How To Use Vise In A Sentence
We stood our ground, revised the dummy a couple of times and appointed a printer.
When the new student funding system was devised in 2010 the figure was just 28%.
Times, Sunday Times
The professor improvised a poem in the class.
The baronetage of Nova Scotia was devised in 1624 as a means of promoting the "plantation" of that province, and James announced his intention of creating a hundred baronets, each of whom was to support six colonists for two years (or pay 2000 marks in lieu thereof) and also to pay 1000 marks to
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
The two-hour show was televised on the national network so the whole country could watch.

I advise you to own up at once.
His careers adviser suggested he might make a good bus conductor.
Times, Sunday Times
He advised people against indulging in backbiting.
A family law barrister close to the Crikey crew advises that many men attempt to talk down their earning capacity when they are negotiating settlements with former wives.
So in offering prayers for downtrodden races, I would advise you not to overlook the downtrodden tourist.
She also advised them to avoid characters who worked in town planning, civil engineering or dentistry.
Times, Sunday Times
He could hardly be said to have "devised a feasible method for regular use.
FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
You are also advised to carry some rainwear, just in case.
We have devised a functional approach to clone genes involved in the regulation of cell growth and senescence.
In the twelfth century the canon lawyers devised an elaborate, and comparatively humane, legal framework for poor relief.
One such is the following chart, which can be used to devise typical bureaucratic phrases that sound impressive but mean nothing.
Party conferences, like American party conventions, have increasingly become stage-managed for the televised projection of the positive party image and strong leadership.
An inventor in Finland has devised a new method of keeping dogs safe from wolves: little protective vests.
Times, Sunday Times
And therefore (quod iterum moneo, licet nauseam paret lectori, malo decem potius verba, decies repetita licet abundare, quam unum desiderari) I would advise him that is actually melancholy not to read this tract of Symptoms, lest he disquiet or make himself for a time worse, and more melancholy than he was before.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Moving Houses was commissioned by the Kronos Quartet, but here it is played (in a revised version) by the frumpily named Ethel.
Their lawyers advised them that they might be sued by older workers not allowed to work on.
Times, Sunday Times
Where the lord of the manor had a demesne farm, the court appointed a reeve to supervise the farming activities, using labour services and collecting rents.
Contact Shelter who advise anyone worried about being made homeless ( shelter.
The Sun
He replied, “I know not; but thou art better able to judge, being acquainted with the ways of thy man, more by token that thou art one of the sharpest-witted of women and past mistress of devices such as devise that whereof fail the wise.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Ten of the unrevised pieces, published between 1995-98, were sufficiently up-to-date when the book went to press.
In this paper , the framework of network intrusion detection technology Based unsupervised outlier detection is discussed.
They called C4, which is Mexico's emergency dispatch system and advised them that they had been lost for two days, were stranded, dehydrated, and were going to light a signal fire to attempt to get some help," said Cal Fire spokesperson Roxanne Provaznik.
Knowledge is Power
There are no reserved seats, so it is a case of first come first served and everyone is advised to come early to avoid disappointment.
The exchange rate between US dollar and Tajik somonis will be advised on request for purpose of payment for obtaining bidding documents.
The study, which was ordered by influential US military adviser Andrew Marshall, suggests that climate change should become an issue of national security rather than just a scientific discussion.
The figure was accompanied by an upwardly revised 5.4 per cent increase in November.
Times, Sunday Times
He advises nursing parents to do soft massages of the tummy as a way of soothing the baby.
To circumvent this problem, I have devised a system of price bands.
The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
We employ an expert to advise on new technology.
Gore then devised a plan to burn down the house, destroying any forensic evidence he might have left behind.
Marine pilots were advised to drop warning messages on the towns or villages concerned, allowing civilians time to get away.
Warfare in the Twentieth Century
Suisse, by claiming they devised structures that helped him to hide losses.
Times, Sunday Times
Assuming of course (4) that Germany, which wants to revise the Lisbon Treaty to apply the new rules EU-wide, and France, which wants nothing to do with a re-opening of the Treaty and therefore wants the fines to apply only in euroland, can resolve their differences.
Euroland Should Prepare for More Ups and Downs in Its Yo-Yo Economy
Fifteen years later he expanded and revised, not always accurately, his first brief report on the cataract.
More alarming -- not to mention revolting -- than any revelation, which has come out thus far about Bachmann, Kennedy once commented to Democratic political adviser Bobby Baker, "You know, I get a migraine headache if I don't get a strange piece of ass every day" see endnote 54.
