How To Use Violently In A Sentence

  • Rules exist to be violated, so that the ‘bastard’ may be more violently characterized and the audience engaged in revengeful fury.
  • It is said that Scheiner, on hearing this in a Rome bookshop, turned purple and shook violently.
  • Brimstone's ship was violently rocked by the explosions, but still managed to maintain their shields.
  • The end of the road had come for the SAP, which rumbled and shook violently, punctured wing panels beginning to peel away in the slipstream.
  • Shorr has splattered the work with white paint, and violently creased up the photo underneath.
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  • A violently lettered poster stuck to the glass commanded UNITE. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Alexis, violently shuddering, stood half hidden by her stepfather's bulk, a scarecrow in Craig's navy blazer. A THEORY OF RELATIVITY
  • The first time he had drunk it he had been violently sick, then had fallen to the ground in a dead faint as the mildly poisonous root exploded through his system.
  • The bridge's roadway undulates gently at first, then abruptly starts heaving and twisting violently until it finally breaks apart.
  • What offends me violently is when a character is represented as a Good and Upright and Virtuous Hero, when almost his every act betrays him as a villain of the most heinous kind. Death carries a camcorder
  • But if (to borrow language from the mint of Gorgias86), if only the attendants will bedew us with a frequent mizzle87 of small glasses, we shall not be violently driven on by wine to drunkenness, but with sweet seduction reach the goal of sportive levity. Symposium
  • The past is violently, thrillingly, even painfully restored to us by the texture of a towel, a stumble on a paving stone, the clinking of a teaspoon against a cup and, yes, the taste of a madeleine dipped in tea.
  • My thoughts, however, stubbornly refused to cling to the issue and when a hoarse croak broke loose from high above me, I started violently.
  • He would play violently, feverishly, with a wild passionateness of gesture which robbed him of all ability to control his own technic. The Titan
  • They reacted violently to the news.
  • He went on marking things down on his clipboard, violently scratching a multitude of checks and notations onto the paper.
  • People stood on platforms, violently gesticulating and calling each other derogatory names.
  • The programme hears from a woman who avoided leaving her house for 10 years, and if she had to, scrubbed herself so violently afterwards that she literally got down to the last of her seven layers of skin.
  • She began to tremble violently as she felt an odd sensation come over her.
  • The whole area watered by the West River had by the 1840s become violently unstable.
  • An outstanding example of violently abusing plants for our entertainment is topiary art.
  • The shrimp growers are reacting violently.
  • Each cord initiates a small explosive device that injects a violently active organic compound subcutaneously into a large area of the volunteer's chest.
  • Willoughby, an attention-seeking hyperactive child, was, by his mid to late teens, violently deranged.
  • American intermarriage rates a century ago, however, were much more similar to those in violently strife-torn, religiously divided Northern Ireland. American Grace
  • K - a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite Word of the Day
  • The explosion pitched her violently into the air.
  • “This man will carry you beyond Chradim for a _zwanziger_ a head,” said the landlord, pointing to the half-liveried fellow, who began gesticulating violently, and marking us off with his fingers as if we were so many sheep. A Tramp's Wallet stored by an English goldsmith during his wanderings in Germany and France
  • Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear. Dave Barry 
  • The club claims that the man behaved violently towards a Union officer who was collecting entrance fees and had to be restrained by security staff on hand.
  • Such interest, however, does not provide a morally satisfactory justification for violently repressing the Pullman strike.
  • While the chopper hovered above Coire Na Ciste, bouncing violently in the downdrafts, we looked on as the body was hooked to a cable by rescuers and reeled up into the aircraft.
  • To-morrow we shall arrive at a mountain of black stone, called loadstone: the current is now bearing us violently toward it, and the ships will fall in pieces, and every nail in them will fly to the mountain, and adhere to it; for God hath given to the loadstone a secret property by virtue of which everything of iron is attracted toward it. The Arabian Nights Their Best-known Tales
  • Many likened the incident to the "Day of Camels" clashes in Tahrir Square on Feb. 2, when allegedly paid "baltagiya," or thugs—some of whom rode horses and camels—marauded through an antiregime rally in a last-ditch effort to violently break up demonstrations without using official force. Cairo Clashes Show Backlash
  • She was crying, shaking violently, her usually perfect makeup smudged, mascara staining her cheeks.
