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How To Use Viral In A Sentence

  • Asked about parents who choose not to vaccinate their children against HPV, the virologist Nathan Wolfe, author of the new book "The Viral Storm," told me: "Basically the decision to not vaccinate risks not only cancer for their kids but cancer for anyone their kids have sex with. The New Prudery
  • Ministers have spent nearly 500million stockpiling the antiviral drug in case of a deadly epidemic but there are doubts it is effective. The Sun
  • Ultrastructural examination failed to detect viral inclusions, although the tissue exhibited a sizable degree of postmortem autolysis.
  • The causal infection can be viral or bacterial and may have been innocuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then just Digg your uploads in a viral spiral to your social networks via an FB/MS interlink torrent. Boing Boing
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  • Without marketing or communication, some consumers in early markets reacted strongly and spread the word virally to markets that did not yet have the diaper. Search Engine Optimization and Marketing News provided by
  • Non-sense viral video for Samsung with the goal to communicate the series of LCD TVs with ultraslim LEDs. Archive 2009-03-01
  • To study viral infections, Weitz teamed with postdoctoral fellow Yuriy Mileyko, graduate student Richard Joh and Eberhard Voit, who is a professor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, the David D. Flanagan Chair Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Biological Systems and director of the new Integrative BioSystems Institute at Georgia Tech. Nearly all previous theoretical studies have claimed that switching between "lysis" and Innovations-report
  • Cancer cells look too much like normal cells and most cancers (perhaps virally caused cancers are an exception) are probably expressing only genes that naturally are expressed in human cells.
  • Besides picking the more familiar lemon balm, coltsfoot and mullein, I found myself picking honeysuckle flowers for their antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • Bacterial tonsillitis can be treated with antibiotics, but viral tonsillitis cannot.
  • But vets say dogs can carry bacterial and viral infections, parasites and scratch diseases. The Sun
  • Comparative genetic analysis of the viral DNA from each isolate would be required to definitively ascertain the conspecificity of these viruses.
  • The viral nucleocapsid enters the host cell and breaks open releasing two viral RNA-strands and 3 essential replication enzymes: Integrase, Protease and Reverse Transcriptase - Business News
  • The rise of the viral right here has fostered the same kind of fevered imaginings. Mark Olmsted: The Evolution of Fascism -- Then and Now
  • The worst possible explanation is that some new, previously unknown viral disease has found its way into the burrows and is now taking a grip. Times, Sunday Times
  • All retroviruses are similar, and our genome is full of dormant retroviruses - over 2 percent of the genome is retroviral.
  • We want to make something here that is more viral than SARS. POPCO
  • LaComunidad verzamelt wekelijks de 5 meest originele, actuele en spraakmakende virale video's, concepten en games in binnen - en buitenland. Marketingfacts
  • In this example, liver cells are dying individually arrows from injury by viral hepatitis.
  • Furthermore, antiretroviral therapy may be less effective or less well tolerated in some patients who present with more advanced disease.
  • Another characteristic feature of many of the viral encephalitides is the glial nodule which is illustrated on this microphotograph.
  • Two Chinese coworkers who came unasked to my filthy apartment when I was laid up with a miserable viral scunge and brought me soup, medicine and tidied the place up. Imagethief
  • This was an exciting period in the molecular biology of adenovirus with the discoveries (a) that only one specific fragment of the genome, the E1 region, was responsible for oncogenic transformation; (b) that restriction endonuclease length polymorphism could be utilized to generate genetic maps; (c) the mapping of specific genes on the viral genome; and (d) generation of a viral map of sequences expressed as stable RNAs. Phillip A. Sharp - Autobiography
  • New viral strains arise through a process called antigenic shift, or reassortment, when at least two viruses combine. Scientists Fear People Spread New Swine Flu
  • The most common causes of viral meningitis are enteroviruses, herpes simplex virus, and HIV.
  • When the acyclic adenosine analog was tested in the antiviral screen, it showed antiherpetic activity in vitro at about twice the concentration of ara-A The antiviral program now concentrated on the acyclic nucleoside analogs, with the syntheses conducted by Schaeffer and Beauchamp, the antiviral testing by Bauer and Collins, and the mechanisms of action, enzymology and in vivometabolism by my group (108,109). Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • To identify expressed sequences, 16 kb of genomic DNA flanking the proviral integration site was sequenced and compared to genetic databases.
