
How To Use Viscera In A Sentence

  • And the prints represent Abstract Expressionism's entire stylistic range, from fast and visceral to cool and ethereal.
  • The production of a visceral-specific anti-peptide antibody should permit a further investigation of its expression in smooth muscle cells.
  • As mentioned earlier, these visceral adipocytes already have high rates of lipolysis, which is bad enough. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • More extensive staging revealed multiple vertebral lesions consistent with metastases, but no spread to abdominal viscera was visualized.
  • The chemotherapeutic equivalent of that surgical assault—of eviscerating the body and replacing it with an implant—was a procedure known as autologous bone marrow transplant, or ABMT, which roared into national and international prominence in the mid-1980s. The Emperor of All Maladies
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  • I remember during the 8-year Bush Presidency, various friends of mine on the Left eviscerated President Bush on every word stumble, misplaced thought, "unpolitical" correct utterance, and his Texas ways many times. The Moderate Voice
  • Human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell cultures are usually obtained from donor eyes; isolation and culture of RPE cells obtained by evisceration has not been reported previously.
  • After the egg has been fertilized by the male, the blastoderm, or primitive skin, forms, and subsequently two layers, or embryonal membranes, appear; the outer is called the amnion (Fig. 114, _am_), while the inner visceral membrane (_db_) partially wraps the rude form of the embryo in its folds. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • Genomic DNA sequencing and mapping of the exon-intron boundaries showed that the visceral isoform was the product of cassette-type alternative splicing.
  • Insertion with sharp instruments carries a serious risk of injuring intrathoracic or abdominal viscera.
  • The two sides have little in common, other than a visceral attachment to the land which both claim as their birthright. Times, Sunday Times
  • _Endoscopic evisceration of the larynx_ will cure a few cases of laryngeal cicatricial stenosis, and should be tried before resorting to laryngostomy. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • They are attenuating and deobstruent, consequently of service in disorders arising from a languid circulation, a viscidity of the juices, a lax fibre, and obstructed viscera. Travels through France and Italy
  • Live, the four piece are a brooding mixture of visceral, post-punk textures and relentless motorik rhythms.
  • This is used for the deadly parasitic disease known as visceral leishmaniasis — or black fever — that is spread by the bite of the sandfly.
  • Bigelow ramps up the visceral tension with help from cinematographer Barry Ackroyd, who also lensed the terrifying docudrama “United 93.” Deceptively simple story works for visceral “The Hurt Locker” » Scene-Stealers
  • Fibroblasts grow into the exudate from both the visceral and parietal pleural surface to produce an inelastic membrane called the pleural peel.
  • What Gutfreund said has become a legend at Salomon Brothers and a visceral part of its corporate identity.
  • It's a brilliant piece of engineering at the expense of the visceral thrill. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to eviscerating an occasional cow here and there, our men will spread out over the planet's fields of grain to create wonderful patterns.
  • The autonomic nervous system is divided into interacting and balancing systems, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and the visceral afferent system. SO STRESSED
  • In the final two rooms, something darker and more visceral occurs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The experience supposedly deepened his already visceral anti-Semitism.
  • Zarr's hair, his eyes, and some of his internal viscera remained with his bones prompting some of the terrified members of his party to retch with revulsion.
  • An all-file-sharing environment would eviscerate the capital resources that make the technological development possible, and probably drive up the average cost to home-recorders considerably.
  • Goodhart thinks he can play on a certain visceral anti-Americanism that is characteristic of the British left.
  • Were you ever tempted to beef things up to create a visceral, rather than emotional reaction?
  • It is these forms that I think we respond to on a visceral level.
  • The viscera is essential in supporting tissue growth.
  • Garfield's visceral acting and Shaw and Rossen's forceful screenplay compel us, perhaps against our will, to accept Jacob Goff as an amoral, compassionless chiseler.
  • Useem says that students develop a visceral understanding of the problems leaders encounter.
