How To Use Vitreous In A Sentence
It may seem a paradox that the same colour should be at once so durable and so fugitive, but we may briefly explain it by saying _when vitreous pigments are reduced to that extreme state of division which the palette requires, they lose the properties they possess in a less finely divided state_.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
the vitreous chamber
In its original sense enamel is glass or vitreous paste fused to a prepared surface, usually of metal, by means of intense heat.
The posterior chamber is separated from the vitreous body by a transparent biconvex lens.
The vitreous humor is between the back of the lens and the retina.

Furthermore, the possibilities of damage by hemorrhage from the choroidal or retinal vessels, delayed formation of the anterior chamber and adhesion of the capsule of the lens to the wound, and the injurious effects of even slight trauma subsequent to the operation, including loss of vitreous, are increased by omitting the conjunctival flap.
Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
The blind left eye was enucleated in January 2001 to help establish the diagnosis and showed a mass lesion involving the vitreous cavity and with a mild thickening of the choroid.
Most natural corundum is of industrial quality, but transparent to translucent varieties with their adamantine to vitreous luster potentially yield gemstones.
There were further tests on the blood, bile and vitreous humor.
This alloy has the closest thermal expansion match to alumina, beryllia, and vitreous glass
Made from vitreous china in biscuit, white, and black, the rectangular sink measures 21 by 13 inches.
Since then there have been also discovered umber, which is an earth-colour, giallo santo, [23] the smalts both for fresco and for oils, and some vitreous greens and yellows, wherein the painters of that age were lacking.
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 01 (of 10), Cimabue to Agnolo Gaddi
Most of its sinks and toilets are made of vitreous china that resists dirt and bacteria.
The cornea, the pupillary opening within the iris, the lens, and the aqueous and vitreous humor combine to form the refractive media of the eye.
Wheat kernels differ from vitreous and starchy with different hardness.
Signs to look for include a distorted pupil, cataract, prolapsed black uveal tissue on the ocular surface, and vitreous haemorrhage.
Scolecite is typically seen as a colorless to white, transparent to translucent mineral with a vitreous to silky luster.
About 1733, as we have seen, Dufay had demonstrated that there were two apparently different kinds of electricity; one called vitreous because produced by rubbing glass, and the other resinous because produced by rubbed resinous bodies.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume II: The Beginnings of Modern Science
Made from vitreous china in biscuit, white, and black, the rectangular sink measures 21 by 13 inches.
The vitreous armrest stair of concise vogue, from deft and clean in oozy and contemporary succinct.
The floor was tiled in striking high quality vitreous tiles from Germany and the ceiling lined with acoustic tiles to minimise sound.
No one can have failed to notice the metamorphosis of the humble vitreous china sink in Irish bathrooms.
A glass-forming substance is any mineral which remains vitreous when cooled.
In no case could disruption of the glial surface of the optic disc or other evidence of posterior vitreous displacement be identified.
There were 6 caseswith intravitreal or intraretinal foreign bodies, 3 caseswith lens dislocation in the vitreous by blunt trauma and3 cases with vitreous hemorrhage and cataract.
On some examples, they appear exclusively on the upper shoulders of the bottle; on others they constitute virtually the entire scheme of decoration, centred on tiny dots of vitreous enamel.
Colorless or pale reddish or yellowish-brown specimens with an earthy to moderately vitreous luster are most commonly observed.
CONCLUSIONS:Hirudin could prevent PVR from being formed or developing and had protective function on retina, whose mechanism related to the decrease of density of PDGF in vitreous body.
It is transparent to translucent and displays a luster that varies from vitreous to somewhat pearly.
There are different techniques of enamelling and one of them is when a vitreous coating is fused on to a metallic surface.
Azurite's luster is vitreous to almost adamantine.
When the basis of the lavas of the Malpays changes from pitchstone to obsidian, its colour is paler, and is mixed with grey; in this case, the feldspar passes by imperceptible gradations from the common to the vitreous.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Scolecite is typically seen as a colorless to white, transparent to translucent mineral with a vitreous to silky luster.
Smithsonite exhibits a vitreous luster that tends to be pearly on crystal faces.
The cornea, the pupillary opening within the iris, the lens, and the aqueous and vitreous humor combine to form the refractive media of the eye.
