
How To Use Voiceless In A Sentence

  • The prototypical noun may be (though need not be) quite long, stress will fall early in the word, the stressed vowel will be non-front, and the final consonant (if an obstruent) will be voiceless.
  • I say I have not seen a single writer, artist, lecturer, or what not, that has confronted the voiceless but ever erect and active, pervading, underlying will and typic aspiration of the land, in a spirit kindred to itself. Democratic Vistas: Paras. 30–59. Collect
  • But she wants her to know that the once voiceless children have spoken.
  • The unselected four remain seated at the rear of the stage, tantalisingly voiceless. Times, Sunday Times
  • More generally, voiceless obstruents are more frequent in onset position than voiced obstruents.
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  • In Arabic, there is no "p" sound (voiceless bilabial plosive), so it is often replaced with a "b" sound (voiced bilabial plosive). Election Central | Talking Points Memo | House Votes Overwhelmingly To Condemn MoveOn; Large Majority Of Dems Votes "Aye"
  • In English, /h/ is like a voiceless vowel in that there is no fricative-like narrowing in the mouth, so that the greatest point of narrowing is in the glottis.
  • Similarly, the voiceless velar or palatal fricative of OE (as in German ach and ich) continued in use for most of the period in England and continues to the present day in Scots.
  • And some languages have three categories: negative (voiced), small (voiceless unaspirated), and large (voiceless aspirated).
  • ‘An integrated use of the internet and community radio will be an effective means of reaching the unreached and voicing the voiceless,’ he says.
  • [4] For 'voiceless,' 'surd,' 'hard,' or 'tenuis' are sometimes used. New Latin Grammar
  • There's another problem too: the change occurs not only between voiceless dental stops, but also when a voiced one is involved, where shwa devoicing is certainly not expected. Japanese dialect mirrors suspected PIE development of sibilantization between two dental stops
  • In my sole view, if the letter phi is already being used to write a bilabial fricative (which sounds like "f"), then it's conceivable to me that initial /w-/ in Etruscan (written as "v") could have evolved into a bilabial approximant or voiced fricative in Rhaetic and subsequently also be represented by the same letter for its voiceless "f"-like counterpart. Rhaetic inscriptions Schum PU 1 and Schum CE 1
  • If the voiceless are to have a voice, and in particular their own, they can only have it through art's appropriation.
  • And mark the deep and voiceless gush Of f eelings - such as wring the heart That grave - the spade - the coffin - pall, De la philosophie de la nature
  • An operation for goitre has left her voiceless.
  • More generally, voiceless obstruents are more frequent in onset position than voiced obstruents.
  • Many varieties of Chinese, including both Mandarin and Cantonese, do not distinguish voiced and voiceless stops and affricates.
  • Hardly any other Arab or Muslim characters appear, with the exception of extras playing voiceless villagers or servants.
  • It just occurred to me that the variety of realisations of the reconstructed voiced aka aspirated and voiceless stop series across daughter families might instead reflect varying phonetic realisations across PIE dialects of a rather different phonetic phenomenon. PIE "look-alike stems" - Evidence of something or a red herring?
  • Several other sounds originate in the back of the throat, often as a voiceless click rather than a voiced fricative.
  • No one was quite sure where it had come from, but it had travelled with the K, they were the two voiceless velar Semitic consonants, they went back to the desert, to caph and koph. The Best American Poetry 2010
  • The grid shows that only obstruents (STOP and fricative consonants) enter into the voiced/voiceless distinction.
  • In the International Phonetic Alphabet, < c > represents a voiceless palatal stop, < q > a voiceless uvular stop.
  • They served to link isolated communities and provide a voice and soapbox for the voiceless.
  • Voiceless, wingless, the thousands pass; from home to city from city home. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In eastern Bantu languages, it is commonplace for proto-Bantu bilabial stops voiced and voiceless to change into labiodental fricatives before close high u and/or i, and I do believe – though this needs to be checked – that in some of these languages, these fricatives are in fact bilabials themselves. Concern trolls and the Etruscan bilabial 'f'
  • (Lat. e, oe, ae) and i the c had already begun to assibilate in Latin itself; in O.Sp. it yielded the voiceless dental sibilant c The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Without asking, I understood the call she meant, the voiceless pull that kept drawing me to the water unafraid despite my father's fears.
