How To Use Vitalize In A Sentence
Natural hair This lightweight noncreamy formula provides a healthy boost of essential vitamins and reconstructive polymers to revitalize dry hair and strengthen cuticles.
Thus the new connotations and conceptualizations put forth by the Fathers revitalized the Church's memory of what the Apostles taught, and historical theology today would enable us to revitalize our memory of what the "unsurpassable" Fathers taught.
Archive 2007-03-01
Adjust, transform and revitalize delay of old industry base.
Seek ye then, fair daughters, the possession of that inward grace, whose essence shall permeate and vitalize the affections, adorn the countenance, make mellifluous the voice, and impart a hallowed beauty even to your motions.
Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners A Complete Sexual Science and a Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood, Advice To Maiden, Wife, And Mother, Love, Courtship, And Marriage
The City decided that the area needed to be "revitalized" and they did eminent domain on the entire area and bulldozed hundreds of Craftsman style homes.
<a href="" title=""The great thing about America, is that once you own property, you own

And local officials liked it because it promised to enlarge the tax base and revitalize declining downtown areas.
How quickly that quaint tall form would have enter'd into the region where men vitalize gods, and gods divinify men!
Collect ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
Now, particularly for young people, the classic film seems no longer amongst the most exciting of all art-forms; it is as if its transformation into an object for academic study has devitalized it.
The emotions are held to the experience and worked into its unity because they go to intensify the thought and imagination, and thus vitalize those activities (1).
After a number of years it may become necessary to lift crowded plantings of bulbs in order to spread them out and revitalize the soil.
The financial crisis devitalized the economy of the Asian countries.
At the end of the massage, briskly rub your feet to revitalize your energy.
Sometimes they bought fixer-uppers, which required cash to revitalize aging factories and old products.
In the late 1990s, city officials began to revitalize the area by renovating storefronts and encouraging the growth of local businesses, including restaurants and boutiques.
The presence of devitalized tissue and contaminants such as dirt or saliva also make the wound tetanus - prone.
Little attention has been given to the development of new social forms that could re-engage citizens with their neighbors and revitalize democracy.
Her appointment as leader revitalized the party.
Hopefully when we do we'll be focused on an authentic agiornamiento that will revitalize the Church's mission to evangelize non-Catholics and re-catechize/catechize nominal ones.
The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
Accordingly, should realize base of northeast old industry to revitalize must renew old idea idea all.
But the biologist cannot devitalize a plant or an animal and revivify it again. [
Natural Law in the Spiritual World
It should revitalize a grass-roots effort to truly make its case, not through Senators, but through personal relationships and church evangelism.
It seems that despite all our best efforts to revitalize our communities, we'd somehow traveled back to the time when drug gangs warred on our streets and gunshots kept us awake at night.
a revitalized economy
The mayor's speech at the restored historic Lincoln Theater was designed to highlight his plans to revitalize neighborhoods.
One of the strangest effects of the introduction of machinery into industry is that instead of liberating the human powers and initiative of workers from mechanical drudgery, it has often tended to devitalize and warp these forces to the functions of machines. [
Making Both Ends Meet The income and outlay of New York working girls
There was a fair chance he'd get it to revitalize, given a perfect blood match.
Congress has tried dozens of approaches to revitalize decaying urban and rural areas.
A smaller, but revitalized version of United or US Airways presents a very interesting situation for the remaining major airlines.
This food revitalized the patient
Rather my objectives flow from a desire to revitalize our assumptions about the concepts of empowerment and agency in relation to black women and the blues.
Describing her wounds at a press conference Jan 9, Dr. Michael Lemole, the chief of neurosurgery at the University Medical Center in Arizona, said they removed bone fragments from her brain and some devitalized brain matter.
Cassandra M. Bellantoni: Brain Expert: Turn off the TV and Let Giffords Sleep
Inoculation of debris and the presence of devitalized tissue commonly lead to infection that is often polymicrobial.
The five types (from highest marital satisfaction to lowest) were labeled as vitalized, harmonious, traditional, conflicted, and devitalized.
[50] One must not be misled by popular statements in this connection, such as this of Professor Owen's: "There are organisms which we can devitalize and revitalize -- devive and revive -- many times.
Natural Law in the Spiritual World
The attempt to revitalize shareholder democracy in this fashion is doomed to failure in the large public company.
The mayor's speech at the restored historic Lincoln Theater was designed to highlight his plans to revitalize neighborhoods.