The textbook is a comprehensive and very practical approach to all aspects of fundus diseases including retina, vitreous, choroid, tumors of the fundus and optic nerve disease.
The mineral is transparent to translucent and has a vitreous to pearly luster and white streak.
That which is accumulated on the surface of smooth glass, when it is rubbed with a cushion, is here termed vitreous ether; and that which is accumulated on the surface of resin or sealing-wax, when it is rubbed with a cushion, is here termed resinous ether; and a combination of them, as in their usual state, may be termed neutral electric ethers.
The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
It has a vitreous luster and is optically positive.
They are caused by clumps of material suspended in the vitreous jelly that fills the back of the eye.
Shallow sculpted basins though eye-catching are not ideal for a busy family bathroom, where a deeper vitreous basin enhanced by interesting taps can look just as good and perform better.
Another key aspect of textile coloration often attributed to Dufay was the description of mordant action, a term and concept that was already common in vitreous color production.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Vitreous enamels have been developed for aluminum, and the metal may also be electroplated.
Behind the thick, rimless glasses, the eyes were a vitreous grey.
Before I had gained her house I met her, as I supposed, coming toward me across the down, greeting me from afar with the familiar twinkle of her great vitreous badge; and as it was late in the autumn and the esplanade was a blank I was free to acknowledge this signal by cutting a caper on the grass.
This principle is that there are two distinct electricities, very different from each other, one of which I call vitreous electricity and the other resinous electricity.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume II: The Beginnings of Modern Science
Gadolinite and allanite intergrowths form walnut-shaped vitreous black masses and nodules to 5 cm across.
The cord of the embroiderer answers to the cloisons of the enameller, the surfaces of shining floss to the films of vitreous enamel.
Art in Needlework A Book about Embroidery
The sixth is the "hyalite," which has but a glassy or vitreous lustre, and is found almost exclusively in the form of globules, or clusters of globules, somewhat after the form and size of bunches of grapes; hence the name "botryoidal" is often applied to this variety.
The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
If it attracts it, it is certainly of the kind of electricity which I call vitreous; if, on the contrary, it repels it, it is of the same kind of electricity with the silk -- that is, of the resinous.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume II: The Beginnings of Modern Science
Its outer surface is in contact with the choroid; its inner with the hyaloid membrane of the vitreous body.
X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 1. The Tunics of the Eye
According to Gilbert, the eye consists of three humors, the albugineous (aqueous), the crystalline lens and the vitreous humor, and seven tunics, apparently
Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
vitreous silica
One must go to see a doctor if he gets a cloudy vitreous humor.
Artsmithite is vitreous, has an off-white to cream-colored streak, shows no obvious cleavage, and displays an irregular fracture.
Made of vitreous enamel, it boasts electronic multi-spark ignition in each of six burners, deluxe cast iron plates and a dual glass window roasting hood.
Made of vitreous China, sinks like the 27 1/2-inch pedestal basin shown come with pedestal covers or metal consoles.
It rests, behind, in the hyaloid fossa in the forepart of the vitreous body; in front, it is in contact with the free border of the iris, but recedes from it at the circumference, thus forming the posterior chamber of the eye; it is retained in its position chiefly by the suspensory ligament of the lens, already described.
X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 2. The Refracting Media
The shall '' type of sorghum (the margaritifera subrace of the guinea race) has small, white, vitreous seeds, which are boiled like rice.
10. Sorghum: Specialty Types
Once prepared, zaffer would be ground again, for use as a vitreous coloring material, in glazes and enamels.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
It did not separate under the axe into misshapen pieces, with faces of every possible variation from regularity, that is, with what is called vitreous fracture, but rather separated into a number of nuts of limpid ice, each being of a prismatic form, and of much regularity in shape and size.
Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland
The uvea, or uveal tract, includes the iris and the dark, pigmented area known as the choroid, which contains the jellylike vitreous humor, as well as blood vessels that ferry blood and nutrients into and out of the eye.
The most serious complication with intracapsular is forward movement of the vitreous into the anterior chamber, which interferes with healing and can lead to retinal disorders.
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In its original sense enamel is glass or vitreous paste fused to a prepared surface, usually of metal, by means of intense heat.
Bright impervious surfaces in plaster, white paint, vitreous enamel, glass or stainless steel are not just cleanable but seen to be clean.
They started with eight-inch-square biscuit blanks made by Wedgwood or Minton, Hollins and Company and preferred vitreous paint applied with brushes, palette knives, or their fingers.
