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How To Use Voidance In A Sentence

  • Protection of skin from light exposure, photo-allergen avoidance, topical corticosteroids, oral nicotinamide, vitamine B complex and antihistamines were effective in most cases.
  • The essence of this approach, perhaps, is the avoidance of process waste by using automation to avoid "information backflow".
  • If you are venturing further abroad, wild animals and insects can present a deadly danger and avoidance is usually the key. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other recurring problem is the avoidance of military service by privileged youth during peacetime and combat duty during wars.
  • A pretty feeble ruse, perhaps, but it works. which might work except the nobble is pretty damned big ... that's the problems; and then there's writing as avoidance of writing (kinda like this post!): Writer's Block
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  • Here was a soft-pedalled, soft-grained performance, miraculous in its level of delicacy attained and avoidance of the precious. Times, Sunday Times
  • We mutagenized a wild-type strain and sought animals that were defective in cultivation-temperature avoidance.
  • For there is some degree of blindness and fear about these things, an avoidance of the spirit in athletics.
  • Thousands of self-employed high earners face a crackdown as part of a new government drive against tax avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Management includes correction of fluid and electrolyte levels; avoidance of nephrotoxins; and kidney replacement therapy, when appropriate.
  • The fact that critics are bitching about the film's avoidance of the racial issue is absurd.
  • In August ministers unveiled plans to fine accountants and financial advisers who enable tax avoidance up to 100 per cent of the tax avoided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Asean finance ministers vow to avoid overheating, but remain mute on yuan ASEAN finance ministers have vowed to co-ordinate policies to avoid economic overheating in the fast-growing region, following a semi-annual gathering dominated political tension in Thailand and the avoidance of any criticism of China's currency management. | Top Stories
  • Sound tax reforms entail effective broadening of the tax base at all levels of government, including through checking evasion and avoidance.
  • The band's strict avoidance of a ‘stereotypical, gangsta-styled’ video speaks for their desire to avoid parody, and they rejected any script that called for them to present themselves as would-be gangstas.
  • He had three offshore companies registered in the Isle of Man for legitimate tax avoidance purposes prior to his bankruptcy.
  • Such activity is closer to tax avoision, where avoidance shades into evasion, than are the government-sponsored schemes which are now to be arbitrarily chopped back.
  • The Chancellor made much of his clampdown on tax avoidance but, it is doubtful the outcome will live up to the hype. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effort cannot just be an avoidance of the history of the music business.
  • The only cure is avoidance of the food product.
  • Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
  • Open Thinking & Digital Pedagogy » How Does the (US) News Shape the Way We See the World (tags: media MSM ignorance-by-avoidance bias journalism visualization cartogram openness education) ... How Does the (US) News Shape the Way We See the World « open thinking
  • Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
  • Thousands of self-employed high earners face a crackdown as part of a new government drive against tax avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whereas the latter had tended to deal with divisions through a process of avoidance or such extended discussion that unity was effected through boring dissidents into submission, his style was brusque and peremptory.
  • There was a careful avoidance of the sensitive topic in the scholastic circles.
  • It's a language that offers a safety valve against a discourse that oscillates uneasily between a strangulated avoidance of reality and an ugly violence.
  • The investment company has insisted that the partnerships were commercial ventures and not tax avoidance schemes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our very avoidance of the word gave it power and substance. Haunted Honeymoon
  • No red-and-black ringed prey have been observed at the site, so birds could not have learned specific avoidance of the bicolour pattern.
  • Good risk management practice incorporates several possible strategies: avoidance, transference, mitigation, or acceptance.
  • It is expected that the improved news on Reits will coincide with a clampdown on tax avoidance in offshore unit trusts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first of these follows the effect of high tax rates on the incentive to generate taxable income or to shelter income by legitimate means - tax avoidance.
  • Why should it not scoop up patient charges and government money, then funnel them into tax avoidance schemes? Times, Sunday Times
  • Why should it not scoop up patient charges and government money, then funnel them into tax avoidance schemes? Times, Sunday Times
  • Politicians in Britain have for too long looked the other way as aggressive tax avoidance has mushroomed into an industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • The world's super-rich elites are using tax avoidance techniques to hoard huge amounts of wealth.
  • He has previously called aggressive tax avoidance schemes 'morally repugnant'. Times, Sunday Times
  • What do you think of the government crackdown on tax avoidance? Times, Sunday Times
  • A healthy avoidance of pinniped colonies is another way to minimize human fatalities.
  • It has not introduced antiavoidance measures to prevent developers from removing the roofs of unlet buildings to avoid paying. Times, Sunday Times
  • But a low capital-gains rate leads to investment decisions based on expectations of tax avoidance rather than productive efficiency.
