
How To Use Visigoth In A Sentence

  • Of great interest also are a number of the churches of Toledo in which remains of the Visigothic period are preserved, and others built in the Moorish style, called mudejar by the Spaniards, which is the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Cue another flashback in which Meighan, transformed into a Visigoth, takes Rome and, by extension, Joy. Empire of Dreams
  • One reason is that the settlers were different: the Franks and Visigoths had come to know far more about Roman ways than the Angles and Saxons ever did.
  • Eventually the Visigoths, after a brief period of fighting for the Romans in Spain, were established in south-west Gaul in 418 by the praetorian prefect.
  • He proceeded directly from crawling to running, and now leaves a trail of destruction in his wake, like a tiny Visigoth. LOVE YOU MADLY
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  • In the middle age, the history of Braga during Visigoth and Arab times is very obscure and represent periods of decadence for the town.
  • Visigothic nation flocked southward through the region which is now called Wallachia, and, standing on the northern shore of the Danube, prayed for admission within the province of Mœsia and the Empire of Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • For all that she had the outer trappings of a social butterfly, they imperfectly concealed the heart of a Visigoth, and she consorted merrily with the Captain in rough weather, while her husband spent the trip laid low by seasickness. On Doris Lessing « Tales from the Reading Room
  • In antiquity Gibraltar belonged in turn to the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, and Visigoths.
  • Various abridgements were made of it in the early middle ages, the most widely disseminated of which was the so-called Breviary of Alaric or Lex Romana Visigothorum.
  • To a Visigoth, the quest for knowledge is useless unless it can help you to earn money or to gain power over other people.
  • Of course, I am comparing the differences between the Visigoth and Frankish forced conversions and exterminations of the Jews as a favourable comparison to the second class citizens they were under Moorish rule. Islam: The Invasions Of Europe « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • The Visigoths had openly aped the imperial court when King Athaulf married Galla Placidia in 411, a marriage celebrated by an official epithalamium (marriage-poem) delivered by a senator.
  • About the same time, Gaiseric the Vandal was intriguing to induce Attila to attack the Visigoths. C. Invaders of the West
  • Visigothic and Burgundian law-codes are more precise, but they date from later generations.
  • Saint Leo II. wrote two special letters, one to Pierre Notaire, the other to the king of the Visigoths, for the purpose of combating and rejecting, in questions touching the dead, the authority of the exarch and the supremacy of the Les Miserables
  • Visitors to Valencia usually expect to find a town packed with remnants of the days when it was ruled by Roman emperors, Visigoth princes, Moorish caliphs and Christian kings. Bob Schulman: Valencia: From Oranges to Operas
  • Romans, Vandals, Visigoths, and Byzantine Greeks successively ruled the area.
  • The turning point is a terrific number prompted by another song, " I ' ve Got A Dream " ; suddenly the screen is filled with what I can only describe as Visigoth vaudevillians. '
  • It was in the year 711 that the Moor first landed in Spain, and, setting up the Crescent against the Cross, he had in a short time established himself and almost conquered the Land that had withstood Rome at the zenith of her power; but the Visigoth was a sturdy stock and in the mountain sections he withstood the new invader and maintained himself. The Old Dominion
  • Both the Visigoths and the Franks, in emulation of the Old Testament, anointed their kings with holy oil.
  • The Franks, Visigoths, and Burgundians all made large inroads into the western empire.
  • Some purport to function as collections for the Frankish and Visigothic kingdoms, like the Vetus Gallica of c.700 or the Hispana, c.700, respectively.
  • Eventually the Visigoths, after a brief period of fighting for the Romans in Spain, were established in south-west Gaul in 418 by the praetorian prefect.
  • One faith rises and another declines, the very scenario that prompted Augustine to write The City of God De civitate Dei after Rome was sacked by the Visigoths in 410. SuperCooperators
  • To a Visigoth, there is no measure of artistic excellence except popularity.
  • Visigothic and Vandal productions were for a certain time extolled, panegyrized, and admired in the journals, especially as they came out under the protection of a certain lady of distinction, who knew nothing at all about the subject. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The corporate Visigoths' worst act of wanton destruction was the demolition of one of the most distinguished terraces ever designed by Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson, the genius of the genre.
  • Just thinking about medieval Castile, which is the historical period and location I know best, Among the Visigoths adulterium (illicit sexual intercourse of many kinds) and stuprum (usually fornication with an unmarried woman or widow) were most serious matters and, while illegal sexual relations were an implicit danger in the grave offence of abduction, kidnapping for the purpose of matrimony was the pernicious offence in raptus. Dear Author: Romance Novel Reviews, Industry News, and Commentary » Read Enough Romances and Rape Is No Longer Rape » Print
  • Various abridgements were made of it in the early middle ages, the most widely disseminated of which was the so-called Breviary of Alaric or Lex Romana Visigothorum.
  • In "Sepulchre," Mosse returned to the Languedoc of 1891 where the legend of a Visigoth tomb, a demon and a tarot pack led visitors into the mystical past. Anna Mundow reviews 'The Winter Ghosts' by 'Labyrinth' author Kate Mosse
  • The French city of Toulouse, for instance, derives its name from the Visigoth kingdom of Tolosa: The sackers of Rome were in turn rather rudely sacked by King Clovis and his Franks, and the name Toulouse is about all that is left of their kingdom. Sovereignty and the Pitiless Passage of Time
  • Following the decline of the Romans, the Vandals, Visigoths, and Byzantine Greeks successively set up their own empires.
  • These sources discovered by the Visigoths, of a sulphurated, sodic and chlorinated composition, are particularly recommended for the treatment of the rheumatologic and respiratory disorders.

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