How To Use Visibly In A Sentence
The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.
It was grey with pain, already almost a death mask and beginning to melt invisibly into the charnel of the killing field.
Ben watched her as she worked, wisps of her hair falling about her face and her tongue just visibly poking out of the corner of her mouth as she concentrated.
Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away.
Most visibly, it has transformed the British day out - you can't visit even the most two-bit town these days without tripping over its spangly new heritage centre or interactive museum.

There was a pause in which Bandeira visibly deployed his forces.
The whistle is to be blown only in the event of emergencies and must be visibly worn at all times while on the premises.
Apple packing houses currently rely on digital camera imagery to sort apples by surface appearance only, flagging those that are visibly defective or the wrong size or color.
[A] divine fire coming down visibly, with a terrible noise, from heaven upon the holy community of sisters while they were praising God in their psalmody.
Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
The order of gentlemanly parleying and brokery has, therefore, with many apprehensions of calamity, been reluctantly and tardily giving ground before something that is of a visibly underbred order.
An Inquiry Into The Nature Of Peace And The Terms Of Its Perpetuation
And, it being too visibly absurd to hold that pain or pleasure can be in an unperceiving substance, men are more easily weaned from believing the external existence of the Secondary than the Primary Qualities.
Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
Infected seed may be visibly moldy, yet others appear healthy.
Under the pale blue sky the trees seemed visibly to burgeon: yesterday's bare branches swelled into bud and would be in leaf by tomorrow.
He became visibly annoyed when we offered him what was less obeisance than he expected and demanded and soon walked off with flaming cheeks, leaving us to the ministrations of his staff.
He did not get visibly angry; apparently he was not the hot-headed type.
these organisms enter the body invisibly
He makes us see and hear with him the tens of thousands of stone cutters and the ring of their tools squaring the "setts"; and then one platoon after another stepping forward and laying down its row of stones followed by rank after rank of men with the paviours 'rammers, which rise and fall at the sweep of the band-master's rods, keeping time in a stately music as they advance; the continuous falling and crashing of the trees as other thousands of hands ply the axes along the lines, that creep, slowly, but visibly, on through the
Autobiography of Seventy Years, Vol. 1-2
You know what I mean - visibly dirty, pronouncedly smelly, and exhibiting abnormal behavior (usually attributed to drug use).
Smooth through damp hair for five minutes once a week for visibly healthier hair.
Times, Sunday Times
It was not that his spirits were visibly high -- he would never, in the concert of pleasure, touch the big drum by so much as a knuckle: he had a mortal dislike to the high, ragged note, to what he called random ravings.
The Portrait of a Lady
A modest, undemonstrative fellow, Shrubb was visibly moved as the crowd ignored the joyless Glasgow weather and offered him a spine-tingling welcome.
The behemoth of Lothian Road is visibly swinging around to meet the strictures of the stock market.
He became visibly more animated when the cameras rolled.
Even though a prickly pear may be visibly spineless, the glochids on paddles and fruits remain just as nasty.
So deeply and often invisibly is religion interwoven with tradition here, few are predicting an easy ride ahead.
He is visibly excited about the entrepreneurial activity he has found in India.
Times, Sunday Times
He swallowed visibly and closed the thick red casebook, squishing his index finger in the middle to mark his place.
When the length of the sentence was then announced, Coltman appeared visibly stunned, swaying backwards and forwards.
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The bridegroom's hand trembled visibly, and no one heard his replies.
Little Women
Joanna's family say the quiet youngster's health visibly deteriorated over a year.
Do you think your father would stop work to talk to tramps?" she demanded of the boy, who visibly quailed, even as Josiah.
By then Saddam and eleven others had been "arraigned" on television in improvised proceedings of dubious meaning, which backfired politically when Saddam visibly summoned his powers of command and began to dominate the show.
Ziad for the Defense
The mother was visibly relieved when the sergeant told her it wasn't serious.
