How To Use Vitals In A Sentence

  • The white plates are composed of a very tough but light titanium alloy that provides a good deal of extra protection to the body's vitals.
  • The nurse walked back in and took Carmyn's vitals.
  • Came the writ whose contents a new joy revealed, * Which in vitals mine I would keep ensealed: Arabian nights. English
  • But, unfortunately, should any untoward "o'er-night clishmaclaver" occasion the neglect of this duty, and the fire be left, like envy, to feed upon its own vitals, a remedy is at hand in the shape of a pan "o 'live coals" from some more provident neighbour, resident in an upper or lower "flat;" and thus without bundle-wood or "shavings," is the mischief cured. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 536, March 3, 1832
  • But when they had burned the thigh pieces and tasted the vitals, they cut all the remainder into pieces and spitted them.
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  • This is the energy that keeps your heart beating and your lungs breathing, the vitals.
  • As he makes the rounds at the zoo, Svitalsky stops to tweak a bristly, football-size ear, provoking a snort of delight from Nasima, the world's only breeding female rhino in captivity. Saving The Rare Rhinos Of Bohemia
  • The main musical comfort in his terrible mental and physical trials as the consumption gnawed ever more deeply into his vitals, was Sir Hubert Parry.
  • The shot placement and the ability of the firearm and shooter to put it in the vitals is the most important factor over anyone's top ten list. The 10 Best Whitetail Rifles Ever Made
  • Now as my eyes fell on her, I was captivated by her and my vitals trembled and meseemed my heart flew forth of my breast; so I stood before her and I accosted her with this verse, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Thin skinned or not, I believe it's essential for shot placement, hitting the vitals. Best Elk Rifle?
  • I feel as if I were nearer to the vitals of the globe, for this sandy overflow is something such a foliaceous mass as the vitals of the animal body. Walden
  • This is the first year that it's taken place at the beginning of autumn and - now that my anatomy has unshrunk and I have verified that my vitals are normal - I can say with certainty that there are certain rituals and traditions that simply ought to be abandoned. Nicholas Brown: Speculations on 'Partisan Rancor'
  • If there is a vulture whose claws are hard to unloose from the vitals of the spirit, I think it is jealousy. Daisy in the Field
  • The cry of Stena chills the vitals of slumbring off the motther has been pleased into the harms of old salaciters, meassurers soon and soon, but the voice of Alina gladdens the cockly-hearted dreamerish for that magic moning with its ching chang chap sugay kaow laow milkee muchee bringing becker-brose, the brew with the foochoor in it. Finnegans Wake
  • But their professionalism in immediately stabilizing my wife and taking her vitals was matched with exceptional kindness.
  • But I understand where you coming from, ground up vitals is death sooner or later. How Many Groups is Enough?
  • I don't know if you can guarantee that every deer shot in the vitals is going to go down. Smallest caliber to hunt whitetail ethically?
  • He knew that if the wasp had chosen either of them, the chosen one would have felt a stabbing thing like a red-hot sword penetrate to his vitals. The Raid on the Termites
  • It was Aeschylus who recast him as suffering hero and enemy of divine tyranny, crucified on a crag in the Caucasus where Zeus's eagle tore at his vitals.
  • He was lucky that the bullet missed the vitals.
  • My veins, wizened from chemo, are the bane of phlebotomists across the country who poke at me with frustrated abandon; immobilization made sleep impossible, even if they hadn't woken me at regular intervals to measure what are peppily termed "your vitals;" at least the scar on my head was ready -- they could go in through the same incision as seven years before. Rabbi David Wolpe: Really, Again?
  • t hypocrify is a difeafe in the vitals that will eild in ith. An Illustration of the Doctrines of the Christian Religion: With Respect to Faith and Practice ...
  • I'm not too deeply saddened by the news but it did come as a sudden blow to the vitals.
  • But the neighbourhood of London, which sucks the vitals of trade in this island to itself, is the chief reason of any decay of business in this place; and I shall, in the course of these observations, hint at it, where many good seaports and large towns, though farther off than Ipswich, and as well fitted for commerce, are yet swallowed up by the immense indraft of trade to the City of A Tour through the Eastern Counties of England, 1722
  • But still, when they remounted and rode rapidly on, the dread gnawed at his vitals like a rat in the pit of his belly.
  • They checked his vitals and loaded him into the ambulance.
  • A bullet that will penetrate the animal leaving a good wound channel through vitals will result in vittles every time. The .338 for Deer, and Other Bad Craziness
  • Not content with eating out the vitals of the South, slavery, true to the character which it has acquired for insatiety and rapine, is beginning to make rapid encroachments on new territory; and as a basis for a few remarks on the blasting influence which it is shedding over the broad and fertile domains of the West, which in accordance with the views and resolutions offered by the immortal Jefferson, should have been irrevocably dedicated to freedom, we beg leave to call the attention of the reader to another presentation of the philosophy of free and slave labor. The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It
  • She noted vitals, took throat cultures, and talked through an interpreter to the nursing students.
  • But when they had burned the thigh pieces and tasted the vitals, they cut all the remainder into pieces and spitted them.
