How To Use Vocabulary In A Sentence

  • ~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~ en tout cas = in any case; façon de parler = so to speak; à peu près = almost, more or less; le français (m) = French; l'anglais (m) = English; le bât (m) = packsaddle Faux amis - French Word-A-Day
  • June 17th, 2006 at 12:05 am just popping in on way to bed … my first french textbook was written by Eugene Ionesco … provided me with a most shall we say surreal vocabulary complete with the wonderful word “bathyscape” … nowadays my vocabulary consists of de rien and alors! with an occasional mon petit chouchou thrown in. Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: Waiting for Wankette
  • His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited.
  • At the moment I am trying to master 5 different tenses of verbs and also adverbs, pronouns and other vocabulary.
  • Although, thinking about it, I'm sure my vocabulary has been enlarged in previously unexplored directions by the energetic neologists of spam.
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  • The word compromise had no place in her vocabulary - she lived on her terms and when she could no longer do so, she preferred to die rather than become an appendage to someone else's life.
  • What was said above about vocabulary applies especially to the public speaker. 23 Steps to Successful Achievement
  • I'm very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually building up.
  • I didn't know you had such a word as 'subside' in your vocabulary," derided David Nesbit. Grace Harlowe's Problem
  • Addressing her fifth and last difficulty, Homer's diction, Dacier's tone, vocabulary, and attitude instantly change.
  • The vocabulary may be altering more quickly than ever before - but the underlying grammar and syntax remains essentially the same.
  • ~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~~~ en lin = on linen; ce temps que tu m'as accordé alors que Maxime était haut comme 3 pommes ... je recevais des courages de toi ... = this time that you have given me back when Max was "tall as three apples" ... Recette / Recipe
  • We're in the middle of reviewing some pages of the BBC Style Guide that discuss journalese, the tired vocabulary of the lazy hack who insists on using tedious words because he thinks all other hacks do.
  • Her vocabulary would make an outback Aussie blush. The Sun
  • In truth, the party will remain unelectable until it learns how to conduct a conversation with the country, employing a more emollient vocabulary
  • As for streaming, it deserves to be condemned by the strongest term of reprobation known to the vocabulary of consensus: unhelpful.
  • And if you heard the folks from this feisty bit of terra firma, you'd know their accent, not to mention their vocabulary was indubitably indelicate if not incomprehensibly improper.
  • Where their debut looked to the KLF, Surfing the Void's psychonautical vocabulary recalls another oddball early 90s dance act, the Shamen, who infiltrated the top 10 with talk of a "shamanic, anarchistic, archaic revival" in the days when trance acts played clubs with names like Megatripolis and expounded on the mystical importance of the number The Guardian World News
  • Learners of languages acquire vocabulary through practice.
  • He has a small vocabulary and is only able to express himself in a limited fashion.
  • A new country needed a new army, and the reborn language needed a vocabulary for that army. The Tribes Triumphant
  • You were added to the list for one reason, John: you added the word "amanuensis" to my vocabulary. 10 Genealogy Blogs Worth Reading
  • his vocabulary alone is worth the cover price - gantries, quinquireme, discalced, carrack, loxodrome, godown, scutch, so shrewd in his deployment of detail, so blessed with good luck and goodwill that we forget the conceit and just enjoy the ride. The Seattle Times
  • And admit it, petulant is NOT a word that you would have in your vocabulary. Think Progress » Condi Throws Stones From Her Glass House
  • As to the vocabulary used to render the crematorium, it is true that it recalls the formalism of Meier's work, but to venture calling that kind of formalism racist is strange to me. Stories from The Sun
  • Some of the technical vocabulary may be unfamiliar to you.
  • Her vocabulary was composed of simple runs, skips, and jumps; large, expressive gestures and playful mime.
  • One of the few Russian words to have entered the vocabulary of other languages, dacha originally meant a parcel of land given by the tsar to his aristocratic servitors.
  • Considering he didn't speak any English two years ago, he has developed a good vocabulary, particularly apparent when detailing parts of his knee and shin that are troubling him.