But it is probable that the multiplication of such movements in the post-Tertiary period has rarely been so great as to produce results like those above described in Moen, for the principal movements in any given period seem to be of a more uniform kind, by which the topography of limited districts and the position of the strata are not visibly altered except in their height relatively to the sea.
The Antiquity of Man
She is now visibly pregnant, at least, with her clothes off, her belly distended with you and everything around her waist thickening.
The fantasy is unfolding almost invisibly in Prakash Talkies, a decrepit theater with shocking pistachio green walls.
Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away.
He has had the experience of growing up in public - who else has done this so visibly, as both actor and character?
Normally wolves would not be a problem, but a rabid wolf had been shot near the town only days before and we could see that our guide and the others were visibly worried about a possible attack.
In a slightly different vein, the poems also propose an invisibly humble layperson's version of an engaged Zen Buddhist life.
Bearing this in mind, special mention must be made of one visibly refreshed gentleman who was wearing a sort of tartan mannequin jacket and matching bondage trews.
The flood watch included Elvington Beck, where the water had visibly risen today since yesterday, and Stamford Bridge.
He will certainly need to better his stamina, as he visibly wilted in the later rounds, never having gone further than eight rounds in the past.
The government should make a point of winning this fight, visibly, in exemplary fashion.
Times, Sunday Times
But he visibly agonizes over the fact that, as a 56-year-old man with decades of experience, he's competing with people half his age for low-wage jobs.
Andy Kroll: Unemployed: Stranded on the Sidelines of a Jobs Crisis
Then with a jerk, she turned the whole upper part of her body toward her husband, the attorney; her hands resting in her lap, she stared clinchingly and suckingly into his face, while she herself became visibly whiter.
We shower, we smear and spray ourselves with product, we defecate into artfully designed porcelain which takes away the ordure invisibly and more or less odourlessly.
This inexpensive software has the ability to invisibly monitor and record all computer activity including keystrokes.
The author herself was visibly moved by the goodwill and support that was evidenced by the large crowd.
Beatrice's apology was more gracious, and she was visibly discomfited by her father's manner.
he was visibly upset
But her mouth twitched in reply to his cheeky grin, and she sighed, visibly letting go some of her tension.
Visibly tired, the Pontiff retired early to rest and did not take part in the candlelit procession marking the first day of the visitations.
The environment would no longer foster those wordsmiths who might otherwise have been more visibly adding words to the English word pool, or magically new-minting old ones.
The English Is Coming!
Our vantage is that of an impassive bird, flying invisibly overhead, surveying the world with stately reserve.
Ballardian » Edward Burtynsky: Oil – A Ballardian Interpretation
Very often staff feel that their colleagues have been silently and invisibly spirited out of the company in a surreptitious and clandestine manner.
Creating a clear boundary between work and home, they visibly tangibly signal status and authority.
Yesterday the twins began crunch talks and emerged visibly upset.
The Sun
Studies show that sleep deprivation visibly alters brain activity.
The Sun
One night halfway through the first year, he woke me up at half two in the morning, stoned and visibly shaken.
These are the works in the show in which she visibly takes pride in her heritage.
All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick.
Cracktastic: Wanted’s Timur Bekmambetov Directing Moby Dick | /Film
Turkey on the other hand is visibly a secular republic whose constitution derives its "sovereignty" from "the people"; that sovereignty resides with the "Turkish Nation," while legislative powers are vested in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, a unicameral parliament.
Daniel Wagner: Libya's Constitutional Moment
Walking around the city last night, several hours after the morning's atrocities, many people were visibly rattled by what had happened.
Over two sets in which he visibly unwound from a nervous start, Cullum rattled through originals, pop covers and standards, with a yearning account of Radiohead's High And Dry, and Fran Landesman's classic Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most – riskily but successfully joining intimate balladry to beatboxing – the highlights.
Hugh Laurie at Cheltenham Jazz Festival - review
He made contact with an elderly female who was walking along the roadside, visibly upset and panicking at what she described as losing her money while on the way to the bank for deposit.