Lara M. Brown, Ph.D.: Michele Bachmann and Migraines: Presidential Disqualifier or Sexism?
This multiplicity of perspectives is necessary to my critique of the masculinist models of critical pedagogy and is an important step toward a revised critical-feminist praxis.
He has acted as one of the campaign's unofficial advisers, according to an insider.
Times, Sunday Times
Doherty took a 6-2 lead last night, compiling a 107 break in the second frame but Dale hit the highest break of the televised stages with a 140 in the seventh frame.
And do not forget that Ferry's bandmate Brian Eno is Nick Clegg's youth affairs adviser.
Archive 2008-11-01
The big banks argue that the advisers are walking a fine line.
Times, Sunday Times
Targeting pod-equipped aircraft can make pre-raid surveillance videos, check for improvised explosive devices (IEDs), track targets such as gunmen or vehicles, and send information to ground units.
Don't be fooled by English English," advised Columbia: "the accent is like a mouthful of pudding, and when they mean to say the weather is bad they say it is 'nawsty;' they call their rubbers 'galoshes,' their dépôts 'stations,' and when they start on a journey they get their
Lippincott's Magazine, November 1885
What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results.
Coyote Blog » 2009 » November
He lived in the dorm as a resident adviser.
I am always tempted to revise more for my stronger topics.
In addition, packing sheet also revised today for the button placement, pls refer to attached revised tech pack.
Longer working hours have combined with security fears which have made many parents reluctant to let children play unsupervised in the garden or visit public places without a harness.
She thinks the world of her adviser
The clinician must be well-attuned to the patient when the patient may be in the process of reconstructing schemas, thinking dialectically, recognizing paradox and generating a revised life narrative.
One such is the following chart, which can be used to devise typical bureaucratic phrases that sound impressive but mean nothing.
None of this will diminish the short-term elation that Romney's advisers feel.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
My sister, indolent and unimaginative as she was, had visions of endless touch-typing speed trials supervised by austere women under flickering striplights.
A.R. So for new actors coming into the business of acting what do you advise as the best possible course of action?
He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidise.
Still and all, when I say there is something "insidious" about the taste of Dutch Coca-Cola she hs to ask what insidious means -- she knows what it means, but she just has to check, because she doesn't understand why I would choose such a word -- I revised to "malevolent" -- to describe such a benign thing.
Evolver Diary Entry
The party's rank and file are beginning to question the prime minister's choice of advisers.
The consumer is advised to check this with the butcher to determine if the meat has been koshered.
At night, they advised us to put on our under-bungalow lights and wait for the floorshow of ravenous and strange-looking fish gobbling up plankton just beneath us.
The material which eventually made it into Mencken's second chrestomathy was selected, revised, and annotated by Mencken himself.
In the next few days we shall see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his ill-advised remarks.
One tracker can supervise the simultaneous downloads of multiple files.
These and other functions not performed by doctors are carried out by people trained or supervised by doctors, the lawsuit alleges.
Lord Allen may have been wrong in his head, or ill-advised, or foolishly over-zealous, but his ill-tempered upbraiding of the Dublin Corporation for what he called their treasonable extravagance in thus honouring Swift, whom he deemed an enemy of the King, was the act of a fool.
The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. - Volume 07 Historical and Political Tracts-Irish
A simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.
It may be that in the faint candle light the improvised cook of the party ebonizes the flapjacks and puts mourning edges on the bacon.
We used ipe wood strips as the skin of the structure, the ipe wood skin is devised as a double wall system, in which horizontal ipe strips are placed over vertical, furring strips.
The Choy Residence by Terry & Terry Architecture
The broker advised me on how to invest my money.
It's all well and good for some to say that it's wrong for children to be advised to hit back, but I'm afraid I'd rather my son or daughter protected themselves against a pasting from a bully rather than wait for a teacher to come to their aid.
Crib sheet 19.10.10
Any scholar wishing to understand the future lawmaking challenges facing this African state would be well-advised to read this book.
I would advise her to do history, geography and a science.
Times, Sunday Times
BAYTRIL 4 arthiritis in jts 4 leo geck & after 2nd day of dose has not mov'd any advise?
Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
He had twice been riding in an armoured vehicle that struck an improvised explosive device, and was injured once in friendly fire.
Times, Sunday Times
Although he apparently waited for confirmation from his bank that the cheque had cleared before making the payments, he was subsequently advised that the cheque was fraudulent and had been dishonoured.
He has roughed out the article,but he has still to revise it.
Your pharmacist can advise you on simple medicines and/or gripe water that will help prevent colic.
It is not advisable to let young children out at night and they should always be supervised whenever possible.