  • Writen now in Arabic (plus four letters) rather than the former cuniform script of ancient Persian and having significant swaths of vocabulary consisting of Arabic words and phrases. Jerry Falwell: Romney's Mormonism "Will Not Be A Factor"
  • French Vocabulary la machine à laver = (clothes) washing machine nième = umpteenth Illico - French Word-A-Day
  • Learn from the vocabulary the difference between _aliquís_ and _aliquí_. mátúrandum sibi, 'they ought to hasten,' more literally 'haste ought to be made by them'; mátúrandum (_esse_) is the impersonal passive, and sibi the so-called dative of the agent. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
  • Improve reading achievement for students from diverse backgrounds with research-supported practices and culturally responsive interventions in phonemic awareness, phonics/decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction « Books « Literacy News
  • His vocabulary, in German, was still largely that of a nine-year-old, to which had been added a set of fluent phrases and terms needed to do business.
  • Standards in English could be higher if children used a wider vocabulary and more complex sentences in their oral and written work.
  • He compiled the vocabulary by taking words from English, French, German and Latin.
  • In this paper, error tolerant techniques are studied for large vocabulary speaker independent Chinese continuous speech recognition and understanding systems.
  • Thus do we transvaluate all values, translating the common speech of men into the vocabulary of madmen, calling "clean" a mechanism which, in a split second, can incinerate millions and transform God's handiwork, "all created equal," into cinders all cremated equal. Wide, Wide World
  • These pure language mavens always come up with the notion people who use language that shocks their shell-pink ears are simply lacking in vocabulary.
  • A new word, 'warmist', has entered the vocabulary of discussion about climate change. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have a definite formal vocabulary that you carry from film to film.
  • The word flits about like an evil spirit in our national vocabulary -- but none of us knows exactly what it means. American Thinker
  • Each word was annunciated deliberately as though allowing time to access a vocabulary database hidden away somewhere. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » March : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • If you're interested in adding to your new vocabulary, the plywood fastened down to the floor joists is the "subfloor," and the wide boards above where the windows are going are the "headers. Friday Night Photos: House Renovations v.2.0.8 (A floor and walls framed!)
  • Earlier monolingual dictionaries were mainly concerned with ‘hard’ words: the bookish, Latinate, and technical vocabulary of Renaissance English.
  • Urdu uses an Arabic script, but Persian vocabulary and Hindi grammatical structure.
  • They are always ready with an intelligent guess when faced with unfamiliar vocabulary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, the differences become even more disparate as the complexity of the vocabulary and sentences increase.
  • Use spidergrams to organise your English vocabulary into different subjects.
  • Most technical jobs use a specialized vocabulary.
  • His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.
  • Abstract words form the bulk of the vocabulary of major modern languages like English.
  • These, and similar phrases, form the vocabulary of dictatorship.
  • Let's first look at how they can be used to learn foreign vocabulary – one of the trickiest and most onerous memorisation tasks around. The power of mnemonics
  • When you learn a foreign language, it makes no sense to study vocabulary without grammar. Times, Sunday Times
  • People in that part of Bolivia have a lot of Quechua and Aymara words in their vocabulary, and ones with final falling-sonority diphthongs are pretty typical.
  • I could almost see the unintelligible vocabulary of academia flying over their heads. Christianity Today
  • Mazards! how the diction of our orator is enriched from the vocabulary of Shakspeare! the word head, instead of being changed for a more general term, is here brought distinctly to the eye by the term mazard, or face, which is more appropriate to his majesty's profile than the word skull or head. Tales and Novels — Volume 04
  • McWilliam is perhaps the most under-rated of modern Scottish writers, a cool stylist who has a bigger vocabulary than Samuel Johnson.
  • The point was the inventive richness of the language, the splendour of the vocabulary, the unstaunchable flow of imagination and invective. . . So No More He'll Go A-Roving
  • Everything we perceive is filtered through our finite minds with finite vocabulary.
