
How To Use Violent In A Sentence

  • Rules exist to be violated, so that the ‘bastard’ may be more violently characterized and the audience engaged in revengeful fury.
  • Avoid cruel and violent people, as they tend to take up cudgels with you on non-issues.
  • She slumped down in her chair and tried to absorb this violent, absurd disruption to her well-ordered life. LADY BE GOOD
  • Still, the doctor is not convinced, but he does offer his story of a murderous ventriloquist whose dummy seemed more alive, and violent, than he was.
  • My writing partner is a violent, chauvinistic semi-literate adolescent.
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  • For winemakers in the Rhone, 2002 was a disastrous year, with violent storms and huge rainfall during the harvest.
  • And when they have done ye wrang, even when ye hae gotten decreet of spulzie, oppression, and violent profits against them, what better are ye? The Waverley
  • Thelma has several drug-related convictions and is awaiting trial on a charge of violent disorder.
  • I am a violent man who has learned not to be violent and regrets his violence. John Lennon 
  • Early screenings suggested as much, or suggested trouble at least, as preview audiences found the film too dark and violent, all in all too un-Leo.
  • Don't suddenly take up violent exercise after years of inactivity.
  • Now the agitation in the country and the violent disorder it threatened could be directed against the Government.
  • Police called up water cannon to combat violent left-wingers in the capital.
  • That's what makes football ... the greatest is the violent side. Clinton Portis: Crackdown on hitting could make game less exciting
  • It took a moment to acclimatize to the sudden light and to the brightness of violent colour; there was blood everywhere. CHAMELEON
  • Enraged by the success of "We's Lives," he writes a violent, nihilistic, dialect-strewn thug novel he bitingly titles "My Pafology. A Protean Chronicler of Racial Puzzles
  • The child was frightened to death by the violent thunderstorm.
  • Tahoma has a work-release program for non-violent offenders and routinely has inmates doing some of their time providing labor at the cemetery. Reggie Buddle
  • You may, of course, disregard the whole thing without fear of violent reprisals: anapestic little bouffe Toast:
  • The Philippines’ most active volcano erupted again Monday, spewing ash and molten lava into the air, prompting volcanologists to warn of more violent eruptions in coming days.
  • The increase in violent crimes is al'lied to the rise in unemployment.
  • Certainly there have been powerful nonviolent movements in which strikes, work stoppages, non-cooperation, and massive civil disobedience have been effective without any religious or moral reference.
  • It is said that Scheiner, on hearing this in a Rome bookshop, turned purple and shook violently.
  • Her husband was a violent man.
  • Bourgeois believes the war on terrorism has taken a toll on King's nonviolent vision.
  • Violent crime is reaching epidemic proportions in some cities.
  • Some critics will accuse Duffy of acting as apologist for a campaign of violent repression, but this would scarcely be fair: “confronted by the sanctified savageries of the Tudor age, it would be a hard heart that withheld pity from the victims or felt no indignation against the perpetrators”. A Not so Bloody Mary ?
  • Throughout the last decades of the eighteenth century and the first decades of the nineteenth, scarcely a year passed without violent protest or armed rebellion.
  • Despite this, Rosenthal completed the bomb run and instigated a series of violent maneuvers to throw the aim of the flak guns.
  • It has also pushed up muggings and violent crime offences by 43% since its inception.
  • Such winkingly ostentatious nastiness and Mr. Pollock's habit of telegraphing violence rather than lingering over it make this violent book surprisingly easy to read and digest. The Comic-Grotesque Goes North
  • The government insists that 'prison works' and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing policy for people convicted of violent crime.
  • A concurrent effect to this drop in violent crime occurs in the form of an increase in some levels of property crimes, including larceny and auto theft.
  • If chimps and humans are both violent, they are likely to share a genetic legacy for violence with this ancestor.
  • His violent menaces had extorted his readmission into the church, against which Cyprian protests with much vehemence: ne pecuniae commissae sibi fraudator, ne stuprator virginum, ne matrimoniorum multorum depopulator et corruptor, ultra adhuc sponsam Christi incorruptam praesentiae suae dedecore, et impudica atque incesta contagione, violaret. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
  • The proposals met with violent opposition from the environmental lobby.
