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How To Use Vitriolic In A Sentence

  • Yet on Saturday I was faced with some of the most vitriolic and hateful abuse you can imagine for actually calling something right.
  • In its place is a new rhetoric, an incendiary rhetoric, a rhetoric of vitriolic accusation.
  • The intensity of the raw, vitriolic malice in the sibilant voice was beyond anything in even his fevered, psychotic dreams.
  • You must also listen closely for the vitriolic jewels that emerge from behind the gold-capped smiles.
  • A riveting revival, acted with vitriolic power. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Some of the more vitriolic regime propagandists, such as pouty anchorwoman Hala Misrati, were tracked down and jailed after Tripoli's fall, alongside thousands of other suspected Gadhafi loyalists. In Tripoli Blacklist, Fears of Purge to Come
  • Calculate according to the experiment please the vitriolic solute quality mark in this sewage.
  • As one grain of turpeth mineral (vitriolic calx of mercury) mixed with ten grains of fine sugar. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • In recent days, each side has been describing the other in increasingly vitriolic terms, bandying around words such as "disingenuous" and "lying" in private. Phone hacking: two News of the World journalists arrested
  • Does Kerry deserve to have the most vitriolic Democrats hung around his neck?
  • She has been on the receiving end of other withering and vitriolic attacks from women columnists.
  • Had he been as hateful and vitriolic about ethnic minorities, that letter would never have been printed.
  • Beyond the snubs has been a series of vitriolic outbursts that may point to a desire to respond to anger at Israel among ordinary Turks as well as in Erdogan's ruling party. The Herald | - Front
  • The backlash is beginning: you can see it in the graffiti, and vitriolic comments on local online forums. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few accolades for a well written, yet vitriolic post, a few extra hits, a few more readers.
  • I'll try not to take his vitriolic attack on the film personally, and hope that audiences will form their own opinions.
  • It can be hard to learn to deal with, especially if you are not used to getting such vitriolic feedback.
  • Parody-accusation is all well and good, but the gambit is becoming so commonplace I fear for the very future of vitriolic anti-feminist commentary.
  • And three years ago she was subjected to vitriolic abuse after posting a bikini picture of herself on her personal blog. The Sun
  • a vitriolic critique
  • An irascible bachelor, he was often vitriolic in his criticism of the work of other artists, and jealous of their successes.
  • A string of vitriolic insults were hurled at the referee who should have at least administered a yellow card for diving if he felt a penalty was the wrong decision.
  • Reading on, she could picture the scene -- the two old men toiling with pathetic earnestness over the task of preparing that letter; here and there, the words only partially deleted by lines run across them, were evidences that in his flustration under the master's vitriolic complaints, old Dick had confused comment with dictated matter -- and had included comment in his unthinking haste to get everything down. Joan of Arc of the North Woods
  • Apart from having to fight to save her home, she has had to contend with vitriolic press coverage.
  • There was a vicious and vitriolic attack on him in one of the Sunday newspapers two weeks ago.
  • Apart from having to fight to save her home, she has had to contend with vitriolic press coverage.
  • In its place is a new rhetoric, an incendiary rhetoric, a rhetoric of vitriolic accusation.
  • I just finished a horrific literature class about the use of minimalism in post modern writing where my teacher degraded me in the most vitriolic manner because my style is so rooted in imagism. Three Techniques to Avoid Being a Boring Writer | Write to Done
  • One or two turned vitriolic in their public criticism, and one anonymously accused him of fraud.
  • Polemical works on a variety of religious issues reveal a bitter and vitriolic side to his nature.
  • In 1800 he attempted to prevent Adams's re-election by publishing a vitriolic personal attack on him.
  • Many who had been, in one way or another, sympathetic to socialism before 1915, now distinguished themselves for their vitriolic attacks on the party of alleged defeatism.
  • Add to this, that when this carbonic acid air is swallowed, as it escapes from beer or cyder, or when water is charged with it as detruded from limestone by vitriolic acid, it affords an agreeable sensation both to the palate and stomach, and is therefore probably nutritive. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Stripped of its heavy rock guitars in favour of spacey drums, bass, and synthesised horns, the song's vitriolic verses guide us between a chorus that sounds even more like a football terrace anthem than it did eight years ago.