On the page and on the screen, "Kick-Ass" riffs on the wish-fulfillment afforded by tales of derring-do and the ill-advisedness of taking on the task in real life.
Even back then, local foresters advised the couple on which species to replant.
The downscale springs are marvelously unsupervised, especially at night.
To deepen his predicament, because he is single, his advisers and confidants are generally undomesticated guys just like him.
Where Have The Good Men Gone?
The authority will regulate and supervise the operations of non-banking financial institutions in the country.
The common thread in both situations is the communication of information in confidence to an adviser or therapeutic counsellor.
But oft while she taketh avisement of flight, ere she taketh her flight, an arrow flieth through her body, and therefore she faileth of her purpose, as Gregory saith.
Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus
Don't try to be a counsellor or adviser within the family.
The Sun
This is a critical problem for teachers, advisory teachers, advisers and educational psychologists to resolve.
It advises salesmen to talk round reluctant customers over a cup of tea.
The committee advises the media on whether publication of a story risks endangering national security.
Times, Sunday Times
Embalmers are advised of the protective clothing required both for handling the chemicals and the deceased persons themselves.
It's called a butterwort, and it always grows in boggy places; I wouldn't advise you to go after one again without asking father first.
Milly and Olly
Gamaliel defined no more than the beginnings and ends of blessings, leaving the prayer leader or individual worshipper to improvise on the set theme.
He was an outstanding engineer who advised on building windmills, locks and ports.
Acertified crop adviser and agronomist looks for weeds resistant to glyphosate.
Round-Up Resistant Weeds Pose a Threat to Farmers | Impact Lab
He was thirty years in Admiralty, all through the period of the Napoleonic War, and he devised the new doctrine, really based on the old rule of 1745, known as "Continuous Voyage".
The Freedom of the Seas
Population is extrapolated using the revised UN estimates, which give a figure of 1, 272.2 million;
In recent years, inheritance law has been revised to allow women to inherit more easily.
Judge Porteous also engaged in corrupt conduct after the Lifemark v. Liljeberg bench trial, and while he had the case under advisement, in that he solicited and accepted things of value from both Amato and his law partner Creely, including a payment of thousands of dollars in cash.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Judge Thomas Porteous Impeached by U.S. House of Representatives,”
I'd advise you to reserve judgment .
Your doctor will assess you, and advise the best course of treatment to deal with the problem.
It is a safe bet that it will be revised upwards again.
Times, Sunday Times
Now, 11 years later, he was the Chief Commissioner of the hill State of Manipur, and had willy-nilly to depute election officers and to supervise the polling and the counting.
I would advise against riding the moped without testing the brakes first.
Use the term advisedly, as some find it an offensive allusion to the disabled.
Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
Drogo, ever the clever Dothraki punster, says that he'll give Viserys "a golden crown that men shall tremble to behold" and then coronates the would-be king by pouring molten gold over his head.
Game of Thrones Postmortem: Harry Lloyd on Viserys' Golden Crown
Contact Dr. Gray about academic advisement.
Pianist Kenny Werner, bassist Greg Cohen and drummer Joey Baron,are incredibly gifted jazz improvisers who are no less brilliant as klezmer musicians.
Subsidies could be tailored, for example, to encourage more small local abattoirs and food shops or to incentivise organic farming.
And when it comes to yearly televised fluff (that is, if we have to choose one), there are Oscar people and there are Super Bowl people.
Yet we would be ill-advised to dismiss any of them.
Like many financial advisers, he has a strong entrepreneurial streak and pursues his ideas with the eye-popping zeal of a convert to a new religion.
With the other he seized the top of a wooden packing-box, and holding this in front of his chest and abdomen as a Kaffir would hold his pavise, or rawhide shield, to ward off a thrust from an assagai, he walked straight toward his adversary.
With Sabre and Scalpel. The Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon
Ordered by Sennett to come up with a more workable screen image, Chaplin improvised an outfit consisting of a too-small coat, too-large pants, floppy shoes, and a battered derby.
Five People Born on April 16 | myFiveBest
He continues to serve as a senior adviser to the Ministry of the Interior.
In theory, but seldom in practice, their supposedly superior knowledge gave them a monopoly over the practice of physic and the authority to supervise the work of surgeons.
How might we devise a system that offers students a second chance but that doesn't obfuscate reality or entice students to drop out?
The Clinton Center has written (and reportedly succeeded) to pressure and influence (intimidate) ABC to "revise" the series.
In New Letter, Clinton's Lawyers Demand ABC Yank Film
Financial advisers worth their salt will customize a plan to suit the individual customer.
