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  1. a word that is spoken aloud

How To Use vocable In A Sentence

  • Your mother's will most likely transfers property to the revocable trust, rather than the other way around, in case she failed to transfer something to the trust prior to her death.
  • The city gave the telco an interim revocable permit earlier this year, but officials insisted a city charter requires that the franchise be voted on by residents.
  • Each new exhibition of the irrevocableness of the break between Jesus and the leaders was a severe test of their loyalty. The Life of Jesus of Nazareth
  • It is the usual practice for a bank to confirm only an Irrevocable L / C.
  • She teaches how to continue with discretion what is thoughtlessly undertaken; she inclines the mind to cleave steadfastly to what was imposed upon it by authority; and imparts to a choice which, though rash at the time, is now irrevocable, all the sanctity, all the advisedness, and, let us say it boldly, all the cheerfulness of a lawful calling. Chapter X
  • But he ‘stepped back from the brink of radical or irrevocable acts against members of his ruling circle’.
  • Then such a wave of despair and anguish overwhelmed him, the irrevocableness and implacability of fate so smote him, that he lifted up his head and howled aloud. Flush: a biography
  • When the State University of New York at Albany demanded he apply for a revocable permit 30 days in advance, make a series of guarantees and pony up $50 for a processing fee as well as rental fees for facilities, it was too much. Roy S. Gutterman: Speech in Public Places
  • Debate raged around the dinner tables of the nation, causing irrevocable family feuds and superficial cutlery wounds.
  • It crosses the night sky like the moon; or else, like an actor, it crosses the stage, moving in an irrevocable pattern from origin to end.
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