  • French Vocabulary la belle-tante = aunt-in-law la voiturette = little car le panier = basket le/la nouveau-né (e) = newborn le cochonnet = piglet c'est un bébé lièvre = it's a baby hare la maman = mother le/la rescapé (e) = survivor une pierraille = place, yard with loose stones nom de guerre = literally "war name" on verra = we shall see French Word-A-Day:
  • Prior to entering, she studied concepts such as defining her business and its services, learning basic business vocabulary, and marketing and management.
  • For Shelley, form and function, or form and action, to use his vocabulary, are mutually embedded through an originative process of interpenetration as a mode of mutual containment. Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
  • The word steatopygia comes from the vocabulary of an early pseudoscience which aimed to prove the superiority of the white race.
  • Pink roses symbolize grace and gentility in modern rose vocabulary.
  • First, one must have a firm command over classical Arabic language including its vocabulary, grammar, metaphors, and idioms.
  • His English vocabulary is limited.
  • Oh, sure, the spiritual world must necessarily involve some new or unusual vocabulary / lingo.
  • His next chapter was not, as he suggested, on vocabulary and grammar. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • Moreover, the practice of building vocabulary through weekly spelling tests in elementary school has been largely abandoned.
  • Steele once again shows his contempt for proper vocabulary by making up a word 'guilted' instead of using proper grammar and contructing a sentence that makes sense. Steele: No guilt trip after Kennedy death
  • He rather belabors the point on those occasions when Tom experiences empathy for others an emotion which he describes as feeling sorry for himself while pretending to be someone else, and really, Portman is being more than a little disingenuous when a kid whose vocabulary includes the word 'callipygian' can't put a name to empathy when he experiences it. King Dork by Frank Portman
  • Then, again, the word forgery began to look black in our vocabulary. Bidwell's Travels, from Wall Street to London Prison Fifteen Years in Solitude
  • At the Guggenheim there will be one singer, whose voice will be completely distorted by the nautiloid curves of the museum and a PA system, so I'm going to have to break down the visual vocabulary of abstraction and directly connect it to the forces and geometry described in the Randall/Sundrum model. Matthew Ritchie: A Perilous Intellectual High Wire Act
  • Old Jane, never at a loss for a cliche, said: "The word 'quit' is not in my vocabulary. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs Senior Citizens: They Baffle Science!
  • I eradicated the word ‘pretty’ from my vocabulary, learned how to throw a football, and resented what I had been taught being a girl was all about.
  • Furthermore, not to be picky, but for a book that complains about poor vocabulary skills among digital readers and writers, I couldn't help but notice that on page sixteen he seems to misuse the word "querulous" in place of what sounds like he intended to be a synonym for "inquisitive. Virtualpolitik
  • The complex is part of a nationalized vocabulary of religious architecture in which the ritual progression through buildings is consistent from complex to complex, region to region, and religion to religion.
  • The present paper points out the universal sense of the theory of Godel that there is widely the winding of meaning in the system of vocabulary.
  • This famous revenue stands, at this hour, on all the debate, as a description of revenue not as yet known in all the comprehensive (but too comprehensive!) vocabulary of finance, -- _a preambulary tax_. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 02 (of 12)
  • No net loss" is a term borrowed from the vocabulary of wetland conservation, and allows for replacement of lost assets with equivalent resources. Charles R. Wolfe: Assuring Sustainable Third Places in the City
  • The vocabulary of integral space is luxuriant, rich, enchanting and do not break abstemious, faint emerge those who moving romance is passional .
  • One of the few Russian words to have entered the vocabulary of other languages, dacha originally meant a parcel of land given by the tsar to his aristocratic servitors.
  • Fair - holt's Dictionary of Terms in Art (London, 1854) char - acterizes Motif as “a term lately introduced into the vocabulary of Art,” whereas it is altogether omitted from James Elmes's earlier Dictionary of the Fine Arts MOTIF
  • This will include basic vocabulary skills, conversation skills, and written language through journal writing.