Floaters often look like cobwebs, worms, rings, dots, or specks, which are actually condensations in the vitreous humor of the eye.
There is a hot spring on the north side, and an immense amount of débris covers the slope below the snow-limit, consisting chiefly of fine-grained, iron-stained trachyte and coarse porphyroid gray trachyte; very rarely a dark vitreous trachyte.
The Andes and the Amazon Across the Continent of South America
The representative products of Antisana are a black, cellular, vitreous trachyte, a fine-grained, tough porphyroid trachyte, and a coarse reddish porphyroid trachyte.
The Andes and the Amazon Across the Continent of South America
The vitreous cavity was 50% full of gas, and the retinal vasculature was attenuated.
In the center of the vitreous body, running from the entrance of the optic nerve to the posterior surface of the lens, is a canal, the hyaloid canal, filled with lymph and lined by a prolongation of the hyaloid membrane.
X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 2. The Refracting Media
In this way they divided the retinal cells into three topographical regions or zones: the vitreous zone (vitreous body of other authors), the pigmented zone, and the nuclear zone.
The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china.
What birds have instead is a strange structure inside their eye called the pecten oculi, which looks kind of like an old steam radiator dangling into the vitreous humor, which seems to be a metabolic specialization to secrete oxygen and nutrients into the vitreous to supply by diffusion the retina.
More creationist misconceptions about the eye - The Panda's Thumb
This meaning of the word humor as a bodily fluid is now preserved in the aqueous and vitreous humors of the eyeball.
No Uncertain Terms
Bright impervious surfaces in plaster, white paint, vitreous enamel, glass or stainless steel are not just cleanable but seen to be clean.
This regular disposition of lithoid basaltic lava and feldsparry vitreous lava is analogous to the phenomena of all trappean mountains; it reminds us of those phonolites lying in very ancient basalts, those close mixtures of augite and feldspar which cover the hills of wacke or porous amygdaloids: but why are the porphyritic or feldsparry lavas of the Peak found only on the summit of the volcano?
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
But this eye is by no means as developed as the organ of vision, for instance, of the water salamander (the triton) or of the so-called axolotl, for it exists only in a kind of embryonic development, and contains neither a vitreous humor nor a lens for the refraction of the rays of light.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 664, September 22,1888
There were further tests on the blood, bile and vitreous humor.
To explore a new means for axial eye length measurements when vitreous turbidity in intercurrent cataract.
What birds have instead is a strange structure inside their eye called the pecten oculi, which looks kind of like an old steam radiator dangling into the vitreous humor, which seems to be a metabolic specialization to secrete oxygen and nutrients into the vitreous to supply by diffusion the retina.
More creationist misconceptions about the eye - The Panda's Thumb
In its original sense enamel is glass or vitreous paste fused to a prepared surface, usually of metal, by means of intense heat.
This regular disposition of lithoid basaltic lava and feldsparry vitreous lava is analogous to the phenomena of all trappean mountains; it reminds us of those phonolites lying in very ancient basalts, those close mixtures of augite and feldspar which cover the hills of wacke or porous amygdaloids: but why are the porphyritic or feldsparry lavas of the Peak found only on the summit of the volcano?
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
There are different techniques of enamelling and one of them is when a vitreous coating is fused on to a metallic surface.
It was more common, in glassmaking or enameling treatises, to focus attention to chemistry on the creation of coloring materials, particularly the glass-fondant-metal combinations. reference An underlying belief was that firing would, in addition to melting the as-yet unformed color, exclude potentially harmful airs, as was the case in other painting practice. 37 Sometimes a description suggested that the vitreous color or coating held itself in place as a layer constricting the whole.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
The sixth is the "hyalite," which has but a glassy or vitreous lustre, and is found almost exclusively in the form of globules, or clusters of globules, somewhat after the form and size of bunches of grapes; hence the name "botryoidal" is often applied to this variety.
The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
If the vitreous is exceptionally adherent to a weak point on the retina, a tear, hole, or detachment may develop.
Sixth, distinct increase of power by employment of the device of a so-called armature made of the same metal with which the physicists are accustomed to surround resinous and vitreous bodies.
hard vitreous china used for plumbing fixtures
Each honeypot is crafted in premium quality vitreous white earthenware and glazed with the finest clear glaze available.
