicals, or use electrical circuitry.
  • Exhaust gases include harmful volatile organic compounds or hydrocarbons, chemicals such as nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide.
  • Before the cancellation of the volatile mercurials, fungicides for treating seed were generally classified as volatile and non-volatile.
  • Bolten's low-key, noncombative style has made his task a bit easier, especially when it came to asking the sometimes volatile Rove to surrender some of his power. Bush Pops His Bubble
  • In the volatile south, tensions between Uzbek and Kyrgyz continue to smoulder. Uzbek minority still faces persecution as Kyrgyzstan goes to polls
  • Unlike CMOS - based systems, the logic is nonvolatile.
  • For example: volatile int total; mutex_lock (); total+ = 5; mutex_unlock (); Sun Bloggers
  • The great family of ground beetles (Carabidæ) almost all possess a disagreeable and some a very pungent smell, and a few, called bombardier beetles, have the peculiar faculty of emitting a jet of very volatile liquid, which appears like a puff of smoke, and is accompanied by a distinct crepitating explosion. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
  • Taking up the volatile alkaloids, we find with regard to _conine_, first, that the action of methyl iodide shows it to be a secondary amine, that is, it restrains only one replaceable hydrogen atom of the original ammonia molecule. Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
  • About 95 percent of the NEAs seem to be rich sources of either volatiles, ferrous metals, or specialty metals.
  • Joanne, a dementia nurse, noticed that the most anxious and volatile of her charges became calm and happy when their individual likes and dislikes were noticed and respected.
  • She is very unhappy but cannot yet explain her volatile moods. Times, Sunday Times
  • The occurrence of low-volatile coal in certain coalfields in India is attributed to the carbonization of coal seams by the intrusion of mica lamprophyre which is a mica-rich ultrabasic rock containing altered olivine, calcite (or dolomite), bronze-coloured mica and apatite. 4.1 Geological investigations
  • Some of these materials are extremely low fatigue ferroelectrics and are applied in ferroelectric FETs in non-volatile memories.
  • For example, nitrile, CH3CN ortho-nitrophenol is steam volatile while para-nitrophenol is not. what is the reason behind this? en Español Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions

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