  • The 7,000 or so natural languages spoken in the world today differ radically in vocabulary and grammar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, even with the borrowings from flamenco, the movement vocabulary was thin, with very little formal choreography.
  • From picture-writing to pictorial phonetism was an enormous stride; but as we know nothing of the condition of the Egyptian vocabulary at that remote time, we cannot possibly estimate to what extent pictorial phonetism supplied a means of coherent communication between man and man. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • It's one of those sexual tease jobs that involve a cornered woman in a night dress and a Peeping Tom psychopath; she's a psychiatrist, he's a garage mechanic and quite possibly a gay fruitcake who's killed (or "disabled" in the play's horrid vocabulary) a whole bunch of women before, and an Alfred Hitchcock-style "scopophiliac" to boot who likes watching women from a distance in various stages of undress. Undefined
  • One more thing has changed in headlines, apart from type size and wordiness: the language itself, the vocabulary.
  • The emphasis is on learning simple words and expressions while building vocabulary rather than grammar.
  • My passive vocabulary in Spanish would not be up to the task.
  • It is argued that this is an instance of children's developmental and educational problems with polysemous vocabulary, a relatively neglected area of linguistic development.
  • If the only way to get a shower before noon is to pop in Baby Einstein, then chat baby up the rest of the day to cover the lost vocabulary. -- m Uh-oh
  • She was as good with a gun, knife or tomahawk as any man alive, and though eastern schools had polished her vocabulary and ignited an unquenchable curiosity in her they had done little to tame her.
  • As Tatar has observed, it was no accident, given the roots of psychoanalysis in mesmerism and hypnosis, that Freud should so often have had recourse to the vocabulary of hydraulics and electromagnetism in formulating his metapsychology (43-44). Re-collecting Spontaneous Overflows
  • People with the education to have the word “catamite” in their vocabulary and still write comments like this one make me sick. Matthew Yglesias » Panic! at the Caucus Meeting
  • The novelist Herman Melville described the underworld vocabulary as ‘the foulest of all human lingoes, that dialect of sin and death, known as the Cant language, or the Flash.’
  • Selected French Vocabulary une buvette = refreshment stand plutôt = rather une amourette = passing fancy une causette = a little chat une lichette = a tiny piece, a little taste "a lick Amusette - French Word-A-Day
  • The term ‘mnemonic-keyword method’ was coined by Atkinson to describe a mnemotechnic procedure for learning vocabulary in a second language.
  • There is already among the British soldiers an immense vocabulary of slang or colloquialisms, driblets of which reach us now and then.
  • Learn more about the word "degenerate" and see usage examples across a range of subjects on the dictionary. NYT > Home Page
  • Can activity ameliorate its slow advance - and maintain vocabulary retrieval skills, so that the word "ameliorate" leaps to mind when needed? NYT > Home Page
  • French Vocabulary ahn-dwa = pronunciation for "endroit Souci - French Word-A-Day
  • Again, this isn't through lack of imagination or limited vocabulary. Times, Sunday Times
  • You discover the words, “whippersnapper,” “scalawag” and “by-cracky” creeping into your vocabulary. You Know You’re Over The Hill When… « You Got to be Kidding's Blog
  • Perhaps the shift from behaviorism to cognitive psychology has given educators a richer vocabulary to describe mental processes.
  • Ed Brayton has been trying to enter the phrase argumentum ad labelum into the vocabulary. Waldo's Virginia Political Blogroll
  • The two became firm friends, with Zazu learning an impressive vocabulary during their time together.
  • First, one must have a firm command over classical Arabic language including its vocabulary, grammar, metaphors, and idioms.
  • After that my vocabulary runs out of obscure polysyllabic words and I'm forced to just stutter, stammer and blurt out something like Oh yeah? Facebook for Fishing?
  • We wanted to develop and share a vocabulary about learning, especially in the humanities.
