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How To Use Virile In A Sentence

  • The notes: "raw, down and dirty patchouli, Gurjam balsam, and essence of Sampson Root sweetened with the heightened sexuality of beeswax, virile juniper, oakmoss, ambrette seed over honey and East African musk. End-of-Summer Party quick notes
  • In my next what-d'you-call-it I'll see to it that I get named something really practical -- something that sounds swell and yet is good and virile -- something, in fact, like that grand old name so familiar to every household -- that bold and almost overpowering name, Willis Jimjams Ijams! '' Babbitt
  • Where I live we are surrounded by people in their 80s and 90s who are vigorous, virile and full of life as anyone I know.
  • In my next what-d'you-call-it I'll see to it that I get named something really practical -- something that sounds swell and yet is good and virile -- something, in fact, like that grand old name so familiar to every household -- that bold and almost overpowering name, Willis Jimjams Ijams! '' Babbitt
  • He wanted his sons to become strong, virile, and athletic like himself.
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  • He wanted his sons to become strong, virile, and athletic like himself.
  • I'd much rather be de-frosted in a hundred years time a reasonably virile man in his twenties, rather than a decrepit octogenarian who had already died once.
  • I understand how distracted a woman can be with a virile man waiting at home for her.
  • In 1910 the Royal Canadian Academy sent an exhibition to England and I remember the disappointment expressed in the English papers in expecting to find something breezy and virile from a young country and finding only a tame acceptance of their own convictions. Two Views of Canadian Art
  • The brief courtships I held in virile adolescence ended in either tragedy of my own doing or forced adieu; both similar to the other, really.
  • It opens with Fokine's Le Spectre de la Rose, the 1911 ballet with which Vaslav Nijinsky legendarily reinvented the image of the male dancer, leaping on stage in a pink-petalled costume – athletically virile and exquisitely perfumed. Men in Motion – review
  • There's nothing I hate more than a virile guy who is an effective patient listener.
  • If you were gonna terraform Mars and send animals to colonize the planet, would you send Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, or the virile teenagers old enough to survive but young enough to populate the colony? Alternative to Dembski's Theodicy?
  • Bartlett drew from the old-fashioned uniforms of the virile football player and the preening perfection of the city dweller.
  • That appreciation and expression of the beautiful is something that the French explorers in that other world -- the valley reached of the pioneers of the seeing eyes and the understanding hearts -- have carried and will continue to carry over those same portages, to give that virile life of the west some of those higher satisfactions of which this daughter of the portage is the prophetess. The French in the Heart of America
  • Surely these handsome, virile guys must have been having a good time in mid-town, with its bright lights and ‘action’.
  • It's a rather fine blend of catchy chorus, guitar licks and virile vocals.
  • A wonderfully virile performance of a great work!
  • Time and again, advanced and cultured societies have been laid low by more primitive and virile enemies with superior military institutions and a stronger will to fight.
  • It was hard to see him as anything other than a virile male.
  • She likes her men young and virile.
  • It's already been posted on a number of blogs and websites, and seems to have gone what they call "virile" in Web parlance. Take a Seat: The Problem of Saddle Theft
  • Note 15: Chronica Regia Coloniensis continuatio IIa, p. 190: "Circa pasca enim et penthecosten ex omni Theutonia et Francia, nullo hortante nec predicante, nescio quo spiritu acti, multa milia puerorum a 6 annis et supra usque ad virilem etatem, invitis parentibus, cognatis et amicis retrahentibus … crucibus se signaverunt." back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • It was precisely that virile habiliment to which a well-known gallant captain alludes in his conversation with the posthumous appearance of Miss Bailey, as containing a Bank of England 5 pound note. Tales of all countries
  • It flags during the encampment scenes, with some redundant gore, but this is a muscular, virile piece of film-making from Boyle.
  • Strong-muscled, virile, simple and truthful, the Paharis inhabit the hilly tracts of the ‘middle mountains'.
  • Comparison of Virile Beauty between " Twenty - four Literal Criticisms " and " On Sublimity
  • As the editor of Independence, which was a task assigned to him, he proved his mettle as he was possessed of intellectual daring, a virile pen and sound political judgement.