  • Natural cytotoxicity, assumed to be an important defense mechanism in viral, neoplastic, and parasitic diseases, was also reduced. Effects of changes in ultraviolet radiation in the Arctic
  • When I had viral meningitis at the end of 2010 and was in hospital for more than a week. The Sun
  • The immune system withers under the viral attack, leaving the body extremely vulnerable to other painful and life-threatening diseases.
  • The effectiveness of antivirals in the treatment of pandemic influenza is unclear.
  • The level of population genetic diversity of plant virus is related to the outbreak of viral disease and its epidemic.
  • Symptoms and signs of influenza in children are not specific and can mimic a range of other common respiratory viral pathogens.
  • He landed a modelling contract after his sultry police mugshot went viral in 2014. The Sun
  • Later this year another viral vector, this time using a virus called adenovirus, will enter advanced clinical testing. AIDS: The Elusive Vaccine
  • Back in London, another physician would misdiagnose her symptoms as labyrinthitis—a viral infection of the inner ear. Storyteller
  • Togaviridae, and Bunyaviridae arboviral infections in rural Cameroonian adults. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Word about the game spread virally as people recommended it to friends and colleagues. Times, Sunday Times
  • One example of an antiviral compound is interferon which is a chemical produced by the body in response to viral infection.
  • Garlic works as an antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and a germicide. What Are the Health Benefits of Garlic?
  • Let your customers spread the word virally about your offer Deeplinking
  • The other large group of patients seen in an outpatient setting with headache and fever are those with a viral influenza syndrome.
  • Shope virus in vitro and reimplanted in the animals from which they had been procured, their cells, on proliferating anew, exhibited the mongrel aspect indicative of viral influence, and their malignancy was also greatly enhanced. Peyton Rous - Nobel Lecture
  • I ran the Viral Special Pathogens Branch at the CDC and, for the time being, I'm the Chief of the Disease Assessment Division here. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Illnesses that most commonly cause febrile convulsions include viral upper respiratory infections such as flu, ear infections, or roseola (a virus causing a temperature and rash).
  • Its congeners and derivatives exhibit pronounced biological activity as strong antiviral agents and as antineoplastic drugs.
  • Eating garlic and plenty of vitamin C are useful anti-viral preventives.
  • Despite inhibition of viral replication in plasma, lymph nodes, and at other sites, reservoirs of HIV infection in latently infected resting T lymphocytes remain.
  • Most coughs are viral in origin .
  • When they do happen, they are similar to other viral infections such as glandular fever.
  • It is likely that future recommendations on mode of delivery will vary depending on the patient's viral load and prior antiretroviral therapy.
  • If confirmed, these results could constitute a mechanism to control viral entry and cytopathogenic effects. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Chronic viral hepatitis is the main cause of chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma throughout the world.
  • Svendsen and his team approached the problem using a genetically engineered viral structure known as a lentivirus.
  • The Little Dog and the Gray Cat also insist on being part of the action and we all hang out in the new bed yep, I bought a bedframe finally like it some kind of cargo ship for the virally impaired. Quick Update
  • Myocarditis, or heart muscle inflammation, is triggered by a coxsackie viral infection in the heart. The Scientist
  • It was presumed he had viral labyrinthitis (an inner-ear disorder) that would pass in a week or two. Diagnosing Nick
  • Patients with humoral primary immunodeficiencies have an intact cellular immune system; thus, they are able to handle most viral and fungal pathogens, a factor that can help to distinguish these disorders clinically.
  • The outbreak seems to be viral in origin supported in one area by specimen results.
  • More recently the firm broke its silence and revealed he had been hit by a viral infection and would not be back at work until May 10.
  • Kriota dealt with the overthrow of the human population, viral vampirism, genetic engineering, hypertrichosis aka Wolfman disease and more! Archive 2010-02-01
  • Liza Minella inadvertently kicked off an inter-web catchphrase, Taylor Swift crooned her way into our hearts, a video of a woman falling into a fountain while texting went viral--and much, much more. WATCH THIS: The Top 9 Viral Videos Of The Week
  • They also have a remarkable aptitude for spreading the word virally when they discover something that excites them.
