
How To Use Virgil In A Sentence

  • The distich caused discussion regarding the quantity of "hic", but the pope defended the prosody of Voltaire who confirmed his opinion by a quotation from Virgil which he said ought to be the epitaph of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • In _Coriolanus_, Shakespeare makes Volumnia the mother, and Virgilia the wife, of Coriolanus; but his _wife_ was Volumnia, and his _mother_ Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • Profit is also found in Xenophon, Ovid, Thucydides, Cicero and Virgil. The Volokh Conspiracy » My Top 10 Most Influential Books:
  • = Merkel proposed MORES, citing Virgil _G_ I 50-52 'at prius ignotum ferro quam scindimus aequor,/uentos et uarium caeli praediscere _morem_/cura sit' and Statius _Sil_ III ii 87 'quos tibi currenti praeceps gerat Hadria _mores_'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • We find it, for instance, in the criticism of Virgil, to whose work were attributed four distinct meanings: literal, allegorical, moral, and anagogic. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
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  • Later, he was taught to turn English verse into alcaics and sapphics in Horatian style, as well as imitating Virgil, Ovid and the Greek tragedians.
  • Adair, who loves Virgilia, resigns himself to be her confidant and Fergus' mentor.
  • It was dedicated to Roman statesman Gaius Maecenas, who had become Virgil's patron.
  • He attempts to refuse them passage, but Virgil reminds him that in Hell what God wills is done.
  • There are substantial Roma communities in all European countries, not just Romania and Bulgaria," said Virgil Bercea, the Greek Catholic bishop of Oradea. Romania Church Leaders Condemn Roma Deportations
  • The author chiefly represented in the collection is Philodemus, an Epicurean philosopher of the 1st century BC who taught Virgil, the greatest Latin poet, and probably also Horace.
  • He also published occasional verses, satires, and a free translation from Virgil.
  • We get guys from north Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and as far away as Detroit through here," said Virgil Allen, who oversees "Mr. Charlie," a retired drilling rig in Morgan City where companies train new workers for offshore work. - Local News
  • In the US, however, the European pastoral ideal, rooted in Virgil's bucolic visions of an unchanging Arcadia of shepherds and shepherdesses, has been transmuted by the capitalistic impetus.
  • Aaron Slate, phyllite, metasiltstone, metatuff, felsic volcanic rocks, and Virgilina Greenstone underlie Ecoregion 45c in Virginia. Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
  • Medes and Assyrians, Virgil is the most ancient writer, who expressly mentions the soft wool which was combed from the trees of the Seres or Chinese; 62 and this natural error, less marvellous than the truth, was slowly corrected by the knowledge of a valuable insect, the first artificer of the luxury of nations. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • In this poem, completed and published in 1713, he proceeded, as Virgil had done, from the pastoral vein to the georgic and celebrated the rule of Queen Anne as the Latin poet had celebrated the rule of Augustus. Encyclopædia Britannica Online Quote of the Day
  • He travestied Virgil, remaking the original Trojans into Ukrainian kozaks and the destruction of Troy into the abolition of the hetmanate.
  • I was hardly the first person to have recourse to the sortes Virgilianae in time of confusion or trouble. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • The narrative of Dionysios of Halikarnassos is somewhat different, perhaps following an annalistic tradition and not Virgil's source.
  • And if you hadn't read at least the first line of Virgil's Aeneid, you'd clearly wasted your youth. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Virgil too calls the outspread, even plain, “justissima tellus.” The Vicarious Sacrifice, Grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation.
  • Virgil stared deep into the grease spots on the garage floor, as if by reading their patterns and by some mystic mode of divination, petrolmancy perhaps, he would arrive at a price that would not ali-enate the dark young man but would still assure him an exorbitant hourly rate for his labor. Practical Demonkeeping
  • (London, 1709), written in emulation of Virgil and Theocritus (in which Alexis appears). Letter 68
  • In his boyhood, the autobiographer is an unreconstructed rustic who might have stepped out of a pastoral elegy of Virgil or Theocritus.
  • Virgil is shown working in a fast-food restaurant wearing janglers' bells on his head like a harlequin, the fool's cap of working youth's subjugation, but he exits to save the life of a rapper.