  • Some of the children became prone to violent outbursts, irritability, nightmares, and insomnia.
  • But I never thought of him as anti-violent until Uma Thurman's father came on my "Con Games" radio show in Aspen to lead me monkishly down the path of virtue. Michael Conniff: CON GAMES: Violence On The QT With Quentin Tarantino
  • It runs out of steam towards the end but until then this is ultraviolent but ultra-cool. The Sun
  • Brimstone's ship was violently rocked by the explosions, but still managed to maintain their shields.
  • The end of the road had come for the SAP, which rumbled and shook violently, punctured wing panels beginning to peel away in the slipstream.
  • Clyde must have mistaken violent outbursts to mean outbursts of violence rather than intense, brief tantrums. DO NO HARM
  • Many sports fans who would rather watch the Super Bowl with a bunch of beer-swilling buddies than be present at the birth of their first child often recite that fired old saw about hockey being more violent than any other sport.
  • In fact, most violent crimes against sex workers remain unreported. Open Invitation to the Int’l Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers « Bound, Not Gagged
  • The violent enforcement of orthodoxy in Christian history is the necessary and logical consequence of seeing an institution as the agent and protector of transcendent truth.
  • The incident happened in the afternoon near the main bus stand in the communally sensitive North Gujarat town, which has witnessed several violent incidents in recent weeks.
  • It was cool without being chill, and took the warmth of one's hand flatteringly soon, as if it liked to do so, yet kept its freshness; it was smooth without being glossy, mat as a pearl, and as delightful to roll in the hand; and of an exquisite, alarming frangibility that gave it, in its small way, that flavour which belongs to pleasures that are dogged by the danger of a violent end. The Judge
  • This reminds us how al-Qaida was always only one of scores of radical groups that together constituted the dynamic, varied and evolving phenomenon of Sunni Muslim violent extremism.
  • The violent revolution upturned the whole country.
  • Fueled by supremacist and puritan theological creeds their symbolic acts of power become uncompromisingly fanatic and violent.
  • The strain of a violent ground campaign will exact a toll on troops.
  • Shorr has splattered the work with white paint, and violently creased up the photo underneath.
  • In this sense, can we say that the dismissal of Schoenberg et al had its roots in a sort of century-long "me, me, me, emotive"/composer-becoming-the-subject of historical inquiry -- where the "forward looking" or the "next new thing" was the prescient objective -- came to a violent collision with the unfamiliar, one which is unreconcilable with nostalgia? Every night, they say, he sings the herd to sleep
  • She sobbed out the story of her son's violent death.
  • The newly-released quarterly figures highlighted a dramatic turnaround in the force's performance in tackling muggings and other violent hold-ups.
  • The violent storm, with its 70-mile-per-hour winds, tore loose the airship's control cabin, which plummeted earthward like a boulder.
  • A violently lettered poster stuck to the glass commanded UNITE. THE WHITE DOVE
  • He is a resolutely loutish, wantonly violent thug.
  • A violent accession of noise proclaimed that the mob had broken through and was dragging a scab from a wagon. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • The train stopped with a violent jerk , nearly tipping me out of my bunk.
  • Violent crime is one of the maladies affecting modern society.
  • You left out the bush whackers, rump rangers, fifth column traitors, child pornographers, baby rapers, brain addled dope smoking malcontents, serial abortionists, incorrigible violent criminals and drug pushers as well as the Clintons that make up the Filthy Left wing of the Liberal Losers. Think Progress » Rumsfeld on Iran Today = Rumsfeld on Iraq in 2002
  • Yet the realist vision shifts to the phantasmagoric, as spectator and spectacle undergo carnivalesque reversals and interpenetration, in their darkest and most violent manifestations.
  • Alexis, violently shuddering, stood half hidden by her stepfather's bulk, a scarecrow in Craig's navy blazer. A THEORY OF RELATIVITY
  • According to the figures the total amount of violent crime rose 11 per cent to more than 812,000 incidents.
  • I was startled when Cassie described almost smashing a vase over Brian's head because he was irritating her, but she successfully checked her violent reaction.