  • Learn more about the word "skulk" and see usage examples across a range of subjects on the dictionary. NYT > Home Page
  • Thanks to this Photoshop job of a “real-life” Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtleby binome on Worth1000, I find my usually-indomitable vocabulary reduced to the most painful and trite of exclamatory internet cliches. Thanks, Photoshop!: Real-Life Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
  • The era of photocopied vocabulary lists read by rote is thankfully over, thanks to textbooks like Compelling Conversations. Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics- An Engaging ESL Textbook for Advanced Students « Books « Literacy News
  • In response to one writer, I don't think profanity ‘showcases his infantile vocabulary.’
  • They should have just used the portions of the test that were not subjective (math, vocabulary, and reading) to widdle down the qualified applicants. BREAKING: White firefighters win high court appeal
  • The book concentrates on how to teach children about the morphemic structure of words and on the beneficial effects of this teaching for children’s spelling and for the breadth of their vocabulary. Improving Literacy by Teaching Morphemes « Books « Literacy News
  • On the outside, Mazda has sculpted the 2012 vehicle's flanks with a flourish of intertwining light lines inspired by what the company calls the "Nagari" styling vocabulary. Mazda5 Says Yes to Convenience, No to Bloat
  • (NICHD, 2000) found that direct instructional ap - how to use morphemic analysis, awareness of polyse - proaches improved both vocabulary and comprehen - my (varied meanings), and attention to derivations sion (Kamil, 2004). and origins to further their knowledge of content vo - The Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The Gullah language retains a great deal West African syntax and combines English vocabulary with words from African languages such as Ewe, Mandinka, Igbo, Twi, Yoruba, and Mende.
  • You are welcome to respell Pittsburgh as ‘Pittsberg’ if you can't cope with correct pronunciation. Generally, you should raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels.
  • Learn more about the word "giddy" and see usage examples across a range of subjects on the dictionary. NYT > Home Page
  • That is why the word obsession is a convenient one in the analytical vocabulary. Neon Rain
  • Together we dived into a whole new vocabulary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Learn more about the word "exuberance" and see usage examples across a range of subjects on the dictionary. NYT > Home Page
  • Studies in film semiotics will have us know that film itself functions as a cultural language, one that provides a distinct visual vocabulary upon which viewers will call to make sense of the fragmented culture in which they live.
  • Scatter your vocabulary with words such as ‘righty-ho’, ‘lovely’, ‘super’ and ‘artichoke’
  • Pidginization can entail loss of all bound morphology, many free grammatical morphemes, and even a large part of the vocabulary.
  • Phonological awareness was found to be a stronger concurrent predictor of character reading than PAL, and PAL an independent predicator of verbal vocabulary.
  • They are freighted with heavy symbolism, and have constituted part of the artistic vocabulary of visual artists for generations.
  • Apparently "pimped" is not as far into to mainstream vocabulary as some, especially Shuster, think it is. David Shuster and the Pimps of Chelsea
  • Gordie - whiddershins and rynt are amazing words that shall slip easily ito my everyday vocabulary... Combover and Bilge
  • Even this “soft” behaviourism is bound to fail, however, since mentalistic vocabulary is not analysable or translatable into behavioural statements even if these are allowed to include descriptions of actions. Gilbert Ryle
  • Remember that in the average Australian's vocabulary, ‘taking a leak’ means producing a trickle of lukewarm wee.
  • A visionary, she developed a new and wholly unique dance technique and vocabulary of steps and movements.
  • ~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~ tchatche (tchatcher) = to chat; la brocante (f) = second-hand goods, fleamarket; le brocanteur (m) = seller at a fleamarket; portugais = Portugeuse; français = French; le funambulist = tightrope walker; le pichet = pitcher; le papier (m) à bulles = plastic wrap with "bubbles Brocante / Antiques
  • By the age of two a child will have a vocabulary of about two hundred words.
  • Moreover, the practice of building vocabulary through weekly spelling tests in elementary school has been largely abandoned.