  • In January, a report by the World Health Organization and the Iraqi government estimated that 151,000 might have died violently from the war's start through June 2006. Names of the dead mean more than numbers
  • Buelow was appointed kapellmeister of the Court Theatre; reforms, peculiarly disagreeable to those reformed, were set on foot; and singers, players, regisseurs, who had anticipated sleeping away their existence in the good old fashion, were violently awakened by this reckless adventurer, charlatan, and what not, who had won the King's ear. Wagner
  • Then a heavy comber shook my plane violently, tossing me from the cockpit into the water.
  • The priestess, whose clear-cut features and two lovely black eyes betrayed a mixture of Semitic blood, was examining the 'turnip' -- as she called the watch -- when Leonora, saying 'Mum's the word,' rather violently called my attention (with her elbow) to a strange parcel lying apart from the rest. He
  • His reflex action was to bend and swing round violently, and I was thrown to the ground.
  • I can hear the rain beating down on the roof like a meteor shower as our car lurches violently from side to side, rocking disobediently on its haunches, fat tyres chafing loudly over what appears to be a long, shallow pond.
  • He gesticulated violently, and delivered himself in short, emphatic sentences, interlarded, I am sorry to say, with rather too many of those objectionable expletives that an ex-slave-overseer may be supposed to be addicted to. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2 No 4, October, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • But I never knew that the white racist mobs later harrassed and violently attacked the few white students who refused to flee from the "desegregated" school. Archive 2007-02-01
  • A much better method is to grab a leg in each hand and pull violently in opposite directions.
  • A cold sweat ran over me, and my heart began thumping violently, almost painfully, in my chest.
  • That it had been blowing here at some time, and violently too, was shown by the under-surface, which was composed of sastrugi as hard as iron. The South Pole~ Through the Mountains
  • Seconds later the aircraft smacked into the deck and was violently restrained as its arrestor hook caught, the deceleration dizzying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Boniface expresses a body of tradition violently hostile to the king.
  • The Ballistic Cube is a violently reactive target that jumps, bucks and boogaloos with each hit, then lands showing you a four-inch surface every time.
  • Indeed, outside the starboard porthole I saw a large fish, apparently captive, violently trying to disengage itself and in the process tearing some of the skin and flesh of its back.
  • If the alloy reacts with water, it would react more violently also with acid- and as all acetates except lead, silver and gold are soluble, why bother with this test?
  • Then I shook my head violently, trying to clear it of the doubtfulness that clouded it.
  • My insides still feel like a tightly wound rubberband, on the verge of unraveling violently
  • Globalization simply means freedom of movement for goods and people, and it is hard to be violently hostile to that.
  • The border is echoed in the conglomeration of baroque forms that violently jut in from the bottom left.
  • Pakistani TV showed crowds roaming the streets of Malir as police on foot and in armored vehicles tried to control the crowd nonviolently. Karachi Killings: Pakistan's Largest City Reels After 51 Killed In 5 Days
  • The plaintiff rode his horse violently and collided with a pole which the defendant had negligently left in the road.
  • Initially, the group was moderately enthusiastic about the idea of popular architecture—or at least not violently opposed to it.
  • How do we talk peacefully with people with whom we might violently disagree?
  • Page 168 the queen's work-box, and, in defiance of all my efforts to prevent him, he seized one piece, which he called a hammer, and began violently knocking the table with it. The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • The song has a stormy quality that lends itself to images of waves crashing violently against rocky shorelines.
  • Then he violently shoved her down the small flight of stairs that led off their bedroom to the bathroom.
  • There was a resounding slap as Andrew struck him violently across the face.
  • Somewhere further away, a tail tipped in membranous, half-transparent white fin violently flailed in the water, rippling all the way up to where Po had shot her arrow.