  • He is by turns violent, sentimental, maudlin, self-pitying, and sadistic, and has a fine line in rhetoric.
  • By contrast, 1 percent of Channel 4 programmes contained violence, with an average frequency of one violent act per hour.
  • What is even more violent is that in order to escape further pain and buffets, Cheryl found herself clinging for salvation in this instant to the very same social yardstick used to measure her a non-person.
  • I found the violent slapstick humour cruel and unfunny.
  • These encounters can be quite violent and frequently result in the labellum being torn from the flower.
  • Slick, ultraviolent advertising campaigns and an energetic presence on social media have added to the group's allure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police say they are winning the war against violent drunks who cause mayhem in the West End of the city at weekends.
  • The first time he had drunk it he had been violently sick, then had fallen to the ground in a dead faint as the mildly poisonous root exploded through his system.
  • Police were called after reports of a violent fight between two men outside the bar.
  • The bridge's roadway undulates gently at first, then abruptly starts heaving and twisting violently until it finally breaks apart.
  • In fiscal year 2009, there have been 52 "code green" incidents, which are defined as nonmedical emergencies, and usually mean someone is being violent or aggressive.
  • Jerry Brown last month signed into law a plan to move people convicted of crimes deemed "non-serious, nonviolent and nonsexual" to county jails with some of the costs paid by the state. Prison Ruling Rattles California Budget
  • Garnering international attention, that episode further fostered the group's violent reputation resulting from a well-documented incident involving the spearing deaths of five North American Summer Institute of Linguistics SIL missionaries in 1956. Suzan Crane: Finding my Soul and Losing my Heart in the Equadorian Amazon: A Spiritual Journey With the Remote Huaorani Tribe
  • Italian turned out to be silly, while the Welshman recalled the gloomier imaginings of the BRONTËS, and in the event came by an appropriately violent end. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, April 5, 1916
  • What offends me violently is when a character is represented as a Good and Upright and Virtuous Hero, when almost his every act betrays him as a villain of the most heinous kind. Death carries a camcorder
  • The critics are in awe of the play's fast, violent pacing, its tight structure and the humorous Scottish dialect.
  • But if (to borrow language from the mint of Gorgias86), if only the attendants will bedew us with a frequent mizzle87 of small glasses, we shall not be violently driven on by wine to drunkenness, but with sweet seduction reach the goal of sportive levity. Symposium
  • The past is violently, thrillingly, even painfully restored to us by the texture of a towel, a stumble on a paving stone, the clinking of a teaspoon against a cup and, yes, the taste of a madeleine dipped in tea.
  • It had nothing to do with militarism or with the violent sports that had brought aristocrats and plebeians together around the prize-fight or cock-fight.
  • As King said, "We must see the need for nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood. John W. Whitehead: The 2010 Elections: Full of Sound and Fury, and Signifying Nothing
  • Suddenly the room started shaking, then, with a violent jolt, it stopped.
  • The aim of the ethnographic papers is to understand violent and peaceful behaviour in different societies.
  • Moreover, when she eventually stops seeking these abusive men she substitutes their external abuses for a violent form of self-loathing that eventually becomes self-mutilation.
  • Even Western governments are still utterly incapable of properly distinguishing true incitation to violence and hate from ethnic pride, mild but nonviolent rebellion, and counterculture. Kicking them out « BuzzMachine
  • Violent death and loss have taken the life of this once powerful businessman - twisted it, broken it and turned it inside out.
  • Do we really believe that people who are capable of such horrifically violent crimes are going to be so coolly logical and rational?
  • The goal of this paper is to review the known facts on biosocial interaction effects in relation to antisocial and violent behavior in order to highlight this important yet under researched field.
  • The country teems with "poets, poetasters, poetitos, and poetaccios:" every man has his recognised position in literature as accurately defined as though he had been reviewed in a century of magazines, -- the fine ear of this people [22] causing them to take the greatest pleasure in harmonious sounds and poetical expressions, whereas a false quantity or a prosaic phrase excite their violent indignation. First Footsteps in East Africa
  • Currents article on using DNA evidence to solve crimes incorrectly referred to homes having been robbed rather than burglarized, which is considered a nonviolent, less serious crime. Corrections & Amplifications
  • Bourgeois believes the war on terrorism has taken a toll on King's nonviolent vision.