  • Should patents on research tools that have no significant market outside the research community be subject to a research exemption that effectively eviscerates their commercial value?
  • For not a word has yet been said of the midriff, which is one of the parts that environ the viscera and therefore has to be considered with them. On the Parts of Animals
  • It's a bit overlong, though, and the board-room dramas of the second half can't hope to compete with the visceral shock of the first.
  • All of the Axial Age faiths began in principled and visceral recoil from the unprecedented violence of their time. The Great Transformation: Summary and book reviews of The Great Transformation by Karen Armstrong.
  • One of several television dramas on nuclear issues in the 1980s, Threads is arguably the most visceral.
  • The weight of the abdominal viscera and adipose tissue pressed on the diaphragm, resulting in decreased chest volume.
  • There are many instances in which the lumbricoid worms have pierced the intestinal tract and made their way to other viscera, sometimes leading to an anomalous exit. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • But, although it's undeniably visceral, in the end it's a sharp-witted study of sentimentalised violence and the use of language as a form of moral camouflage.
  • The production of a visceral-specific anti-peptide antibody should permit a further investigation of its expression in smooth muscle cells.
  • It is the destruction of the Al Qaeda network and terrorist organizations with global reach, and, in the case of Afghanistan, the taking asunder -- that, sir, maybe that, asunder, that is not quite as good as eviscerate -- but it has to do with taking down this illegitimate government of the Taliban that provides harbor to Al Qaeda. CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2001
  • Jess really excels himself here, in his evocation/evisceration of two videos we've also skewered at k-punk, though much less eloquently.
  • The present study attempted to isolate and cultivate RPE cells from evisceration specimens obtained from two cases with severe ocular trauma.
  • It was a new thing, that they could eviscerate him when they caught him.
  • Leni Zumas's visceral debut novel is a darkly funny and disturbing rager.
  • The two sides have little in common, other than a visceral attachment to the land which both claim as their birthright. Times, Sunday Times
  • To regulate intra - abdominal viscera and channels and collaterals of lower extremities upon personal situations.
  • Seldom before had music possessed such hyper-sensitivity, such visceral intensity, such manic-depressive immediacy.
  • Visceral pain occurs when noxious stimuli affect a viscus, such as the stomach or intestines.
  • Dyspnea may respond to pleural fluid drainage followed by a pleurodesis procedure that creates a symphysis of the visceral and parietal pleuras, thereby preventing pleural fluid reaccumulation.
  • eviscerate the stomach
  • The Prime Minister, who sees himself as a realist, is driven by visceral fears.
  • The driving anger is far deeper and both more visceral and more principled.
  • Their visceral reaction was to turn on the anti-war protesters. Times, Sunday Times
  • The viscera is crushed within me; breathing is difficult; speech painful; motion agonizing; but you may examine and satisfy yourselves, said Doctor Day, still speaking cheerfully, though with great suffering. The Hidden Hand
  • After nine rounds of scrunch-faced spellings and a few gleefully lucky guesses, Michael Whalon terminated his competition with "eviscerate" yesterday in the 35th annual Richmond Times-Dispatch Regional Spelling Bee. News for Richmond Times-Dispatch
  • Are too many writers coming from an intellectual rather than a visceral view of the world?
  • He's developed a visceral revulsion toward his fellow humans, a profoundly misanthropic impulse that he dresses up in the sonorous language of ‘biophilia.’
  • Though far from perfect, and full of impenetrable dialogues, the film nonetheless has a certain visceral urgency.
  • The Nascopies do not feast on the "viscera" of their victims, nor do Notes of a Twenty-Five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory Volume II. (of 2)
  • Among the most brilliant of these is 'Berns', created for Lars Siltberg's 'Candleflames Modulated' (2007), exploring frequency extremities with visceral sheets of blackened noise, near infrasonic subbass and vastly unsettling use of psychoacoustic space. Boomkat: Just arrived
  • He lied us into two hideously unfair tax cuts; he lied us into an unnecessary war with disastrous consequences; he lied us into the Patriot Act, eviscerating our freedoms.