  • Then we hit the boulder, head on, not violently - our backpaddling prevented that - but hard enough to bounce the canoe crosswise, stern first, out into the main current.
  • Violently, he thrashed around on the bed until he fell and hit the floor.
  • It hit with a deafening roar, punching the ship sideways so violently that it rolled hard over to port.
  • She fired again and saw the creature twist violently.
  • Gavin, chancing a shot at him, rolls violently out across the street, drawing attention from every gun within a mile, narrowly escaping a few ricochets.
  • But it's not just homophobia or transphobia that these men are reacting to so violently: their whole masculinity is at stake.
  • Inherently every artwork desires identity with itself, an identity that in empirical reality is violently forced on all objects as identity with the subject and is thus travestied.
  • He has flattened himself violently against the wall, his knees bent in towards it, body shaking.
  • At his court hearing he called upon people to non-violently resist war and oppression.
  • All three of them went tumbling to the floor as the very foundation they were on began to quake violently.
  • Rachel yelled in frustration, violently struggling to free herself from Todd's firm hold.
  • As the curvature of the wing changed, the lift increased, causing the Columbia to want to roll violently to the right; at the same time, because of an increase in asymmetrical drag, it yawed violently to the left. Columbia's Last Flight
  • K - a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite Word of the Day
  • With poverty only as their stepmother, they are repelled violently from the nectared cup of philosophy as soon as they have tasted of it and have become more fiercely thirsty by the very taste. The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
  • Now, supposing we were called upon to examine the body of a man, who, after violently butting his head against a wall, had thus dropped down dead.
  • The door fell forward, cracking and splintering violently before being tossed gruesomely to the side.
  • The argument set forth in his article was riddled violently.
  • Aidis shook his head violently as he leaned forward again, reeling from the sudden attacks.
  • I can cheerfully admit that it made no impact on me apart from an overwhelming urge to be violently sick.
  • In its pure form it is a light, whitish metal; but it is seldom thus seen because it reacts violently with water to form lime (calcium hydroxide).
  • Wendy's heart was pumping violently in her chest, as if she'd drunk ten cups of coffee in so many minutes.
  • Caesar, as consul, employed Pompey's veterans to overcome violently optimate opposition. B. Military Dynasts and Civil Wars
  • The Almeisan is drifting and surfing a bit less violently, heading in the right direction, and the sailors decide to let the vessel continue to lie ahull. OVERBOARD !
  • Already emaciated, he would take only occasional bites of food and seemed to shake violently when he drank fluids.
  • But hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone don't react violently together unless a catalyst is added.
  • But when they moved him into the buckboard using a hard board stretcher, he shuddered violently and passed out.
  • Above the mighty fortress of earth, dark cumulous nimbus clouds clash violently against each other invoking the worst of all storms and hindering all whom dare to cross by air.
  • The coati turned violently on his small constituency, all that remained of his once powerful band. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • After an hour or so, he is injected with a drug that makes him violently sick for an hour or two.
  • Gardaí in Dublin hope the photofit, below, of a suspect will help in their hunt for a man who violently robbed six taxi drivers in just over 24 hours.
  • I pant heavily, taking short and rigid breaths as I swing my racquet violently, coming in contact with the ball as it bounces off of my yellow garage door, zooming back at me.
  • With his ear against the moist earth, Jason heard a monstrous rumble and the ground shook hundreds of times more violently than it would have in an earthquake.
  • Ms. Diallo said in her civil suit that after she entered the suite to clean, Mr. Strauss-Kahn appeared naked, grabbed her, prevented her from escaping and violently sodomized her. DA Moves to Abandon Strauss-Kahn Charges
  • We may find that some religious augmentation of a school's dress code is not obtrusive, while others violently blare forth!
  • She grunted, her eyes widening as his knee pushed into her stomach roughly and violently.
  • The sudden lurch of the car caused Kirsten to fly forward violently in her seat, bashing her leg off the dashboard.
  • Then suddenly the lab shook violently and I heard a loud booming noise coming from close by.