  • Moreover, as for the avoidance and confirmation thereof, the plenipotentiaries have furthermore resolved that the 'pothecaries are concocting a certain miasma, by which decree we men are to be kept within salutary boundaries. The Day of Wrath
  • Tax avoidance is legal; tax evasion is illegal - involving concealment in one form or another, and therefore fraud.
  • But it can lead to avoidance, putting things off until they become a huge, seemingly insurmountable problem. The Sun
  • It is important at this stage to stress the unhealthy nature of avoidance.
  • Sexual fidelity is akin to religious fidelity — “not an avoidance of risk, but the creation of a context in which grace can abound.” The Velvet Reformation
  • Some students may write about the avoidance of a major depression, others about the decision to focus on high employment.
  • Here at the G20 we've decided to do more to stop aggressive tax avoidance and fight corruption. Times, Sunday Times
  • He heard it as a child in Australia and he thinks "the fun consists in the avoidance of all pronouns, which results in jawbreaking sentences. Children's Literature A Textbook of Sources for Teachers and Teacher-Training Classes
  • She suggests indemnification, which is exactly what the marketplace offered and users accepted from folks like Red Hat and HP and Oracle and Novell, which proved to be a fine avoidance strategy to any SCOsource license. LXer Linux News
  • There is also a wider appreciation of the brand damage that a reputation for avoidance can involve. Times, Sunday Times
  • The treatment of chemical susceptibility is also largely based on avoidance. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • The investment company has insisted that the partnerships were commercial ventures and not tax avoidance schemes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tax adjustment to strengthen the anti - tax avoidance measures.
  • They don't put all that investment and time and trouble into tax avoidance, so the tax base enlarges because the money that was previously denied to the taxman is taxed at 20 per cent. The Economic Future of Canada
  • Hence all the interest in its aggressive tax avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the failure of the book to engage in elaborating the theory of Bonapartism is a weakness, the avoidance of any serious debate concerning the writer's position in regard to Stalinism is regrettable.
  • The Liberal Democrats filled the airwaves this week with promises to crack down on tax avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Government has been accused of fostering a tax avoidance culture after it emerged that millions have been lost on a tax loophole.
  • I shared my observations on calamity avoidance by the CEO in major acquisitions.
  • Additional benefits of dispersal from the natal area might be avoidance of high levels of inbreeding or avoidance of local resource competition.
  • Tax adjustment to strengthen the anti - tax avoidance measures.
  • This may make your tax avoidance strategies much harder to employ.
  • This does not mean expensive avoidance schemes or illegal evasion scams, or even disappearing from the face of the earth.
  • The problem of uninsured cars and the avoidance of vehicle excise duty would be dramatically reduced. Times, Sunday Times
  • Allergen avoidance measures included breast feeding with mothers on a low allergen diet, use of acaricides, and mattress covers.
  • We suggested a rigorous NASA-approved muscle-atrophy avoidance course or perhaps days on end pulling slot machines in Vegas for preparation.
  • Hypocotyl extension in rapid shade avoidance therefore coincides with the seedling's natural endogenous rhythm of elongation growth.
  • Chemical stimuli obtained during chemoreception can be used by animals to modify numerous essential behaviors, including foraging, predator avoidance, reproduction, orientation, and aggression.
  • Individual patients may suffer considerably as a result of therapeutic nihilism resulting from overemphasis on risk avoidance.
  • Is HMRC targeting other stamp duty avoidance? Times, Sunday Times
  • Mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance are well documented in vertebrate societies.
  • Accountants strongly advise against using stamp duty avoidance schemes, though most are not illegal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, strict avoidance of animal allergens is practically impossible, because even if domestic animals are not in the home there is still a possibility of significant exposure due to transfer of animal dander in public places.
  • At 46, Hermann credits most New Orleans-style musicians for his avoidance of a life of beggary, which is why after this Mardi Gras Band tour - watch for new JamBase
  • By the way, tax evasion is the unlawful avoidance of a tax. Tax Evasion for Dummies « PubliCola
  • Then there might have been a unity with the law courts, and an avoidance of the two bulks of the Hilton and the BT Tower side by side. Buildings like us, made permanent.
  • Especially important for avoidance of osteoporosis (brittle bones ) in middle age. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Roboticists constantly argue about how to create the best guidance and collision-avoidance artificial intelligence.
  • I realise, of course, that honesty is a thoroughly dangerous habit, but the avoidance of plain speaking is probably, in the long run, more destructive.
  • This might indeed be the only way to disprove claims about tax avoidance conclusively. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is often difficult to distinguish avoidance from evasion.
