How To Use Vitrification In A Sentence
Etaya is fituated on a very high bank of the river Jurnna, the fides of which confift of what in India is called concha, which is originally fand, but the conftant adion of the fun in the dry feafon forms it almofl into a vitrification.
Travels in India during the years 1780, 1781, 1782 and 1783
Vitrification was pioneered five years ago and signalled a significant breakthrough.
Times, Sunday Times
It is too early for equivalent figures on vitrification.
Times, Sunday Times
These figures include eggs that were stored using both the older slow-freezing method and the newer vitrification method.
Times, Sunday Times
Many parts of toe E T N bank are 60 feet high, tltc fide* of uhich confift of whnt in India is called concha, which is originally fandj hut the con (tant aliion of the iun, in the dry fealon, forms it almoft into a vitrification.
The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary [microform] : containing a description of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, cities, towns, forts, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world : with the
This incredible rate of cooling is used to investigate the special ice crystals created during vitrification.
And thanks to a new flash-freezing technique called vitrification, which minimises damage to the eggs, their numbers are growing.
The Sun
This is the earliest stage of the process known as vitrification.
In the freeze-drying process, vitrification (also termed eutectic solidification) occurs in the unfrozen fraction between the ice crystals which are sublimated in an endothermic process.
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Vitrification has resulted in pregnancy rates of 30 to 40%, comparable with the use of fresh eggs.
Times, Sunday Times
The quick-freeze vitrification process works better.
Busy career women put biological clock on freeze
In the case of high-level waste, the nuclear industry has pioneered the stabilization of the liquid streams through vitrification into borosilicate glass blocks.
Blood vessels have been reversibly vitrified, and whole kidneys have been recovered and successfully transplanted after cooling to - 45°C while protected with vitrification chemicals.
After inventing the flash-freezing procedure called vitrification, scientists vastly improved the success rate.
Times, Sunday Times
Mainstream cryobiologists have yet to figure out how to freeze and thaw a single organ, although the field is making remarkable progress using a technique called vitrification.
Vitrification is an improved method by which embryos are flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen, together with an antifreeze.
Times, Sunday Times
In the case of high-level waste, the nuclear industry has pioneered the stabilization of the liquid streams through vitrification into borosilicate glass blocks.
The distinct otherness in glass transition and devitrification temperature of five polyalcohols reflected the feebleness and power in the aspects of glass transition ability.
This has been changed by the advent of vitrification.
Times, Sunday Times
Current methods involve many solvent extraction cycles and vitrification after nitric acid treatment and evaporation.
Feldspars are added as orthoclase in order to reduce the devitrification of the glass.
The final development is vitrification, a freezing technique that allows embryos to be stored without damaging them.
Times, Sunday Times
Faience is a glass-like material, made by heating a paste consisting of sand or crushed quartz, an alkali such as plant ash, and a glaze, until vitrification occurs.
Faience is a glass-like material, made by heating a paste consisting of sand or crushed quartz, an alkali such as plant ash, and a glaze, until vitrification occurs.
Later the building was used to help develop disposal methods for high-level radioactive waste, including vitrification, or glassification, which now is the preferred method internationally for immobilizing high-level waste
Somervell County Salon
Faience is a glass-like material, made by heating a paste consisting of sand or crushed quartz, an alkali such as plant ash, and a glaze, until vitrification occurs.
In the case of cryobiological applications, these properties can depend dramatically on temperature and at the micro and nanoscale will vary with crystallization, vitrification or eutectic phases present.
The Department of Energy is building a $12.2 billion vitrification plant at the Hanford nuclear reservation to glassify radioactive waste before it is buried deep in the ground.
The Seattle Times
No devitrification textures are noted in either the exogenic or terrestrial varieties.
Vitrification is already used to quick-freeze eggs and embryos with success, allowing spare ones to be used in IVF at a later date.
The Mail online | Home
But some researchers have developed a preservation technique called vitrification, essentially glassifying cells.
Vitrification, nanotechnology and cryonics may soon make a second lease of life possible.
Times, Sunday Times