
virtual memory

  1. (computer science) memory created by using the hard disk to simulate additional random-access memory; the addressable storage space available to the user of a computer system in which virtual addresses are mapped into real addresses

How To Use virtual memory In A Sentence

  • Linux novices often find virtual memory mysterious, but with a grasp of the fundamental concepts, it's easy to understand.
  • It shows how much virtual memory there is, how much is free and paging activity.
  • I think the point is that a preemptively multitasking, protected mode virtual memory operating system shouldn't be letting third party DLLs crash the system.
  • Fortunately, a short trip to #git revealed the cause of the problem: git compresses objects before sending them to a remote repository; it simply ran out of virtual memory while compressing some of the larger files. LXer Linux News
  • Thanks to virtual memory technology, software can use more memory than is physically present.
  • More memory will make a huge difference in performance since the Mac has a fairly dismal form of virtual memory.
  • A micro-kernel uses inter-process communication and virtual memory and is able to split operating system functions across CPUs or distributed systems.
  • Forget nasty complex unpredictable memory caches: have a nonuniform physical address space with regions of memory of varying speed and let the OS use the virtual memory system to allocate pages to regions based upon application hints and/or access statistics. Snell-Pym » 2008 » April
  • JAVA is a strongly typed language, and its virtual memory environment imposes a restriction on valid memory accesses.
  • This paging algorithm determines which virtual memory pages currently in RAM ultimately have their page frames brought back to the free list.
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