  • However, as my commander was absolute, his orders peremptory, and my obedience necessary, I resolved to avail myself of a philosophy which hath been of notable use to me in the latter part of my life, and which is contained in this hemistich of Virgil: — — — Superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
  • A "chippy" ending is common in bad construing from Virgil. How to Write Clearly Rules and Exercises on English Composition
  • The Capitoline hill, which Virgil means by "arx" a conspicuous object from the river just below the Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero
  • In _Coriolanus_, Shakespeare makes Volumnia the mother, and Virgilia the wife, of Coriolanus; but his _wife_ was Volumnia, and his _mother_ Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • Thomas begins with recent neo-Kantian studies of the aesthetics of melancholy, and applies these ideas to a number of case studies, chiefly the bucolics of Virgil, the eclogues of Miklós Radnóti, and the utopian lyrics and music of Bob Dylan.
  • Captain Virgil Aspaugh has a doctorate in radiobiology from MIT and is in charge of our nuclear-weapons safety program. Pressure Point
  • I have seen a learned work about a century old, now entirely forgotten, in which it is maintained that Virgil's fourth Eclogue is simply a genethliacon of Augustus; the arguments, which are ingenious but futile, are drawn from the poem of The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
  • I here use the word initiation because I have no doubt that Virgil had in his mind when writing it the Greek idea of initiation into mysteries preparatory to a new life. The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
  • On Monday the English professor taught ‘Lycidas’ and discussed pastoral elegy, Moschus, and why ‘pastures new’ enrolled Milton in Virgil's trajectory of eclogue, georgic, and epic, the classic career shape of the major poet.
  • Virgil Thomson wrote crushingly of "Porgy and Bess" that "it is clear, by now, that Gershwin hasn't learned the business of being a serious composer, which one has ­always gathered to be the ­business he wanted to learn," though Thomson spoke more kindly of him off the record. Rhapsody Imbued
  • Olim meminisse juvabit", * (* It will be pleasant to remember former troubles - Virgil (not Seneca).) and dooced appropriate, too. THE NUMBERS
  • Ten minutes after roll-call the janitor let them out, and shortly afterwards a wretched procession of five emerged from Merishall's room with two hundred lines from Virgil hanging over each head for a missed call-over without excuse. Acton's Feud A Public School Story
  • In answer to H.H. who advertises in No. 568, p. 208, of _The Mirror_, for a translation in one line rhyming with Virgil's hemistich: The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 572, October 20, 1832
  • Lavinia's pre-Roman Latium is pagan, of course, but does not have the anthropomorphised gods that Virgil knows. February Books 16) Lavinia, by Ursula Le Guin
  • The ancient mythology here seems revived; the naiades are placed on the borders of rivers, the nymphs in woods worthy of them, the tombs beneath Elysian shades, and the statue of Esculapius in the middle of an isle, while that of Venus appears to rise out of the waters: Ovid and Virgil might walk in this enchanting spot, and still believe themselves in the Augustan age. Corinne, Volume 1 (of 2) Or Italy
  • He was the soapbox orator who could quote Virgil or Shakespeare to give dignity to a bitter grudge.
  • In The Inferno, Virgil guides Dante through the underworld, comprising nine concentric circles that represent varying degrees of condemnation, from the unbaptized in Limbo to traitorous Satan at the center. The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson: Questions
  • That the usurer is the drone that Virgil speaketh of: Usury A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View
  • By emphasizing rather than sublimating the oppositional tensions propelling his belated poetic project, Virgil kept his commitment to the present, even as he ostensibly addressed the past.
  • Have you ever balanced the scene with the bishops in Richard III. against the character of Cranmer? the description of St. Francis and St. Dominic against that of him who made Virgil wonder to gaze upon him, -- "disteso, tanto vilmente, nell 'eterno esilio"; or of him whom Dante stood beside, "come 'l frate che confessa lo perfido assassin? Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • The supposed connection of the fourth Eclogue with the _Sibylline Books_, and through them, with the sacred wisdom of the Hebrews, of course placed Virgil on a different level from other heathens. The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
  • Stripped of his offices in 1688, he returned with success to the theatre, and began a brilliant series of translations from the classics, particularly Virgil's Aeneid and The Georgics.
  • The fellow with the cell phone, ironically named Virgil, chats obsessively on it with a number of intimates, including his former girlfriend Alice.
  • She rattled through a translation from Virgil's Aeneid.
  • On the left wing of the horse Virgil appeared, in shining armour, completely fitted to his body; he was mounted on a dapple-grey steed, the slowness of whose pace was an effect of the highest mettle and vigour. The Battle of the Books
  • The Commedia's last allusion to Virgil occurs as late as the final canto, when the poet marks the dissolution of his own powers in the face of God's reality.