  • He was what he and his followers liked to call the virile or red-blooded type, responsive to the "Call of the Wild, The American Spirit in Literature : a chronicle of great interpreters
  • So young, so tender, so gentle, so virile.
  • Combat stimulates the virile or creative energy; and, like love, of which it is one form, excites the mind to an orgasm which enables it to transcend its rational dullness.
  • It implies progress, action, a sweeping away of the old order, a new era of vigorous and virile therapy.
  • You could have had me, a young, virile man, but no, you had to have an old fat king.
  • It was a strong hand, virile and filled with vigor.
  • Let's say, then, that they range from the distinguished and powerful to the young, brave and virile.
  • They've been made to believe that it makes them, what they call virile, poor fools, and they're growing ill on it. Plays of Near & Far
  • a virile and ever stronger free society
  • It's primary meaning is 'ploughshare' and its secondary meaning is precisely 'penis' or 'membrum virile' in VictorianSpeak, if you may. Archive 2010-09-01
  • She is an attractive, weak-minded and desperate middle-aged teacher who gives into the temptation of sleeping with a reasonably virile teenage boy who has a crush on her.
  • Cummins is a vulnerable, angry, intense, virile and passionate performer, making a ‘raging bull’ appear human, sad, remorseful and honourable.
  • As the editor of Independence, which was a task assigned to him, he proved his mettle as he was possessed of intellectual daring, a virile pen and sound political judgement.
  • Planning offensives, like military campaigns or space probes, are given virile, go-get-'em titles.
  • He vainly affects a George Raft hairdo and would-be virile gestures that go soft before they are half over.
  • These happen all the time, whether we're aware of them or not, and the notion that something a bit more virile is at work behind these exchanges is always an interesting one. Short fiction report #4
  • _acatl_, reed, cornstalk, is also applied to the virile member; and it has been suggested that this is the real signification of the word when applied to the hero-god. American Hero-Myths A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent
  • So: the average such thrillertakes a handsome young virile protagonist, and a heroine notionally attractive according to the very limited logics of 'supermodels', and puts them through the paces ofa reassuringly familiar plot: set-up, small fight, increasing peril, climactic big conflagration. Best of 2009
  • These guys all want to come home, have their necks rubbed, have their slippers handed to them, and be told what big, virile men they are.
  • Usually, US Army personnel are depicted on TV or in the movies as smart, fit, tall, handsome, virile men, eager to fight for their country and ever at the ready.
  • In terms of Irish stereotypes, Beowulf seems like a Gaelic rather than a Celtic piece of art - canny, virile and earthbound rather than dreamy, spiritual and involuted.
  • The sandwich was unremarkable, but so much else was unforgettable: boeuf bourguignon, for example, admirably yielding in an earthy, wine-dark sauce of bewitching intensity; and peppery grilled onglet (hanger steak), an appropriately virile partner for a posse of supermodel fries The Seattle Times
  • She discovered it in the "virile" attentions of Molineux's friend Barnet. Poison Served His Purpose
  • a new and virile leadership
  • Entrapment: ‘a subtle and surprisingly virile performance’.
  • Would the same caveat hold for the use of the word "virile" to describe the Socratic method? Pound on the Socratic Method
  • I must be very lucky person because every time I look at my e - mail someone wants to make me a millionaire, help me lose weight or become the world's most virile man.
  • One of them, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, was convinced that the strong, virile physical and moral education of the British public schools was responsible for the prodigious expansion of the British Empire.
  • She was more than a little stunned that this man, who had the virile charm to wind this nurse around his finger, had resorted to crudeness and anger. Western Man
  • I will so bedizen your virile, though somewhat crassly practical gifts ---- Why, women are my long suit. Free Air
  • We tried speaking in Cryptopsyisms, saying things like "he was the least unvirile keeper of something like a light-house whom she had ever laid her eyes upon, unlike the aura of a not unforeskinned deity. Meli Diary Entry
  • The result is that the ruddy duck's genes, stronger, more virile, dominate the union, producing ruddy duck dominated hybrids and weakening the white-headed duck strain.
  • What some reports call "virile" disagreements during the negotiations basically centered on British concerns that increased regulation and taxation of financial services might harm the City of London as Europe's finance capital. Top Stories
  • He wanted his sons to become strong, virile, and athletic like himself.
