How To Use Virtuosity In A Sentence

  • Featuring Simpson's virtuosity on guitar, banjo and ukulele, this collection of songs and tunes, mainly recorded in New Orleans, is a homage to the American South.
  • Beats me, but I guess it means a figure of that stature and not, as you say, someone who invented a genre out of his own protean imagination and virtuosity, all of which is just so alien to the idea of electronica to begin with. Hamster; Dance – The Bleat.
  • Quite a few of them would even stub out their cigarettes so enraptured, and intimidated, would they be by the blizzard of technical virtuosity that we, today, take for granted. Debra Levine: Ballets Russes Updated: Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Turns 15
  • Best of all, Germany's crackerjack Ensemble Modern played the luminous score with extraordinary virtuosity.
  • Other people see talent and virtuosity; I see a narcissist who's phoning it in.
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  • Musical training is, of course, what goes on in our conservatories, and at its most fruitful it produces instrumental technicians of an astonishing virtuosity.
  • But almost always from both there is evidence that fiercely alert predatory instinct is allied with genuine virtuosity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of all, he shows a flair for matching the climaxes in the action with musical climaxes, using dissonance, the singer's virtuosity, or instrumental sonorities to create the sense of heightened emotion.
  • And it's always entertaining to be awed by the men's breakdancing virtuosity. Times, Sunday Times
  • With such diverse output as her world music album Where Rivers Meet an evocation of her Bengali connections, with clarinettist brother Idris and the thrilling jazz virtuosity of her trio's recent live recording, pianist Zoe Rahman covers plenty of contemporary bases. This week's new live music
  • Set to Rossini's titular score, it chivvies and inspires its dancers to delicious extremes of virtuosity, extravagantly sustained poses, scintillating footwork and wicked speeds. This week's new dance
  • In both companies she was renowned for her regal bearing and virtuosity.
  • The frenetic virtuosity of your playing in those contexts is pretty much abandoned for what's actually a rather reflective, timbrally controlled compositional approach. NewMusicBox
  • Morality bears, neither in its progressive realization nor in its guilty perversion, the character of historicalness, — is in no respect a power essentially modificatory of universal history, and consciously aiming at such modification as its end; and even the ideal state is and remains simply the very limited activity-sphere of a special moral virtuosity of the governing individual spirit, without a higher world-historical purpose in relation to the totality of humanity. — Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • Liszt developed a physical virtuosity for the instrument and transcribed for it, sacrificing musical subtlety to an astonishing mechanical technique.
  • Always glowing whenever she hits a stage or screen, the blond, round-cheeked Ebersole has an infallible instinct for jollying a melody that jibes seamlessly with what Weinstein is doing as he rapidly saws away and as Firth and Hubbard fill their breaks with matching virtuosity. David Finkle: First Nighter: Genius Jazz Violinist Aaron Weinstein Meets Brilliant Jazz Singer Christine Ebersole in Dual Birdland Triumph
  • The three roles are most often given to actors of great range and technical virtuosity so that the average playgoer is more aware of their utter unlikeness to himself than of what he has in common with them.
  • As the recording of Walter Reiter and Cordaria shows, the less well-known Vivaldi does not lack elegance, spectacularity and virtuosity, liveliness and instant communicativeness.
  • Today, though, that allegorical meaning is lost on us, and what we see rather is a dazzling display of artistic virtuosity.
  • Thus his playing, metrical but superficial and arrhythmic, astounds not for its virtuosity, but for precisely the opposite: an ignorance of what rhythm is all about.
  • A search for the "sublime" in nature coexisted with ambitious historical subjects, slick moralistic storytelling and an emphasis on technological virtuosity. The MFA's New Art of the Americas Wing . . .
  • The multi-skills of the instrumentalists is a source of wonder and, again, the virtuosity is of a sort that does not seek to dazzle; cornetts and shawms are harder than they sound here.
  • I like smart writers who have tons of skill, imagination, and formal virtuosity.
  • Despite this initial facetiousness, Aaronovitch acclaimed a book he found "technically accomplished, brilliantly written, full of wit and virtuosity". Critical eye: book reviews roundup
  • But when virtuosity is not elevated by the power of a dramatic situation, the outcome, brilliant though it may be, suffers from dryness, a victim of its gratuitousness.
  • I wish all those kids were doing some kind of composition and improvisation as well, leavening their virtuosity with creativity.
  • With the arrangements boiled down for a small ensemble, you can only marvel at the jazz virtuosity of the writing. Times, Sunday Times
  • You get the feeling that, like the villanelle or sestina, concrete poetry is now something that poets try their hand at as a demonstration of their virtuosity rather than a poetic tactic or affinity. Something concrete « Squares of Wheat
  • A beautiful and lyrical middle interlude provides a brief respite amid music of unabating virtuosity.
