How To Use Visual image In A Sentence
The use of white ropes as props with the dancer's movements enveloping and unravelling the rope makes a powerful visual image of the soul's freedom from bondage.
a visual image
She is now taking her findings and meeting with other researchers in order to find treatments for amblyopia, which is a problem caused by poor transmission of the visual image to the brain.
Video Games Can Improve Vision | Impact Lab
The verbal judgement would seem to be thought of, rather, as an adjunct to the visual image.
The village creates a favourable impression and leaves a strong visual image in the minds of the travelling public.
It featured some striking visual images, and Graham Greene's story, set against a background of racetrack racketeers, offers intriguing pre-echoes of Brighton Rock (which he published in 1938).
Although such studies are still vastly outnumbered by studies of visual imagery, ˜imagery™ has become the generally accepted term amongst cognitive scientists for quasi-perceptual experience in any sense mode (or any combination of sense modes).
His Name Was Do Re Mi
What makes it so phenomenally stunning, then, is the film's visual imagery.
The more usual version of this theme is simply that one has a visual image of the part of the body touched.
He had no visual image of her, only her name.
It is the challenge of the viewer to retranslate visual images back into thoughts in order to understand what the artist is ‘saying.’
Can a person, with the guidance of visual imagery and imagination, be encouraged to interpret pain in a different way?
Times, Sunday Times
Soon, Louisa was using her strong capacity for visual imagery to compensate for her difficulty in remembering words and sentences.
The reproducible symbolic visual image became a mode of defining a social area of credit or of power.
I do not know how a modern ad agency would choose to create a visual image of the typical easterner, but the stereotype will not be holding a fly rod or wearing skis.
Television brings together voice and visual images which gives it a persuasive power that outreaches radio and newspapers.
Is it better to go into doing a landscape piece completely egoless or is that something you could say about all art subject matters and the mediums used to depict the visual imagery?
Art School, I'm confident I can get there, Part 2
She draws links to legal culture, common visual imagery, and Franciscan spiritual currents.
The visual image that persists is the sly smile.
Christianity Today
The reproducible symbolic visual image became a mode of defining a social area of credit or of power.
They are easily sensorily overloaded and when this happens sounds boom and shut down, visual images swirl and break up.
Times, Sunday Times
The sole aim of a metaphor is to call up a visual image.
Exploring language (6th edn)
She combines visual images and the spoken word to great effect in her presentations.
She combines visual images and the spoken word to great effect in her presentations.
Music, mime and strong visual imagery play a strong part in the productions.
These and other visual images of family and domestic relations obviously had a political purpose.
The Times Literary Supplement
But it was the visual image of the tribes that scandalised the public: the bovver boots and crops of the skins; the safety pins and loo-brush hairdos of the punks.
Here we use functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify and characterize the neural substrates that support unprompted auditory imagery and find that auditory and visual imagery seem to obey similar basic neural principles.
This visual image graphically maps the body temperature and is referred to as a thermogram.
Filtering devices cannot interpret untagged or mistagged visual images with any degree of consistency.
Thomson's most successful chapter deals with the religious revival, perhaps because the extent and quality of the visual imagery is greatest.
By the mid-sixteenth century the power of visual imagery to influence opinion and capture the imagination was already recognised.
These and other visual images of family and domestic relations obviously had a political purpose.
The Times Literary Supplement
Yet the same problem always arises - how to categorise or classify visual images automatically without using external metadata or image thumbnails?
The visual image is steadily replacing the written word.
The visual image is steadily replacing the written word.
We must question, however, the actual usefulness of such a characterization of spectatorial submission to the visual image of film.
Performed on the climbing wall, the story is told using text, music, visual imagery and stunning choreography.
This problem (which so far as he could tell, mathematicians regard as quite uninteresting) was simply the relation between linear, sequential strings of symbols or mathematical "sentences" like y = 1/x, and the diagrams in Cartesian coordinates that transform these statements into visual images, in this case, a curve descending from an infinite height along the vertical y-axis, turning right and skating off into an infinite eastern distance along the x-axis.
The Last Formalist, or W.J.T. Mitchell as Romantic Dinosaur
Optic neuritis is due to inflammation of the optic nerve, which transmits light and visual images from the retina to the brain.
The purpose of a film's score is often to complement the visual imagery and emotional delineation at play.
Websites and satellite television channels then supply visual images and incendiary rhetoric from any place where they are fighting.
But the truth can be told with powerful understatement as well, in words and visual images that create empathy without turning the American people into paranoid voyeurs.
But sadly, no televisual images of this are available.
Well, in my case I have been using the word ‘spectacle’ to mean the sensationalist or, more precisely, uninformative aspect of a visual image.
He marries medium to subject with consummate skill, drawing on a lifetime's accumulation of thought and visual imagery.
They quickly detect changes in the visual image and tend to exaggerate them.
If their handlers can check the sites through visual imagery they will be able to find more rescue targets.
Times, Sunday Times
Since the computer database does not incorporate visual images, corresponding photographs are kept on file.
In our dreams, we enter a primal world of emotion, often, fantastic situations and intense visual images.
As illustrated by Foer's example, the key with mnemonics is creating the most striking visual images possible.
How to maximise your memory
These phrases are the building blocks of language, and we naturally chunk sentences into phrase blocks just as we chunk visual images into objects.
We react to visual imagery all of the time, whether we are conscious of it or not.
The LBT will be used for everything from tracing the universe back to its origins to trying to capture visual images of planets circling distant suns.
Music, mime and strong visual imagery play a strong part in the productions.
Music, mime and strong visual imagery play a strong part in the productions.
The reproducible symbolic visual image became a mode of defining a social area of credit or of power.
It is a fact that the male brain is particularly responsive to and stimulated by visual imagery.
Taking the visual image promotion of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games as the breakthrough point, it analyzed the visual image promotion and the propagation path of our country during the Olympic Games.
They quickly detect changes in the visual image and tend to exaggerate them.
Why visual imagery rather than any other technique?
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Their dreams commonly involved complex stories with visual imagery .
He moved to visual images and video after he came to the Media Lab.
The Designer and the Buyer then source swatches of fabrics, trims and visual images, pooling together in order to come up with finished garments.
The televisual images of his report arguably created a moment in history.
Since the computer database does not incorporate visual images, corresponding photographs are kept on file.
Their dreams commonly involved complex stories with visual imagery .
The visual image that persists is the sly smile.
Christianity Today
As a feminist, mythographer, etc, does she find the visual imagery rather, well, Freudian?
The verbal system processes verbal input and stores verbal information and the non-verbal system deals with visual images and emotional reactions in the process of reading.
Remember the importance of the visual image and try to keep your theme unified and simple.
Artists translate their ideas into visual images.
With using this kind of computer animation it is possible to create nearly 100% visual image for any swimmer.
This may turn into a hypothetical ‘poetics’ of the religious visual image but at least it would be rooted in reality rather than in a realm of abstraction.
Artists translate their ideas into visual images.
The visual image that persists is the sly smile.
Christianity Today
It is a provoking visual image.
To find out how the common bluebottle manages to process visual images more than four times faster than humans, researchers have built the bug a flight simulator.
Their dreams commonly involved complex stories with visual imagery .