How To Use Viscosity In A Sentence
Synlube is far too light in viscosity, and no longer in production.
Technical Q&A with Lennard Zinn: Safe crank removal?
Salvia not only restores normal microcirculation, but normalizes blood viscosity from other factors, as well.
He and Gross also want to find other genes involved in fruit softening in hopes of further improving firmness or viscosity.
If viscosity is artificially added in an inviscid model, it has only a small effect on performance.
Even when, by the elasticity of the flesh, that cavity closed up some, it closed up on organs that had been gelatinized, literally turned to viscosity.
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Solids, liquids and gases are ideal behaviours characterised by properties such as compressibility, viscosity, elasticity, strength and hardness.
Archive 2005-09-01
Since the bearings and piston rings are lubricated predominantly in the hydrodynamic regime, a lubricant with a lower viscosity should lead to a thinner oil film and thus lower friction.
The model makes it possible to calculate the macroscopic behaviors of the two-fluid flow, such as effective pressure, effective viscosity and shear viscosity of particle phase.
Now the unforced viscous, incompressible NS equations are not the equations that describe the climate, but the body of work does indicate that there is a vast mathematical difference between the inviscid and viscous cases, and the impact of using an incorrect kind or size of viscosity in an attempt to compute the continuum solution with the correct kind and size of kinematic viscosity.
Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
Samples were sonicated for 5 sec four times to shear genomic DNA and reduce viscosity.
The system accurately meters low - to high-viscosity two-component materials such as epoxies, urethanes, silicones and acrylics supplied by pumps or pressure tanks.
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The viscosity of fuel decreases as the fuel temperature increases, thus decreasing the fuel's ability to lubricate the injection system and increasing users' dependence on lubricious surface films to control component wear.
Though the depression solitons were eventually damped by viscosity, they maintained the shape and velocity required by the standard soliton equations as they traveled across the channel.
These systems are called thixotropic and are characterized by a difference in viscosity, depending on the speed at which the shear force is applied.
The composition and viscosity properties of biodegradable two gasoline engine oils were investigated.
No, it had been rather haphazardly portioned with seemingly no utensil involved; an oozing brown viscosity trailing its ragged, blackened, peel.
There is a different level of blood clotting in patents who are suffering from chron- ic renal corpuscle nephritis. And the increase of blood viscosity can accelerate thrombosis in blood vessel.
These products are normally some type of long chain polymer or gum that increases the viscosity of the spray mixture.
[7] The Infoplease Dictionary says a Poise is, "a centimeter-gram-second unit of viscosity, equal to the viscosity of a fluid in which a stress of one dyne per square centimeter is required to maintain a difference of velocity of one centimeter per second between two parallel planes in the fluid that lie in the direction of flow and are separated by a distance of one centimeter.
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By introducing minor amounts of polymer to the water the viscosity of the water can be increased to 3 centipoise.
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Fly ash particles act as viscosity increaser wall in the aluminum foam.
For, let it be conceded that the solution of any Ghatti leaving an insoluble residue is a mixture of arabin and metarabin in the same ratio as our "maximum" solution, only more diluted with water, then from the found viscosity we obtain a point on the curve for dilution, which gives the percentage of dissolved matter.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
Changes in the dynamic properties of high-viscosity and viscoelastic fluid materials can be measured with a rheometer offered by Fluid Dynamics Inc.
Objective : To prepare compound lidocaine hydrochloride cataplasm and characterize its viscosity and dissolution features.
The viscosity of the dextran solution chosen for the go-and-stop experiment allowed testing most red cells of the population.
Neonatal behavioral neurological assessment(NBNA)and blood viscosity were detected by capillary tube method before and after treatment of Shengmai injection.
The experiment began in 1927 and demonstrates the high viscosity of pitch.
Electronics also compensate for changes in oil viscosity for consistent operation at all temperatures.
It was found that the modified myricaextract's viscosity was significantly decreased and its astringency was gentle.
The pore lifetime has been interpreted as interplay between the pore edge tension and the membrane viscosity.
Newton said that viscosity is a function of temperature.
What’s the Matter?
Severe polycythaemia increases the viscosity of the blood and probably leads to problems with unloading oxygen from the blood to the tissues.
Before spud, adjust the viscosity of bentonite sweep to over 80 seconds by adding Lime.
Viscosity of the fluid used needs to be higher than that of the water, and for this purpose, several materials have been used over the years; badderlocks, linseed, quince seeds, okra, several celluloses (methyl-cellulose wallpaper fixer).