  • Patients with evidence of alcohol abuse or viral hepatitis were omitted from the study.
  • Roseola (also known as sixth disease, exanthem subitum, and roseola infantum) is a viral illness in young children, most commonly affecting children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years.
  • A second important difference, when it comes to response capacity, is that we now have a wider armamentarium of possible interventions – antiviral medicines in addition to the potential for a vaccine.
  • What it will say is that it has developed a way of replicating viral antibodies using non-biological means, specifically ‘computer and microelectronics technology’.
  • And certainly in developed countries there are plenty of cases of bacterial and viral, and parasitic disease that cannot be adequately described and explained at the time it occurs.
  • PeptiVir, Inc. (Aurora, CO) is an early stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of a conformationally-constrained, synthetic peptide-based vaccine platform for the prevention of viral diseases. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • The other main characters are FBI agent Brad Wolgast, death row inmate Anthony Carter and young African nun Lacey in the near future thread, while in the main part, young "watchers" - ie militiamen/women of the colony that protect it from the "virals" aka ageless and seemingly non-sentient, instinct driven, "pseudo-vampires" that populate most of North America now - Peter Jaxon, Alicia Donadio and Peter's older brother Theo. "The Passage" by Justin Cronin (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • Similarly, there are mild disturbances only of acute phase reactants in chronic viral hepatitis.
  • For the vast majority of people - genetically predisposed, virally infected or not - a simple equation still applies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Correction of ADAMTS13 deficiency by in utero gene transfer of lentiviral vector encoding ADAMTS13 genes. Fetal Gene Therapy Publications and Information
  • For example, problems include a low transduction of tumour cells because of their low expression of the Coxsackie adenovirus receptor required for adenoviral entry.
  • In this way, transmission of the virus to the uninfected is discouraged, and those infected who have higher D levels will have a lower viral load to infect others. i'll post the rest in another comment Creeping Crud
  • Acyclovir, an acyclic guanosine analog, binds viral DNA polymerase, acting as a chain terminator and ending replication.
  • Heywood said that while Fluconazole, known as Diflucan under its brand name, was not an anti-retroviral drug like AZT, it could dramatically improve life for at least 20 percent of South Africans who are HIV positive. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Many HIV positive gay men don't want to go to clubs because visible side effects of antiretroviral drugs like lipodystrophy (muscle wasting), lipoatrophy (facial wasting) and the "buffalo hump" (irregular fat deposits in the body) cause them to be singled out and ridiculed. - Financial News
  • There are three main classes of antiretroviral drug.
  • When the plants were mature, virally infected streaks were excised for RNA extraction.
  • Protocols for detection of a vast variety of infective agents including viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic pathogens can be found in the literature.
  • Many serious viral and bacterial infections can now be prevented or treated by vaccination or antibiotics.
  • It will also dispatch bundles of antiviral drugs to hospitals and clinics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Boxes of medicines, varying from children's syrup to Viagra and antiretrovirals, were found in the warehouse.
  • If patients use this emetic, the emetine that it contains can cause myocardial damage similar to viral myocarditis.
  • Conclusion The aetiological diagnosis of tuberculous pericarditis and viral pericarditis is difficult.
  • Stringer said that the Lusaka scaleup - in which 30,000 people are now enrolled - was proof that antiretrovirals could be administered in an urban environment in a poor country. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • There is evidence that it can follow a viral infection, such as glandular fever. The trouble with ME
  • In addition, recombination may lead to the acquisition of mutations that compensate for a loss in viral fitness or replicative capacity due to previous acquisition of resistance mutations.
  • Other viral illnesses such as mumps and rubella may also trigger Bell's palsy.
  • This is a viral infection that typically causes conjunctivitis, bronchitis, rash and fever.
  • In 1969 – 70, the isolation of an RNA-polymerase associated with the viral particles of the vesicular stomatitis virus led to the idea that perhaps a key enzyme was also associated with the oncogenic RNA viruses. Luc Montagnier - Autobiography
  • For now, Mexican doctors are focusing on treatment with antivirals like oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza). City of Fear
  • The mere presence of viral particles does not establish causation of autism: it may be an incidental finding.