The dioptric system includes the cornea, the lens, the aqueous humor within the anterior eye chamber, and the vitreous body.
Liquefied vitreous, serous fluid, or blood may collect in the subretinal space between the sensory retina and the underlying layer of retinal pigment epithelium.
The procedure involved displacing the lens from the pupil into the vitreous cavity.
Some philosophers have endeavoured to account for this phenomenon by supposing the existence of two electric fluids which may be called the vitreous and resinous ones, instead of the plus and minus of the same ether.
The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
Scolecite is typically seen as a colorless to white, transparent to translucent mineral with a vitreous to silky luster.
The gas then is insufflated into the vitreous cavity by a technique called gas/fluid exchange.
There were further tests on the blood, bile and vitreous humor.
Hyaluronic acid is a component of synovial fluid, and is found in the vitreous humor of the eye, the synovia of joints, and in subcutaneous tissue where it functions is as a cementing agent.
Do my lips look plump?
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of intravitreous injection of antibiotics and vitrectomy for traumatic endophthalmitis.
_ During the acute attack, the vitreous may become slightly turbid by transudation of serum from the vessel of the ciliary body and the chorioid and may become filled with fibrin.
Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
Sixth, distinct increase of power by employment of the device of a so-called armature made of the same metal with which the physicists are accustomed to surround resinous and vitreous bodies.
Even more so, the vitreous resemblance to glass frames mutely enhances the colour of the wall behind it.
A vitrectomy may be done to remove the shrunken vitreous gel that is pulling on the retina.
In order to get a simplified method to purify hyaluronic acid(HA) from tissues of animals, procedure of purification of HA from bovine vitreous body was studied.
All of these beads are translucent to a greater or lesser degree and have what is termed a vitreous lustre: a glassy sheen when polished.
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The object of it is to remove an elliptical portion of the front of the staphyloma, or the whole staphyloma, when it is possible, and at the same time to prevent as far as possible the escape of the vitreous.
A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
This combination of vitreous and resinous electric ethers is again destroyed or weakened by the attractions of other bodies; as they separate intirely, or exist in different proportions, forming atmospheres round conducting and nonconducting bodies; and in this they resemble other combinations of matters; as oxygen and azote, when united in the production of nitrous acid, are again separated by carbone; which attracts the oxygen more powerfully, than that attracts the azote, with which it is combined.
Note XII
China is a vitreous (smooth and glassy) form of baked clay.
The vitreous to iridescent luster is natural and not due to secondary treatment.
Made of vitreous China, sinks like the 27 1/2-inch pedestal basin shown come with pedestal covers or metal consoles.
The term spar is a generic term used by geologists to refer to any non-metallic mineral with a glassy (vitreous) luster that breaks on distinct flat surfaces (planes).
Oneillite is vitreous, transparent to translucent, with a white streak.
It has a vitreous luster and is typically translucent; only rarely is it transparent and then only in small crystals.
The quality or state of being vitreous; glassiness, or the quality of being vitrescent; capability of conversion into glass; susceptibility of being formed into glass.
Loss of vitreous gel can occur, predisposing the patient to postoperative inflammation, macular oedema, or retinal detachment.
The small, vitreous, opaque black grains look very much like the murataite with which it is associated.
The acrylic stone has a low sheen, unlike the vitreous china of old, which had a high sheen that revealed any imperfections in the manufacture.
There were further tests on the blood, bile and vitreous humor.
I made this core-formed vessel especially shallow so that I could have something completely vitreous to use as an inkwell.
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To retain high-resolution information, chlorosomes were embedded in vitreous ice and imaged without further treatment or staining.
The search for native cobalt, especially outside of Saxony or the Erzgebirge, was tied to the development of zaffer and smalt industries — refined versions of cobalt used by painters and in vitreous colormaking — and to recognition of the quality of the cobalt-based colors.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
When very rapidly cooled to liquid nitrogen temperatures or below, water in the sample solidifies without crystallizing; forming an amorphous solid known as vitreous ice and avoiding the damage caused by crystallization, or the artifacts associated with a crystalline 'support'.
The linoleum was not linoleum, I realized, as we walked a few steps, but long sheets of blue tile sealed with a vitreous sheen.
If the retina is normally attached, the insect-like movements are harmless floaters in the vitreous humor of the eye.
vitreous rocks