  • As we have already seen, Dante's guide through Inferno or Hell, was the Roman poet and pagan, Virgil.
  • That the usurer is the drone that Virgil speaketh of; Ignavum fucos pecus a præsepibus arcent. XLI. Of Usury
  • We hear iambs, trochees, Virgil's hexameters, the Norse alliterative lines, each arranged in their various couplets, quatrains, choric stanzas, gnomic verses, and much more besides.
  • Instead of subjecting description to action, as do Homer and Virgil in their narrativizing descriptions, Keats defamiliarizes the adjective and lingers on it.
  • Virgil sat down and closed his eyes to meditate, think it out. UNKNOWN MAN #89
  • So, in a picturesque scene, just as Dante and Virgil doze off on the ledge of lento amore, they are awakened by a crowd of penitents rushing by, shouting and weeping with overwrought passion.
  • Mantuan poet > (Virgil, 70-19 BC, who was born near Maro, in Mantua, northern Italy) incompared > unmatched (SUS) 612 Whose garland now is set in highest place, The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • Latin speech, and the _veray_ Roman tongue, which in the time of Tully and Sallust and Virgil and Terence was used -- I say that filthiness, and all such abusion, which the later blind world brought in, which more rather may be called Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
  • Virgil sat down and closed his eyes to meditate, think it out. UNKNOWN MAN #89
  • Through his continued application of georgic strategies, he is returned to a truly Virgilian sense of the extreme volatility of the labor of imperial regeneration.
  • In her essay on Elias Canetti, Sontag notes his admiration for the novelist Hermann Broch and those great patient novels 'The Death of Virgil' and 'The Sleepwalkers.' A Very Public Intellectual
  • Here, all there is to see is a competition of boats, manned by England's best youth, upon a noble river, flowing, in Virgilian phrase, "under ancient walls"; a city of romance, given up for a few days to the pleasure of the young, and breathing into that pleasure her own refining, exalting note; a stately ceremony -- the Encaenia -- going back to the infancy of A Writer's Recollections — Volume 1
  • Virgil thinks it sometimes a beauty to imitate the license of the Greeks, and leave two vowels opening on each other, as in that verse of the Third Pastoral: Et succus pecori, et lac subducitur agnis. Dedication
  • He's one of four pitchers to throw two no-hitters in a single season, and at age 86, Virgil Trucks still receives stacks of fan mail requesting autographed photos and baseballs.
  • Speaking of the swift, that page says "its drink the dew;" whereas it should be "it drinks on the wing;" for all the swallow kind sip their water as they sweep over the face of pools or rivers: like Virgil's bees, they drink flying; "_flumina summa libant_. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 1
  • And, indeed, Virgil's theme here is less the development of a character or the portraiture of a hero than the idealisation of the people of the Italy which he loved so well, who needed only a divinely guided leader and civiliser to enter upon the glorious career that was in store for them. The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
  • Delille, with his translation in verse of the _Georgics_ of Virgil, commenced a noble poetic career which he pursued until the nineteenth century; Gilbert wrote some mordant satires which recalled Boileau, and some farewells to life which are among the best lyrics; Saint Initiation into Literature
  • Virgil recognizes the anomaly of expunged Trojan origins and effectively mythicizes it in Book 12 of the Aeneid.
  • You can read about his biography from archiv. org - Virgil Hart Missionary Statesman. OpEdNews - Diary: Heck of a job, Commie
  • Virgil's lines are as a shepherd's staff, for cudgeling foes or correcting friends.
  • Every allegedly great age is an age of translations, beginning with Geoffrey Chaucer, paraphraser of Virgil and Ovid, condenser of old stories he had found in Latin, French, and Italian.
  • The chlamys was a foreign warrior’s garment, hardly the typical uniform of a Roman woman, though tellingly it was the dress of Virgil’s tragic heroine of the Aeneid, Queen Dido of Carthage, who like Agrippina had taken on traditionally male responsibilities, attempting to found a new kingdom for her people.62 Caesars’ Wives
  • We hear iambs, trochees, Virgil's hexameters, the Norse alliterative lines, each arranged in their various couplets, quatrains, choric stanzas, gnomic verses, and much more besides.
  • Republican Virgil Peck made what he calls a "joke" during a public hearing on how to control the feral-pig population like you, I was unaware that this was a huge problem in Kansas. Daniel Cubias: Has Anti-Latino Sentiment Peaked?