  • The cells of the visceral mesoderm and dorsal vessel also express both genes.
  • In cases of of complete transposition of the viscera, the cecum and appendix lie in the left iliac fossa, and the sigmoid colon in the right.
  • The average necropsy scores and weight of the visceral organs in unvaccinated and M. habana vaccinated mice are shown in Table II.
  • The viewer of art sees beyond its visceral ingredients and in some sense is intellectually or emotionally engaged.
  • And more than one witness has described to me how he can "eviscerate" opponents who try to take him on in meetings without having their facts straight. The Holy Cow! Candidate
  • Pelvic striated muscle contractions are subserved by the perineal nerve, and autonomic fibers send efferent impulses to effect the other visceral motor responses.
  • Too bad there's not a button you can press to eviscerate someone.
  • He was an outsized presence who, for illustrative example, took a visceral delight in hunting elephants and drinking the soup made from their trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • I oppose the death penalty, but not for Stephen's squeamish reasons that one innocent person in 100 might get hanged, My opposition is more visceral than that.
  • Foreign bodies ulcerating through may reach the lung without pleural leakage because of the sealing together of the visceral and parietal pleurae. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Images such as this were made to provoke a visceral response.
  • PM 2.5 exaggerates diet - induced insulin resistance, adipose inflammation, and visceral adiposity.
  • The air which fills the lungs is soon again expired, whilst the ingesta of the abdominal viscera are for a longer period retained; and as the space, which by every inspiration the thorax gains from the abdomen, would cause inconvenient pressure on the distended organs of this latter cavity, so we find that to obviate this inconvenience, nature has constructed the anterior parietes of the abdomen of yielding material. Surgical Anatomy
  • More viscera, still oozing with blood, had been dumped in a large plastic bowl on the floor beside the table. NIGHT SISTERS
  • As evidenced in this article, the wood pulp fibers' mode of transmission into the patients' viscera might have occurred via the airborne route.
  • A single batch of students get barely an hour to study a bone or viscera, which is not enough time for a class of 50, "Dr Bhattacharya said. Daily News & Analysis
  • College activists from poor communities will bring their wealthy classmates into a political arena that will give the issue added visceral appeal.
  • While the exhibition catalogue rhapsodizes about the "expressivity" of the paintings of scenes of battle, hunting and fishing, seeing these items is the visceral equivalent of learning that Greek and Roman statues and temples were originally painted in bright tones. Afghan Antiquity
  • —The visceral veins are the two vitelline or omphalomesenteric veins bringing the blood from the yolk-sac, and the two umbilical veins returning the blood from the placenta; these four veins open close together into the sinus venosus. V. Angiology. 3. Development of the Vascular System
  • Yet the sheer visceral and physical power of his performance is inexplicably weaker this time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leishmania donovani, the etiologic agent of visceral leishmaniasis is transmitted by the bite of a sandfly.
  • Visceral leishmaniasis, a potentially fatal tropical disease caused by parasites and transmitted by sandfly bites, is also making a comeback. Times, Sunday Times
  • One explanation for such paradoxical behaviours is that they are motivated by visceral factors relating to physical and emotional drives.
  • I have a horror of finding myself trapped, which usually asserts itself as an almost visceral desire to leave meetings early.
  • Rather than visceral, this section is bloodless and cold. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In the final two rooms, something darker and more visceral occurs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lewis in terms of his art was a metropolitan in search of the visceral and his analysis of the life force was forensic in its intensity.
  • But if he shall use ptisan for a draught, and drink afterward hydromel, he will feel full, flatulent, and uncomfortable in the viscera of the hypochondrium; but if the hydromel be taken before the draught, it will not have the same injurious effects as if taken after it, but will be rather beneficial. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Visceral pain originates in hollow organs and frequently presents as colic.