This experiment mainly studied about the influence of sodium chloride to the viscosity of sodium aluminosilicate solution.
Once aspirated, due to their low viscosity and surface tension, they reach the dependent portion of the lung and cause a chemical pneumonia.
A number of factories are situated on the very bank of the river, close enough to scoop or suck raw materials directly from the holds of ships, and are at work producing some of the less celebrated ingredients behind the smooth functioning of our utilitarian civilisation: the polyols added to toothpaste to help it retain its moisture, the citric acid used to stabilise laundry detergent, the isoglucose to sweeten cereal, the glyceryl tristearate to make soap and the xanthan gum to ensure the viscosity of gravy.
‘The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work’
In a rigid porous material, the normal component is clamped by viscosity and cannot move.
The machines actually maneuver by climbing the viscosity of the air.
Thinness or viscosity, odour, ‘touch’, clarity, foaminess, and probably taste, were all considered.
The plasma cell clone produces a monoclonal (M) protein that can lead to renal failure caused by light chains (Bence Jones protein) or hyperviscosity from excessive amounts of M protein in the blood.
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No such phenomena have been reported in larger organisms, and the traditional theories for bacterial motion predict that the swimming speed monotonically decreases with viscosity.
The result shows that the main parameters that affect deep profile consist of residual resistance coefficient, viscosity of polymer solution and amount of profile control agent.
- Customer fuel economy benefit: Fewer parasitic losses due to reduced fluid viscosity translates to less internal drag on the system and increases fuel economy.
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To test this hypothesis we plot the overshoot capillary number versus the viscosity of the fluid.
I firmly plant product viscosity, the brightly - colored, complete specifications, color and diverse.
This means that, on the one hand, it depends on the polymer viscosity (and shear force) and, on other hand, it relates to the roughness of the metallic surface.
Customer fuel economy benefit: Fewer parasitic losses due to reduced fluid viscosity translates to less internal drag on the system and increases fuel economy.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Aqueous injection suspensions may contain substances that increase the viscosity of the suspension, such as sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, sorbitol, or dextran. Notable Patent Applications - 07/22/2010
This increase in cytoplasmic viscosity can be described as a sol-gel transition, which is generally explained with chemical or physical reactions of molecules, polymers, or colloids.
Oyster beds are dead and dying with the offspring unable to survive due to changes in membrane viscosity caused by the dispersant.
Jerry Cope: Corexit Use Still Appears to Be Prevalent in the Gulf, Despite Official Statements
According to McNeill Alexander (who has tested the viscosity of the stuff) the foot mucus of a snail is a really quite sophisticated substance.
How a snail moves - Part 1
Layered intrusions commonly occur with mafic intrusions where the minerals (such as olivine, pyroxene, chromite, magnetite and plagioclase) have a wider range of specific gravity, and the magma viscosity was low.
The density and viscosity of wine that combine to create an impression of fullness or weight on the palate.
Patients at risk may include those with a history of atherosclerosis, multiple cardiovascular risk factors, advanced age, impaired cardiac output, and / or known or suspected hyperviscosity, hypercoagulable disorders, and prolonged periods of immobilization.
Imagine your car didn't come with instructions telling you to fill the crankcase with oil of a particular viscosity.
If any anyone has experience with cooling panels in an exothermic reaction with high viscosity (1,000, 30,000, 45,000 centipoise) I would be interested in hearing.
Extrapolation of the curve of viscosity vs temperature gives a figure for temperature of 13 °C.
For example, it is possible to decrease the amount of fuel consumed by modern cars by up to 5% simply by switching from a typical multigrade oil to a ‘friction-modified ‘lubricant with a lower viscosity.’
Applying acrylics to the acetate with bamboo brushes, Stone controls viscosity and opacity while leaving the edges of the transparent film unpainted.
Therein, the quantity of gas flow in filter body, dynamic viscosity of airflow are directly affected by air intake flow, DPF bed temperature, and fuel charge.
Both bowknot angle and dissipative angle enhance as the area of hysteresis loop increases, and attenuation enhances as viscosity coefficient of pore fluid increases.
The T2SR time- and temperature-scanning rheometer is a robust, portable mechanical instrument designed to simplify dynamic measurements of materials in the viscosity range of 10-1000 Pa/sec.
Whereas increasing temperature accelerated fluorescence depolarization, increasing solvent viscosity slowed the process down.