News for
He was visibly, rather endearingly, anxious, shaking with nerves at some points; she kept erupting into fits of maniacal chuckles at some secret joke.
And when he changed a teston, cardecu, or any other piece of money, the changer had been more subtle than a fox if Panurge had not at every time made five or six sols (that is, some six or seven pence,) vanish away invisibly, openly, and manifestly, without making any hurt or lesion, whereof the changer should have felt nothing but the wind.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
He visibly relaxed as he heard a voice in the hallway.
But her mouth twitched in reply to his cheeky grin, and she sighed, visibly letting go some of her tension.
Public Enemy is different, visibly trying to be a distinctively Korean genre film.
When he went into retirement, he visibly withered.
The Carlyles had a miserable time quite visibly, often at odds, often snarling and snapping at one another in the presence of friends.
Like the whole of the Following is gradually...' Doc was visibly unravelling.
As the police visibly tighten the noose around the mansion, the guerrillas respond with rhetoric and warning bursts of gunfire.
The Princess, visibly moved, kept her head bowed during the ceremony.
Only seven individuals appeared unplucked, with all feather tracts visibly intact.
Thank you for so boldly and visibly injecting into our politics the phrase "leading from behind.
The Full Feed from
She was not present when Zabdas sought the qadi soon after his conversion; but in view of what was overheard and passed on, and what happened later, eventually she believed she could reconstruct it almost as well as if she had been invisibly listening.
The Boat of a Million Years
Smooth through damp hair for five minutes once a week for visibly healthier hair.
Times, Sunday Times
I have, as a great modern said, seen too many ghosts to believe in them, so betook myself seriously to my repose, lulled by the wind rustling among the lime-trees, the branches of which chequered the moonlight which fell on the floor through the diamonded casement, when, behold, a darker shadow interposed itself, and I beheld visibly on the floor of the apartment —
The Fortunes of Nigel
In terms of the ornaments of the liturgy, sometimes the altar is set up in a way that is untidy, such as crooked candles that could easily be straightened or unevenly spaced candlesticks that a few more minutes of preparation could rectify; unkempt vestments, altar linens, cassocks and surplices for servers are sometimes also in evidence, as are servers visibly wearing informal clothing beneath their cassock.
Ars Celebrandi as it relates to the Usus Antiquior
Professional boxing has remained in denial that the loss of brainpower that so visibly and pitiably afflicts the boxer has nothing to do with the punches he traded for glory and profit for so long.
The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.
As a politically aware intersexual, I felt it was my duty to be as brazenly androgynous, as visibly hermaphroditic as possible.
For the next two nights, Kimmel was visibly shaken and uncomfortable.
A publicist arrives to announce Drew is visibly shaken.
And these are our thoughts concerning such churches as are openly and visibly apostatical.
A Discourse concerning Evangelical Love, Church Peace, and Unity
This is a king visibly burdened by the weight of his crown, who evokes real pathos.
Times, Sunday Times
John McCain is visibly uncomfortable talking about social issues, and when pressed on them, tends to veer between conservatism-in-a-can boilerplate (“marriage is a unique institution in our society and we have to protect it”) and a kind of jokey admission that he is giving you talking points.
McCain’s Anti-Social Conservatism - Swampland -
This is a king visibly burdened by the weight of his crown, who evokes real pathos.
Times, Sunday Times
He had learnt how to melt invisibly into the background.
ROCKFORD - Muslims have been a part of the Rockford community for at least 20 years, but they haven't had a prominent physical structure on the city's landscape that visibly symbolizes their presence.
The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.
Clad in a casual suit, he was visibly embarrassed by the other boy's looks and hid his face behind a book.
Whether they were struck with awe by the unaccustomed majesty of my appearance in brand-new wig, bands, &c., in which I am fresh as a daisy, and fine as a carrot fresh scraped, or whether they simply did not recognise me in the disguisement of such toggeries, I am not to decide -- but they passed by without responding visibly to my salutations.
Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
The government should make a point of winning this fight, visibly, in exemplary fashion.
Times, Sunday Times
Everyone was running in or out, and the students who'd managed to sneak in or had avoided being kicked out were visibly shaken.
My asthmatical disorder. which had not given me much disturbance since I left Boulogne, became now very troublesome, attended with fever, cough spitting, and lowness of spirits; and I wasted visibly every day.
Travels through France and Italy
And everywhere, opportunistic alliances between the Maoists and 'overground' political parties and entities are in place, most visibly around each electoral exercise, but in a constant intercourse at all times.
Callous about Maoist terror
I shrunk visibly deeper into my seat on the overstuffed couch.
She was shivering, visibly, as though her ability to withstand the elements had suddenly deserted her.
Suddenly the bird clearly spotted something and visibly stiffened.
Times, Sunday Times
She visibly shrank in the face of a barrage of baritone braying, her voice faltering and fading as she gamely struggled on.
Times, Sunday Times
And then Catherine was looking at an image of a two-car smashup in front of the exit ramp on Carson Street, the traffic on Main visibly clotted around the vehicles.
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Skin Deep
Mr Leslie looked visibly nervous during the counts and paced up and down.
The difference in the polarization of water inside the channel is also visibly the same as in the previously described unfrozen case.
As Family head Doug Coe has noted, invisibility translates to influence wielded, well, invisibly.
Bruce Wilson: 87.5% of "Family" & DLC Affiliated Senate Democrats Voted Yes on FISA
Under him, the country visibly turned into a narco-state with organised criminal gangs.
The situation was defused by quick-thinking American officers who had their men take a knee, visibly disarm, and then back off slowly.
Alex was livid, visibly shaking with anger and terror.
Nicole followed my gaze, and I saw her visibly stiffen at the sight of her sister.
What would happen to a literary form like the novel if it was invisibly hollowed out rather than brilliantly exploded?
The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.
Criminals may be using the worm's 'botnet' to drain money invisibly from international bank accounts.
Times, Sunday Times
Astonishment, pleasure, hope, and shame, took alternate rapid possession of her mind; but the last sensation was the first that visibly operated, and she snatched her hand involuntarily from the Major.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
The exasperations of the war, and the still more acrimonious exasperations of the period of the political reconstruction and of the organization of northern missions at the South, gendered strifes that still delay the redintegration which is so visibly future of both of these divided denominations.
A History of American Christianity
The scenes on the south wall concern Christ's infancy, in the upper register the Annunciation, the Visitation, and the Flight into Egypt, and less visibly in the lower register, the Journey of the Magi and the Presentation in the Temple.
Of those that died, only one was visibly ill before disappearance, three were suspected to have been lost during intergroup encounters, one was killed by a warthog, and six were preyed upon by marabou storks.
Visibly to all persons he is of the offal of Creation; but he carries money in his purse, due lacker on his dog-visage, and it is believed will not steal spoons.
Past and Present
The kayaker pulled the visibly distraught and injured dog to safety.
Kayak Fisherman Rescues Dog: Bizarre End To Grisly Tale (VIDEO)
Then, his shoulders visibly drooping, he gets out his phone to call his wife.
Times, Sunday Times
As an additional means of secrecy, the messages may be transmitted invisibly, by moistening the paper with diluted muriatic acid alone, the writing being rendered legible by a solution of prussiate of potass.
The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
My feet and legs are back to normal, and my tummy is deflating visibly.
This showing of contempt had an obvious effect on Edwards, who was visibly shaken.
It is enough to say that Hamilton represents himself as by no means an ardent nympholept, or even as flattered by demi-goddess-like advances, which are of the most obliging description; and that the lady has not only to make fuller and fuller revelations of her beauty, but at last to exert her supernatural power to some extent in order to carry the recreant into her "cool grot," not, indeed, under water, but invisibly situated on land.
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
Of course, this statement has to be explained, since it is untrue if we understand distance in the usual way: the edges of these pentagons are visibly not straight and do not have the same length.
