
How To Use Visualized In A Sentence

  • More extensive staging revealed multiple vertebral lesions consistent with metastases, but no spread to abdominal viscera was visualized.
  • In plants the organization of DNA as multiple replicons can be readily visualized by fibre autoradiography, in which replicating DNA molecules are labelled with tritiated thymidine.
  • For example, by GIS thematic map and overlaying analysis every factor is visualized to administer to sample design of isotope investigation.
  • The chromosomes were stained with acetic orcein and visualized with a light microscope.
  • So there's a thought - you could use the visualised image as a gateway back into memory or just a gateway into a centred, balanced or evocative mental space.
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  • We visualized complexin (cplx), a cytosolic protein that binds assembled SNARE complexes, during single exocytic events in live cells. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Imaging techniques can reveal the anatomy of the pelvic floor and lower urinary tract, and the inside of the bladder can be visualized directly with a cystoscope.
  • The pattern of differentiation could thus be visualized as a centripetal wave moving inward from a ring of already differentiated cells.
  • Susan visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father's arm.
  • Polyps are visualized as pale, grapelike structures prolapsing into the nasal cavity from the middle meatus.
  • Susan visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father's arm.
  • Because the net is two-dimensional, it can easily be visualized.
  • The well-visualized ice margin by ultrasound CT or MR is actually only the 0-degree Celsius line, or isotherm, which is not sufficiently lethal to cancer cells, but has unfortunately been confused with the actual treatment margin. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • From Kamlot's description I visualized the basto as an enormous boar with horns, or a buffalo with the jaws and teeth of a carnivore, and judged that its twelve hundred pounds of weight would render it a most formidable beast. Pirates of Venus
  • Susan visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father's arm.
  • Then the diversification benefit would be visualized by comparing the efficient frontier and domestic stock index' s risk-return point on the return-variance plane.
  • • Carotid pulse: should be visualized for pulsations, palpated for thrills, and auscultated for bruits. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Lazrus visualized the data connections for both Kerry Whitehall and Seven, thick ropelike strands pointing at shiny black secure servers. Jason Stoddard, Strange and Happy » Blog Archive » Eternal Franchise, 21.2 of 31.1
  • There are three good reasons about using visualized limb in graphic originality: communicate information rapidly, express sensation deeply and express information drolly.
  • In addition, diagnostically important small structures, such as interlobular septa and distal arterioles and bronchioles, are not visualized.
  • Many who once visualized that they would be taking calculus shortly afterward instead make precalculus into their final mathematics course.
  • These jumps from one number to the next can be visualized as arcs of circles along a number line.
  • This time, though, they're avoiding the word "fertilization" in the amendment's language, saying that the term confused voters, who may have visualized chicken eggs. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • I then visualised myself sitting in a desert, skinning up two joints, one for me, and one for Bast.
  • Grid digital terrain is produced with getting reference point by subarea and weighted averaging method, and is visualized.
  • The bioluminescence emission was visualized following film development.
  • Calpurnia was the last wife, the one who begged him not to go to the senate house because she had had what today we would call a precognitive dream, where she visualized Caesar covered in blood, and she felt this was a bad -- something terrible was going to happen. The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People�s History of Ancient Rome
  • We have directly visualized high-resolution native structures of bacterial endospores, including the exosporium and spore coats of four Bacillus species in air and water environments.
  • In this model, plant cell walls could be visualized as a ‘tangle’ of microfibrils, with wall rheology determined by spatial constraint upon further microfibril movement.
  • Tom visualized the house as a romantic ruin.
  • Pass the deflated cuff along the right side of the blade through the visualized glottis.
  • In these experiments, the CTs of No.18 and No.19 were visualized simultaneously by painting these territories with differently labeled fluorochromes.
  • Nearly 20 years later the National Commission on Rural Labour (NCRL: 1987-91) visualised the same scenario and the same contributory factors leading to the present status of unorganised rural labour in India. Silent Labor
  • After washing, the HRP (horseradish peroxidase) conjugated polymer complex was visualized by incubation for ~5 min with AEC (3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole) substrate-chromogen; sections were then counterstained with hematoxylin for 30 seconds, washed and mounted. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The cell-free medium was subjected to two-dimensional PAGE, and the 1 PIs were visualized by fluorography.
  • The shape of the nucleus was visualized using a DNA counterstain in all experiments.
  • Mitchell visualized a hormonal flow chart that resembled a metropolitan subway system, all lines headed for the downtown station.
  • Immunoreactivity was visualized using diaminobenzidine as the chromogen, with Harris modified hematoxylin as the counterstain.
  • Susan visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father's arm.
  • I visualized him as a typical businessman.