  • The famous Mr. Johnson is a shire-fellow of mine, and very proud I am of it, and reckon it among the greatest events of my life that he has bullyragged me soundly for differing from him, and being right, about a line of Virgil he had misquoted in my hearing. The Yeoman Adventurer
  • He mentions the physical traits that Virgil elaborates - Mercury's characteristic caduceus and winged heels - and he adopts the same point of view for Mercury's flight.
  • Virgil's Georgics have been described as a glorification of labour. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists
  • Virgil and the Iliad of Homer -- two books chiefly studied for the little-go or responsions. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • XXI 15, sui quali grava un eccesso di memoria e un igienico distacco, comprovante che non c'è niente di piú filiale e amorevole che uccidere il padre; di quei libri perduti e riconquistati, decorati con ogni possibile segno di tenerezza, come il Virgilio Ambrosiano allestito dal padre ser Petracco, «michi subreptus» nel 1326 e «deinde restitutus» nel 1338 apud Avinionem sottoscrizione autografa del foglio di guardia del codice Ambr. Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, ed & comm. Rosanna Bettarini (Turin, 2005)
  • That behavior soon earned him a visit from Virgil and Morgan, who promptly pistol-whipped him.
  • Like Virgil's, Horace's garden had its vines, olives, bees and kine.
  • So, rather than disappoint them, I resorted to a kind of sortes Virgillana; I shut my eyes, turned round thrice, and made a mark at hazard on the line of photographs. Hawthorne and His Circle
  • The scholar suddenly transferred his affections from the Greeks 'phalanx to the Roman legions and began with the first verse of Virgil's "Æneid. The Last Shot
  • DRYDEN'S translation of Virgil being commended by a right reverend bishop, Lord Chesterfield said, "The original is indeed excellent; but everything suffers by a _translation_, -- except a _bishop_! The Jest Book The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings
  • Virgil turned red, and murmured, ‘Yes I do, but I live everyday with the punishment of the unreturned feeling.’
  • This was just after Mr Zachariah Lathrope, the American passenger, had so well illustrated Virgil's line, _facilus descensus averni_, in coming down the stairway by the run, on the top of a "comber;" and, although the steward had lit one of the swinging lamps over the cuddy table, it only served, with its feeble flickering light, to "make the darkness visible" and render the scene more sombre. The Wreck of the Nancy Bell Cast Away on Kerguelen Land
  • This ‘changing of the guard’ entails an extraordinary effacement of Virgilian text precisely when Beatrice appears.
  • It seemed by the distant hum as if somebody's bees had swarmed, and that the neighbors, according to Virgil's advice, by a faint tintinnabulum upon the most sonorous of their domestic utensils, were endeavoring to call them down into the hive again. Walden~ Chapter 07 (historical)
  • But they ever retained the inveterate vanity of their country: their praise, or at least their esteem, was reserved for the national writers, to whom they owed their fame and subsistence; and they sometimes betrayed their contempt in licentious criticism or satire on Virgil’s poetry, and the oratory of Tully. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • That the usurer is the drone, that Virgil speaketh of; The Essays
  • To the ancient inhabitants of Italy the misletoe was a sacred emblem; and the golden branches of Virgil were none other than those of the misletoe. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • But even in the most excellent determination of goodnesse, what Philosophers counsaile can so readely direct a Prince, as the feined Cirus in Xenophon, or a vertuous man in all fortunes: as Aeneas in Virgill, or a whole Common-wealth, as the Way Defence of Poesie
  • For generations of adults, the simple word-series "amo, amare, amavi, amatus" used to act as a kind of madeleine, calling to mind long classroom hours spent conjugating Latin verbs (including this one, meaning "love"), then exploring Gaul in its three parts and eventually trying to puzzle out the syntax of the rugged lines that followed "Arma virumque cano," the opening phrase of Virgil's "The Aeneid. The Ne Plus Ultra of Languages
  • Now in Virgil's early poem, the Sixth Eclogue, the speaker explains that the writing of pastoral poetry is the stuff that young poets do.
  • The implications of this observation and others are discussed with regard to the evolution of myrmecophily in T. virgilius.
  • This is a sardar who knows that, metaphorically speaking, what has meant most to him is not carnal knowledge of a virgin but intellectual knowledge of Virgil.
