How To Use Voila In A Sentence

  • Tu viens de depenser 20 euros de medecin pareil somme pour les medoc 'et voila tu t'achete un bouquin a 20euros! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Tie magnets to a string, cut fish shapes out of construction paper and attach a paper clip to the fish’s mouth and voila.
  • Just when you think you've mastered massive Asian beef soups with all the pho you've been eating - voilà, something utterly surprising.
  • So almost double the number of screens for a sequel with built-in interest from the first movie and -- voila! Weekend box office: 'Paranormal Activity 2' dominates with $41.5 million
  • Never eat the M&Ms in your MREs—toss them in the burn pit and, voila, hajji left you alone for another three days. Duck Sauce
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  • French Vocabulary la casquette = cap le camion = truck le sécateur = pruning shears le gant = glove voilà! Harvest
  • Et voila, this halo of glory has evaporated before the indifference of the crowd; it's annoying, especially when one has gone to such trouble and expense to construct one's success out of the praise of newspaper feuilletons.
  • And although some Armenian Dragoman, a restless spy like all his race, occasionally remarked voila un Persan diablement degage, none, except those who were entrusted with the secret, had any idea of the part I was playing. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • By changing perceptions of what a story could be, as youre prone to do, that all other attempts to create paranormal romances will be read as pale, insipid and voila, the masses will move onto other styles. "As if I had a choice...oh well."
  • Ax 'et malou vont bientot mourir et ca me fout le bourdon alors voila quoi ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Fishing. Tie magnets to a string, cut fish shapes out of construction paper and attach a paper clip to the fish's mouth and voila.
  • Corn tortillas can be cut into strips, fried until golden, and sprinkled with salt - voila! tortilla chips.
  • They have to be deadheaded, which is quite a chore; however, I have found the easy way to do it is wait till almost all the flowers are gone then use grass clippers and chop away, fertilize and water and voila you get more dianthuses. -
  • Vous allez me dire que ce blog est hebergé par Diaryland mais voilà, le truc c que certes mes entrees sont hebergées chez Diaryland mais chez Diary si vous tripatouillez pas dans la base des layout et tout vous ne pouvez pas avoir un beau fond comme j'en ai un! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Ce matin je m'aprete a appeler le mag et voila qu'il me sonne dans la main (pas le magasin mais le telephone portable hein?) ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • In the meantime I have placed the brown squab couch adjacent the grey two-seater sofa bed, and voila - my own lounger in the window.
  • You can request to have them faxed into your account and voila 'your medical records are at your command! Why No Electronic Medical Records?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Voilà, I got the position and was transported with excitement!
  • If you're feeling lazy you don't even have to cut the trunk up - just lay it on its side, stake it or chock it to prevent it rolling away, and voilà!
  • Pis le voila qu'il se releve tout ensanglanté, un bout de cervelle en moins. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • You press a remote control button on your pole handle and - voila - a thin metal strip extends from the sides of your skis.
  • French Vocabulary la casquette = cap le camion =truck le sécateur = pruning shears le gant = glove voilà! Harvest
  • Then to complete, et le complement couleur -- voila! un peu vert, just a touch of a green plant just below the tiles of the roof. Bon sang - French Word-A-Day
  • Pis voila on s'met a causer: J'lui dit que depuis que je suis tout pitit je reve de moi avec des oreilles de chat et une queue de chat, que mon copain m'appelle 'baka neko' (con de chat en japonais), ma mere "petit chat", mon pere "pinku" (j'lui explique qu'un Pinku est un etre moitié humain moitié chat), et que j'ai un tic de langage depuis l'enfance, a savoir que je miaule. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Bon ben je l'avais arrete pis voila que je le recommence pour une enieme fois! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Simply add the game to your cart and check out, and voila, it's in your game library for keeps.
  • Voilà, je trouve que Rob Thomas à eu une excellente idée! The End of Veronica and Logan? | the TV addict
  • France qu'il aime, leur union enfante la perte de l'Europe; voila la divorce que je veux; voila l'union qu'il faut briser. ' Life of Charlotte Brontë — Volume 1
  • Corn tortillas can be cut into strips, fried until golden, and sprinkled with salt - voila! tortilla chips.