If he were a teacher, and not a senior White House adviser and the towering former chairman of the Federal Reserve, he says, he would have given the new rules just an ordinary B -- not even a B-plus.
Paul Volcker Gives Financial Reform Bill 'B Minus,' Regrets Past Silence On Deregulation
It is strongly advised that you take out some form of medical insurance.
A residents' petition called for the venture to be shelved until a more suitable access route was devised.
The burden must rest, however, upon the partially improvised text.
Various strategies are devised to arrest or fragment its ongoingness, and to retrieve or redeem moments that seem to stand outside time or otherwise defy it.
“Indeed, Robin, I’ll be better advised before I gie it back to you; it is a wanchancy weapon in a Highlandman’s hand, and I am thinking you will be about some harns-breaking.”
Chronicles of the Canongate
I shall act as you advise.
Herbert would surely advise her how to approach the bank.
I would advise against choosing a hypnotherapist who is anxious from the outset to charge you for a complete course of treatment.
Is a party more aggrieved by the fact that their grief, loss and suffering is televised around the world?
The differences may be in features, price, functionality, or anything else human ingenuity can devise. The goal in economic terms is to make a set of similar goods less substitutable for each other.
He is my legal adviser.
She teaches how to continue with discretion what is thoughtlessly undertaken; she inclines the mind to cleave steadfastly to what was imposed upon it by authority; and imparts to a choice which, though rash at the time, is now irrevocable, all the sanctity, all the advisedness, and, let us say it boldly, all the cheerfulness of a lawful calling.
Chapter X
If the world again sinks into the ruins of some ideological framework this history will have been written in vain and later people will revise it for themselves.
Nobel Lecture - Literature 2000
The president-elect is motorcading from one urgent meeting to another, creating new posts - including an efficiency adviser - to get it all under control.
Washington is Crisis City again
It provides the foundation to supervise and diagnose the cracks of rotor blade.
University presses still compete for many monographs, including revised dissertations, and, contrary to this belief, they pay advances for a significant number of them.
They will be able to pay the adviser from the sale proceeds rather than up front.
Times, Sunday Times
It has also been used in Iraq in improvised explosive devices.
Times, Sunday Times
Coordinate with all departments to advise line management and associates on all Human Resources matters.
Our reservations staff will advise on when this option is available.
The deal will eliminate heavy intercontinental missiles and multiple-warhead missiles, the most devastating weapons mankind has ever devised.
The doctor advised a complete rest.
As I say, regardless of what was contained in the Revised Criminal Code, as usual, the yeas would easily outnumber the nays at the end of the day.
Agree with the vendors the timetable of events following the meeting and the deadline for the revised firm offers.
In 1937 he was seconded to the Royal Canadian Air Force in Ottawa as air armament adviser.
The President, backed by trusted advisers, some of them dyed-in-the-wool oilmen, called immediately for increased energy production.
The exterior differences were minimal, amounting to some new alloys and revised indicator lamp housings.
Any chance at all that you'll get around to reporting that Obama will televise directly into the classrooms next Tuesday and that the government is suggesting that teachers work with students to write out how they can "help the President".
Obama to address joint session of Congress next week
Everyone turned to see who had spoken, and there in the corner stood an elderly courtier, one of the king's most trusted advisers.
She advises which way we should jump, and almost invariably goes the American way, the argument generally boiling down to the fact that there are more Americans than Poms.
The president's national security adviser, a position unforeseen in 1947, has become central to national policymaking.
We see them playing to throngs of hundreds in big clubs and to a handful of dutiful applauders in improvised performance spaces.
He even abolished the system whereby the police controlled prisoners once they were released and introduced what we call the probation system where an independent probation service, a non-police service, supervises the prisoners.
Churchill: A Life
A host of countermeasures have been devised and a few tried, such as exercise bikes and treadmills to which crew members are strapped.
One of the reasons the room was sought after by him was that he had been advised by his doctors to spend regular periods in the curative field of amber.
Has there been any attempt on the part of the drag or bloodhound to devise a new form of the sport that might suit people that are not used to hunting in any way?
The central doorway must have been of still greater beauty; but the whole of the upper part of it is hidden by the porch and parvise inserted beneath the central arch.
The Cathedral Church of Peterborough A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
Here an officer and party were posted to supervise the movements of the wounded, who, according to the nature of their wounds, either as walking wounded or in horsed ambulances, were directed to the A.D.S. at Annequin, where Major C. P.
War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps
Shelley was advised that the Italian climate would rejuvenate him.