And one has to wonder, too, whether anybody who really was streetwise would get into a car so visibly marked.
Visibly struggling to control himself, he finally calmed down somewhat and began to pace.
Dosed with morphine and visibly in pain, Edwards was able to give only a limp smile and a thumbs up.
Among my own dinner-party companions the bitchery has centred on Linda's body language when she exited the jungle - how she seemed to visibly recoil from her husband, then rushed to cuddle her daughter.
Representatives of museums - notably the Victoria and Albert - visibly quailed under the audience's onslaught.
It bubbled and fizzed visibly through the sides.
Christa and John Hale visibly fill with pride as they describe how they have transformed their beloved Highland home from a dilapidated wreck into a rural idyll.
He had learnt how to melt invisibly into the background.
She was visibly shocked by the conditions she witnessed in the refugee camp.
At our first budget meeting, Richard was visibly surprised by what he would later describe, diplomatically, as the "unorthodoxy" of our arrangement with our builders.
Danielle Crittenden: The Reno: I Like How He Wields a Sledgehammer
Their rather heavy faces brightened visibly.
Each manicurist should have a state - issued cosmetology license that is current and visibly displayed.
I know in Va it must be visibly posted no trespassing from the stream.
Can a land owner force you out of a public stream?
Smooth through damp hair for five minutes once a week for visibly healthier hair.
Times, Sunday Times
And the goal (no matter how much luck played its part), seemed to lift a huge weight off the white shirted players, as they visibly improved for the remaining half hour of football.
He looked genuinely confused for a moment, and then visibly shook himself.
The cracks in the moral edifice are visibly growing: people are beginning to opt out of its orthodoxies.
He was visibly taken aback by the idea of having to go and do this, but he was willing to give it a go.
POSITIVELY FEARLESS: Breaking free of the fears that hold you back
Respondents expressed grievances against the government for clawing back what they viewed as an excessive and regressive tax on tobacco products and for their failure to redirect this income visibly towards those in need.
When he walked through the door he looked visibly shocked.
The Sun
She hits downward, a jolt searing through my shoulder blade, I sag visibly.
At the house, every light was burning and Julia was almost immediately at the door to meet them, visibly shaken by her husband's absence.
Unlike other systems that stroppily tell you to make a U-turn, it calmly and almost invisibly replots the route.
As a result of this dialectic, social policy must become more visibly coercive in providing new forms of control over the working class, in the context of a growing chasm between the reserve army and surplus population.
The child seemed nervous and visibly shaken.
She was visibly shocked by the conditions she witnessed in the refugee camp.
And when it comes to defining the term “creationism”, since you guys are the ones doing the conflating of ID and creationism, it’s ~~you guys~~ whose inability to define creationism in a standardized way comes back to haunt you, and visibly disembowel your attempts at such conflation.
Yet more desperation at the DI - The Panda's Thumb
The respect he’s merited from the Pentagon and from his commanders — particularly Gen. David Petraeus and Gen. Ray Odierno — is both commensurate with the steps he’s taken to visibly support them, and the result of being a reality-based man in a fantasy-based administration.
But the more visibly available noncandidate candidate is Cuomo.
Now It's 'Don Quixote' Cuomo
In a world bombarded with images of perfection, these films tell the stories of those who were born visibly imperfect.
He looked at me, and even though he smiled, I could see his posture visibly stiffen.
Suffice it to contend that about thirty minutes in to a movie a entire assembly was visibly activated as well as energized by this stone-cold classic-for-eternity.
Archive 2009-11-01
You get visibly upset when you don't get your way at meetings and storm out slamming the door behind you.
Jane and Denise are visibly fizzing over with excitement about their new career.
Not surprisingly, it was the leader visibly inspiring his troops to take on armies who won the admiration of young men eager for action.
Times, Sunday Times
Even as he watched, she wiped a tear from her cheek, and visibly struggled to compose herself.