The vacuum created by the postponement of the presidential elections led to a revival of campaigns for a revitalized democracy.
curing" it by mental control (even granting that this is the case), we burn the candle at both ends -- for the reason that we devitalize the body by allowing it to become diseased and then waste more energy in the mental effort to get well again!
The Problems of Psychical Research Experiments and Theories in the Realm of the Supernormal
Numerous sessions by outstanding presenters are sure to stimulate your thinking and revitalize your teaching, with topics ranging from composition, biofeedback, eurhythmics, chamber music and diversity.
It was as if these new, fresh stores were trying to revitalize the area and give it some much-needed hope.
How quickly that quaint tall form would have enterd into the region where men vitalize gods, and gods divinify men!
Death of Abraham Lincoln. Collect
They hope to revitalize the neighborhood by providing better housing.
Additional guest rooms and Mexican Design Center would be housed in revitalized buildings adjacent to the casa principal.
Restoring a Mexican hacienda
We hear from reverse refugees, those who have fled the suburbs to revitalized downtowns, where they enjoy proximity to stores, parks, and community gardens.
The declining number of urban families with young children, as well as an increase in real and perceived social problems, complicate efforts to revitalize public thoroughfares such as alleys.
The calligraphy and postscript and revitalized in Song dynasty, there was distinct culture characteristic of era.
Although conflicted and devitalized couples appeared to dominate this African-American sample, it is important to consider several separate but related factors.
But as you reclothe yourselves in the silken treasures of a revitalized Earth, of an Eden reborn, the Memories will reactivate.
Songs of the Arcturians
[50] One must not be misled by popular statements in this connection, such as this of Professor Owen's: "There are organisms which we can devitalize and revitalize -- devive and revive -- many times.
Natural Law in the Spiritual World
Skin-smoothing banana and coconut are blended with sea salt to exfoliate and revitalize body skin.
Once fire was reintroduced, the dormant seeds germinated and grew on the newly revitalized habitat.
Councilman Jose Huizar wants a trolley to run through Downtown primarily through a "revitalized" Broadway.
Archive 2009-08-01
Revitalize education, improve intelligence, enhance reserve strength of the development that help deficient up.
Hydropaths believed that the sick body's self-curative powers could be vitalized by copious amounts of water, taken internally and externally, a non-stimulating diet, sunlight, exercise, and relaxation.
Of the three, Globe has come the farthest, with a revitalized main street, arts center, archaeological park, and some of the best Mexican food in the state.
He also found, that, by passing electric sparks through the gas, it became "revitalized," and regained its usual stimulating effect upon the animal economy.
Buchanan's Journal of Man, September 1887 Volume 1, Number 8
We sometimes have patients whose incisions are not primarily closed because of infection, trauma, devitalized tissue, or for other reasons.
The cards revitalized older notions like the comic and dislocated aspects of sexuality which had once found expression in libertine literature, bawdy songs, and burlesque theater.
Is there room for reasonable doubt that this race, unless devitalized by alcohol and tobacco, is destined to dispossess many weaker races, assimilate others and mold the remainder, until, in a very true and important sense, it has Anglo-Saxonized mankind?
The Chosen Peoples
A new technic in an effort to save the limb by reimplantation of tumor-bearing bone segment devitalized by bolting was performed on 16 patients with malignant tumor of bone.
a revitalized inner-city neighborhood
Acclaimed "La Stupenda,"– "the Stupendous One"– during a career spanning more than four decades, Sutherland was known in the opera world as an "anti-diva" diva whose warm vibrant sound and subtle coloring helped revitalize the school of early 19th-century Italian opera known as bel canto.
Joan Sutherland Dies: Famed Soprano Dead At 83
By taking the most vital questions having to do with the structure of the state and its relation to society and placing them in a realm high above society's reach, it devitalizes politics.
While one of the strangest results of the introduction of machinery into modern industry is that instead of liberating the human powers and initiative of the workers, it has often tended to devitalize and warp these forces to the functions of machines, yet this result is so strange that it cannot seem inevitable.
Making Both Ends Meet The income and outlay of New York working girls
a few times through the lungs, it becomes "devitalized," or incapable of supporting life, although its chemical composition remains the same, and all carbonic dioxide and other impurities are removed.
Buchanan's Journal of Man, September 1887 Volume 1, Number 8
I plan to make some felted things with these revitalized yarns - but I don't know what yet.
