How To Use Virologist In A Sentence
My opinion, informed by current reports, the behavior of past influenza epidemics, and my knowledge and experience as a virologist, is that while this is potentially serious, there is no cause for alarm.
Is the Swine Flu Panic Overblown?
Gibbs said that might have been a coincidence, but the unusual placement of the virus on what what virologists call phylogenetic trees-a sort of schematic family history of the virus -- also peeked his interest.
Virologist to make his case for lab origin of swine flu
The New Yorker once called virologist Nathan Wolfe "the world's most prominent virus hunter.
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The procedures of Electronucleonics 'oncovirus lab in Silver Spring, MD, reasonably met BSL-4 Cabinet Model, and the virologists seemed to think I didn't need continuous escort.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
How could a virologist get access to anthrax, a bacterium, particularly the potent Ames strain?
European Pressphoto Agency Professor Frank Fenner in 2006 Mr. Fenner, an Australian virologist who died Monday at age 95, led the commission that verified that the World Health Organization ' s decadelong assault on the variola virus had been a success.
Virologist Helped Eradicate Smallpox
Based on global monitoring of flu strains, virologists try to predict which haemagglutinin and neuraminidase will dominate during the next flu season.
The development of this field from an outlandish rejection reaction in inbred mice to the mighty supergene system of today that all immunologists, cancer research workers and many virologists and developmental biologists meet in their daily work is one of the most exciting chapters in the enormous building of modern biology.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1980 - Presentation Speech
In 1957, the first description of infectious viral RNA from the tobacco mosaic virus by Fraenkel-Conrat and Gierer and Schramm determined my vocation: to become a virologist using the modern approach of molecular biology.
Luc Montagnier - Autobiography
The sculptures were designed in consultation with virologists from the University of Bristol using a combination of different scientific photographs and models.
Boing Boing
Microbiologists and virologists are just as overworked and stressed as the rest of the medical profession.
The vaccine would not be effective against a mutated virus as virologists can only start work once the strain has been isolated.
The researchers, led by virologist Andrew Rambaut at University of Edinburgh, called for better tracking of pig populations to identify dangerous diseases sooner.
* The term retrovirus was coined later by virologists.
The Emperor of All Maladies
Asked about parents who choose not to vaccinate their children against HPV, the virologist Nathan Wolfe, author of the new book "The Viral Storm," told me: "Basically the decision to not vaccinate risks not only cancer for their kids but cancer for anyone their kids have sex with.
The New Prudery
Louis Mansky, a virologist at the University of Minnesota, says that risk is minimal.
It was presumed to be due to a virus, and as Australia's only recognized virologist, material from guinea pigs was sent down to him. 8 On histological examination of tissues from an infected mouse he noticed a "vague herringbone pattern" which recalled what he had seen in psittacosis and had read about for rickettsiae, and using Castaneda's stain he had no doubt that the organism was a rickettsia.
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
What virologists fear is a different process, called antigenic shift or reassortment, which has driven previous pandemics.
Times, Sunday Times
In 1949, the new school of American virologists, to which virology owes so much, condemned lysogeny.
André Lwoff - Nobel Lecture
The discovery of these pig retroviruses was made in London in 1997 by virologist Dr Robin Weiss.
The medics will include infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, virologists, and nurses who specialise in acute care or communicable disease control.
In order to perfect my knowledge of oncogenic viruses, I moved from Carshalton to Glasgow where a new Institute of Virology had been recently inaugurated, headed by a remarkable virologist, Michael Stocker, and where many high-ranking visitors, among them Renato Dulbecco, were spending sabbatical years.
Luc Montagnier - Autobiography
I have been a virologist, and in fact I think I was the first to do any genetic work with animal viruses, and I'm very, very aware of the potential dangers if virulent viruses acting on human beings are being worked with.
As part of its promotional effort, Participant Media also built a multifaced website, showcasing the work of leading virologists and public health experts.
Dr. Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, has surprised the scientific community with his strong support for homeopathic medicine.
Dana Ullman: Nobel Prize Winner Takes Homeopathy Seriously
According to virologist Eugene Koonin, a co-author of the findings of the study, the relationship between Sputnik and the mamavirus is a unique “host-parasite” pairing.
���Sputnik��� Virus Can Attack Others, But Is it Alive?
He is the doyen of UK microbiologists and virologists.
It has been studied little apart from a small community of virologists interested in the fundamental properties and uniqueness of the virus.