  • The next instant the latter kicked me, violently, as a cur is kicked. Chapter 5
  • He eluded her only by side-slipping violently, and be lost all the advantage of the speed his dive had given him in that panicked maneuver. Elvenblood
  • Her horse shied violently at a gorse bush.
  • An enormous hole had been made by the impact of the projectile, and the sand and gravel had been flung violently in every direction over the heath, forming heaps visible a mile and a half away.
  • They approached warily, as though the food might leap up and assail their gullets violently.
  • Suddenly, the bed jounced violently, sending agonizing stabs of pain through his side.
  • More often than not it is met with in the feet of heavy draught animals, and is there caused by the calkin, either when being violently backed or suddenly turned round. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Suddenly she gave a low, choking moan and began to tremble violently.
  • Giovanni visits an amusement park: a ride jostles him violently, but his face remains immobile, stricken, dead.
  • The hog is all nature, the ship is all art, “coarse canvass,” “blue bunting,” and “tall poles;” both are violently acted upon by the wind, tossed here and there, to and fro, and yet nothing but excess of hunger could make me look upon the pig as the more poetical of the two, and then only in the shape of a griskin. Life of Lord Byron
  • Romance ends abruptly and violently when she kills Jeff's partner.
  • One is that after the second glass was filled the bottle was violently agitated, and so the third glass received the beeswing. The Adventure of the Abbey Grange.
  • He said this so quietly and with an air of calmness which contrasted so strongly with Mrs Dashwood's excitement, that Little Jim gave vent to an irresistible "sk" and blew his nose violently to distract attention from it. Life in the Red Brigade London Fire Brigade
  • That unabsorbed fat has to go somewhere, and where it goes is out - often violently. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could not breathe on his own, but neither could he tolerate breaths the way they should be delivered, all at once and then out again, because that bleb was expanding and would eventually burst, popping the way a birthday balloon does when the party is ended and the guests have dispersed, violently shredding beyond all hopes of repair. Between Expectations
  • A repeat accident was on the verge and her upper arm throbbed violently and warningly.
  • The junta reacted violently to the perceived threat to its authority.
  • They surrounded the defenseless woman, shouting at her, gesticulating violently.
  • When the lever is pulled, the body twists and shudders violently, cooks and sizzles obscenely, and emits horrible noises from the nose, mouth and anus.
  • Catchy, jangly guitar riffs are slung about violently.
  • The cat reeled backwards violently, clamping the collar of Maryn's tunic in its jaw.
  • As they stared the Mutable's exoderm began to flow and ripple violently. Voyage To The City Of The Dead
  • The führer pushed the girl violently to the ground in a temper.
  • Her heart beat violently when she received the letter.
  • A college-age man violently curses a woman he has never met and practically assaults her.
  • A nearby volcano erupted violently, sending out a hail of molten rock and boiling mud.
  • The body twitched violently and then lay still.
  • He waited sometime before he was answered, repeating his summons violently at frequent intervals, and swearing irreligiously under his breath as he did so. Thelma
  • That very night, I tossed so violently in the throes of a dangerous chill that I was afraid I had contracted a tertian ague, and in my dreams I prayed for a medicine. Satyricon
  • The year since the war has been one in which the pieces on the international chess board were violently shaken.
  • In the mid-distance a cottage is burning, as smoke violently billows and fumes.
  • The sound of twigs snapping violently and a stumble preluded Rafel's voice.
  • It could also come suddenly and violently from the tooth-and-nail struggle for survival, or from German bombs and artillery shells.
  • As he pulled out, the blast of a horn howled behind him and a juggernaut's air brakes oozed violently.
  • The work is violently powerful, its overriding message being the oppression of the Mexican lower classes.
  • Before the operators could move, the command room shook violently, throwing many of them into the walls and to the floor.
  • Another such word is geoduck, which is pronounced "gooey duck"; a less violently dissonant, but still unpredictable, spelling is distelfink, which according to Merriam-Webster's is pronounced DISH-tlfink it's from Pennsylvania Dutch dischdelfink 'goldfinch', although the AHD gives the normalized DIST-lfink. ENGLISH SPELLING.
  • As I reduced my left hand bank angle to shift my circle I was pitched violently over.
