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virtual image

  1. a reflected optical image (as seen in a plane mirror)

How To Use virtual image In A Sentence

  • The image has a larger angular subtense than the original object; therefore, the objects appear larger when seen through this optical system even though the virtual image is smaller than the object.
  • The concept is simple: avoid all installation and configuration hassles by using a virtual image of an entire software stack: operating system, application(s), configuration data, etc.
  • Because the optic chiasma had been cut, using their left eye they were unaware of the left half of the field of view of the screen the virtual image is reversed. 3D Avatar vs. 2D Avatar, and the Importance of Aspect Ratios | /Film
  • The concept is simple: avoid all installation and configuration hassles by using a virtual image of an entire software stack: operating system, application(s), configuration data, etc.
  • This includes editing virtual system settings and configuring each virtual machine as one of the parts available in the virtual image.
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