  • But vets say dogs can carry bacterial and viral infections, parasites and scratch diseases. The Sun
  • In a world at peril, socialists need to be intransigent tribunes of the poor - fighting for universal, free access to lifeline vaccines, anti-virals and antibiotics.
  • A good portion of antibiotic use appears to be for viral or spontaneously resolving bacterial infections.
  • Wild gorillas suffer a range of viral and bacterial illnesses as well as internal and external parasites.
  • The defense team's allegation 'could quickly become a viral rumor with all sorts of addenda to it.
  • You can reach more potential customers by using viral marketing techniques.
  • But depressive syndromes sometimes occur as sequelae to physical illness such as viral infection and may overlap with fatigue syndromes.
  • In the decemviral code the extreme penalty is attached to the crime of witchcraft or conjuration: 'Let him be capitally punished who shall have bewitched the fruits of the earth, or by either kind of conjuration (_excantando neque incantando_) shall have conjured away his neighbour's corn into his own field,' &c., an enactment sneered at in Justinian's _Institutes_ in Seneca's words. The Superstitions of Witchcraft
  • Medical staff interested in prescribing antiretrovirals were sent on training courses in Durban.
  • She was diagnosed with a viral infection and sent home but her condition worsened and she was taken back. The Sun
  • THE spices in many curries have antiviral properties that help to fight colds. The Sun
  • A viral illness left her barely able to walk.
  • One feature that distinguishes lentiviruses such as HIV from the other retroviruses is the complexity of the lentiviral genome.
  • More than a decade of research into nonviral gene delivery has yielded a number of synthetic cationic lipids and polymers with transfection activity.
  • Last month he caused a stir among his countrymen when he called for universal access to antiretroviral drugs.
  • The body's need for this mineral increases greatly during a viral infection. Stay Well This Winter
  • Included are recommendations about when to begin antiretroviral therapy, what therapy to use, how to monitor the therapy and when to change therapy.
  • It is difficult for non-medically trained people to know if their ailment is bacterial or viral.
  • The three most common types of conjunctivitis are: viral, allergic and bacterial.
  • Hinrich began the season inauspiciously, when he spent the first five games on the injured list because of a viral illness.
  • Human bathers, too, risk viral hepatitis, skin reactions and oral thrush.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Category A agents are those that cause diseases considered to pose the greatest risk to national security: anthrax, smallpox, plague, botulism, tularemia and viral hemorrhagic fevers.
  • Identification of clonal proviral insertions by oncogenic retroviruses has led to the isolation of novel tumor-associated genes.
  • Bluetongue is a particularly nasty non-contagious, insect-borne viral disease of ruminants, from sheep to dromedaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nervous tissues such as the brain, spinal cord and ganglia seemed to be the main sites of viral replication.
  • Before the election, the local media successfully crusaded for change in government policy that would provide free antiretroviral treatment to the poor.
  • The head of the Catholic Church in Mozambique is under fire after bizarre allegations he made, saying that condoms shipped to Mozambique by European manufacturer's are deliberately infected with HIV: Maputo Archbishop Francisco Chimoio claimed some anti-retroviral drugs were also infected "in order to finish quickly the African people". Archive 2007-10-01
  • Itchiness caused by a nettle rash, heat rash, allergy rash, or a rash that results from a viral infection may be relieved by a paste of bicarbonate of soda and water.
  • States, where it is now the leading cause of arboviral encephalitis. JAMA current issue
  • Peer-reviewed research demonstrating the efficacy of these vaccines is expanding and clearly demonstrates that PCV2 vaccines, particularly if administered to piglets, are very efficacious reducing viraemia, viral load, mortality, lesions and improving growth rates. ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
  • Chromoviral distribution has been analyzed in 15 reptilian species, including representatives of crocodiles, turtles, and squamates.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Bill Gates funds British scientists in unorthodox health research'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'There is a magnet that can detect malaria at the flick of a switch, a flu-resistant chicken, an "antiviral" tomato & a vaccine enhanced with the use of a laser. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bill Gates funds British scientists in unorthodox health research
  • Essential oils have the potential to act as antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral agents, as well as possessing the ability to alter body chemistry and therapeutic responses.
  • It is already issuing advice through a large public health campaign and is increasing stocks of antiviral and antibiotic medicines. Times, Sunday Times
  • The estimate is based on a large mutational target, the 804-base TMV MP gene that encodes the viral movement protein, which is a cognate sequence for the viral replicase.