  • He was careful not to leave fingerprints at the crime scenes and he strangled all his victims with ligatures (cords, ropes, etc.) rather than murder them violently, leaving lots of blood and gore on the murder scenes.
  • He shook her violently as a dog shakes a rat.
  • He whipped a stick of gum out of his pocket and chewed it violently.
  • And whereas it may be objected, that it cannot be, that the meer imbodying of the _Æther_ between these bodies can be the cause, since the _Æther_ having a free passage alwayes, both through the Pores of the Glass, and through those of the Fluids, there is no reason why it should not make a separation at all times whilst it remains suspended, as when it is violently dis-joyned by a shog. Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • Two nights ago, at the Nyabitaba hut, it was pouring so violently, the tin roof was shrieking.
  • She threw her body violently upright and stiffened, breathing heavily against her rebelling mind, pressing her thoughts into the silent empty space around her.
  • With the development of the market economy in China and the integration of the global economy, the open-end funds have developed swiftly and violently in our country as a kind of new financial.
  • Every lover fades away or violently deceases — cancer, car crash, overdose, never-ending coma, epileptic fit on Sunday, heart attack in Halfords, he fell off a block of flats, she jumped under a train — I live here alone. Bone Dust Disco
  • Kirby turned her face away from Paul, tears and choking sobs shaking her body violently.
  • It's not so much a truly original story with regards to the subject matter, but the global encompassment, coupled with the avoidance of being violently gratuitous make for a one-of-a-kind book. Archive 2010-01-01
  • The boat rocked violently in the huge waves.
  • Western rationality and pride in democracy can seem an intolerable, parochial conceit to those whose lives have been so violently disturbed.
  • Just at that moment, I was thrown violently down in the seat as the bus suddenly careened to the side and gave a giant jerk.
  • She whispered, her body shivering violently as she slowed to a walk as she neared the fountain.
  • Let us all work non-violently together for Christ's peace.
  • The window to my left bowed inwards, then imploded in a spray of bottle-green glass and the carriage jerked violently to the side under me, slamming me into the upholstered wall.
  • Added to this "the right of peaceably assembling" violently wrested -- the rights of minorities, _rights_ no longer -- free speech struck dumb -- free _men_ outlawed and murdered -- free presses cast into the streets and their fragments strewed with shoutings, or flourished in triumph before the gaze of approving crowds as proud mementos of prostrate law! The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • manille" for infinitesimal points, they would all shout and gesticulate violently, as only Southern Frenchmen can, relapsing as the discussion grew more heated into their native Provencal, for though Nyons is geographically in Dauphine, climatically and racially it is in Provence. The Days Before Yesterday
  • They build fences to stop the other from trespassing, violently attack each other's wives and children and, finally, destroy themselves in mortal combat.
  • There was a sharp earthquake last night,and the building rocked violently.
  • Then inexplicability strikes anew—electrical outages, dogs fleeing town, cars levitating violently, auto parts and other hunks of steel vanishing, as if sucked up by some invisible Iron Giant. 'Super 8': Old Format, Fresh Thrills
  • I'm violently opposed to taking that on, but somehow I do believe that government will have to have a fail-safe protection on that piece of the retirement expense.
  • When he had heard Shibli Bagarag to a close, the countenance of Shagpat waxed fiery, as it had been flame kindled by travellers at night in a thorny bramble-bush, and he ruffled, and heaved, and was as when dense jungle-growths are stirred violently by the near approach of a wild animal in his fury, shouting in short breaths, 'A barber! The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 1
  • In such surprisals of sin, although the affections may be ensnared, and the judgment and conscience by their tumultuating dethroned for a season, yet the will still maketh head against sin in believers, and crieth out that, whether it will or no, it is captived and violently overborne, calling for relief like a man surprised by an enemy. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • The girl thrust the shampoo violently back onto its rack, causing the rest of the contents to tip over onto the floor of the shower with a heavy bang.