  • Cheles has discerned a valuable link between the phrase "virtutibus itur ad astra," represented at Urbino, and the opened manuscript of Virgil's Aeneid, displayed on the lectern in the Gubbio studiolo. 156 The page shown at Gubbio contains the following passage: "Each has his day appointed; short and irretrievable is the span of life to all: but to lengthen fame by deeds — that is valour's task. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The imp said, ‘Oh, that is not wonderful,’ and crept into the hole to show Virgil how it was done, whereupon Virgil closed up the hole and kept the imp there.
  • That beast, Todd, has gone, and Merishall will ladle us out three hundred of Virgil for missing call-over," moaned Bourne. Acton's Feud A Public School Story
  • Virgil's purpose was moral, and his main concern is to describe the farmer's virtues of austerity, integrity, and hard work, which made Rome great.
  • He instructs him in invention, composition, and especially style, emphasizing particularly the harmony of the verse and defining imitative harmony, examples of which, taken from Virgil, have passed into classical teaching, e.g. "ruit Oceano nox, procumbit-humi bos, conuolsum remis rostrisque stridentibus aequor". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Liddell lokker through the leafery, ours is mistery of pain. 3 You may spin on youthlit’s bike and multiplease your Mike and Nike with your kickshoes on the algebrars but, volve the virgil page and view, the O of woman is long when burly those two muters sequent her so from Nebob4 see you never stray who’ll nimm you nice and nehm the day. Finnegans Wake
  • Lavinia's pre-Roman Latium is pagan, of course, but does not have the anthropomorphised gods that Virgil knows. February Books 16) Lavinia, by Ursula Le Guin
  • Virgil sat down and closed his eyes to meditate, think it out. UNKNOWN MAN #89
  • XIV., would not meet with a very gentle reception from the learned; he who is disposed to reprehend Virgil for having described King A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Note 104: "The word forulos is of uncertain derivation, but foros, of which it is clearly the diminutive, is used by Virgil for the cells of bees. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The Eclogues, four short poems, 319 lines in all, are strongly influenced by Virgil and Calpurnius.
  • [551] A pleasant study, in poetic use of imagery and phrase, is the gradation from the bare and grand Lucretian simplicity of _silentia noctis_, through the "favour and prettiness" (slightly tautological though) of the Virgilian _tacitae per amica silentia lunae_, to the recovery and intensifying of magnificence in _dove il sol tace_. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • Virgil sat down and closed his eyes to meditate, think it out. UNKNOWN MAN #89
  • I have spent a good deal of the last three and a half years researching the Sibyl of Cumae, the pagan prophetess of classical antiquity said by Virgil to write her oracles on leaves.
  • When he has Virgil say, ‘There's not much time to lose, so make it presto,’ we might think that he is here latching on to what could be a gift to the translator, a word used by Dante which is also naturalised in English.
  • November 24, 2008 at 11: 16 PM virgil will run again. hurt isn't ready for primetime, yet. clarke hogan is much more likely though in the event virgil doesn't run. in the end, it's tucker watkins 'pick to make. Virgil Asks For Recount
  • ‡ In the Aeneid of Virgil, which was written in Latin, Odysseus is called Ulysses. Ulysses
  • I managed ta get ta one o' our meetin' places afore I passed out again, an' Virgil towed Genevieve back ta his place an' then cut the constrictor offa me. Down on the Pharm
  • Thus the use of the Troy myth by post-classical writers should not be compared to Virgil's use of the myth, even though Virgil's use of ancient Roman myth is the chief source of the cultural-genealogical practice.
  • We get guys from north Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and as far away as Detroit through here," said Virgil Allen, who oversees "Mr. Charlie," a retired drilling rig in Morgan City where companies train new workers for offshore work. - Local News
  • For generations of adults, the simple word-series "amo, amare, amavi, amatus" used to act as a kind of madeleine, calling to mind long classroom hours spent conjugating Latin verbs (including this one, meaning "love"), then exploring Gaul in its three parts and eventually trying to puzzle out the syntax of the rugged lines that followed "Arma virumque cano," the opening phrase of Virgil's "The Aeneid. The Ne Plus Ultra of Languages
  • To silence the dog, Virgil throws clods of earth into each of his throats.
  • Virgil wasn't too rowdy in the sack, but he had potential.