  • No England selection has sprung as much surprise or provoked such vitriolic criticism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dissolved in vitriolic acid, called turpeth mineral, or hydrargyrus vitriolatus. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • It's the kind of thing where other people's vitriolic criticism of it makes me suspect I'll really like it.
  • Adapting some of the most celebrated, sexual, raw, bitter and vitriolic love poems ever written, the drama explores the inspiration behind the sonnets.
  • There have been vitriolic blog postings and online exchanges about the new school. Times, Sunday Times
  • What your vitriolic, unsigned, attack failed to illuminate were the facts behind Connolly's reported refusal to allow clips of his performances to be used in the BBC programme.
  • Thus, instead of acting like the sanative tea, which softens, smoothes, and unbends the two constringed fibres, the vitriolic salts of this mineral water but more contract the fibrillæ, by operating like so many wedges, which ultimately tear, rend, or divide the tender filaments. A Treatise on Foreign Teas Abstracted From An Ingenious Work, Lately Published, Entitled An Essay On the Nerves
  • It is not hard to see how libels and satires might foster conflict, for they offer mostly vitriolic attacks on individuals or vices.
  • Indeed, the vitriolic rants of several pundits smacks of jealousy.
  • And this admin accepts his vitriolic statement blaming anybody but himself for his downfall. Obama did not order Van Jones' resignation, adviser says
  • Elizabethan satirists, -- the vitriolic bitterness of Nash, the sententious profundity of Donne, the happy-go-lucky "slogging" of genial Dekker, the sledge-hammer blows of Jonson, the turgid malevolence of Chapman, and the stiletto-like thrusts of George English Satires
  • Again, may the best candidate, who comes out unscathed from the vitriolic and vehement vituperations, win. Kean comes to Christie's defense in New Jersey race
  • Sea fait is compofed of the marine acid, and a foflil alkali, to which latter the vitriolic acid found in Gypfiim has a greater affinity than the marine acid; it will therefore decompound the fait and unite with the foflil alkali perhaps, (I fpeak with deference, not knowing the fa6l) perhaps, I fay, the foflil alkali may be unfriendly to vegetation, or not of a nature to be ab - forbed by the plant. Transactions of the Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures, instituted in the State of New York
  • The folkies decried his ‘abandonment’ of their movement, and chastised him with a vitriolic fury that bordered on possession.
  • Almost without exception, though, critics saved their most vitriolic attacks for the plan's local contribution requirements.
  • There have been vitriolic blog postings and online exchanges about the new school. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've read that the recipe book gathered some vitriolic discussion over on RA's tagboard over some missing ingredients in some recipes, well-intentioned people simply using the book for fame and glory, the usual defeatist comments that seems all too common in our country. Global Voices in English » Bloggers raise funds for Brunei Special Olympics Team
  • A feud between academics over Robert Burns' politics has taken a vitriolic turn with a savage attack by one expert on his rival's book.
  • This "tar baby" epithet is just the latest in an intermittent string of racialized stunts, deployed in dog-whistle fashion -- usually by folks on the right, to inject culturally divisive sentiments into an already vitriolic public discourse. James Peterson: Tea Party Tar Babies
  • As such, treat his Lazy faiLurE to finish it properly as 'languid skill', award a free-kick and await vitriolic abuse both on the pitch with his spit in your face and post-match from behind the safety of a shiny suit with his ratty 'tache hidden behind a foam microphone. You are the Ref: Sian Massey
  • She, with her saffron robes and shaven head, embodies and personifies hard-core Hindutva without, at this late stage of her public career, having to make vitriolic speeches.
  • Others have fallen as a result of their online behaviour, be it through hasty tweets or blog posts of a vitriolic nature equating to a public mud-slinging match, to the technological sex scandals from the likes of Vernon Kay and Jason Manford, to politicians such as Anthony Weiner. Ambi Sitham: Keyboard Warriors and Trolls: Post in haste, Repent at Your Leisure
  • There was a vicious and vitriolic attack on him in one of the Sunday newspapers two weeks ago.
  • Had he paid no attention at all to the endless rituals of the serious writers and their serious critics -- the formal expulsion ceremonies, the repeated anathemata, the stakes driven over and over through the heart, the vitriolic sneers, the endless, solemn dances on the grave? Writing
  • There have been vitriolic blog postings and online exchanges about the new school. Times, Sunday Times
  • This simply will not do, given the play's premises and vitriolic criticism of capitalism.