  • Our history, as he deftly shows, does not reflect a tendency toward isolationism but an avoidance of entanglements - those complications that partners can bring to a mix.
  • The problem of uninsured cars and the avoidance of vehicle excise duty would be dramatically reduced. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is an author whose avoidance of publicity has become legendary.
  • This avoidance may eventually develop into agoraphobia, an inability to go beyond known and safe surroundings because of intense fear and anxiety.
  • Nor was it an assessment of homoeopathy alone, but of homoeopathy in combination with avoidance of exposure to the sensitizing organism.
  • Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
  • Parents can learn to anticipate difficulties and develop avoidance strategies as part of a positive parenting approach.
  • Owning British property through offshore companies is not illegal but can offer tax advantages, including stamp duty avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not to deny that some of the suggestions made for victimization avoidance may constitute sound advice. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • To Dow, this avoidance of similitude is what raises the decorative - a term he thought should be dropped altogether - to the highest, most primary level of creation, that of pure expression.
  • Beat Generation" that crazy is that those who want to maintain the privately wise to take the avoidance of the law, then they rely on violence and the pursuit of the heavens to induce "crazy.
  • This is avoidance of reality on such a cosmic scale that for long stretches of the display I found myself suppressing the need to laugh. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than 100 of those players are holding a total of 60m in complex tax avoidance schemes designed to shield their enormous wealth from the taxman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yep …. one day of verbal sparring is going to wipe out an entire year of constant FAILURE by the Obama tax-avoidance gang. Think Progress » Republicans dismayed by Obama’s strong performance, say it was a ‘mistake’ to let cameras roll.
  • And reductions in income tax levied would reduce the national sport of avoidance and, far too frequently, evasion.
  • From a business perspective, speeches in all parties focused on plans to tackle tax avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Robust views in demanding effort from those in need go hand-in-hand with anger at tax avoidance, and strong support across every party and class for a higher minimum wage and a better deal for carers. It's equality of life chances, not literal equality, that the left espouses
  • Does this make kiwis a passive-aggressive people, second only to the English in our avoidance of public conflict?
  • Who is likely to benefit from such a bizarre war, a military offensive prosecuted as an exercise in risk-avoidance?
  • It's not so much a truly original story with regards to the subject matter, but the global encompassment, coupled with the avoidance of being violently gratuitous make for a one-of-a-kind book. Archive 2010-01-01
  • If they try to use the typical avoidance tactic, they will be "gonged" to let them know, we are not listening to any more BS. Tom Gerdy: Public Relations, Paternity or Presidency
  • The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall.
  • In August ministers unveiled plans to fine accountants and financial advisers who enable tax avoidance up to 100 per cent of the tax avoided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stiff individual taxation comes amid a clampdown on tax avoidance, wealthy individuals and multinational corporations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other food avoidance taboos notable among Kaguru speakers do exist, though they, unlike the Gogo, are not attached to the idea of a predominant patrilineage and are instead commonly connected to beliefs that can, for example, compromise pregnancy. 55 Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • His policy was at times devious but also essentially sincere in that avoidance of war was his real aim. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Gorillas are polygynous in order to capitalize on the approach-avoidance conflict of needing a giant protector who looks scarier than hell but then wondering what to do with him when there is no danger. Dan Wharton, Ph.D.: Are We Really That Different In Love?
  • No deviations from this basic pulse are indicated - no accelerando or ritardando - but the avoidance of repeated rhythmic patterns prevents the emergence of any phrase-structure comparable to Schumann's.
  • Yet a tax avoidance scheme helped the PM's family profit in the past. The Sun
  • Both enqueuing and dequeuing of packets is accomplished using decision making apparatus and congestion avoidance and dequeue management hardware.
  • The controversy surrounding the film was doubtless a contributory factor to Hollywood's subsequent avoidance of the subject.
  • The Defendant is pleading a confession and avoidance to the Plaintiff's claim.
  • I responded to the challenge of combat with the tactics of avoidance and flight.
  • There was a careful avoidance of the sensitive topic in the scholastic circles.
  • It is often difficult to distinguish avoidance from evasion. A new term, "tax avoision" was invented to describe the grey area between the two.
  • He said that he had repaid the money'for the avoidance of doubt '. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the contrary, they went hand-in-hand with the correlations already established between avoidance behaviour and residence at marriage.
  • For virtually all animals, behavioral responses to odorants are essential for food localization, avoidance of noxious agents, and selection of reproductive partners.
  • Alcohol may trigger attacks during the period headaches occur, so avoidance of all alcohol during these periods will reduce headache frequency.