  • the visualized scene lacked the ugly details of real life
  • Susan visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father's arm.
  • In a prospective study of 100 adults without a history of known throat diseases or surgery, the epiglottis was successfully visualised in all participants.
  • Tom visualized the house as a romantic ruin.
  • Discharged trichocysts remain clustered around the cell surface and can easily be visualized under dark-field light microscopy with a x10 objective.
  • More extensive staging revealed multiple vertebral lesions consistent with metastases, but no spread to abdominal viscera was visualized.
  • Lung sounds are usually normal, or with minimal bibasal crepitations, and talc deposits may sometimes be visualized in the blood vessels of the retina.
  • There are three good reasons about using visualized limb in graphic originality: communicate information rapidly, express sensation deeply and express information drolly.
  • Hybridized transcripts were visualized by autoradiography.
  • With this machine, ultrasound can be visualized
  • Visualized with normal appearance: head, brain, face, spine, heart, abdominal wall, kidneys, bladder, extremities.
  • When he saw the titles and visualized what must be said to enflesh them, he felt that surge of excitement which had overcome him when General Funkhauser inserted him among the geniuses at Langley: "I'm being granted a second life ... a second time. Space
  • The regional supply chains can be visualized in an economic model of interindustry relationships among small manufacturing firms and their vendors and suppliers. Undefined
  • Bolyai's new world can be visualized by imagining a triangle drawn on the surface of a saddle.
  • Only through the study on computer graphics and mastery of basic knowledge of three-dimensional cartoon, the lucubration of visualized simulation is possible.
  • Sections were incubated overnight at 70°C with 1 µg/ml of the digoxigenin-labeled probes, and binding detected by overnight incubation with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-digoxigenin antibody (1: 3500, Roche), which was visualised with NBT (Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride)/BCIP (5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate, toluidine salt; 1: 50, Roche) or Fast Red (Roche) for fluorescence. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Oxygen transport from shoot through adventitious roots has been visualized directly.
  • Fractures of the greater tuberosity may be best visualized with an axillary or a Y view.
  • Finally, antibody binding was visualised using DAB as the chromogen and the sections mounted in Mowiol for observation under a Nikon 90i microscope. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Manet visualized brushwork and emphasized on the flat surface pattern, he guided the viewer to see the merely pigment on a piece of canvas.
  • He visualized the map of the El Alamein Line, where the Allies would make their last stand, This was one line Rommel could not circumvent, for at its southern end was the vast impassable Qattara Depression. The Key to Rebecca
  • A radioactive tracer visualized the parts of the brain that were active while different types of sounds were being processed.
  • The membrane was cross-linked for 2 min at a distance of approximately 0.5 cm from an ultraviolet lamp equipped with 254 nm bulbs, and biotin-labeled DNA was visualized by using enhanced chemoluminescence. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Animal generated water movements are visualized and quantified using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry.
  • Making ink prints of the hands is one method palmists use to insure all lines can be visualised.
  • The hybridization pattern indicates the genotype of the sample and is visualized using streptavidin-peroxidase and tetramethyl benzidine.
  • In the latter case cleavage was only visualized following UV irradiation and treatment with hot piperidine.
  • Standards were visualized by ninhydrin reagent and the chromatogram containing phosphorylated proteins was autoradiographed.
  • If the wound bed is partially obscured by slough or eschar, the ability to stage before debridement depends on the type of tissue visualized.
  • The differential diagnoses of the swelling, as visualized on MRI scan, were either a post-traumatic seroma or some form of fat necrosis.
  • I visualized the red-and-white-shirted culprit on bended knee in the six-yard box, submitting to his agony. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • It was defined as the most distal part of the muscle in which tendon fibers could be visualized.
  • Stained fragments were visualized using the fluorescent imager.
  • In common with Descartes, he visualized the universe in terms of clockwork rather than as a living organism.
  • The labeled GlcNAc pattern was visualized by fluorography.
  • In reductionist atrial myocyte and non-myocyte cell systems, BIN1 is sufficient to form membrane invaginations and distribute Cav1. 2 to these BIN1-containing membrane regions (visualized by total internal reflection microscopy, TIRFm). PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • I visualized him as a typical businessman.
  • If such sites are also large enough to admit fluorescent, tracer dye molecules, the permeable areas can be visualized with an epifluorescence microscope following incubation in the tracer.
  • Sections were incubated overnight at 70°C with 1 µg/ml of the digoxigenin-labeled probes, and binding detected by overnight incubation with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-digoxigenin antibody (1: 3500, Roche), which was visualised with NBT (Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride)/BCIP (5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate, toluidine salt; 1: 50, Roche) or Fast Red (Roche) for fluorescence. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • After induction with general anesthesia, the glottis was directly visualized via suspension laryngoscopy and ventilation maintained by jet ventilation through the laryngoscope.