  • In short, I have to thanks Verizon to enhance my six year old vocabulary with all kind of profanities and to have friendly customer support computer that seem to enjoy making telephone pranks. Verizon FiOS Customer Service Thinks You, A Human, Are Voicemail - The Consumerist
  • So it is simultaneously in his very first sentence a Marxist and a Darwinian vocabulary that Eikhenbaum is invoking, and that's what partly accounts for the strenuousness of his rhetoric.
  • When you learn to develop your vocabulary then you won't have to use bad language as often.
  • A number of national or quasi-national bodies have entered the arena, each with its own vocabulary.
  • In the constitutional debate, our obsession with the arithmetic of equalization and the vocabulary of "distinctness" has obscured the importance of this moral dimension, the dimension of justice. Making It in the New Economy
  • The high prices signal not just quality but luxury, and the specialized vocabulary ( "venti," "doppio" and the like) elevates a mundane form of consumption into the realm of cosmopolitan taste. The Fresh-Roasted Smell of Success
  • Verhoeven identified the effect of the first language on the second language in literacy, vocabulary, and language fluency, but not in morphology and syntax.
  • Units comprise discussion, reading, role play, writing assignment, vocabulary building, practice in points of grammar.
  • Of all writers, he discovers, Shakespeare has the widest vocabulary relating to the varieties of weeds found in rural Warwickshire.
  • Circus tricks performed in exact time to Tchaikovsky's music are treat enough, but more mind-boggling still are the acrobatic extremes to which the ballet vocabulary is pushed, including the section now immortalised on YouTube in which Odette dances en pointe, while balanced on Siegfried's head. This week's new dance
  • The words can be accessed even on the net or on a written page but they are apt to be coloured by one's own imagination and vocabulary, whereas in listening there is a possibility of reaching the source, pure and unsullied.
  • The results suggest that even after 30 years of non-use, residual vocabulary knowledge can be found.
  • The basic structure was certainly ballet - almost every pas could be named within the ballet vocabulary, but the impulse was utter freedom.
  • Units comprise discussion, reading, role play, writing assignment, vocabulary building, practice in points of grammar.
  • From Hegel the term apparently entered the vocabulary of different systems and intellectual movements, although the ground had been prepared gradually for this absorption through the scattered ideas analyzed before. VOLKSGEIST
  • I spent yesterday writing the icky sequences of the WIP and the end is in sight for it and I decided that my celebration would be to keep 'nugatory' alive in my vocabulary. Even in a little thing
  • Right alongside of this are vocabulary choices – go with the polysyllable or the Anglo-Saxon four letter version? 2007 May « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
  • Both are topics in the following discussion of orthography, pronunciation and rhyme, syntactic structure, vocabulary and word-formation, linguistic variety, rhetoric, and pragmatics.
  • This new feat ushered in a new dance vocabulary of hovering balances and quick, light bourrées, as well as a new image of the ballerina as gravity-defying sylph.
  • However, in court, Erin's surly manner and profane vocabulary do not endear her to the jury, which finds in the defendant's favor.
  • Our Victorian legacy means that we have no access to the vocabulary of desire.
  • Inside an Accuracy Center (reachable from the thin DragonBar toolbar that shows up on screen), you can add words to your vocabulary, increase e-mail accuracy and go through other training. Dragon improves speech-recognition software
  • I'm very pleased to have a new word in my vocabulary to use in the defence of young people and the attacking of the kind of fogey-ness that attends many, many discussions of young people, young people's behaviour, young people's books etc etc et bloody cetera. Ephebiphobia
  • Wine tasters have their own vocabulary or jargon, just like other groups of enthusiasts: computer geeks, ballroom dancers, etc.
  • A specialized vocabulary described parts of harness fittings such as whiffletrees, reins, breechings, traces, collars, hames and pole straps.
  • I had braces and dowdy clothes, and a particularly enormous vocabulary. Times, Sunday Times
  • While some have taken Korean classes and have done quite well, others have plodded along getting by with a litany of stock phrases and vocabulary.
  • She works the vocabulary of dance to move her plots and caresses characters with lush, sensuous descriptions.