  • The military reverberations of the word "vulnerable"-unguarded, unfortified, defenseless-as well as its more visceral associations-exposed, naked-I felt intensely as I thought about the hard attitude rampant today that everyone is on his or her own, not only poor families struggling to survive (cuts to welfare), but also children (cuts to education) and the elderly (cuts to Medicare and Social Security); and the ruthless attitude equally rampant today that no one owes anybody anything, that any "sacrifice" in the name of the public good, of the world we share together, our commonwealth, is too much to ask of anyone. NPR Topics: News
  • And how does the visceral malaise affect the behavioral response to the intake of sapid solution?
  • Her visceral description of baking challah every Friday makes it clear that to end this habit would leave a real void.
  • On one hand, if I become deeply disabled, I trust that my family will do right by me (lucky for me, I do have a family that I can trust here) and will make difficult decisions with my best care in mind (and damnit, they better stop my periods by hook or crook - they cause the most miserable moment of my existence, I have already medically stopped them by conscious choice, and I will come back and haunt from the grave anyone who decides that in order to be a real live comatose woman, I need no brain function but I do need to go back to suffering the week-long monthly evisceration I call my menstrual cycle). The Ashley Treatment: A Feminist and Disability Rights Issue?
  • Her viscera were buried in Lincoln cathedral but the body was returned to Westminster, and at each of the twelve places where the funeral cortège rested Edward had a memorial cross erected.
  • The late Professor Garrod finds that "from considerations of pterylosis, visceral anatomy, myology, and osteology the screamer cannot be placed along with the Anserine birds. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • Glass frogs are so named for the transparent skin on their venters, which allows for the observation of their viscera.
  • The tumor frequently extended to the adjacent lung parenchyma, bronchi, visceral pleura, and mediastinal soft tissues.
  • Levin convinces us of this in a prose sometimes poetic and surprising, always visceral, dense and interesting but which, at times, collapses in on itself. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • The weight of the abdominal viscera and adipose tissue pressed on the diaphragm, resulting in decreased chest volume.
  • The police sent the viscera of the woman for chemical examination to find out if the death was caused by some poisonous substance.
  • The same statement and explanation may be made regarding the distribution of pain receptors for physical contact within the parenchyma of the liver, the gall-bladder, the abdominal viscera, the spleen, the heart, the lungs, the retroperitoneal tissue, the deep tissue of the back, the vertebræ, and in certain portions of the spinal cord. The Origin and Nature of the Emotions: Miscellaneous Papers
  • The visceral experience of the stage? Times, Sunday Times
  • The fight sequences are visceral and realistic as opposed to the brutal bludgeoning cartoonishness of, say, the Rocky movies. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: The Fighter
  • At one point, he kind of eviscerated the idea of the need for a shared critical discourse on books of import, which was awesome. Back from SPX
  • He both eviscerates the Democrats' arguments and puts the issue in Constitutional perspective.
  • They descend, director and characters together, into the anal entrails and Sadean viscera of war.
  • With its visceral tritones and flatted seconds, the band's sound revolved more around the riff than the song.
  • Rheumatoid nodules may also appear viscerally, such as on the pleura of the lung.
  • Rather than visceral, this section is bloodless and cold. The Times Literary Supplement
  • An unabashed exploitation flick, this is visceral in its thrills and efficient in its storytelling. Times, Sunday Times
  • He played with a sense of visceral hatred. Times, Sunday Times
  • I feel a sudden tingle of visceral amazement. Times, Sunday Times
  • In vignettes centering on a fiery local waitress, a seventh-generation fisherman, the doyenne of a fading lesbian power culture, an unrepentant jinx, and other characters for whom the term colorful does scant justice, he introduces a community bound by tradition, superstition, recalcitrance, and a profound, more visceral than affectionate love for the sea. Undefined
  • Giving ‘disposal’ passive content would eviscerate that plain purpose.
  • In defense of viscerality and plotlessness « Jahsonic In defense of viscerality and plotlessness « Jahsonic
  • If some people are going to call their eviscerated health-care reform socialism, what are they going to say about public-sector jobs? Did Positive Thinking Kill Your Career?