  • Others thought the thickness of the liquor to be the reason, which thickness keeps it from mixing with other humids, unless blended together and shaken violently; and therefore it will not mix with air, but keeps it off by its smoothness and close contexture, so that it hath no power to corrupt it. Symposiacs
  • He saw two more taken violently from the country that loved them. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Though the issue of Home Rule was settled violently and bloodily, it cast a pall over British politics and was the first sign of a weakness in the armor that was the British Empire. Everyday Life in the British Parliament: Home Rule | Edwardian Promenade
  • It rocked violently from the impact of his body, but she was full up on her knees and swinging the whip. THE RACE FOR NUMBER ONE
  • In 1883, Krakatoa's volcano exploded so violently that the sound was said to have been heard 3,000 miles away.
  • In Madagascar, promising peace talks initiated in Maputo by an international mediation group eventually fizzled and today, protests were violently repressed by the transitional government. Global Voices in English » Françafrique casts shadow in Gabon, Madagascar, and Mauritania
  • Like so many other women caught in war zones, these women are victims of a violently eroding patriarchal system.
  • the mouth was slightly open, and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner
  • Camille shook Jacqueline violently, begging her to let her play.
  • Suddenly they all heard a deep rumbling, and the ground began to shake violently!
  • The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade honours the millions of Africans violently removed from their homelands and cast into slavery.
  • The postcard itself has a postmark from 1958 and has some writing on it which is still visible, even though violently scratched out.
  • He claimed that it was a part of a larger strategy to expel them violently from areas to be farmed by colonists.
  • I just stood there and watched powerlessly, as T.J.'s dad violently struggled to restrain his son from running off.
  • Or should he, trusting to his own personal powers of putting together qualities and traits, but more or less neglecting the patterns which the Almighty has put before him in _tout le monde_ -- sometimes also regarding conventional types and "academies" -- either (for this is important) to follow or violently _not_ to follow them -- produce something that owes _its_ personality to himself only? A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • After Polonius and Ophelia have both died violently and been buried ‘in hugger-mugger,’ as Claudius tells Gertrude, the mistreatment of the dead is shocking indeed.
  • Demonstrators violently resisted attempts to remove them from the building.
  • I will oppose all people whose ideals are violently antipathic to mine.
  • While the chopper hovered above Coire Na Ciste, bouncing violently in the downdrafts, we looked on as the body was hooked to a cable by rescuers and reeled up into the aircraft.
  • Anheuser-Busch has reacted in Pattonesque style, emulating the general's dictum that a good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
  • The spirit of reform had driven those, who so violently felt its influence, into many usages that, to say the least, were quite as ungracious to the imagination, as the customs they termed idolatrous were obnoxious to the attacks of their own unaccommodating theories. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish
  • Many likened the situation to a dormant volcano that may erupt violently if matters are left unresolved.
  • The ending does not convey narrative closure or resolution but catapults us violently back to the beginning.
  • My body was slammed violently onto the cement floor, forcing the air from my lungs.
  • The boat pitched violently in a heavy swell.
  • The one time we tried this, he was disorientated and reacted so violently that we decided it was in his best interest to be nursed at home.
  • I heard the fat man who had a room beneath me retching violently to spit his all.
  • During this time, his paintings were brightly coloured abstracts executed with violently expressive brushwork.
  • The dish was tasty but so violently rich, you felt almost embarrassed eating it, like a pimply adolescent snarfing a public bag of candy.
  • The ground shook more violently, dancers and chanters stopped, not able to go on.
  • All I can do is describe how Guinness affects me neurologically, intellectually, spiritually, sexually, violently, adverbially — every year a new edition comes out. Walter Kirn Mourns : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
  • A Tullow woman tussled violently with her attackers as they attempted to steal her handbag before they dragged her along the road until she smacked her head off a lamp-post.
  • Wrenching the door knob violently, she flings the door open and is met with stunned glances from two suited businessmen.
  • We held hands until a sudden explosion beneath us caused the hotel to rock violently.
  • We use our ice axes to stake down the fly, but it flaps as violently as a trapped bird.
  • Initially as surprised as everyone else, the Mexican army soon recovered and violently quelled the rebellion.

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