  • First, if the rifle butt grasps not tightly, when gun violent beat, the rifle butt could hit finger's joint many, the number of times very easy to create the damage.
  • Y entonces cuando intentamos sacarnos la camisa de ese complejo nos volvemos agresivos, arrogantes, violentos. Global Voices in English » Ecuador: The Passing of Writer Jorge Enrique Adoum
  • They were ordered by the organization to set up a violent gang and to premeditate terrorist activities. The case is under further investigation.
  • From now on all violent incidents should be reported directly to the head.
  • The dispute is still thought likely to provoke a stormy, if not violent, showdown.
  • When a main element is dependence on a unilaterally declared temporary cease-fire by one of the key violent actors on the scene – which has not been defeated and which can rescind the cease-fire at any time – how can it be termed a “success”, nevermind a “victory”? Matthew Yglesias » “Winning” The War
  • The war criminal laid violent hands on himself to escape punishment.
  • There have been periodic violent boundary conflicts ever since.
  • Pat Jerrom says Danniella had violent mood swings and threatened to commit suicide.
  • His mask of detachment cracked,(Sentence dictionary) and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man.
  • In those cases in which the phrenitis did not begin immediately, but about the third or fourth day, the disease was moderate at the commencement, but assumed a violent character about the seventh day. Of The Epidemics
  • My thoughts, however, stubbornly refused to cling to the issue and when a hoarse croak broke loose from high above me, I started violently.
  • Three people died yesterday in violent street protests .
  • You were under the influence of a violent and controlling man, but you have shown no remorse - you brazened the trial out.
  • Democratic participation, fair and free elections and effective governance need to be institutionalised and made routine, or non-violent means to resolve political crises could be replaced by remobilisation of militias, with significant risk of violent conflict. Crisis Group
  • From a purely realistic scientific view, it turns out the gorilla is a poor choice for a monster; better would be the more violent chimpanzee. REVIEW: King Kong is Back edited by David Brin
  • It's a sweet, if slightly ridiculous idea, to imagine that a hard-drinking, violent, thick-skulled lout of a father might sit patiently in a class of pashmina-wrapped social workers and listen to a lecture about quality time.
  • But to get back to the criticism: Games are flashy, degraded, violent little entertainments for adolescent boys.
  • If political leaders lack the control to rein in their more violent followers, they have no right to public protests.
  • Hampshire was battered by high-speed winds and heavy rain yesterday as violent storms hit the county.
  • For all the whiff of street danger, this is a notably wussy, non-violent picture.
  • With the slew of people in there, it's the typically small percentage that ‘see their great night wasted’ through violent excess.
  • effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive
  • The opening scene is very violent, and the rest of the film continues in similar vein.
  • Brooker, a stout and flabby man, with pouches under biliously tinged eyes, bowed and broke into a violent perspiration, not wholly due to the shiny black frock-coat suit of broadcloth donned for the occasion. The Dop Doctor
  • The injustice in the city led Dr King to organize non-violent demonstrations aimed at ending segregation.
  • The film started to get very violent, at which point I left.
  • Given the turbulent and often violent nature of the times, the reasons a writer might choose to reflect them through the medium of hard-boiled detective fiction might seem self-evident.
  • After a violent struggle, he managed to restrain Vita on the ground until back-up arrived.
  • Because of this, the impetus to engage in violent fantasy, even of those whom we most righteously despise, is not something to be encouraged. Movie Reviews: Whiteout the Inglourious Lying | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Counselling acted as a curb on his violent behaviour.
  • Why is our war coverage invariably sanitized to “PG” or even “G,” when we can go to the movies anytime and see “R” rated, pornographically violent films? William Astore: A Very American Coup: Coming Soon to a Hometown Near You
  • Pacino is led into it for his baptism, and the dunking is a violent spasm, as if the attendants want to drown him instead. 'Merchant of Venice': Al Pacino's Shylock is a moving take on an immovable man
  • Visually you can picture this as some kind of burbling pot where the foam that rises brings the violent ones to the surface and the more moderate ones remain at the bottom of the pot and receive whatever misfortunes trickle down from the bomb throwing ones who flourish at the top of the pot. When Is a Shoah not a Shoah?