  • Such stirring events provoked a range of responses, and those printed here are bitter, mournful, vitriolic, and celebratory in turn.
  • Film critics have rarely been so united in their antipathy, so vitriolic in their condemnation.
  • Some because he has become the most vitriolic hunter advocate in the nation.
  • A ton of fea water contains from a bufliel to a bu (hel and a quarter of fea fait, befidc a certain proportion of the vitriolic fait*. The Monthly Review
  • Actually, the label skeptic gets applied with a rather broad brush in the rather vitriolic discussions at climate blogs. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Climategate” and the Social Validation of Knowledge
  • Masquerading his message as a typical tale of lovers spurned and yearned, he fashioned a vitriolic denouncement of his countrymen, people whom he saw as being more capable of lying or hiding than fighting.
  • These are some pretty hardcore vitriolic comments mixed with anger and if you notice, they take a sideswipe at us too for printing them.
  • These discoveries provide sharp contrast to the vitriolic animadversions of Walsingham et al.
  • She wears a sleeveless patterned overall over her clothes at all times, which I think Vitriolica would refer to as a bata; a headscarf is knotted around her wispy grey hair. Swallow
  • He launched a vitriolic attack on the prime minister, accusing him of shielding corrupt friends.
  • Last week's vitriolic attacks obliged the local party establishment to close ranks around her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shortly before the 1987 election, she launched a vitriolic attack on him. Times, Sunday Times
  • a certain point, and fuffered to cool, long rhomboidal cryftals are afforded of a deep blue colour, called vitriolated copper, or blue vitriol; it appears therefore that vitriolic acid forms, with iron, green cryftals; vrith zinc, white cryftals i and with copper, blue cryf - tals. The Economy of Nature Explained and Illustrated: On the Principles of Modern Philosophy. By G ...
  • I was appalled to read the mayor's vitriolic attack on the homeless.
  • My vitriolic attack on posers shall now be reserved for a subset of the brown crowd ‘cuz I like making fun of my people.
  • Much of what we have heard so far is unsurprising: absurd pledges on spending, vitriolic attacks on cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • some are seeing this as a victory against the vitriolic online presence of the alt-right
  • Even then, they fled the party and subjected him to a vitriolic calumny unprecedented in more than 70 years, and he lost.
  • The 22-year NYPD veteran made it clear to Velina Chaunce that her future was bleak if she didn't stop her vitriolic outbursts. NYDN Rss
  • She has been subjected to a vitriolic attack by a female newspaper columnist for ‘sharing every cough and spit of her agony’.
  • I am too often shocked by the vitriolic repulsion many people feel for our leader and America in general, especially because the loathing is often poorly informed.
  • His vitriolic diatribes were indeed difficult for those of us in attendance to stomach.
  • The latter image has sparked the most vitriolic attacks against the film. Times, Sunday Times
  • I particularly remember it because of the vitriolic comments the piece received. Times, Sunday Times
  • They felt that inflaming the situation with a vitriolic confrontation would make them feel more at risk.
  • I'm a screamer too, to the extent that after a particularly vitriolic attack on the "boobocracy" my friends often crack "But tell us what you REALLY think". Farm Fetish
  • London's ex-police chief has launched a vitriolic attack on the minister.
  • Racism, homophobia, McCarthyism, classism, it's all on display as they try to muzzle those who disagree by vitriolic, personal attack.
  • There have been vitriolic blog postings and online exchanges about the new school. Times, Sunday Times
  • Television covered vitriolic exchanges between politicians, and riotous confrontations on the streets.
  • I am very happy with the school and I feel the vitriolic tone of the writing needs comment.
  • Facebook has been a particularly vitriolic breeding ground for the haters.
  • Method Content determination with phenol - vitriolic colorimetry.
  • If there is less money for parties to spend on ludicrous tablets of stone or vitriolic negative campaign ads then that would be a good thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those of you who might naively imagine that vitriolic historical disputation is a transient phenomenon of Australian academe should think again.
  • There have been vitriolic blog postings and online exchanges about the new school. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cabinet meeting was characterised by vitriolic attacks on the unemployed.
  • In fact, some of them were truly vitriolic, mostly from students (presumably) who had taken the "you" in the title personally, and decided to respond in kind. News
  • Dadaists were known for their vitriolic personal attacks on the people identified with a movement, idea or company they opposed.

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