  • One is to devoice *dʰ entirely to *tʰ (as in Greek); another is to somehow fill in the absent voiceless aspirate *tʰ (as in Sanskrit). Winter's Law in Balto-Slavic, "Hybrid Theory" and phonation - Part 2
  • The letters f and s each have voiceless and voiced values, the letters v and z not normally being used.
  • Individuals perhaps tended to anticipate a little the voiceless release and to “unvoice” the latter part of the final l-sound (very much as the l of English words like felt tends to be partly voiceless in anticipation of the voicelessness of the t). Chapter 9. How Languages Influence Each Other
  • We plead that wage-earning women who are economically independent of men by reason of their labour in shop, office, and factory should no longer be compelled to remain voiceless: the dissentients reply that the presence of women in those capacities is an anomaly of civilization, which will not be remedied by the creation o f a fresh anomaly. The Psychology of the Suffragette
  • The language has an impressive, even remarkable array of consonants - oral and nasal; voiced and voiceless; egressive, ingressive, ejective, and implosive.
  • I yell at a decibel machine hysterically, a series of chirps , with unknown tones, till i am voiceless.
  • Who plucked , playing with a love of the voiceless, even though it's soft Things glabella, flowery makeup of the plum, but also a tree aromatic, of Three Variations of Plum Flowers.
  • Given this, I also wonder if this means that *h1 was [x] and *h2 was [X] X-SAMPA for a voiceless uvular fricative. PIE Uvulars: A revised solution of their origin
  • It was, in its own way, a triumph: the message of a voiceless woman who never lost her ability to speak.
  • The vast majority of our people feel ignored and voiceless.
  • They were voiceless, these poor unlucky ones, crawling away with sick white faces, to gather in groups and explain to each other, with stable jargon intermingled with oaths, how it ought not to have been, and never could have been, but for some unlooked-for and preposterous combination of events never before witnessed upon any mortal course. Aurora Floyd. A Novel
  • Trouble began at once with the vocalists for my first concert, fixed for 14th November, as the baritone, Hauser, who was to sing 'Wotan's Farewell' and Hans Sachs's 'Cobbler Song,' was ill and had to be replaced by a voiceless though well-drilled vaudeville singer. My Life — Volume 2
  • From an ethical standpoint, such acts would be readily justifiable as a form of extensional self-defense on behalf of voiceless, defenseless sentient beings. To dam the torrential rivers of blood and to silence the cacophony of their agonized cries....
  • It originated as the Phoenician symbol qop, which had the value of a voiceless uvular plosive: a k like sound made well back in the mouth.
  • If voicing is delayed, the voiceless region at the beginning of the vowel is known as aspiration.
  • His back was thick enough for toting an oaken ice box, and he would most likely be voiceless, a mute acceptor of direction, of order, a pure pieceworker whose every dollar earned, you could bet, would be quaffed off before nightfall.
  • voiceless whispers
  • But he thought also of the beauty of Maria, of the sweetness of her smile, and of the tears of voiceless gratitude which he had seen bedimming the lustre of her bright eyes. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIII
  • In fact, increasingly, people are becoming frustrated and feeling voiceless and powerless to control or stop the kind of raunch coming into their homes.
  • She saw Hilary's dramatic potential and trained her to perform as a voiceless clown.
  • She remains voiceless but the postures and the expressions convey the intense desire to break out of conventional modes, a desire to burst forth from the shackles of male suppression.
  • He was born disabled and voiceless with a gaze permanently haunted by a look of terror.
  • They made their secret voiceless worship, they did their steadfast, uninspired, unthanked, unselfish work as helpful daughters, as nurses, as faithful servants, as the humble providences of homes. In the Days of the Comet
  • Neither Mandarin Chinese nor Tibetan distinguishes phonologically between voiced and voiceless obstruent initials, unlike Dzongkha and, for example, English.