Lyrical and elegant a prose stylist as he was, he never compromised the rigorous precision of his observations; he saw clearly, and described vividly what he saw, from the movement of raindrops down a window ( "the window screen, like a sampler half-stitched, or a crossword puzzle invisibly solved, was inlaid erratically with minute, translucent tesserae of rain") to the effects of the '70s energy crisis on the lives of average Americans.
The Alchemist of the Mundane
But it was only on the final songs that audience and artist visibly succumbed to tiredness.
Times, Sunday Times
Visibly tired after being on the ice for 1 1/2 minutes of a power play, Malkin swooped in from center ice after two Flyers collided in their own end, grabbed the puck and beat goalie Martin Biron cleanly on a wrist shot.
He was visibly angry as he demanded an end to the standoff.
The Sun
A thin coil of smoke rose almost invisibly into the sharp, bright sky.
A more natural line evolved as bathing suit and fabric technology was improved to push, pull and lift invisibly.
Yesterday the twins began crunch talks and emerged visibly upset.
The Sun
My temples are thumping, my pulse is racing, and I'm starting to shake, visibly.
The passengers were visibly wilting with the heat and movement of the bus.
The special liposome complex improves its litheness and elasticity and visibly softens your skin.
The incident had left him visibly angry and upset.
While they both appeared with wide grins and clear good humor on Monday, both were visibly wearied by the repeated questions about U.S.-German ties.
I use these ends to sew the corners more securely by invisibly tacking them down to the coat.
When a company or a sector is visibly staggering it is just a matter of choosing who to push off the sledge first.
Times, Sunday Times
Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away.
He did not get visibly angry; apparently he was not the hot-headed type.
She was extremely distressed, shaking, visibly shaking, very upset.
The bridegroom's hand trembled visibly, and no one heard his replies.
Little Women
All that maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy me, are visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Barack Obama.
Ferraro Resigns From The Clinton Campaign
Nevertheless, we were glad that it was over, for we were tired of stopping day after day to dry the bales and grease the tools and ironware, and of seeing all things of cloth and leather rot visibly before our eyes.
How I Found Livingstone
She forced herself not to react visibly, but she bristled despite her efforts.
The spherically symmetrical zygote then selects and elaborates an axis, visibly breaking symmetry by producing a rhizoidal bulge at about 10 h after fertilization.
She palpitates visibly, and retires to the photocopier.
Not a word was spoken throughout with many visibly shaken faces along the route.
They sing a catch, the tune of which Ariel invisibly plays on a tabor and pipe.
A man who controls 100 people with a single imperious gesture is visibly demonstrating what power really means.
In other words, any derivative work cleft from the rib of Facebook must visibly bear the mark of the “Initial Developer”, namely, Facebook, Inc., and include the following:
Parsing the “open” in Facebook’s “fbOpen” platform | FactoryCity
She jumped visibly at his wolf whistle.
To be sure, the doors and windows of the nearer houses were visibly netted against mosquitoes and that was something, but even that did not begin to be noticeable till we were drawing near the Sierra Morena.
Familiar Spanish Travels
The wolf that followed him snarled visibly, his teeth bared in their direction as he paused a moment before passing beyond the door.
As the minutes of silence and confusion unfolded, the crush eased and a visibly shaken band were allowed back onstage.
A fine mist, the etherealized essence of the fog, hung visibly in the wide and rather empty space of the drawing – room, all silver where the candles were grouped on the tea – table, and ruddy again in the firelight.
Night and Day, by Virginia Woolf
Then, his shoulders visibly drooping, he gets out his phone to call his wife.
Times, Sunday Times
With the political forecast comparatively sunny recently, things are visibly on the up - the grand old city centre cleaned out and dressed up to receive the growing surge of investors, visitors and weekending hedonists.
People roamed the streets, drove their cars, popped into a cafe for a coffee - nothing visibly untoward or unusual.
These groups of people were often visibly disadvantaged, lacking things that we in California, and even in Bogotá, could take for granted—like a doctor to treat a bad earache.
The English Is Coming!