  • A South American gaucho is an expert horseman, but here he has leapt to the ground and challenged a rival to equal or defeat him in ever more energetic and virile stamping movements.
  • But in context virile and manly are always distinguished from servile or slavish; Tocqueville does not explicitly or implicitly contrast them to feminine or womanly.
  • Sacred bovids, beginning with the fecund cow and advancing to the virile bull, were finally degraded to mere substance in the hands of humanized deities.
  • Then again, it would be hard to summon much tenderness for this painting by one of those pale young Brits of equine features and unvirile demeanor.
  • Mick Jagger and Dave Stewart provide a virile, rough hewn soundtrack that gives the film an aural authority it barely deserves.
  • Only a windlike chant would do -- something with an undertone of human despair, outsoared by brave, savage flights of invincible soul-hope -- great virile singing man-cries, winged as the starlight, weird as space -- Whitman sublimated, David's soul poured out in symphony. The River and I
  • The nuances of scientific baseball could not compete with the brute strength, virile showmanship, and instant gratification of the round-tripper, and the bellwether of brawn, of course, was Babe Ruth. WILLIE MAYS
  • The sword image shows his ideal and leads to virile solemn and stirring style.
  • He has a gift for comedy and a strong, virile sound that proved a welcome contrast to the softer tones of the lighter voiced singers.
  • His style of singing is very virile.
  • In the film, Sarah emerges as a person of weaker character - a woman so desperate for a virile man than she is willing to cash in her passionate relationship with God.
  • He deconstructs myths of the tough virile man, laying his anxieties bare on the floor.
  • The myth is desacralised into an image of a goddess, half-virile, half-playful.
  • The men's dorms are decorated in virile earth tones and the rugged wood and tweedy furniture gives you the feeling of being in a hunting lodge.
  • Gandhari is given away by reluctant parents to a blind but virile husband, yet is unable to become a mother by natural means.
  • Sperm banks then sell the seminal product through catalogs which feature glossy photos of virile men.
  • What Westerners construed as effeminate is in fact virile, an assertion of perfected control and independence.
  • The recollection is of a religious zealot, a somewhat dull and intractable man in stark contrast to his master, the virile and volatile Henry VIII.
  • In this role, Durante is able to give full expression to that wonderfully virile voice.
  • The eminent lawyer, his calculating eye still on Garrison, then proceeded with much forensic ability and virile imagination to lay the full beauties of the "cinch" before him. Garrison's Finish : a romance of the race course
  • Besides, you've just been dumped for another, more virile man so I hardly think you're one to speak.
  • The young virile fox is faster and will outrun the hounds, while the old fox past its prime will fall.
  • Scott Hendricks is an equally flexible, believable actor, a passionate advocate for freedom with his strong, virile baritone.
  • The fact that testosterone is involved gave rise to the idea that bald men are more virile.
  • But by the time the reader's blood was up, he would come across some virile atheist's proclamation of the feeble, mattoid character of the religion in question, as illustrated by its quietist saints, the Quakers, the Tolstoyans, and non-resisters in general. G. K. Chesterton, A Critical Study
  • A crucial part of the war effort was expended on creating an army of men who looked heroic, larger than life, and capable of showing forth the nation's virile strength.
  • Think about what it would be like to have a younger, more virile man make love to you!!
  • The inscription reads: ‘Dedicated to those virile men - the copper miners…’
  • In terms of Irish stereotypes, Beowulf seems like a Gaelic rather than a Celtic piece of art - canny, virile and earthbound rather than dreamy, spiritual and involuted.
  • Finney was a young and rambunctious British actor, playing a young and exceedingly virile rakehell.
  • I must not be supposed, in saying this, to be leaving out of sight the virile exercise of logical and rational faculties; but that is another side of education; and the grave deficiency which I detect in the old theory was that practically all the powers and devices of education were devoted to what was called fortifying the mind and making it into Cambridge Essays on Education
  • It is rather the re-assertion of the elemental quality in virile mankind, which, first in the garden was impelled to subdue the earth, and later founded colonies and transplanted empires across the faces of the planet. Development of the Canadian West
  • If you visit Benin and Nigeria, you’ll see that he is characterized as virile with horns and phallus. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • For the next 30 years he was one of the company's most important principal dancers, an athletic and virile performer.

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