  • This clause serves to emphasize the importance placed by the contracting parties on the avoidance of litigation.
  • Today, the most significant overall restraint on military operations concerns the avoidance of collateral damage.
  • This indefinability requires caution, the avoidance of risk involved in definitive formulations, and a reluctance to rush things. Letter from the Gdansk Prison
  • The problem of uninsured cars and the avoidance of vehicle excise duty would be dramatically reduced. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is rigorous in its avoidance of scenes of violence or cruelty.
  • But all you are doing is demonstrating what an absolutely slippery concept tax avoidance is.
  • Light is important for plant growth and morphogenesis, affecting germination, seedling development, shade avoidance, flowering, and photosynthesis.
  • Tens of thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money is being spent by the charity regulator to manage a massive tax avoidance scheme. Times, Sunday Times
  • They know too, that an overly complicated life, one that keeps a person endlessly busy, always plugged-in, available and aimed at ticking off one more entry on their to-do list, can also be a life full of addiction, avoidance and disquiet. Arthur Rosenfeld: The Simple Life
  • The taxman has launched various investigations in recent years to tackle avoidance and fraud. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stiff individual taxation comes amid a clampdown on tax avoidance, wealthy individuals and multinational corporations. Times, Sunday Times
  • What must be of concern to the taxman is the way that those who claim non-dom status can effectively trump tax policy - and the clampdown in the Budget on anti-avoidance shows the issue is on the government's agenda. The most recent articles from Accountancy Age
  • The avoidance of dissolution has the effect which one would have expected.
  • Avoidance of the lost production caused by financial panics would more than compensate for whatever reduction in investment might occur because of constrained short-term capital flows.
  • Architects should aim for waste avoidance.
  • It has been believed that, in addition to the avoidance mechanisms such as excess heat dissipation through evaporative cooling, intrinsic tolerance mechanisms are more relevant for a greater adaptation to high temperature.
  • Too often they reflect the objectives of tax avoidance and regulatory arbitrage. Times, Sunday Times
  • These structures are delicate and avoidance of injury requires delicacy and precision while performing the surgery.
  • Arguably, the avoidance of passive secularism led to my own eventual entanglement and heresy trials.
  • What do you think of the government crackdown on tax avoidance? Times, Sunday Times
  • NEW YORK In an era when ad ubiquity is being met with more consumer avoidance, marketers are trying to make ads that work — literally. Ad Track: Winning ads really work for consumers
  • In many Aboriginal societies, certain kinfolk stand in what are called ‘avoidance relationships’ with each other.
  • The current best practice management for lateral epicondylitis involves a graduated tendon rehabilitation program that begins with relative rest of the injured tendon through avoidance of aggravating activities.
  • What people are worried about is aggressive tax avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The avoidance of injury is critical to a professional athlete.
  • If rates are too high there is avoidance and evasion.
  • His response, to stuff a large lump of it in his pocket, is both hilarious and economically illustrative of his eccentricity and avoidance of conflict, an important feature of his subsequent behaviour.
  • The avoidance of injury is critical to a professional athlete.
  • In this demonstration, 30 vehicles exhibit unaligned collision avoidance behavior.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, Malton market will reopen, provided we can reasonable comply with these new conditions
  • The effect is due to a number of factors, but principally is attributable to the incentive effect on investment and enterprise of a lower tax take, and the disincentive effect on tax avoidance.
  • But this test was not about kerb appeal, it was about pump avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • “The genius of idling is not its avoidance of work but rather its construction of a value system entirely independent of work.” Cover to Cover
  • The words of clause 29A have been changed to include the phrase ‘in any substantial respect,’ with regard to grounds for voidance of an occupation right agreement.
  • Two-thirds of this is tax evasion and avoidance, the group says, the rest transfers by criminals and the corrupt.
  • His policy was at times devious but also essentially sincere in that avoidance of war was his real aim. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • We can note, for instance, the general avoidance of fricatives and affricates in pidgin phonological inventories.
  • She wants to see the Government follow through on promises to tackle tax avoidance by multinational corporations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Avoidance for innocent misrepresentation or nondisclosure is not permitted, unless the law prohibits such an exclusion.
  • I gave up on traditional explanations when we couldn’t find size-related tradeoffs in foraging rates or predator avoidance under different environmental conditions said Price, who has spent more than 20 years exploring niche-partitioning explanations for the remarkable diversity of desert rodent communities. Study: Thievery Promotes Rodent Coexistence | Impact Lab
  • In addition, he assigned a primary role to positive reinforcement by avoidance - response-produced stimuli and/or by exteroceptive stimuli that are contingent on the avoidance response.