  • The FDA approves AZT (azidothymidine), the first antiviral agent to treat AIDS.
  • But when oncoretroviral vectors are used, the transgene fails to express sufficiently, for unknown reasons. The Scientist
  • Rose Wilt was long thought to be a suspected viral disease caused by grafting scions onto imported root stocks from the U.K., Canada and Australia.
  • Another HCV model system is needed to show the beginning stages of the viral life cycle - viral entry into host cells and viral activity in the host cell before replication.
  • The aetiology of acute liver failure was viral hepatitis in all but one patients.
  • It also reduces the number of cells in the cervix that fight off viral infections. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Viral RNA is converted to DNA, which integrates into the cellular genome. The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Illustrated Presentation
  • Our system possibly suffers viral infection, hacker's invasion; this all may create massive loss to us.
  • The three most common types of conjunctivitis are: viral, allergic and bacterial.
  • The antiretrovirals in question are a triple combination pill containing lamivudine, stavudine and nevirapine in two different strengths and a tablet of lamivudine plus zidovudine.
  • Bionor does not plan to develop the vaccine to protect people from HIV, but as a way to give them a break from the AIDS drug cocktails called highly active antiretroviral therapy or HAART.
  • These medical therapies are aimed at reducing the viral load and hence induce early remission.
  • Maybe she's testy because she's not long out of hospital with a viral condition.
  • It is a form of infection which is generally from the food passing through the bowels and can be bacterial or even viral.
  • Boxes of medicines, varying from children's syrup to Viagra and antiretrovirals, were found in the warehouse.
  • If I possessed this gentleman's ingenuity I might have whipped up a quick little prank like this in order to go viral on YouTube, however I just sat in the chair staring at the water waiting for a kind of pulsation like Jeff Goldblum in "Jurassic Park. The Water Ceiling Prank: Simple Yet Hilarious (VIDEO)
  • In the nuclei of caterpillar cells infected with baculoviruses, viral progeny multiply and are incorporated into protective polyhedron-shaped protein structures called occlusion bodies.
  • Most consist of a viral protein called hemagglutinin, which has the unique ability to latch onto respiratory cells and invade them.
  • Harms of antiviral treatment may include drug hypersensitivity and renal impairment.
  • There is some benefit from the anti viral drug acyclovir and aggressive anti-pain management, but prevention would be better.
  • Our use of this metaphor is not intended to imply that heroin use is a physical disease with viral or organic origins.
  • The F protein mediates viral penetration and syncytium formation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Because the patient is having high doses of immunosuppressive therapy they are at immediate risk of bacterial and viral infections. Times, Sunday Times
  • The importance of innate immune mechanisms in controlling viral infections, cancer and autoimmunity is currently an area of intense research.
  • Vaccine, the immunity induced by a single dose of the vaccine resulted in reductions of viraemia, viral shedding and viral load in tissues in vaccinated pigs as compared to controls. ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
  • Other viral illnesses such as mumps and rubella may also trigger Bell's palsy.
  • To clear a muggy head, put a couple of drops of thyme, rosemary or pine essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale frequently - all have antiviral and decongestant properties.
  • Treatment has entered a new era with the development of anti-viral drugs starting with acyclovir, which is beneficial if started in the first 3 days of the illness.
  • Research by these scientists and others has identified many deadly viral infections as well as the chytrid fungus as factors in some amphibian die-offs and population declines.
  • Death from acute viral hepatitis is usually due to the development of fulminant hepatitis.
  • Th�ey also found retroviral particles budding from the infected cells. The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Illustrated Presentation
  • Any genetic vectors suitable for transformation of the cells of interest may be employed, including but not limited to adenoviral vectors, plasmids, and non-viral vectors, such as cationic lipids. Notable Patent Applications - 07/22/2010
  • Medically known as viral labyrinthitis, the condition causes nausea, dizziness and general weakness. Celine Dion Is Pregnant! Pregnant With TWINS!
  • Second, the viral genetic material is inserted into the host cell-in the case of HIV this is done through fusion and uncoating at the cell surface.
  • Doctors treated Jeanne with a combination of anesthetic and antiviral drugs to protect her brain and nervous system from the effects of the disease.