  • He would play violently, feverishly, with a wild passionateness of gesture which robbed him of all ability to control his own technic. The Titan
  • They reacted violently to the news.
  • Something of a rough diamond, Violent was always an innovator in batting technique. Lord Bonkers' Favourite XI: 4. Violent Bonham-Carter
  • It was violent, and it was nasty, and it galumphed right along. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • He went on marking things down on his clipboard, violently scratching a multitude of checks and notations onto the paper.
  • A violent blow with a rock behind the ear stuns him and at the same time serves to abrase the skin. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • Persons are not expelled from universities for attending non-violent demonstrations.
  • He also is undecided on his emotions, chopping and changing between angry violent outbursts and whiny emotional pleas.
  • Working with the police has turned me against the use of violent scenes as entertainment.
  • There is ample fact -- and we also have plenty of evidence -- proving that this incident was organized, premeditated, masterminded and incited by the Dalai clique," Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said today, in denouncing the Dalai Lama's supporters as instigators of what he described as violent protests that rocked the region in recent days. What They Are Saying
  • The counter-demonstrators, a self-avowed violent anti-Klan group, consisted of young blacks and Hispanics from the inner city.
  • While the overwhelming majority aim to be peaceful there are fears that some protests may turn violent.
  • Not that I'm advocating the formation of a violent, angry mob rather than a peaceful crowd of protesters.
  • Violent husbands offer excuses that range from the wife not doing housework, her frequent visits to her parents' home, or refusing the husband's request for sexual congress.
  • At present, his guarded manner and his reluctance to discuss his previous symptoms or violent behaviour make a detailed examination of his mental state extremely difficult.
  • Men do not actually "die of a rose in aromatic pain," though many may become uncomfortable and fidgety by sniffing delicious wattle-blossom; and one of the crinum lilies owes its specific title, (PESTILENTIS) to the ill effects of its stainless flowers, those who camp in places where the plant is plentiful being apt to be seized with violent sickness. My Tropic Isle
  • Nothing can excuse his violent behaviour.
  • While some are too radical or violent to engage, the more dangerous are those such as Khatami, who have mastered the art of public relations. Writings from the Middle East Forum and Middle East Quarterly.
  • People stood on platforms, violently gesticulating and calling each other derogatory names.
  • The programme hears from a woman who avoided leaving her house for 10 years, and if she had to, scrubbed herself so violently afterwards that she literally got down to the last of her seven layers of skin.
  • They should fight for freedom in a non-violent way, using non-coperation and protests, and without taking human life.
  • Incidents such as stabbings and violent crime, often induced by influences like drugs or alcohol, are unacceptable and the police have a responsibility to deal with this.
  • I would only belong to an environmental movement if it was explicitly non-violent.
  • His films are often absurdist and violent, intrinsically drawing on his early life but never dealing directly with it.
  • The result is that the two Times Square precincts that were the city's most violent thirty years ago are now safer than many suburbs.
  • We find that the violent offenders as a group do differ to normals, but it doesn't mean to say that every murderer does have an abnormal profile.
  • She began to tremble violently as she felt an odd sensation come over her.
  • The whole area watered by the West River had by the 1840s become violently unstable.
  • Her story loosely mirrors the author's own experiences as the indentured servant of a mean-spirited and violent woman.
  • Finally, psychiatrists in Britain and India diverged on the issue of restraining violent patients.
  • It embodies that unique, incomparable expression of love, the love of God expressed through His Son Jesus Christ, who died a violent death on the cross to bear the sins of the world.
  • They went out to shoot at the sides of trucks after playing "Grand Theft Auto III," the bestselling PlayStation 2 shoot'em-up that has become synonymous with the controversy over violent video games. THE NEWS BLOG
  • When he stands up and defends himself, well, that's when it turns from just some maybe horseplay to the flicking of the arm to the violent confrontation.