  • In his hands, the bansuri bamboo flute becomes an instrument of tremendous power, virtuosity and versatility. World Music Central
  • The virtuosity of the three artists on their instruments created a universe of sound that captivated the audience.
  • Their rapid scherzos, fugal finales, and dependence on four equally engaging string players attest as much to the virtuosity of the instrumentalists employed at court as to Haydn's accomplishment.
  • The silent eternity of a shadowless corner house, the view of a deserted street - you can't get enough of the virtuosity of these momentary recordings, the play with colour, light and contrast.
  • Perhaps it is this level of virtuosity and contagious exuberance that inspired Bradbury's description of music of this type as "wild and soul-stirring."
  • As we approach, their refinement and adroitness become visible, evidence of a virtuosity honed over more than four decades of experimenting with materials and methods. Big Labor and Economy
  • Adding vitality to the virtuosity is a terrific ear for idiomatic speech. Times, Sunday Times
  • Technical virtuosity is not enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since then, there have been mathematical punk bands and oikish progsters, but rarely has there been an outfit such as White Denim, who combine the drive of a hardcore band with sinuous virtuosity and cavalier genre-hopping. White Denim: D – review
  • His dazzling virtuosity and sweeping tonal palette made the music truly live.
  • A feast of violinistic virtuosity is promised. Times, Sunday Times
  • This sixteen member string orchestra plays with silky elegance and brilliant virtuosity.
  • Overall, the ballet offered a deft balance of theatricality and virtuosity, resulting in two very accessible productions that had the audience on their feet yelling bravos by night's end.
  • In terms of sheer virtuosity, it is dazzling. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this annual collection offers a useful snapshot of current trends and displays the Sinfonietta's virtuosity too. Times, Sunday Times
  • The choreography combines the martial lurches of capoeira, the summer-scented hips and shuffle of samba, and street dance's propulsive virtuosity. Times, Sunday Times
  • For him virtuosity per se is not so important as the quality and clarity of sound.
  • There were only sporadic moments of virtuosity from Pelé, but enough of them draw gasps of admiration from the starstruck throng. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fortepiano timbre didn't reveal any new secrets in the solo portions — Bach's writing is still very much modeled on harpsichord/clavichord virtuosity — but when providing a rippling accompaniment to the whole ensemble, the softer, subtler touch made for an invitingly plush sound. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Weber wrote this little-heard work as a display case for his own keyboard virtuosity, larding it with spectacular runs and technical effects.
  • Lyricism combines with charm, with the soloist's technical virtuosity ever-present, but never indulged in showily for its own sake.
  • The most technically flawless jazz singer is not necessarily the best, but Holland's Fay Claassen's virtuosity comes with a kind of built-in euphoria that demolishes resistance. Fay Claassen: Sing – Review
  • This is a guy who is completely connected to another, legendary, era and one of the few left alive from that time who can still communicate its undiluted energy with virtuosity.
  • It's a piece of quiet virtuosity — Carter spends more time than most composers would exploring the instrument's low range, and much of the middle sections, both slow and fast, are an exercise in sparse lontano orchestration, the interplay between horn and orchestra seeming to come from very far away. Magna Carter (8): You've got a head start
  • Since his talents broke out of the conservatoire in the mid-noughties, British pianist Gwilym Simcock started insisting that composition was by no means a second string to the keyboard virtuosity that attracted plaudits from jazz stars as big as Chick Corea and Lee Konitz. This week's new live music
  • Chopin, "the poet of the piano, " was as great an innovation in the pianistic world as Liszt, whose dazzling spectacular virtuosity was the antithesis of Chopin's more refined genius.
  • But this annual collection offers a useful snapshot of current trends and displays the Sinfonietta's virtuosity too. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the soloists that evening - young violinist Valja Dervenska - performed the Brilliant polonaise by Wieniawski with passion and virtuosity.
  • It is woolly-headed to suppose that Liverpool, in debilitating form, could suddenly be converted to flamboyance and virtuosity.
  • So when he takes honky-tonk style, for example, he pushes its virtuosity to the highest degree. Denk and Ives, Partners in Pianism
  • So why this distrust of virtuosity, this assumption that somehow, if your technique is astonishingly good, your emotional connection with the music must necessarily suffer? Come Fly With Me
  • The third movement brought some much needed rhythmic excitement, while the fourth, with its extended "alap", or free solo section – elaborated with unshowy virtuosity by Shankar's daughter and pupil Anoushka – afforded a tantalising glimpse of the sitar's real magic. LPO/Murphy
  • The real vocal star is Katharine Goeldner as the knight Ruggiero, giving as spectacular a demonstration of mezzo-soprano coloratura virtuosity as you are likely to hear anywhere today.