  • As someone else said, a clean shot to the vitals is the most merciful death a hunted animal will face. David E.
  • He could sink that harpoon 3 feet into a whale and once fast it was not long before he was on the whale's back driving the lance 6 feet into its vitals.
  • The sudden din sent an ice-pick of fear into her vitals, and fear quickly turned to unreasoning panic as she felt the great vessel unmistakably heel over.
  • The colliquation of his spirits: My heart is like wax, melted to receive the impressions of God's wrath against the sins he undertook to satisfy for, melting away like the vitals of a dying man; and, as this satisfied for the hardness of our hearts, so the consideration of it should help to soften them. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • He looked down to see an arrow deep within his vitals.
  • The really scary part is that, while all these symptoms can clear up by themselves, the disease can lie dormant in your system for decades before damaging vitals such as your nervous system and heart.
  • He knelt down, doing an immediate check of vitals.
  • The scowl of the opposing parties, the blanched cheeks, the knit brows, and the grinding teeth, not pretermitting the deadly gleams that shoot from their kindled eyes, are ornaments which a plain battle between factions cannot boast, but which, notwithstanding, are very suitable to the fierce and gloomy silence of that premeditated vengeance which burns with such intensity in the heart, and scorches up the vitals into such a thirst for blood. The Ned M'Keown Stories Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • My first officer has got your sword throughout his vitals, and passed without speech.
  • I gave my kidneys and other vitals a good poking also.
  • As he told his story, the nurse checking his vitals wasn't able to get his blood pressure.
  • With my 40 yard pin pegged on his vitals, when I released that arrow, I was sure that bull was mine. Worst Hunting Stories
  • The Army of the Potomac did not take the offensive alone: it marched aspart of a concerted attack on the vitals of the South. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • Highlights for me: arrows: most arrows from a 60#+ compound bow would penetrate a deer's vitals at 60 yards ... the question is hitting them and risking tortuous maiming if you guessed wrong ... the TV show probably didn't show the deer they hit in the guts and never found. I watched a guy on tv last night harvest a deer with his bow and he shot the deer at 60 if he harvest a deer at 60 yar
  • The patient's vitals remained stable and blood loss was monitored closely during the procedure.
  • But from 1685 to 1688 this man was absolute master of England and her colonies; and the disease which he bred in English vitals was hardly cured even by the sharp medicine of the Boyne. The History of the United States from 1492 to 1910, Volume 1 From Discovery of America October 12, 1492 to Battle of Lexington April 19, 1775
  • The tech who comes at 3: 00 a.m. to take my vitals throws open the door with a clatter, puts on the brightest light, and sings to herself loudly (and offkey) the whole time she is nearby. Archive 2009-10-01
  • But lit she fire in vitals mine still flaring fierce and high, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Company Vitals: Makes a portable machine that strips electrons from iron ions to make ferrate, a more potent water disinfectant than ozone and chlorine. How The Best Small Businesses Spend Money
  • And as he looked at her and considered her curiously, an object to enamour an ascetic and make a devotee lovesick, fire was lighted in his vitals and he cried, Folk say that whoso taketh up his abode in this house dieth or sickeneth. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And, I; m one of the few hunters who likes neck shots. i will take a frontal shot any time it presens itself. ehind the front shoulder i ok and I do take tat shot or a little moer on the front leg and break him down prior to the bullet getting to the vitals. Close Calls: Two Hunters Dodge a Charging Moose
  • When it arrived, the people of Baghdad went forth to meet it and I went forth with them: and I saw the damsel among the women and she the loudest of them in lamentation, crying out and wailing with a voice that rent the vitals and made the heart ache. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • There was a cruel scar on her emotionless face, a tantalizing jumpsuit with armor covering the vitals, and a sense of power and ambition radiating from her.
  • It was kind of freaky, really, how his vitals were high, even though his body parts were missing.
  • The bullet hit one of his vitals and it was the reason he was in the hospital for so long.
  • I thought that rending the bloody veil from my horrible fate could make thy proud heart stoop to the discipline of the church, I could find in my heart to tell thee a tale, which I have hitherto kept gnawing at my vitals in concealment, like the self-devoted youth of heathenesse. The Talisman
  • Sensor rings attached to fingers monitor heart rate and other vitals.
  • I did not see the slobber that was coming out of his nose and mouth, I did not see the antlers on his head, all I saw was my 40 yard pin pegged on his vitals. Recommended Minimum Bow Draw Weight for Elk?
  • The vitals of assault on reform is the reform on government system.
  • On physical exam the respiratory rate was 16, the rest of the vitals were normal.
  • Anest ducked under its defenses, and thrust his sword deep into the Demon's vitals where it stuck, half-melted.
  • Prince had no complaint save that he was a hot amourist and distraught of vitals. Arabian nights. English
  • Some 80 years later, Sheridan cleaned it up in a version called A Trip to Scarborough to suit a more censorious climate but happily retained ‘stap my vitals’ while adding one or two coinages of his own.
  • ‘You idiot,’ I told him quietly, tossing aside the bottle and checking his vitals.

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