  • Elsewhere, when followed by unstressed i and another vowel, t is commonly palatalized to produce the voiceless palato-alveolar fricative sh sound.
  • Given the relentless nature of the systemic torment and slaughter of millions of other sentient beings that take place day after day, violent responses from nonhuman animal lovers are inevitable and are a morally acceptable means of extensional self-defense on behalf of the voiceless, defenseless victims. He no longer heard the cries of the animals or saw the flowing blood....
  • Outside the window of my train stands the voiceless France of the banlieue.
  • Voiced sounds such as vowels and certain consonants such as b, d, and g require vibration of the vocal folds, while voiceless sounds such as the consonants p, t, and k require the vocal folds to be wide apart.
  • Please listen to the depths of the season, a sweet - bi voiceless, to gurgle out.
  • And they claim an unimaginative and logorrheic egomaniac to have been the voice of the voiceless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each from his voiceless grave: they have in visioned bowers 2006 » December
  • labor was voiceless
  • No one was quite sure where it had come from, but it had travelled with the K, they were the two voiceless velar Semitic consonants, they went back to the desert, to caph and koph. The Best American Poetry 2010
  • If there were minimal pairs, we would have to conclude that voiced and voiceless sonorants are separate phonemes.
  • Several other sounds originate in the back of the throat, often as a voiceless click rather than a voiced fricative.
  • If we posit a voiceless spirant value for Uralic *x by this stage anyway, over in PFP the closest equivalent would be śexćim. Update of my "Diachrony of Pre-IE" document
  • He said, no longer should they be voiceless, since they too were purveyors of wisdom.
  • In some Semitic languages the cognate sound is a voiceless uvular stop.
  • The sound that has yet to receive an official symbol is a ‘voiceless bilabial trill preceded by a dental stop, forming a single unit’.
  • It may be that this putative prosodic breathy voice played a (limited) morphological role analogous to ablaut or n-infixation, explaining to some extent the apparent voiceless/voiced ("aspirated") root doublets. PIE "look-alike stems" - Evidence of something or a red herring?
  • Down by the green meadows of Sudbury there dwelt a bewitchingly fair maiden, the musical dissyllables of whose name were often upon the lips of the young men in all the country round about, and whose smile could awaken voiceless poetry in the heart of the most prosaic Puritan swain. The Bay State Monthly — Volume 2, No. 5, February, 1885
  • When she read out the title of a book in her orgulous Scottish husk: ‘Why The Whales Came’, I listened and could picture both voiceless labio-velar fricatives blossom perfectly.
  • You will be the shield for the weak, the vindicator of the victimized, the advocate for the voiceless. Pr. George's: Alsobrooks sworn in
  • In the affected dialects, this vowel is raised and fronted in the pre-voiceless cases.
  • To her utter bewilderment his thin lips curl into a half smile, and his eyes sparkle as he lets out a voiceless laugh, a slight rush of air. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • Unaspirated sounds seem to be voiced, aspirated ones voiceless.
  • It sprang up as an outlet to give the voiceless a voice, and meaninglessness some meaning. Fallin’ Up
  • No one was quite sure where it had come from, but it had travelled with the K, they were the two voiceless velar Semitic consonants, they went back to the desert, to caph and koph. The Best American Poetry 2010
  • The vast majority of our people feel ignored and voiceless.
  • the voicelessness of those who live in situations of hopelessness
  • ‘I, like the vast majority of mankind, am powerless, voiceless and moneyless,’ he told the leader.
  • D voiceless fricative or any voiced consonant not immediately followed by a voiceless segment.
  • South Indians tend to geminate voiceless intervocalic obstruents, as in ‘Americ-ca’.
  • Not in a day can the tyro learn to employ the snarling immediacy of mastery of Mr. Pike, nor the reposeful, voiceless mastery of a CHAPTER XLV

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