Along the way we found the remains of old towns, villages, and farmsteads, now little more than revitalized forest.
Fire The Sky
A new technic in an effort to save the limb by reimplantation of tumor-bearing bone segment devitalized by bolting was performed on 16 patients with malignant tumor of bone.
The two Forces prepared an organization for educating the people and arousing the Hui people to love the country and vitalize their religion through journalism.
He then vitalizes this theory by describing the rise of the United States to world preeminence, employing a highly original structure and a set of sophisticated, internally consistent paradigms.
Hopefully the merge is coming soon, which will revitalize the competition and pit everyone against everyone else.
Fall Forward / Spring Back : Bev Vincent
The mayor's speech at the restored historic Lincoln Theater was designed to highlight his plans to revitalize neighborhoods.
To put Scottie with some defeated actress teaching for Miss This-Or-Thats would be to devitalize the whole idea.
A Life in Letters
It was as if these new, fresh stores were trying to revitalize the area and give it some much-needed hope.
Tuna tartare, served in hollowed-out lemons, is vitalized with an unexpected foursome of currants, pine nuts, fava beans, and sun-dried tomatoes.
However, I chose this single slime book to represent the sub-genre of Hard SF that I have returned to again and again, especially whenever it is "revitalized" by subsequent generations of science fiction authors.
SF Signal Reader Challenge #3 - SF Books You Haven't Read
The productive capacity of the fumigated crops not destroyed is revitalized through the intensive use of fertilizers.
Both oral histories and the written record relate how they carefully used fire to revitalize food plants such as huckleberries and camas; to clear trails and camp areas; to enhance feed for game, and more recently, for horses.
Sometimes sharp writing and tremendous actor chemistry can revitalize unoriginal and boring material.
The governor issued instructions to every district in the province to implement a revitalized campaign emphasizing the use of protective headgear for both driver and passenger on motorbikes.
There was a fair chance he'd get it to revitalize, given a perfect blood match.
Her appointment as leader revitalized the party.
And there's more to come: a new bikeway and an ambitious plan to open up a broad lawn in front of early 19th-century Castle Clinton, and in partnership with the National Parks Service a plan to revitalize Castle Clinton itself.
First, to revitalize the mission of the museum through its exhibitions, public programs and publications; then to modernize the building so that our collections will be safe, with proper climate controls and storage; and the third, what I call collections initiative, meaning making its holdings accessible.
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A new technic in an effort to save the limb by reimplantation of tumor-bearing bone segment devitalized by bolting was performed on 16 patients with malignant tumor of bone.
The deadlocked triumvirate of urban political authority was unable to effect the economic changes necessary to revitalize the local economy.
The new contemporary art of China and the United States approaches, modifies and revitalizes existing, long-standing traditions," says curator Shore.
If an accident devitalizes the tissues and crushes the bones, it is difficult to save the limb.
Numerous sessions by outstanding presenters are sure to stimulate your thinking and revitalize your teaching, with topics ranging from composition, biofeedback, eurhythmics, chamber music and diversity.
They seek, correctly, to revitalize our atrophied sense of civic life but we need to go much further.
The treatment at the spa vitalized the old man
To revitalize the stale sci-fi franchise, director J.J. Abrams has compiled a cast with the kind of plasticine perfection that emmotes volumes in a galaxy overrun with Klingons, Romulans and other pesky intergalactic scum.
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Tesco Chief Executive Philip Clarke said the company has seen an improvement in nonfood sales in the third quarter as revitalized ranges and new store displays are rolled out across its larger stores.
Tesco Suffers U.K. Sales Drop
But the problem is how to revitalize a stillborn plan, how to find enough lawmakers to join and whether the incentives offered to them will be enough.
The 3rd economic readjustment in China experienced two stages: the strict control of investment and consumption demand; regulate and control the force of demand and vitalize market.
Instead, all facets of the Steelers team looked fresh and revitalized, which is especially important with a short week coming up, facing the Cleveland Browns this Thursday night.
The Full Feed from
Jordan has revitalized one of the league's most moribund franchises.
In most cases, infection is localized to the bronchial anastomosis, where devitalized cartilage and foreign suture material create a nurturing environment.
Fresh or dried dill weed and ground pepper vitalize a cucumber, onion, and vinegar combination.
I think that going back to the basics is always a good way to refresh and revitalize your writing abilities.