  • Visceral leishmaniasis, a potentially fatal tropical disease caused by parasites and transmitted by sandfly bites, is also making a comeback. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't see how a comedian can "eviscerate" anyone, at least not on an intellectual basis. O'Reilly on "Colbert" and Colbert on "O'Reilly."
  • A reduced hyomandibula associated with the quadrate in a fish's visceral skull evolved to form the ear ossicle called the stapes, or columella.
  • Some people assert, correctly, that to limit First Amendment protections to those activities we like is to eviscerate the Constitution.
  • Soul on Ice, which combines a visceral hatred for America with black liberation theology, admissions about "insurrectionary" rape, a spiritual odyssey, and a search for personal meaning in a racist environment. Newsnet 14
  • All three films are intelligent thrillers, with enough subtext to support repeat viewings, but they are still visceral thrills at their core, not films about something.
  • There are all the elements of dance and theatre combined with the visceral thrill of watching metal meet metal again and again until, finally, metal meets actor.
  • The goal was to maintain Mr V's nutritional status and visceral stores before surgery.
  • Now—if someone wanted to be critical of EMP as an inadvertently “antirock” entity—this meal would have been a perfect metaphor, as it was the epitome of ruining something visceral. Chuck Klosterman on Pop
  • Hubbard got a gold star from NASA Watch for his defense of his workforce as Mike Griffin eviscerated it. Keep Mike: Week Two - NASA Watch
  • In his early 30s, sitting by the fire after dinner, he suffered from a "vastation" that came upon him suddenly, without preparation; it presented itself to him visually, viscerally, as "some damned shape squatting invisible to me within the precincts of the room. Serendip's Exchange
  • In contrast, the critics found it a thought provoking work of art: "A masterpiece of indirection and pure visceral thrills, David Cronenberg's latest mindblower is the feel-good, feel-bad movie of the year. "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and "A History of Violence"
  • In the final two rooms, something darker and more visceral occurs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The real issue today is how to beat the insurgency without eviscerating the American military to do it.
  • There appear to be no highly specific pathways for visceral sensation in the central nervous system.
  • These visceral shoot-outs, in buildings of super-realistic detail, are strung together by plot-development scenes in hand-drawn comic-strip style.
  • Pleural fluid and viscera pleura specimens were collected at autopsy.
  • The key to a successful revenge film is a viscerally satisfying ending.
  • Mapping the infernal regions of Hell and Purgatory with a geographer's precision, Botticelli takes the viewer on a journey of visceral, blood-curdling horror.
  • Sensations received there are sometimes considered to be additional examples of exteroceptive sensations, but are frequently differentiated as interoceptive sensations ( "received from inside" L), or visceral sensations. The Human Brain
  • Frankly I haven't been this viscerally excited about a fight since Bill Goldberg challenged The Rock to a brawl determining who was dominate mesomorph of the Universe. The Chimes at Midnight
  • But it turns out that humans process relationships among variables in a region of the brain called the insula, which processes visceral reactions like disgust and pain. Caging Raging Contagion
  • Mr. Muti never stinted on visceral excitement — a hallmark of the five-part symphony's last two movements — but it was his supreme control of dynamics, pacing and overall architecture that most thrilled, true even when his innate dramatic impulses caused him to lunge or drop nearly to his knees on the podium. Muti and Chicago Rekindle the Flame
  • His loathing of imperialism was visceral, because he knew, firsthand, what it meant.