  • Voilà, hier je devais appeler le patron du magasin qui devait me rappeler dans trois semaines. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Voila ca fait presque un an que j'bouffe un pot de flanc a la pistache par jour et mon estomac a declaré forfait ajd'hui .... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Elle m'arrive et voila que je la trouve affreuse, pas photogenique et vraiment Too Much! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • With very little pzazz, Google Adwords has started to feed the pay per click advertising to searches on top French search engine Voila. fr and the also significant Orange. fr - as reported by Abondance. Multilingual Search - global search engine marketing news
  • Cover two-thirds of the bombe with red jimmies, and the other third with black jimmies, use Oreos as spots, marshmallows as eyes, and some black licorice as antennae, and voilà! - a ladybug cake.
  • Voilà mon cher Papa une assez mauvaize esquisse du pays Courcellois. A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2)
  • Divide as above and voila, you have your fractal dimension.
  • Down the stairs, around the corner, through a keycard door and voila, Plague! Fun sign from work | My[confined]Space
  • Je m'assois dans la tuture, mets ma ceinture et voila on se promene un bon moment avant que ma mere decide de s'arreter chez Gifi pour s'acheter une lampe de chevet. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Le sentiment d'être une société distincte, l'impression que les Terre-Neuviens ont été roulés par le Canada central et la tentation de la revanche, le tout mâtiné d'un vague rêve d'indépendance : voilà les puits de pétrole politique auxquels carbure Danny Williams. The revenge of the Newfies?
  • J'ai recupéré un peu de souffle meme si c pas encore ca, je tousse encore beaucoup sauf quand je vegete mais voila il a dit que comme c'etait tres abimé ca prendrai des annees pour rentrer dans l'ordre mais que yavé plus rien a faire! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Co-founder Larry Page apparently misspelled the first half of "googolplex" - shorthand for a really big number-and, voila! The New Yorker
  • Tuilleries, for a brief relaxation -- and me voila partout accable with my good fortune. Pelham — Complete
  • Or, voilà plusieurs semaines que le Parti démocratique gabonais actuellement au pouvoir tergiverse sur la désignation de son candidat aux futures élections présidentielles. Global Voices in English » Gabon: Presidential Candidate Uses Social Media in Historic Election
  • First I empty IE's folder completely, than I "transmute", than I remove a few Mozilla-only bookmarklets, et voila. psycros Fileforum
  • The Americans (reigning champs at mispronouncing things) thought the Italians meant “Jerusalem” when they said “girasole,” and voila. Green Beat: Society and Style
  • The idea is to toggle the 'overconsumption' box in yellow in the lower chart above to the 'sustainable consumption' box in the upper chart above, in such a way as it causally flips the entire lower chart to the upper chart, and, voila -- we're saved. How to Save the World
  • Me voila avec un souffle de cancereux en fin de vie ... je ne peux pas aligner trois mots sans m'etouffer mais j'ai decidé de tout ignorer! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • J'aurai bien dit de me telephoner dans la journee une fois dispo MAIS voila qu'a midi je recois un coup de fil de ma "patronne" .... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Drain gas from my bike's petcock into a 1 gallon ziploc bag. then pour from bag into Phil's tank, and voila! we make it to the next gas stop. Archive 2006-05-01
  • I microwaved the ice cream for 45 seconds and voila!
  • Corn tortillas can be cut into strips, fried until golden,(Sentence dictionary) and sprinkled with salt - voila! tortilla chips.
  • Or rather Voila, the insured overuse the resource, the uninsured underuse it. Fogel Vs. Wonks, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I had grilled her over the recipe and she told me that it was as simple as bunging together some leeks, potatoes and water and voila.
  • Add 3 teaspoonfuls of Russian nationalism and voila - the balalaika hit the streets in a blaze and haze of string glory.
  • OUF! je me voyait mal aller bosser dans un etat second. je ne dis pas que je vais etre malade ou quoi mais autant prevenir que guerir! bon ben voila il est 10h30 j'vais pouvoir faire du bruit avec mon aspirateur!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • (Night cl.), “voilà une grande ignorance de ne savoir pas que l’on presente la main droite à un médecin et non pas la gauche” — whose exclusive use all travellers in the East must know. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Fill in lips with the liner, apply lipstick and voila!