  • A tall, slim girl, "half-past sixteen," with serious gray eyes and hair which her friends called auburn, had sat down on the broad red sandstone doorstep of a Prince Edward Island farmhouse one ripe afternoon in August, firmly resolved to construe so many lines of Virgil. Anne of Avonlea
  • I was looking for Virgil "Gus" Grissom and Roger Chaffee, who, along with their crewmate Ed White, had been killed while training for the first crewed Apollo mission in 1967. Zoe P. Strassfield: Space History in DC: White Roses for Explorers, Part 3
  • PAN AND LUNA" describes a mythical adventure of Luna -- the moon, given by Virgil in the Georgics; and has for its text a line from them (III. A Handbook to the Works of Browning (6th ed.)
  • From the froth of poetry, they rose to a contemplation of the old classics; Homer, Euripides, Sophocles, Virgil, rising grandly from their dust, ensphered in vibratory eloquence. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 5, May, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • The story of the second, or scapegoat, Virgil would be much damaged by the character given to the real bishop, if there were anything in it to dilapidate. A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II)
  • He was the soapbox orator who could quote Virgil or Shakespeare to give dignity to a bitter grudge.
  • During the next 12 years, he made extraordinary journeys through a region of virgin rainforest and unmapped rivers, carrying volumes of Virgil and Homer, snakebite serum, his Rolleiflex camera and little else.
  • He was one of the Roman humanists who took a delight in conversing in the language of Horace and Virgil, of Cicero and Martial for its own sake.
  • And it's funny because riffing on Virgil is exactly how I thought of it myself.
  • As European students learnt Latin, they learnt how to translate Virgil and Homer, how to write imitation verses and how to write in hexameter and with rhyme. Starting the Young : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • All this imagery occurs with shades of the medieval world of Dante's Inferno, Virgil's Aeneid, and the fire-and-brimstone typology of the Bible.
  • And as a biographer of Virgil Thomson and a Gertrude Stein devotee, I am thrilled to be staying just a few blocks from the apartment building where Stein and Alice B. Toklas lived at 27 Rue de Fleurus. Paris Journal: Gerard Mortier and Paris Opera - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • But I am as little disposed to unsettle the reader's faith in the Virgilian tradition, as to part with my own; and I therefore uncandidly hold back the names of the authorities cited. Italian Journeys
  • The painter Virgil Elliott (author of Traditional Oil Painting), did a test panel several years ago with many (19) varieties of alizarin and alizarin replacements. Lightfastness and Alizarin Crimson
  • The Virgilian paraphrase "virtutibus itur ad astra" suggests that one might enter the pantheon of communal memory by virtuous deeds, joining the elect members of uomini illustri depicted above the intarsia. 312 It is likely that the astral significance of this paraphrase was also taken more literally. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • And Beatrice and Virgil deserves to be severely reviled because this book, which should not have even been permitted even the fourth-class method of self-publication, earned its bumpkin author a six figure sum through indolence and incompetence. Why Yann Martel’s Beatrice and Virgil is the Worst Book of the Decade : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
  • My band director, Virgil a tall heavyset man with dark wavy hair a gentle, winning demeanor.
  • Christ, Son of God, Savior of the World.] 60 In his paraphrase of Virgil, the emperor has frequently assisted and improved the literal sense of the Latin ext. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • A woodcut in the March 1491 Venetian edition of the Divine Comedy depicts the condottiere recounting his misfortune to Virgil and Dante. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Virgil Sollozzo : If you're worried about security, the Tattaglias will guarantee it.
  • Silenus is finely painted in the sixth eclogue of Virgil.] 4 Every impartial reader must perceive and condemn the partiality of Julian against his uncle The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Finding that one verse in Virgil is worth all the clinquant or tinsel of Tasso.
  • Elsewhere in the same wall, emblazoned on books, are the names of Virgil, Homer, Cicero (TVLIO), Seneca, and Duns Scotus, whose portraits are included among the uomini illustri. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • We hear iambs, trochees, Virgil's hexameters, the Norse alliterative lines, each arranged in their various couplets, quatrains, choric stanzas, gnomic verses, and much more besides.
  • This self-constituted Censor morum reads Aristophanes and Plato, Horace and Virgil, perhaps even The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The terse contemporary feel of the line, unhampered by translator's awe, captures Virgil's character, his no-nonsense, patrician contempt, perfectly.
  • This singular indebtedness is registered canto after canto, as both pilgrim and poet quite literally follow in Virgil's beloved footsteps.
  • Virgil too is the only poet who gives clearly the geography of the underworld.

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