  • His visceral, furious response to 9/11, like my own, had not a scintilla of inauthenticity about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The late Professor Garrod finds that "from considerations of pterylosis, visceral anatomy, myology, and osteology the screamer cannot be placed along with the Anserine birds. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • Certain of these bones he considered to be the substitutes, not the equivalents, of the palatine and pterygoid of other Vertebrates, which are formed from the upper part of the first visceral arch, a part missing in the newt (p. 100). Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • But it still gives us a visceral thrill, like the trumpets and timpani in a symphony by Beethoven, because it reminds us of some of the greatest chapters of our species, when humanism was regnant. Designs for NYC's Park51 Islamic center show a literally enlightened building
  • The Guardian looks at why do vampire novels have such lasting appeal: "... the reason the vampire novel will continue to endure is because words have the power to capture and sustain the allure and mystique that surrounds them in a way that films, despite their more visceral properties of sound and image, do not. May 2008
  • Courtauld Gallery, WC2, to 18 SepSSAn 80th birthday celebration of Barrie Cooke's visceral expressionism, which is appropriately held in his adopted home country of Ireland. This week's new exhibitions
  • The air sacs are present throughout the body cavity and enclose the viscera like a nut-shell.
  • At last, the cessation of all phenomena of this kind satisfied me that the gases had disappeared by exosmose or had been expelled by the spontaneous contraction of the viscera. The Man With The Broken Ear
  • Bringing back Mandelson could be seen as a masterstroke in that: it will grab the headlines away from the more controversial moves; bring in from the old one of the most talented, and arguably mistreated New Labour politicians during the past decade; and demonstrate Gordon has sufficient magnamimity to welcome back someone against whom he had long directed the blowlamp of his visceral dislike. Skipper
  • Under the impression of absolute glaucoma, evisceration was performed.
  • The tape was my first exposure to this music, and it sent a visceral thrill through me.
  • The small black dots represent the increased concentration of molecules inside a dense visceral structure or bone.
  • The outermost covering of the stomach is termed serosa, because it is composed of a loose fatty connective tissue containing blood vessels and nerves covered by a mesothelium, the visceral peritoneum, or mesentery.
  • But never before had he experienced cultural loss in such a visceral way as he did on the afternoon of Friday, July 20, when his jeep crested the thickly forested Franconian Hills and he saw what remained of Nürnberg. HITLER’S HOLY RELICS
  • When income tax was introduced in 1799, it was met with visceral loathing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, the eviscerated shredding he applies in "Hallelujah!" engages initially for its novelty, but grows tiresome over repeated listenings.
  • It is to the opposition leader's credit that he did not eviscerate the impudent youth on the spot.
  • Chemical examination of the abdominal viscera and of the gastric and intestinal content failed to disclose the presence of alcohol or any other poison.
  • There are some great arias, fine ensemble pieces, and choruses whose effect is visceral.
  • Herniated bowel (stomach, small bowel, colon) and solid viscera (liver, omentum, spleen) are seen in the ipsilateral hemithorax causing mediastinal shift.
  • B medullary tube, C chorda, C1 inner chorda-sheath, D visceral epithelium, E sub-intestinal vein. 1 cutis, 2 muscle-plate (myotome), The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • Those who live as if life is unending are likely to lack that visceral motivation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The minority groups, as well as the Obama administration, say such an outcome is strictly forbidden by the Voting Rights Act and would, in essence, eviscerate the law's most potent weapon, the advance approval requirement, also known as preclearance. News
  • So belly up to the bar, down a few tequila shots, and then stand up in front of the crowd to spell "hyperlipidemia," "evisceration" and "adjudication" without barfing. Kenneth in the (212)
  • The present study attempted to isolate and cultivate RPE cells from evisceration specimens obtained from two cases with severe ocular trauma.
  • Objective To explore diagnosis and treatment of thoracolumbar spine and spinal cord trauma complicated by thoracoabdominal viscera injury.
  • An appellate tribunal overturned the original opinion that had eviscerated free speech rights.
  • Cantor's top spokesman, Brad Dayspring, accused the White House and congressional Democrats of having a "visceral reaction," to GOP efforts to "save taxpayers' money.
  • They twitch, lurch, slap and confessionally scream their way through individual and group routines with remarkably visceral conviction. Times, Sunday Times
  • More extensive staging revealed multiple vertebral lesions consistent with metastases, but no spread to abdominal viscera was visualized.
  • The birds are scalded, de-feathered by machine and transferred to the eviscerating line.