  • Although this can be visualized for bacteriorhodopsin, the calculation is a large computational undertaking.
  • Mitchell visualized a hormonal flow chart that resembled a metropolitan subway system, all lines headed for the downtown station.
  • After electrophoresis, the agarose gels were stained with ethidium bromide and visualized by ultraviolet light.
  • It was defined as the most distal part of the muscle in which tendon fibers could be visualized.
  • Hybridization signals were visualized by an autoradiogram and a bio-imaging analyser.
  • We wear fins and masks, and we also wear pink caps so we can be visualized by one another and not lose anyone.
  • An extrauterine pregnancy will be visualized in only 16 to 32 percent of cases, thus a pelvic ultrasound showing "no intrauterine or extrauterine gestation" does not exclude the diagnosis of EP.
  • The nuclei of the mononuclear cells thus exhibit no pattern to the microscopist, appearing to be randomly distributed within a field of cytoplasm lacking organelles or membranes that can be visualized with the usual tissue stains.
  • Rather than dwelling on the tediousness of, say, running in the pool with a flotation belt for non-impact workouts, she visualized these sessions as steps toward the bigger picture - stabilizing her knee and getting back on skis.
  • Through meditation he ‘visualized’ the mantras of the ancient Reiki system, and thus became the Drashta or Rishi.
  • Instead I tried to occupy my mind with recollections of my earthly friends; I visualized my childhood days in India as I studied under old Chand Kabi, I thought of dear old Jimmy Welsh, and I recalled a bevy of girls I had liked and with some of whom I had almost been serious. Pirates of Venus
  • Analysis was confined to those crypts whose entire lengths could be completely visualised and which contained a single layer of cells only.
  • All enzymes tested could be visualized in growing potato tubers or potato stems.
  • Hybridization can be visualized by measuring color development on the blot when enzyme labels are used or by developing the radioactive blots onto autoradiographs.
  • This portrait visualized the sense of order and balance, by the organization of line, expression of the figure and his gesture.
  • Belinda in short plaid frocks and long pigtails, and had moreover visualised her as a freckled little girl with thin legs and snub nose, was abashed. The Clue of the Twisted Candle
  • He had visualised some one diamond-hard, very chic, very ambitious.
  • By pressing a key on the keyboard, the user does not only produce a letter but also hears one: the letter is spoken out loud and simultaneously visualized in an enlarged three-dimensional form.
  • He passed on to ulsters and raincoats, divagated into the colorful realm of neckwear, debated scarf-pins and cuff-links, visualized patterned shirtings, and emerged to dream of composite sartorial grandeurs which, duly synthesized into a long list of hopeful entries, were duly filed away within the pages of 3 T 9901, the pocket ledger. Success A Novel
  • Starch granules were visualized upon reaction with iodine/potassium iodine.
  • I visualized the earrings reflecting light on the wearer's elegant features as she (perhaps) holidayed in St Tropez or entertained on her private island (a man can dream). Anton Heunis: Real Women
  • In addition, diagnostically important small structures, such as interlobular septa and distal arterioles and bronchioles, are not visualized.
  • The alien world is boringly visualised as a place full of colourful globules. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the past 10 years it has been an antithesis of what is visualised in the education clause of the Freedom Charter.
  • This scenario has recently been visualised by researchers at the Institut Curie.
  • They then visualized the movement of the labeled transcripts using time-lapse laser scanning confocal microscopy. The Scientist
  • For some reason, I had always visualised my readership as a clump of four or five people, clustered behind me as I typed, and straining to look at the screen.
  • This change meant that the compressor would have to have a much higher pressure ratio than the one I had visualized for the piston-engined scheme. The Nature of Technology
  • The chromosomes were stained with acetic orcein and visualized with a light microscope.
  • The cone shape of the limpet can be visualised lying on its side to form the outline of the cuttlefish body, but it takes a lot of imagination.
  • Mitchell visualized a hormonal flow chart that resembled a metropolitan subway system, all lines headed for the downtown station.
  • The process of adaptation is sometimes visualized as populations walking throughout an adaptive landscape.
  • The fingerprint is visualized by placing an X-ray plate over the filter and developing the film.
  • I like to think of wire sculpture as imagination visualized with wire.
  • So there's a thought - you could use the visualised image as a gateway back into memory or just a gateway into a centred, balanced or evocative mental space.
  • I was so surprised when he turned up - I'd visualized someone much older.
  • Upon staining, these round bacteria are visualized in clumps that resemble bunches of grapes.
  • Degraded DNA from the two 1993 Barrow specimens was visualized on ethidium bromide stained gels.

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