  • There were only sporadic moments of virtuosity from Pelé, but enough of them draw gasps of admiration from the starstruck throng. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such perfect virtuosity in dufferdom can be acquired only by constant practice. Yet Again
  • In the arena of sex, ‘virtuousness’ for women but ‘virtuosity’ for men have always been the desiderata.
  • And it's always entertaining to be awed by the men's breakdancing virtuosity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mass production leads to a downgrading of technical virtuosity. Cultural Anthropology
  • Pope John of Avignon issued a decree condemning the Ars Nova in 1324, forbidding a practice that, according to him, had given rise to an excess of virtuosity; the abuse of the hocket technique had made the sung texts incomprehensible and was also very little suited to calm meditation. Archive 2009-04-01
  • This profile, rich with footage, depicts a man whose energy and lust for life, as well its joys and sadnesses, informed his playing, and whose excessiveness broke the banks of mere virtuosity. TV highlights 07/10/2011
  • The strength of Timocheko's work lay in her virtuosity of performance and great ability to interpret music.
  • They displayed a different virtuosity following the skirling entrance of director Ron C. Wallace playing the bagpipes.
  • The recording offers a natural concert balance rather than a spot-lit vehicle for the soloist, an ideal match for Hough's selfless virtuosity.
  • Shot in one unbroken take of more than two hours, and with naturalistic performances to match the technical virtuosity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It confirms that they now surpass bluegrass ' mandatory virtuosity and have become not just American favourites, but world-beaters.
  • Elsewhere, in the showier items, her light-footed virtuosity felt sketched in, even mannered. Times, Sunday Times
  • One minute crabbed, spindly lines pick through the chords awkwardly, then suddenly there's a passage of effortless, fluid virtuosity.
  • The mixing on this disc is not about turntablism or virtuosity.
  • A work of astonishing ventriloquistic virtuosity ... Any Human Heart: Summary and book reviews of Any Human Heart by William Boyd.
  • Shot in one unbroken take of more than two hours, and with naturalistic performances to match the technical virtuosity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hussain and his two compatriots offered an impressive level of virtuosity - the tabla employing a rich vocabulary of sounds and intricate, continually nuanced rhythms; the singers embarking on long improvisatory half-chants, their bodies cupped around a sound that they seemed to be bringing forth with conductor-like gestures of the hands. NSO review: Tabla meets West as 'India' concert strikes a crossover convergence
  • In fact Vida has always been at odds with displays of technical virtuosity.
  • Then there's Bartok's stretched tonality, the expressive dissonances that result only partly from his use of scales and modes from eastern European folk music, the downright virtuosity of the writing, especially for piano.
  • Most modern performance tends to erase all evidence of the work that goes into playing: virtuosity is defined as effortlessness.
  • Yet in all this controlled virtuosity something was lost: the emotional immediacy of the individual voice, the collaborative energy of a consort of equals. Times, Sunday Times
  • The SFO is deliberately against technical virtuosity in favour of serendipity, against phallocentric guitar-heroism in favour of a detached, unphysical approach to playing.
  • Over and above his unquestionable technical virtuosity, there are two areas of his work in which Freud can be said to have opened up new ground. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It's much easier to appreciate the virtuosity of the pianists, to be sure.
  • In the finale we have Catharine in the mad scene, singing the scena, "L'aurora alfin succede," with bits of the old music running through the accompaniment; and in the final scene, as her reason returns, breaking out in the florid bravura, "Non s'ode alcun," accompanied by the first and second flutes, which is a triumph of virtuosity for the voice. The Standard Operas (12th edition) Their Plots, Their Music, and Their Composers
  • In the slow passages Cziffra's deep, brooding tone can hold the listener as enthralled as his legendary virtuosity.
  • This is acting of the purest and most unostentatious kind, unadorned by self-pity or visible virtuosity.
  • I feel towards this euphorbia the way I did toward Dame Evelyn Glennie's percussion solo at the concert I attended last night: while I'm amazed at the color, texture, and intense virtuosity, I can't say I love it. The Ever-Ripening Year « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Operating a pitch of delirious precision, the movie is a rich, cartoonish dream: non-stop Op art, and a triumph of virtual virtuosity.
  • Monica will bring to these concerts the fruits of her demanding approach in rehearsal, her natural virtuosity as a player and her effervescent, charismatic musicianship.
  • She may lack Bartoli's vocal virtuosity and sparkling stage personality, but her Angelina conveys its own quiet charm, and Rossini's florid coloratura writing never fazes her.
  • Today he is admired for his psychological penetration, the flawless beauty of his painting of hands, the meticulously cool facture of his works, their illusionism and their virtuosity.
  • Many a frontier settler's wife, underscrubbing on the bush section, must have been dreaming of the day when she would glow over her daughter's virtuosity on the piano.
  • One would think that all those cellos would produce a thick, tubby sound, but Boulez's rhythmic and contrapuntal virtuosity keep the music lively and athletic.