  • The immediacy of violence and the reaction of artists were in some part ahistorical focusing instead on the universal and timeless viscerality.
  • A visceral pleural line is seen without distal lung markings.
  • Neither was deterred by the fact that the inevitable visceral animus they are fueling among voters has five more months to fester.
  • The Florida pastor, author and talk show host wants to outlaw abortion, abolish the IRS and Federal Reserve, and "eviscerate" federal programs such as Social Security. Presidential race tightens in Georgia
  • The mistreatment of child orphans, the poor and the women in this era is viscerally staged, making the audience squirm agonizingly in their seats.
  • It is very important for you to decide if superficial tenderness has its origin in the abdominal wall or in the intra-abdominal viscera.
  • Nearly every one of Soutine's paintings signals the end of the world; and he flays and eviscerates his subjects—as if unleashing the writhing bowels of hell. Constructivist Criticism Laid Bare
  • The illusion was greater, as in this remarkable case gynecomastism was associated with cryptorchism -- that is to say, the testicles had kept to their original place in the visceral cavity, and had not travelled in the normal way down into the scrotum. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • In the most organic, visceral way possible they now felt bonded with utter intimacy to their Chapter, digested by it.
  • For the record, I absolutely hated President Bush being eviscerated for every word stumble, misplaced thought, "unpolitical" correct utterance, and his Texas ways. The Moderate Voice
  • In the final two rooms, something darker and more visceral occurs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I brace myself to descend into the viscera of Filene's to pick unbeatably priced men's suits and business shirts for my frugal husband.
  • Wrong, maybe, but a visceral reaction. The Sun
  • Now, wakeboarding isn't the most recognized of the extreme sports, but it is certainly one of the more exciting and visceral ones.
  • All elements of his sprawling film resonate with each other intellectually, emotionally, and viscerally, while notably avoiding concrete statements of theme.
  • It is more a gut feeling-a visceral distrust of foreigners.
  • These ranged from insult and hyperbole to completely destroying property and literally eviscerating enemies.
  • Great whitepaper explaining the visceral reaction we have to certain automata and movie monsters. Boing Boing: October 20, 2002 - October 26, 2002 Archives
  • This lack of effect on visceral adiposity is also surprising because Sub showed increased circulating corticosterone which is know to be associated with increased visceral adiposity PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Please note I will be forced to eviscerate you in the process.
  • `viscera' is the plural form of `viscus'
  • The shell surrounds a large mantle cavity, and wraps around the viscera to form a tube.
  • One half the hermit crab is as naked as the "human animal," and even less fitted for exposure; for it consists of a thin-skinned, soft, unmuscular bag, filled with delicate viscera; but not even the human animal is more skilful in clothing himself in the spoils of other animals than the hermit crab in wrapping up its naked bag in the strong shell of some dead fusus or buccinum, which it carries about with it in all its peregrinations, as at once clothes, armor, and house. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • I got over this quickly though because, honestly, the visceral pleasures of pumpkin goop did take me back to my childhood and scooping out, preparing, and eating the pumpkin seeds are my favorite part of October's culinary rituals. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Racial Discrimination in the Workplace: In dissent, Alito argued for imposing an evidentiary burden on victims of employment discrimination that, according to the majority, would have "eviscerated" legal protections under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. In particular, the majority said that Alito's position would protect employers from suit even in situations where the employer's belief that it had selected the "best" candidate "was the result of conscious racial bias. The Courts
  • We report here a successfully treated case of disseminated Aspergillus fumigatus infection involving the lungs, brain, and endocardium in a multivisceral transplant recipient.
  • Total grovelling obeisance to Israel is a speciality, with much contempt for the Palestinians and support for Israel as they eviscerated Gazan children, and a manic scheme of extreme toadyish inventiveness, to attempt to arraign Ahmadinejad before the ICC for 'incitement to genocide' over his non-existent calls to 'wipe Israel off the map'. Dissident Voice

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