  • Taser is another choice and a much less violent or lethal one that clubbing someone with my issue lump of metal as well as increasing my chances of not getting hurt. Can’t Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Detection rates for violent crime rose from just over 13,000 to more than 15,500.
  • He is not a homicidal maniac, but a violent, evil man made even more so by his addiction to unnamed drugs.
  • The existence of competing bodies claiming to exercise jurisdiction in the town inevitably provoked violent confrontation.
  • A penetrating sandstorm or dust storm with violent, occurring chiefly in Arabia, Africa, and India.
  • Police report a decrease in violent deaths.
  • A violent conquest would be followed by a prolonged period of martial law before the successful imposition of the English law became practicable.
  • An outstanding example of violently abusing plants for our entertainment is topiary art.
  • A light damask curtain is found to have been saturated with port wine; a ditto chair-cushion has been doing duty as a dripping-pan to a cluster of wax-lights; a china shepherdess, having been brought into violent collision with the tail of a raging lion on the mantel-piece, has reduced the noble beast to the short-cut condition of a Scotch colley. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 6, 1841,
  • Activists organize non-violent action, including consumer boycotts.
  • Earlier this week we reported four violent robberies involving elderly women when thieves tried to snatch handbags.
  • The shrimp growers are reacting violently.
  • With a violent twist, he wrenched off the handle.
  • In different hands, it could have been hardcore pulp noir, with violent overtones.
  • Each cord initiates a small explosive device that injects a violently active organic compound subcutaneously into a large area of the volunteer's chest.
  • Such violent protests might have been tolerated in the past because there were no other channels for expressing opinions during the dictatorial regimes.
  • Whether the theory truly tipped non-violent musers into killers, or whether it merely gave a pretext to psychopaths, simpletons and romantics to commit murders, is unclear.
  • If they want to get their message across, antiglobalization forces must unite and search for leaders currently lost in the sea of a violent, amorphous mob.
  • I believe in the effect of an increasing desensitization of people towards violence, and I believe that violent images of women are damaging.
  • No other individual currently on our screens and in our tabloids can solicit such violent hatred from my otherwise amiable self.
  • In a telephone interview with The New York Times she made it clear that now she was free she intended to lead what she called a nonviolent revolution, rather than an incremental evolution. Jamyang Norbu: Seeking the Power of the Powerless
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: leave mitch alone. lipless lesbians can get violent is pressed too hard. Think Progress » McConnell Tries To Dodge Repeated Questions About His Wall Street Fundraising
  • If you look at what the dictionary says about throes, it can still be a violent period - the throes of a revolution.
  • At the initial interview, I found out that he also strongly feared the dark, had a history of night terrors and bed-wetting, and sometimes burst out in a violent temper.
  • Instead, they usually seek to attribute it to simply being "inhospitality," albeit of a violent nature. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The spraypaint used to be an homage to Woody Allen, but is now nearly ruined and more confusable with a violent album cover. Get the Word to the Streets
  • Activists say they were given repeated assurances by a chief inspector from the Metropolitan police that they would be shown to safety after the protest, which she described as non-violent and sensible. The Guardian World News
  • Cho's violent gambit failed and he was killed in the fighting.
  • Willoughby, an attention-seeking hyperactive child, was, by his mid to late teens, violently deranged.
  • The organization helped defuse potentially violent situations.
  • In the nighttime version, by contrast, violent white lines cross the image in all directions, obfuscating a washed-out bed of flowers reduced to a symbolic recollection of its previous likeness.
  • He was the pioneer of Satyagraha , mass resistance to government oppression through peaceful, non-violent civil disobedience and non-cooperation.
  • After refusing to leave the cell, one inmate, a cocaine and heroin addict serving seven years for violent robberies, headbutted the officer.
  • By contrast, 1 percent of Channel 4 programmes contained violence, with an average frequency of one violent act per hour.
  • American intermarriage rates a century ago, however, were much more similar to those in violently strife-torn, religiously divided Northern Ireland. American Grace
  • K - a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite Word of the Day
  • The explosion pitched her violently into the air.

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