  • Voilà for an avant-propos for Anne, who had actually asked for anintroduction ... a word that I have just checked in my dictionary: introduction: the act of beginning something new Avant-propos - French Word-A-Day
  • Barry redressed the building, added tower elements and slathered the whole thing with a thick icing of period detail, and voila: The earls of Carnarvon had a house that suggested a long pedigree and hearkened back to the fantasy days of Good Queen Bess. A Victorian fantasy, in stone
  • Voila, the fresh yoghurt is ready for your breakfast. Archive 2007-03-01
  • My guess would be that her headmaster born in the late 16th century, no doubt, when men were men and rules were rules rapped her on her noggin for inelegance at some crucial point in her development, and voilà! Author! Author! » 2010 » March
  • “Pst,” says Florac, “numero deux, voila le mot lache.” The Newcomes
  • Sinon, ce matin je devais faire le tour des agences interim 'pour voir un peu les trucs dispo mais finalement je vais le faire cet apres midi. pas par faineantise, non, non, en plus je prefere y aller le matin parce que ca fait moins glandouilleur mais voila ajd'hui je dois recevoir des cheques et je prefere tout faire d'un seul coup en ville. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • If you have a yen for something different, not on the menu, voila, it's yours.
  • Voila donc toutes mes poupees et en faisant cela je me suis apercu qu'arrivé en juillet, j'aurai tres exactement 13 poupee ... je me vois donc dans l'obligation d'en commander une quatorzieme mais ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Well Helen has a knack for mixing up video game nerdiness with craftiness, and voila: the Prince from Katamari Damacy in embroidery! Boing Boing: May 14, 2006 - May 20, 2006 Archives
  • Quatrieme vitesse, je trouve des fringues potables et tout et tout j'me coiffe (l'enfer XD), je cire mes pompes et tout et me voila au magasin a 11h ou je demande a rencontrer Monsieur C. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Voila que je le retrouve mais qu'il me pourchasse avec une carabine et nous tire dessus! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • You just need to call the function from the body tag onload and voila. Irish Blogs
  • And so, down the ratlines we came with no one the wiser, at least none who'd tell and, voila, we became new men, as they say, andfree. Godot Finally Shows!
  • Voila donc j'ai battu les blastorms (comment ca s'ecrit c'te merde) j'ai sauvegardé pis apres j'suis allé voir Silent Hill alors bon je sais pas trop c'qui s'passe par la suite mais j'dois pas etre loin de la fin. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Fishing. Tie magnets to a string, cut fish shapes out of construction paper and attach a paper clip to the fish's mouth and voila.
  • Gilbert and Quinn have whipped up a sweet little Blosxom plug-in for annotating blog entry: if you have a link that you think should be added to a Blosxom post, you click the "annotate" link, select the word from the post that you want to footnote, enter the link, and click submit -- voila, annotated post. Boing Boing: April 13, 2003 - April 19, 2003 Archives
  • If you do end up with odd scraps of cheese (and booze) the best way to use them up is to make the ridiculously indulgent French cheese spread called fromage fort which simply involves whizzing up stray ends of cheese in a food processor with a little white wine, a dash of brandy or grappa and a good grind of black pepper and voilà - a cheese paté you can use to spread on crostini (aka toast). The Guardian World News
  • I generally blend a fruitlike peach or strawberry and then mix it with fat free yogurt....and voila, I have a snack ready that's extremely tasty and quite filling even at half a cup of serving. How to snack and lose weight
  • In her cavatina ‘Me voila seule dans la nuit’ she spun the line beautifully.
  • If the notes stop while you're married, voila `, mystery solved! SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • Voila donc ce jour du 14 avril ma soeur m'appelle alors que je m'etais etalé comme une merde sur le canapé et ronflais comme une trompette pour me dire 'je t'appelle pour te faire huuuurler de degout' Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • I'm also crocheting a ton of snowflakes and today's chore is to spray them liberally with starch to stiffen them up, then I'll attatch a little string and voila! Weekly Catchup
  • voila, the cake is a masterpiece
  • Then you reskin the interior and, voilà, maximum perceived change for minimum incurred cost. Times, Sunday Times

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