A Guide to Becoming a Writer for Kids and Teens | Write to Done
Debriding the devitalized tissue will allow the underlying healthy tissue to regenerate.
Those who begin to exercise regularly, and replace white flour, sugar, and devitalized foods with live, organic, natural foods, begin to feel better immediately," he said.
John Robbins: The Real Jack LaLanne
New Delhi says the trip, the first since a civilian government took office, is an opportunity to "further vitalize" the relationship.
India Puts Security, Trade With Burma Ahead of Democracy
With vitalization technology and hyper visors, you can take some of those devices and vitalize them.
Computing Gets Flexible
He did revitalize poverty and he did vitalize crooks who he allowed to fleece the country.
Think Progress » Perry: Anyone Who’s Not A ‘Rank Political Hack’ Realizes That Bush Was A ‘Very, Very Good President’
The eggs are vitalized
This influx revitalized the Scottish Highlands: glens that had lain barren save eagles and rutting stags since the Highland Clearances of the 1780s rang once again with human activity.
The Season: Scotland | Edwardian Promenade
We go further when we revitalize the bonds of the social connection by making kin of strangers, by embracing diversity that enriches the mosaic of our national unity.
The manifesto, signed by a group of Danish film types in an effort to revitalize and reinvigorate the state of contemporary cinema, included a list of dos and don'ts.
The Chinese light industry was revitalized in the 1980's.
Genuine art sensitizes, vitalizes, humanizes and always represents a danger to the existing state of things.
That group had kind of revitalized themselves after
Oral History Interview with Lauch Faircloth, March 22, 1999. Interview I-0069. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
To deplete or weaken gradually; devitalize.
When one lies with the sick one, the suffering and the moanings invade the space, invade one's own body, depress and devitalize in the contagion of suffering.
Man has risen from the vitalized slime of the primeval sea to the mastery of matter; but he has not yet mastered society.
If unmanaged, measures to revitalize of the traditional system may end up only as rhetoric.
And it is this current state of affairs that allows and indeed vitalizes a penal code that calls for ever more executions to be carried out by the state in expiation of such defiling acts that pollute the sacred public domain.
From the earliest days of his government, he very consciously turned the Dome into an emblem of "New Britain," Blair's earnest if gauzy vision of a revitalized postimperial, postindustrial nation that, as he has said, "will not be the mightiest nation of the 21st century in size or population, but ... can be the best.
Why The Dome Was A Dud
This article concludes by suggesting ways in which the currently stalemated debate might be revitalized by principled interventions from scholars and concerned citizens.
The devitalized area gradually regained its health and fish eventually returned.
Neal Barnard, M.D.: Save the Bay, Save Your Life
The night's respite must have revitalized him, for he was stirring, even rising.
It has transformed and revitalized and revolutionized large parts of mathematics.
For three decades, tribal colleges and universities have been working to preserve and vitalize our cultures and traditions.
CROWLEY: Just days for the Texas and Ohio primaries that could end or revitalize her campaign, Clinton does not need the kind of brushfire set off by a high-profile Latina supporter who told a Texas television station Obama has a problem with the Latino community because he's black.
CNN Transcript Feb 28, 2008
Time will not wait for me, need is adopted revitalize measure strongly.
Rick Tyler, whose back yard abuts Rosecroft, said he was chiefly concerned about the potential for the traffic jams a revitalized racetrack could generate.
Penn National to buy Rosecroft Raceway for $10.2 million, with goal to add slots at track
The Japanese government tried a wide range of approaches to revitalize the economy, including consumer discount coupons to encourage spending.
Originally assembled in 1986 after trumpeter Frank London placed an ad in the Village Voice, the Klezmatics eventually revitalized the Jewish music tradition with a hip New York attitude that was gay positive singer Lorin Sklamberg is gay, improvisatory, and open to other styles of music.
Quarter-Life Crisis for the Klezmatics
Instead, by the end of the workday, they're already vitalized and eager to hit a hard evening workout.
Tuna tartare, served in hollowed-out lemons, is vitalized with an unexpected foursome of currants, pine nuts, fava beans, and sun-dried tomatoes.
Revitalized and creatively recharged, Adams resurfaced with the beginnings of an upbeat, free-spirited, guitar-soaked album.
Tuna tartare, served in hollowed-out lemons, is vitalized with an unexpected foursome of currants, pine nuts, fava beans, and sun-dried tomatoes.