Mr Hombach is a former close adviser to Gerhard Schro der, who was elected chancellor in October 1998.
Stacy Sullivan, another counterterrorism adviser with Human Rights Watch, said the Military Commissions Act is unclear on what happens if a guilty plea is allegedly coerced from a detainee.
Complete Disorder | ATTACKERMAN
Each teacher also serves as an adviser for a small group of teenagers from the time they enter the program until graduation.
The charity advises all people looking at their options to seek independent advice.
Times, Sunday Times
I think that the art of a storyteller is to take the story and improvise on it.
I cannot advise what you call a fright, and what might be a terrible thing.
Dona Perfecta
You are ready and able to recognise your untapped potential and devise a step-by-step plan to use it.
The Sun
We're getting a reprieve from inflation," said Edward Yardeni, president and chief investment strategist at Yardeni Research Inc. in New York, who will speak at the conference and who devised the term "bond vigilantes" to describe the power financial markets can wield over governments. -- Top News
Such duties would be set out in a statute and reinforced by a revised oath of office.
Times, Sunday Times
The role is usually taken by a lay person who advises litigants acting on their own.
Times, Sunday Times
The threshold amount is based on a definition developed by the Social Security Administration in 1964 and revised in 1969 and 1981 by interagency committees.
The Population of the United States
A few months before the Great Fire of London, in which old St. Paul's was consumed with its parvise and pillars, Dugdale wrote: "At St. Paul's each lawyer and serjeant at his pillar heard his client's cause and took notes thereof upon his knee, as they do at Guildhall at this day.
The Customs of Old England
DBN in an unsupervised manner and fine tuned it with backpropagation.
Planet Lisp
Paradiso's team also devised a shoe that could generate a few milliwatts of electricity with each footfall.
She advises that when he gets to Ithaca he should stay one night with the swineherd.
He gave me several chances to quit - "‘Do you give yet?" - but I flailed about, trying desperately to get out of his viselike grip.
I advised Spry to mount a SATYR operation, and demonstrated the device to him.
More happily, the "stolen children"—a narrative element Ms. Tharp devised to give her take on MacDonald's tale further dance opportunities—are outfitted winningly in togs that might be off the rack of a local boutique.
The Kids Are All Right
The American mezzo has devised an enterprising programme for her solo debut.
Times, Sunday Times
Gunner Oke at the breach, and advised him to exhibit a dose of black-currant wine before turning in (as a specific against a chill in the extremities), was proceeding leisurably to cut himself a quid of tobacco when he became aware of two workmen -- carpenters they appeared to be in the dim light -- approaching the entry.
Merry-Garden and Other Stories
Sixteen standing commissions were also created to advise on domestic and foreign affairs.
In emergency cases, nurses can advise staff remotely on how to treat patients before an ambulance arrives.
Times, Sunday Times
Doctors prescribed sedatives, painkillers and rest, and advised sufferers to pull themselves together.
At The Citadel, first-year students, called knobs, are closely supervised every waking minute.
Failing at FAIRNESS
If his worship uses this form of procedure often, I advise him to get another clerk, that's all, for I shall certainly demit. ''
Rob Roy
But would these sprightly veterans have been better advised to avoid the stresses and strains of full-time toil in old age?
The bodies of guards and servitors were heaped behind improvised barricades of furniture and demounted doors.
The Golden Torc
Campaign advisers say they hope a withdrawal would take place within two years.
Times, Sunday Times
Nine months later - or two hours in TV drama time - she was back on the diving board, with her dreams revised and a doting dad holding the baby by the poolside, minutes after a snottery-nosed declaration that he and his gymslip mum were about to ruin each other's lives by staying together.
The Daily Record - Home
You may augment the number of their advisers.
Thinking the Unthinkable
This fight over financial advisers might determine which firm wins online brokerage supremacy.
Only last week the airline averted what would have been the first strike by its pilots in its history after a revised pay offer was accepted.
Times, Sunday Times
I am also advised by officials that there was one particular design fault in one of the windows of the cells.
It is the respondent mother's position that she was coerced into accepting the revised support.
Menander was a skilful constructor of plots, an imaginative deviser of situations, and a master of variety and suspense.
After the War, Pa resumed his legal studies at Melbourne, obtaining in record time the truncated LL.B. that was devised for ex-servicemen.
Archive 2009-01-01
In August ministers unveiled plans to fine accountants and financial advisers who enable tax avoidance up to 100 per cent of the tax avoided.
Times, Sunday Times
Second, many advisers are still intent on chasing high returns.
At every stage of his political life, he has had exceptionally close advisers whose judgment he respected and who revered him.