The ability to unscrew a drain plug above a suitable catch-pan, wait for the fluid to leak out, replace the filter and the plug, and then dump four to five quarts of the proper viscosity motor oil in a crankcase?
Think Progress » Profit-Seeking Palin Reportedly Rips CPAC As A Profiteering Convention
COnsidering that viscosity increases the time or height of transfer unit required to transfer heat or mass in a boundary value conditioned problem such as the comparison of dropwise versus film condensation on a vertical surface Tanner et al, J Heat and Mass Transfer 8:419 1965 and such staples as the 1916 Nusselt equation and discussion of Reynolds numbers and limitations of validity, does not a molasses ball fudge factor represent an admission that the model has exceeded its limitations of validity?
Possible ITCZ Influence « Climate Audit
In transient rheological aspect, apparent viscosity increases more evident with the increment of cooling speed.
He sputtered back that the viscosity of melted beeswax is different than urine and blood, the two things he most commonly pours.
Candlemaking - The Inevitable Spill
The better ones are brown, like a red wine in viscosity, slightly sweet, very tart, with a long aftertaste.
Meathead Goldwyn: Balsamic Vinegar: Magnificence and Deception
Those should be cleaned in solvent, allowed to dry, then lubricated with no more than two small drops of low-viscosity oil.
John Merwin's Secrets For Casting Farther
The turbulence eddy viscosity was simulated by B L model and region time steps with the multigrid techniques being used in the code in order to accelerate the convergence.
Without artificial viscosity and dissipation, implicit flux vector splitting scheme can predict the transonic flow field and capture the shock wave accurately.
The slurry apparent viscosity has exponent relation to the solid volume content.
Viscosity Measurements Viscosity of the samples was measured using a Brookfield DV-III programmable cone and plate rheometer (Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, USA) fitted with a CP-42 cone spindle.
Most of these already hefty meals were ‘washed down’ with jorums of ultra-sweet beverages, notably indigenous preparations of robust viscosity like snowball, or punches made from peanut butter, barbadine, soursop and seamoss.
Relative viscosity: used mistakenly referred to as contrast viscosity, even referred to as viscidity.
As H2O builds up, density and viscosity decrease to a stage where the magma may again be sufficiently buoyant and mobile to rise further.
The vascular effects result in tissue ischemia from vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation, and increased blood viscosity.
The value of apparent viscosity is influenced by the diameter of the screw propeller.
Patients at risk may include those with a history of atherosclerosis, multiple cardiovascular risk factors, advanced age, impaired cardiac output, and/or known or suspected hyperviscosity, hypercoagulable disorders, and prolonged periods of immobilization. Featured News and Stories
Drinking this heavy syrup will thin your mucous and actually reduce viscosity within your own body.
This viscosity has outstanding adhesive property when it has better fluid property, it is similar to import lacterscet viscose from England.
Properties such as elasticity, viscosity, damping, inertia, friction and contact characteristics and other forces were assigned to discrete rigid-body elements.
Flood basalt eruptions involve the effusion of gigantic volumes of low-viscosity lava that spread out over huge areas.
The reaction rate of non-leptonic quark weak interaction and the bulk viscosity of quark matter in the magnetic field are investigated.
But the new hypothesis, and the experiments undertaken to confirm it, showed clearly that if the viscosity of a gum solution depends on the ratio of metarabin to arabin, then there is no absolute line of demarkation between a Ghatti and a gum arabic.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
The outer windings seem to provide both the extra rigidity needed for motility in structured media and better propulsion in low viscosity media.
The gelatinization temperature is a temperature at which starch is gelatinized and maximum viscosity is observed.
You end up with a nice little hypercube of data, where the axes are the input variables and the data points are the observed viscosity.
Sciencemag on House E&C Hearing « Climate Audit
However, it has also been noted that elevated turbulent dissipation is by itself insufficient proof of substantial biogenic mixing, because much of the turbulent kinetic energy of small animals is injected below the Ozmidov buoyancy length scale, where it is primarily dissipated as heat by the fluid viscosity before it can affect ocean mixing2.
Charles darwin (the physicist) was right
The mechanical resonator's response over the frequency range depends on various characteristics of the liquid being tested, such as the temperature, viscosity, and other physical properties.
The effects of N-methyl pyrrolidinone(NMP) on viscosity and stability of aqueous polyurethane emulsion, water absorbing ratio, contacting angle of glue film and T peel strength were studied.
Water so treated will show a change of temperature, surface tension, viscosity and electrical conductivity.