  • His English vocabulary has improved but he prefers Hindi in press conferences so that his friends back home can understand.
  • In Britain, we don't have such gems of railway vocabulary as jerkwater.
  • The NeoAmish, for example, live in polyandrous families (_polyandrous_ was in our vocabulary list last month) because of the scarcity of women. Who Do You Say I Am
  • We'd taken that section out, but I'm going to put it back in; the combination of unexpected occurrence and documentary vocabulary is what people responded to.
  • The stimulus fading strategy was effective on functional vocabulary generalization for students with moderate mental retardation.
  • Long-term memorisation of vocabulary has never been my strong point. Archive 2005-07-01
  • They are always ready with an intelligent guess when faced with unfamiliar vocabulary. Times, Sunday Times
  • You see a lot of the contemporary people using the ballet vocabulary and the ballet people using the contemporary vocabulary.
  • Greek has a polysyllabic vocabulary and it is often easier to communicate using something approximating to English - something that drives defenders of the Greek language wild with indignation.
  • With limited vocabulary they cannot articulate their feelings and will show it behaviourally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did this expression emerge into common use during the 17th century, and stay in the phrasal vocabulary of the English language to this day, without any authoritative model at all?
  • Students' formal vocabulary can be quite extensive and the more advanced sometimes produce somewhat bombastic performances.
  • Even children who have just learnt to spell words can play and sometimes their limited vocabulary becomes an advantage.
  • I hear all the time that it shows a lack of intelligence because the "swearer" simply does not have vocabulary large enough to utilize. Megan Fox has something to say about peer pressure
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dix-huit mois = eighteen months; le dorlotement (m) = pampering; reste assise = don't move ( "stay seated!"); quelle chipie! French Word-A-Day:
  • If he neglected duty, he made up for it by that cultivation of the finer sentiments of our common nature which waters flowers of speech with the brineless tears of a flabby remorse, without one fibre of resolve in it, and which impoverishes the character in proportion as it enriches the vocabulary. Among My Books First Series
  • Preschoolers expand their vocabulary and learn sentence structure.
  • On the Boston ferry, I'm most like that guy by the rail — I mean we share a vocabulary of forms, being froglike both of us, and fifty some. The Line
  • Phonetic Symbol, elementary vocabulary, a perfect contemporary dictionary and a common grammar book.
  • The term 'accent' refers to pronunciation. The term 'dialect' refers to vocabulary and grammar.
  • Let us blot out the word discouragement from the anti-slavery vocabulary. Narrative of the sufferings of Lewis Clarke : during a captivity of more than twenty-five years, among the Algerines of Kentucky, one of the so called Christian states of America, by dictated
  • Unless of course you are in a specialist field and the training consists of learning specialist vocabulary. Training with N.L.P.
  • But I venture that not even cricket has a vocabulary as wide and arcane as that of sailing.
  • In attempting to appeal to a wider audience he has opted for a lightweight disco and soft pop-soul vocabulary, watering down the impact of what was once one of soul music's most distinctive voices.
  • On another occasion a gnarled and fervent Radical of the bootmaking persuasion hobbled to the door of his establishment, and waving clenched and uplifted fists, called down upon us and our retreating equipage all the curses at the command of a rather extensive vocabulary until we were out of earshot. The Right Stuff Some Episodes in the Career of a North Briton
  • English has a rich vocabulary and literature.
  • Learn more about the word "frantic" and see usage examples across a range of subjects on the dictionary. NYT > Home Page
  • Most importantly, it will require market research firms to develop a new vocabulary and new sensibility.
  • You can add vocabulary entry , edit existing vocabulary entry , the link that adds you in proper place makes promotion!
  • Try to develop a wide vocabulary.
  • Eden can't speak, but uses a limited-vocabulary sign language, and the film subtitles her commentary on the journey.
  • They insist that Egyptian etymologies cannot be found for most Greek words, unless all known rules of vocabulary acquisition are disregarded.

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