Rediscovered and revitalized, the central space is the fulcrum of the scheme, its character changing with the various levels.
Soon there is a shortage of Muslim clerics worldwide, but many arrive from the revitalized Middle East.
Not only that, Obama -- reflecting the agonizing number of economic potholes and his inability to get rid of them -- is increasingly being viewed by Wall Street as a non-achiever, a veritable misfit when it comes to concocting a meaningful plan to revitalize the economy and a likely one-term occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Dan Dorfman: Kinks In Obama's New Era of Hope
They hope to revitalize the neighborhood by providing better housing.
After the fiery blast of energy that revitalized popular music-making, artists moved to the opposite pole.
There was a pull, a peaceful power, in that simple sound, and its strength bolstered and vitalized the vegetation perhaps even more than more ordinary methods of caretaking.
For one thing the study of the solar system was revitalized after a long period of relative inactivity.
Her words revitalize him, and Adams redoubles his efforts to turn the naysayers into yeasayers.
These questions have begun to open up new lines of enquiry and to revitalize old ones.
Collagenase breaks down collagen, a major and rigid component of devitalized tissue.
Celebrating its tenth anniversary, the FPA is a non-profit partnership in the urban center of Kansas City; its mission is to create partnerships to improve lives, build relationships and revitalize neighborhoods within Ivanhoe and surrounding communities. Front Page
He believed that the worn-out academicism of the day could be revitalized by direct contact with peasant life and with the genuine folk art of the people.
Purified mercury detoxifies the body of pollutants and helps revitalize all of its systems.
4 Internal Kalachakra
They seek, correctly, to revitalize our atrophied sense of civic life but we need to go much further.
Will need not destroy; it can vitalize, it can lust for good.
Well, yes, it is fairly well known tht Hitler yemach shmo was a brilliant speaker, revitalized German national pride, followed a healthy vegetarian diet, encouraged physical fitness among German youth, and could not abide cruelty to animals.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
It was as if these new, fresh stores were trying to revitalize the area and give it some much-needed hope.
Our work is to devitalize negativity, not revitalize it with our attitudes, thoughts, projections or actions.
Elena Brower: Art Of Attention: Is Yoga Really Useful?
Classic ticking stripes, florals, and plaids - all linen - revitalize the old spool beds without making them look new.
The bishops - together with the laity and clergy - should be part of the creation of a healthy, revitalized church.
Enjoy fresh, wholesome vegetarian foods that vitalize the body.
The adjustment of industry structure is a dynamic optimum process to improve competitive capacity, increase investment and vitalize current capital stake simultaneously.
Lone Wolf and I definitely have telepathy, but in this case of feeling unsettled, disturbed, devitalized -- whatever it was that was troubling us -- our feelings were transferring back and forth as well.
Beth Arnold: Letter From Paris: Let the Saints Come Marching In
The recession devitalized the economy
Debriding the devitalized tissue will allow the underlying healthy tissue to regenerate.
To revitalize the Ruhr, state and local governments have invested in research and education, transformed abandoned steelworks into industrial parks, and seeded new startups.
He added that within months consumers would experience a "revitalized" department store giant.
Billionaire Zucker Purchases Hudson's Bay CompanyBillionaire Zucker Purchases Hudson's Bay Company
Japanese investment has revitalized this part of Britain.
A Revitalized Motown but Can the Team Beat the Elite?
The government will work to utilize the merits of the strong yen to enrich peoples' livelihoods and vitalize industry," the interim plan said.
Japan Unveils Measures on Yen Strength
The one-to-ones at St. Thomas helped to revitalize relationships within the congregation.
It will be up to entrepreneurs to spot the economic opportunities that will come about with expansion -- much in the same way as ways were found to revitalize dockland areas where shipping industry has evaporated away.
Anthony Giddens: Recession, Climate Change and the Return to Planning
It has been argued that the cooperative conception of the federal relationship, especially as it is realized in the policy of federal subventions to the States, tends to break down state initiative and to devitalize state policies.
The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
Moxa can be used on areas with poor muscle and skin tone (may be found within the same muscle that has indurated triggers) and to vitalize deficient channels.
There was a fair chance he'd get it to revitalize, given a perfect blood match.
The question of how to revitalize Britain's economically moribund regions has bedevilled successive governments for at least three decades.
How Big Government Killed Britain's Regions
He found the British dance public and its companies devitalized after the war and complacently parochial.