Their lower viscosity and greater lateral mobility explain why the mafic magmas were distributed over a much wider area than the felsic magmas.
This wetting is a result of very low viscosity and surface tension high enough to be drawn into the cracks and pore structure of concrete by capillary action.
More fluxes are added to maiolica colorants than to underglaze colorants and the lower the viscosity of the colors and the glaze is, the more the decoration will run and the contours of the decoration will be blurred.
12. Developing glazes
It provides exact information about pigments, binders, extenders (used to improve viscosity and coverage), and adulterants, as well as paint layers.
The viscosity of a clay slip is adjusted by addition of water or deflocculating chemicals like soda ash (sodium carbonate) and water glass (sodium silicate). density
7. Slip casting
The reaction rate of non-leptonic quark weak interaction and the bulk viscosity of quark matter in the magnetic field are investigated.
Thus the sulphocarbonate of a 'hydrocellulose' is formed with lower proportions of alkaline hydrate and carbon disulphide, gives solutions of relatively low viscosity, and, when decomposed to give a film or thread of the regenerated cellulose, these are found to be deficient in strength and elasticity.
Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
Changing the grid means changing the hyperviscosity and that is already well known.
Exponential Growth in Physical Systems « Climate Audit
When the temperature of an emulsion is raised, there is a decrease in viscosity, which reduces emulsion stability.
High erythropoietin levels can elevate blood pressure either via a polycythemia/hyperviscosity mechanism or by direct pressor effects.
After the derivation of the hydrostatic equations, approximations of the turbulent boundary layer, eddy viscosity (much larger than the true atmospheric viscosity and sometimes even of a different type, e.g. hyperviscosity), and all kinds of approximations to various atmospheric phenomena (parameterizations) are added onto the hydrostatic equations.
Gerry Browning: Numerical Climate Models « Climate Audit
The thickness of a fluid is referred to as its viscosity which has units of centipoise (cP).
Archive 2004-09-01
The liqueur is saturated with sugar, so I expected the viscosity to be high, but it also contains 43% alcohol.
Like pectin, psyllium forms a gel which is not digested or absorbed, thereby increasing the viscosity of the meal.
#73 — Gerald, on page 386 of your paper, where you discuss the results in Figure 8, of tuning a hyperviscosity calculation to have zero amplitude coincident with regular viscosity, you say that, the general features of the soution are similar but the details are quite different.
Solar Proxies « Climate Audit
Low glass viscosity and rapid welding of ignimbrite would be principally favoured by high-temperature emplacement, alkaline magmatic composition and incomplete degassing.
The steady-shear surface viscosity was measured in a custom built magnetic needle viscometer.
The viscosity of Killam oil is approximately 20 centipoise.
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The low viscosity and enhanced molecular mobility in the rubbery or liquid state would permit certain deteriorative reactions to proceed rapidly, which are otherwise retarded in the glassy state.
The topics Brillouin wrote on were the kinetic theory of gases, viscosity, thermodynamics, melting conditions and electricity.
Reduced viscosity lets molders use lower processing temperatures without affecting molding speed or quality.
Coconut oil has high flash point, viscosity index, lubricity, evaporative loss and oxidative and thermal stability.
Now, these folks should be fun to interview, but in order to get to them one must circumvent a gantlet of corporate shills with their characteristic high-viscosity personalities.
Cigarette holder adhesive has a higher protective colloid content, the main factor which influences the measured value of Tu-4 cup viscosity is the content of the protective colloid.
Here, he calls for Carnaroli brand rice because, when combined with the reduced tomato juice and parmesan cheese, a tight but slightly oozy viscosity is produced.
Early Summer Tomato Risotto
When liquid helium is cooled to within a couple of degrees of absolute zero, it flows without any friction or viscosity.
Particle size and viscosity are two main indexes for pseudo-boehmite.
The existence of the particle movement, increase block medium dispersion medium viscosity.
The effect of montmorillonite nano-meter particle on the thermostability , mechanical properties and intrinsic viscosity number of the in-meter composite was studied.
By the way, rheological properties mean viscosity and its effects.
However, none of these techniques provide information about the dynamics and the molecular properties such as polarity and viscosity of the immediate microenvironment of the peptide.
We'll let's hope that it was tofu-pudding and not some awful unguent of similar viscosity.
High molecular weight polymers can have viscosity values in the millions of centipoise range.
Although variously defined, the upper limit for heavy oil has been set at 22° API gravity and a viscosity of 100 centipoise (cP).
Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela
Scum is the calcium stearate which is insoluble does 'viscosity' mean 'viscous force' or 'coefficient of viscosity'? en Español
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For example, we may produce systems that alter the combustion properties of fuels, the viscosity of lubricants, or the ability of vehicles to gain traction.
As a result, density and viscosity both decrease, and the magma becomes buoyant and mobile.
The regulation of the nail-fold microcirculatory flow and blood viscosity was investigated by Dual-window television automatic estimating system in 39 postnecrotic cirrhosis.
In other words, if the material viscosity is close to water thin, the pump can cycle in the vicinity of 30 times per minute.
In intermediate Re ranges, both viscosity and inertia determine the flow patterns.
The models consist of a two-layered brittle-ductile system representing the overriding continental lithosphere, overlying a low-viscosity layer simulating the asthenosphere to provide isostatic support.
Reduced viscosity lets molders use lower processing temperatures without affecting molding speed or quality.
The solvents act to decrease the viscosity of the bitumen making it more workable.
Magneto-rheological dampers use an electromagnetic coil inside the damper's piston to increase the fluid's viscosity by aligning the magnetic particles when a current is applied.
We have investigated the sensitivity of the resulting deformations to various model parameters including the spring constants, the dashpot coefficient of viscosity, and the oscillatory flow frequency.
However, these animal- and plant-derived oils, such as colza, olive, and spermaceti, were generally of such weight and viscosity that they would travel only one to two inches up a wick.
The results showed that the solid state polycondensation improved the inherent viscosity of the chips, the viscosity fluctuation, carboxyl-end group content and water content of PET chips decreased.
The result also showed that IPI viscosity increased along with the IPI concentration increased, and indicated that the IPI solution was a non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid.
It has a very high viscosity which requires that it be raised to about 250-F to pump and spray into the furnace.
It has a very high viscosity which requires that it be raised to about 250-F to pump and spray into the furnace.
They propose that in the gas retention regime, resorption of water greatly speeds up welding by reducing the viscosity of the glass.
The viscosity is defined as the ratio of shear stress to strain rate, and is thus a measure of the internal friction of a fluid: the more viscous a fluid, the more resistant it is to flow.
Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have demonstrated a microminiaturized device that can make complex viscosity measurements-critical data for a wide variety of fields dealing with things that have to flow-on sample sizes as small as a few nanoliters.
RedOrbit News - Technology
A molasses-like liquid, although not as viscous as the real thing, can be made by slowly boiling 6-8 or so piloncillos in a liter or so of water, until they dissolve and the desired viscosity is achieved.
Brown sugar
The Spectro technicians also use viscometers to test the viscosity of engine oil.
The viscosity of the magma, however, is also an important factor in determining whether an eruption will be explosive or nonexplosive.
The dominating force opposing motion therefore arises from viscosity rather than inertia.
One sees the weight of a block of cast iron sinking in the sand, the fluidity of water, and the viscosity of syrup.
Methods: To determine blood viscosity, plasma viscosity and hematocrit.
Theoretically this transfusion of blood from the placenta to the infant might cause hypervolaemia, polycythemia and hyperviscosity, and also hyperbilirubinaemia.
We investigate the effect of exotic matter in particular, hyperon matter on neutron star properties such as equation of state (EoS), mass-radius relationship and bulk viscosity.
This particular prebiotic fiber does not bind water and produces no viscosity, and in some instances, may impact textural qualities in formulation.
For example, sago reaches a fairly stable viscosity after vigorous boiling for a period of about two hours while farina, which is very thick when first boiled, rapidly loses viscosity as boiling proceeds.
Chapter 5
Viscosity, or resistance to flow, is a property of fluids containing long molecular chains that tangle and intertwine.
The latter describes the system damping, which is due to the viscosity of the surrounding gas, the re-radiation of sound and structural damping in the fork material.
Engineering Hardware-Software
In contrast to the glasses and networks, these are relatively low viscosity liquid states.
Influence of several aids on viscosity and precipitation value of EVA latex paint is discussed.
The higher mole fraction of hydrophobe, the stronger viscosity enhancement effect.
Character : favorable Credibility, condensability, soft and elasticity , high-thermal conductivity, nature viscosity, no need extra surface bond and meet the demand of the ROHS and UL.
The viscosity properties of food thickening agent propylene glycol alginate (PGA) are studied.
The texture and viscosity of the mixture is important, for it must be thick enough to adhere to the food, but not so thick that the coating becomes excessive and heavy.