  • Surprise in war is achieved by doing the unexpected and the avoidance of unpleasant surprises is what military intelligence is all about.
  • Therefore i suggest you state due to an immediate Police priority you have concluded that in this case that discrestional avoidance of the aforementioned H&S diktat is necessary. Nanny Knows Best « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The culture of constantly seeking the path of least resistance and the avoidance of adversity is contrary to all the philosophies of entrepreneurialism, contrary to all the attributes that made our society successful in the first place.
  • In 2012 the firm was again back in the spotlight following a leaked tax avoidance scheme which they allegedly considered. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time, for software reliability problems, the paper puts forward specific measures to achieve fault-avoidance and fault-tolerant design, ensuring high reliability.
  • As the studied review of history and science shows - and is described in the Theory of Social Meta-Needs - the goal each person's life is to maximize what I (and husband Paul Wakfer) refer to as hir lifetime "happiness", that which each individual seeks to obtain and maintain (values), and likewise avoidance of what s/he does not value. OpEdNews - Diary: Knowledge and Its Understanding of Value Requires Reasoned Thought
  • This exception does not apply to advice concerning listed transactions or dealing with the principal purpose of tax avoidance or evasion.
  • The maintenance of public confidence and patient safety includes the avoidance of unnecessary panic and alarm.
  • Parents can learn to anticipate difficulties and develop avoidance strategies as part of a positive parenting approach.
  • In absolute terms they may be, but they notoriously engage in tax avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a classroom situation blackboard is more available than, say, theatre. avoidance behaviour See under behaviour.
  • Indeed, despite Calvins Augustinian avoidance of historically oriented eschatology," writes Robin Bruce Barnes, "the hint of progressivism in his thought left the way open for the frank meliorism and chiliasm of many later Calvinist thinkers. Luther and English Apocalypticism: The Role of Luther in Three Seventeenth-Century Commentaries on the Book of Revelation
  • The only explanation is that tailor - made derivatives can facilitate tax avoidance and manipulation of earnings.
  • They are engaged in tax avoidance, which is entirely legal, though you might argue it's morally dubious.
  • For the avoidance of doubt I make clear that the investor would not be entitled to recover more than £100,000.
  • If you are venturing further abroad, wild animals and insects can present a deadly danger and avoidance is usually the key. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any avoidance of normal food items can only really help in the context of a total health programme. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • The company is understood to deny that its 43 scheme constituted avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The migraineurs we studied typically used the coping mechanisms of avoidance, flight, preoccupation, social isolation, and, especially, development of physical symptoms.
  • The head of the watchdog on peerages has compared the use of secret loans by political parties to tax avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are mostly measures specifically designed to boost the economy, so are doing the opposite of the controversial avoidance schemes. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the constitutional avoidance canon, that only applies where the statute is ambiguous and there is a serious constitutional question. The Volokh Conspiracy » My Upcoming Notre Dame Speech on the Constitutionality of the Health Care Mandate
  • To this day, even if I simply think about being in such a situation, my stomach knots, my body tenses, and I go into avoidance mode.
  • In August ministers unveiled plans to fine accountants and financial advisers who enable tax avoidance up to 100 per cent of the tax avoided. Times, Sunday Times
  • The difference between the avoidance and evasion has been described by the British Revenue as ‘the width of a prison wall’.
  • There is also a wider appreciation of the brand damage that a reputation for avoidance can involve. Times, Sunday Times
  • The picture that emerges is of an efficient industry committed to the avoidance of disputes.
  • The head of the watchdog on peerages has compared the use of secret loans by political parties to tax avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • A dichotomy was drawn between repression and sensitization (also called blunting and monitoring); that is, between people who approach information and those who avoid it (the approach - avoidance dichotomy). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Much of the evidence on the contempt issue overlapped with evidence relating to custody and access, so that overall the combined trial resulted in an avoidance of duplicative procedures.
  • The term 'tax avoision' has come to be used to refer to those practices the speaker regards, not as dishonest evasion but, even so, as unacceptable tax avoidance.
  • Puppies that could formerly avoid electric shocks, were unable to perform the avoidance responses after several months of isolation-rearing.
  • On this basis, no question of avoidance ab initio would arise.
  • A typical example is Airbnb, whose business model is partly dependent on tax avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The avoidance of injury is critical to a professional athlete.
  • For autonomous landing of lunar probe, to develop autonomous landing and hazard avoidance technology is very necessary and the key of this technology is hazard detection.
  • Thus, patients should be taught basic ‘safe sun’ measures: sun avoidance during peak ultraviolet-B hours; proper use of sunscreen and protective clothing; and avoidance of suntanning.

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