  • No to spectacle no to virtuosity no to transformations and magic and make believe no to glamour and transcendency of the star image no to the heroic no to the anti-heroic no to trash imagery no to involvement of performer or spectator no to style no to camp no to seduction of spectator by the wiles of the performer no to eccentricity no to moving or being moved. Step-by-step guide to dance: Yvonne Rainer
  • In this picture he displays great technical virtuosity.
  • But the easygoingness vanishes onstage, where Ryu works his instruments with boyish energy and inimitable virtuosity. - News
  • Equally commendable is the virtuosity he displayed while experimenting with traditional Western forms like the sonnet and the villanelle, as well as more complex forms such as the canzone and terza rima.
  • They could, as it were, force meaning into her features with the sheer virtuosity of their brush. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This trilogy is interesting technically, as it shows a virtuosity of rostrum technique, combined with stylised and painstaking animation drawing.
  • His dazzling virtuosity and sweeping tonal palette made the music truly live.
  • Tickets for the display of musical virtuosity are £14.50.
  • I've seen musical performances that combine virtuosity with buffoonery as well as exhibitions by photographers who use their own images as the butts of jokes.
  • These performances of the three late sonatas too have a fine, confident sweep and display Pizarro's easy, fluent virtuosity.
  • John Pead, tenor, started our programme with two arias from Handel's Rodelinda, showing a considerable virtuosity, the first with elaborate coloratura, the second more melancholy and sustained.
  • A beautiful and lyrical middle interlude provides a brief respite amid music of unabating virtuosity.
  • Broadly, he suggested that the ‘technostructure’ is motivated, not by profit as that goes to the shareholders, but by ‘technical virtuosity’ for its own sake, the approval of their peers, and the expansion of their departments.
  • Glass's violin concerto No 2, intended as an imaginative companion piece to Vivaldi's Four Seasons, was given a fine European premiere by its dedicatee, violinist Robert McDuffie, who mesmerised us with his memory in this 40-minute work, as much as his effortless virtuosity. LPO/Alsop; Varèse 360°
  • For him virtuosity per se is not so important as the quality and clarity of sound.
  • It is acoustic music with attitude and virtuosity.
  • Despite his virtuosity, Sonny Rollins always managed to express an underlying, wry sense of humor in his playing.
  • Throughout, his assured touch and dazzling virtuosity are matched by the orchestra's sensitive accompaniment.
  • There were only sporadic moments of virtuosity from Pelé, but enough of them draw gasps of admiration from the starstruck throng. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's no shortage of the elements we expect – the note-perfect casting of every role and face; the meticulous technical virtuosity; the sheer joy of word and speech; the fleeting moments of surreal oddness or psychic mania – all except for the cynicism that marred their early work. With True Grit, the Coen brothers have given the western back its teeth
  • In his writings he at first indicated this manner which gave so individual an impress to his virtuosity by the term tempo rubato: stolen, broken time ” a measure at once supple, abrupt, and languid, vacillating like the flame under the breath which agitates it, like the corn in a field swayed by the soft pressure of a warm air, like the top of trees bent hither and thither by a keen breeze. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • The second movement challenges the soloist's control and virtuosity with sustained high notes that must ring out over the accompaniment, and with rapid figurations, like a coloratura soprano's vocal exercises.
  • The multi-skills of the instrumentalists is a source of wonder and, again, the virtuosity is of a sort that does not seek to dazzle; cornetts and shawms are harder than they sound here.
  • Greece will bring an adamantine spirit to the final rather than virtuosity.
  • Despite his astounding virtuosity, he remains in many ways an enigma.
  • One of these whizzes through about 30 variations of a skeletonised ‘Little Brown Jug’ with witty compositional virtuosity.
  • pyrotechnic keyboard virtuosity
  • At that time, his virtuosity on the trumpet had no parallel in jazz.
  • Their play was Herakles in Lydia; Thettalos did Omphale and Iolaos, changing masks with great virtuosity, and most striking in the former role. The Mask of Apollo
  • It's not just the expertise and virtuosity of the individual musicians in ‘California Jazz’, it's the way they meld together to present some of the coolest hot jazz being played in Shanghai at the moment.
  • All but one of those I caught was a medium-length single stretch in which the available resources are used continuously at a pitch of virtuosity in a frenzied pointillistic style.
  • The work requires a pianist with super human technique and dazzling virtuosity.
  • One of these whizzes through about 30 variations of a skeletonised ‘Little Brown Jug’ with witty compositional virtuosity.
  • For him economic pragmatism, not artistic virtuosity, was the key to racial uplift.
  • This baroque band brought instrumental virtuosity and lightness of spirit to a varied program.
  • His later instrumental music explores new formal patterns as well as exploiting the virtuosity of cornettists and violinists.
  • This is acting of the purest and most unostentatious kind, unadorned by self-pity or visible virtuosity.

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