Gas-rich lavas, particularly those that are of high viscosity, form large quantities of cinders and ash which collect in a cinder cone.
When 20 " casing depth is attained, displace hole volume with high viscosity mud.
The viscosity grade of a multigrade oil is different at high and low temperatures due to additives known as viscosity modifiers.
With stochastic analysis and viscosity solution techniques, we've obtained that value function of the stochastic problem is a smooth solution of the corresponding HJB equation.
Objective To investigate the influence of contrast medium on the whole blood viscosity in hepatocellular arteriography.
Didn't Rafe understand that an ideal fluid is incompressible and lacks viscosity, and its flow is steady and irrotational?
Back in the 60s (I think), tomato sauce was called "catsup," and the definition of great catsup was its low viscosity (i.e. it poured really easily, was very thin and watery).
By adding a surfactant with an additive (to prevent adsorption of the surfactant to the rock), the viscosity of the oil can be lowered to around 15 centipoise (essentially making the oil lighter).
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The oil's centistoke rating is a measure of its viscosity, or flow rate, when heated.
Korea East-West Power Seeks Fuel Oil for Dec.-Jan. Delivery - Bloomberg
These chemical changes can lead to an increase in viscosity.
The density and viscosity of wine that combine to create an impression of fullness or weight on the palate.
The viscosity that governs the creep of a polycrystalline solid material, such as Earth's iron magnesium silicate mantle, is expected to be a strongly 3D function of position.
The result indicates that the viscous oil in Daqing oilfield is featured by shallow buried depth, high in-place oil viscosity and density, low gas and paraffin contents and low saturation pressure.
In addition, cool mist moistens secretions, soothes inflamed mucosa, and decreases the viscosity of mucous secretions.
The viscosity of spray mixtures can greatly influence the size of spray droplets produced by atomizers.
Oils, such as mineral or olive oil, once advocated to increase the viscosity of the hydrocarbon, are no longer recommended because of the risk for lipoid pneumonia. 9
Hydrocarbon Ingestion
Due to the tighness of the tape and the viscosity of most VPI resins little to no "wicking" occurs.
Vertical viscosity is used to essentially eliminate Montgomery potential gradient errors near the intersection of isopycnal surfaces with topography.
He draws two conclusions, namely that the small mass of water can easily be absorbed, making the process of resorption an important one, and that there is little change in glass viscosity due to the very small amounts of water involved.
Hydrogels are usually clear or translucent in color and vary in viscosity or thickness.
It may be simple to say that viscosity is a unit which indicates the degree of ‘stickiness’ or viscousness of a substance.
Emulsion latex uniform requirements leather brightener, viscosity moderate, non - layered latex long - term placement.
Acidification, texture, flavor and viscosity can be customized to meet the customer's needs.
High erythropoietin levels can elevate blood pressure either via a polycythemia/hyperviscosity mechanism or by direct pressor effects.
Lahn's group studied semenogelin, a major protein in the seminal fluid that controls the viscosity of semen immediately following ejaculation.
Different types of dissipative operators like hyperviscosity used rampantly in atmospheric models produce different estimates of the minimal scale and their use changes the solution from that of the “standard” dissipative operator.
Exponential Growth in Physical Systems « Climate Audit
The model makes it possible to calculate the macroscopic behaviors of the two-fluid flow, such as effective pressure, effective viscosity and shear viscosity of particle phase.
The railway will deliver the oil sands production through the use of insulated and heatable railcars or by reducing its viscosity by mixing it with condensates or diluents.
Diane Francis: Game-changer: Canadian oil sands will bypass US for Asia
In case of hyperviscosity one can define a similar Kolmogorov length scale and the same rule applies.
Exponential Growth in Physical Systems « Climate Audit
Its density, viscosity, cetane index, combustion point, and several other parameters they looked at compare favorably with those of ethyl esters of sunflower, rape, groundnut, and soybean oils.
he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops
The experiments were carried on the synthesized diester-based magnetic fluids to characterize their saturation magnetization, density, viscosity, stability and the diameter of particles.
So, if you heat honey, the viscosity is less than that of cold honey.
What’s the Matter?
Coconut oil has high flash point, viscosity index, lubricity, evaporative loss and oxidative and thermal stability.
After fritting is over, the melting temperature and the viscosity of the frit can be compared with previous batches of frit by melting a fixed amount of frit on a sloped tile.
14. Quality control
Compared with core glass, the effect of optical processing quality of cladding glass on interface defects was more evident when its viscosity at drawing temperature was higher tha.