  • While interferon production was certainly induced by this compound its efficacy in treating viral infections bas so far been disappointing.
  • That's not only because Facebook is making it harder to spread the word virally, but also because Facebook will face pressure to increase its share of the revenue flowing through its platform -- just as other platform providers like Google and Microsoft have done in the past. Everybody's Got A Social Startup. Here's How To Stand Out - Yahoo! Finance
  • Some viruses insert themselves into the host's DNA during infection in a process called retroviral integration, causing several diseases, including AIDS and cancer, notes a Texas A&M researcher who specializes in fetal diseases. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Since the preliminary results lean towards viral that means that the redpolls and finches are passing a virus to each other rather than getting sick from eating directly out of the feeder.
  • Viral cultures during an attack will give the diagnosis in cases such as these.
  • Likewise your anti-viral and anti-malware programs will also download little updates on your behalf.
  • All proviral DNA isolations were processed in P3 laboratory facilities.
  • The technique is called gamete-targeted lentiviral transgenesis - essentially, inserting genes into feline oocytes eggs before sperm fertilization. Default- News -
  • The therapy employed, in a single baculoviral vector, Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The viral genome is episomal, and its complete sequence (137 kilobase pairs) has been determined. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • An urgent need exists for effective antiviral drugs to prevent and treat SARS.
  • Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can cause pneumonia, diarrhoea, encephalitis and death.
  • The continuing search for drugs to combat viral infections presents medicine with one of its greatest challenges in the twenty-first century.
  • People are not responding to antibiotics or antivirals.
  • If the issue for the LDC is the "ability to pay" for antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of HIV / AIDS in South Africa), then either a Doha-type agreement or financial subsidy or grant will ultimately be necessary. Chinalyst - China blogs in English
  • Also known as viral gastro-enteritis, it causes vomiting, headaches, abdominal cramps and sometimes diarrhoea.
  • Pneumonia tends to be caused by streptococcal or viral infection.
  • Specific antiviral treatment has been effective in improving the survival of the patients.
  • He had been in hospital with viral pneumonia and we were all concerned. The Sun
  • We are excited to be working with THQ*ICE to help spread the word virally about Dragonica Online," said Dennis Fong, Founder and CEO, Raptr. IGN Complete
  • The strong form states that we're constantly being bombarded with biochemical material from space, and that there's a correlation between Viral outbreaks and patterns of infall.
  • Richard Shope, Evolutionary episodes in the concept of viral oncogenesis, Perspectives Biol. Peyton Rous - Nobel Lecture
  • There is some dispute over whether this was a plague at all or an epidemic of viral hemorrhagic fever, regardless there is little argument that 100, 000 Londoners died.
  • Swabs taken into viral culture medium yielded herpes simplex virus type 2.
  • Two cost-effectiveness analyses supported empiric treatment with antiviral agents for appropriate patients if the likelihood of influenza is high.
  • Though viral vectors are highly efficient for this purpose, numerous efforts are done to develop synthetic vectors because they are less immunogenic and pathogenic.
  • In this respect, ara-G had an advantage over the deamination product of ara-A, hypoxanthine arabinoside, which had very poor antiviral activity. Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • The Obama camp is focused on getting people to buy into a brand ethos and then spreading the word virally via social media. Joshua Stylman: Obama Online: Preaching to the Choir Could Cost Him the Election
  • Cells were exposed to the retrovirus for 24 hr, followed by media change and a 24-hr recovery period prior to selection of retroviral linked selection markers (neomycin, puromycin, or hygromycin).
  • While mumps is usually not very serious, it may develop into viral meningitis is some cases.
  • This proportion is only an imperfect surrogate of the presence of mutations giving rise to resistance to antiretrovirals.
  • The most likely diagnosis was thought to be a severe viral infection - but not smallpox.
  • The following is part of a repot from Parker Hughes Institute: The two parts of this drug are the B43 antibody (or anti-CD19) and the pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) immunotoxin, a natural product in the pokeweed plant. Find Me A Cure
  • It seems likely that they achieve this by integration of the viral genes next to the cellular copy of a cancer gene.
  • Powerful and effective antibiotics and antiviral drugs now help us to fight off diseases that would otherwise be lethal. Times, Sunday Times

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