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How To Use Violation In A Sentence

  • A violation is penalised by one or two free throws from the free throw line.
  • ‘I have committed no violations,’ he said in the lobby of Parliament last Friday.
  • His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of Navy security regulations.
  • This can entail harming companies that would be as efficient and as effective as Google is in these areas but for their limited access to consumers, creating a clear violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act, of American law on monopolization, and on European competition law. Eric K. Clemons: One Click Away? Maybe and Maybe Not
  • Chief among the grievances I identify as providing primary justifying grounds for secession are these: persistent and serious violations of individual human rights and past unredressed unjust seizure of territory.
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  • Separate from civilian courts, the military judicial system handles violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
  • He was his own worst enemy and his rash violation of Grant's departmental regulations caused his removal from command of his corps shortly before the fall of Vicksburg.
  • Its practice of paying the men their cash wages only once a month—a violation of Nevada law, which mandated semimonthly pay envelopes—guaranteed that the demand for scrip would remain robust and thus that the company store would continue to do “exceptionally good business with very gratifying profits,” as the Big Six board was informed that summer. Colossus
  • Unprivileged belligerency is not a violation of the law of war for Omar Khadr any more than it would be for you to fight against an invading army to protect your home and family. Balkinization
  • The judge called the decision "a flagrant violation of international law".
  • It is like buying a pig in a poke, " admitted Elizabeth Brickfield, the director of enforcement for the Parking Violations Bureau.
  • But crucial to the Apprendi analysis, and what distinguishes this from parole, is the additional imprisonment term is not authorized unless and until the judge finds a violation of the terms of release. The Volokh Conspiracy » Extending Probation Sentence Without Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?
  • In 1984 Congress undercut the exclusionary rule which barred evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment.
  • According to international law, this kind of activity is a violation of occupation laws as well as of human rights laws and, in certain cases, might be defined as pillage," says the petition. Undefined
  • Such indirect human rights violation under a new regime of international law will also have its impact on the education sector, making higher education inaccessible to the poor.
  • He had pleaded guilty in 1987 to tax evasion and the violation of securities laws.
  • They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement.
  • Notice that in this case we will have a violation of the doctrine of determinism, and indeed determinism might be expressed simply as the thesis that nothing ever occurs by mere hap.
  • In the course of numerical calculation, we have sufficiently considered the restrictions from and lepton flavor violation decay experiment and all kinds of neutrino experimental data.
  • It's a law of thermodynamics, and no one has ever witnessed a sustained violation of it.
  • The insult to one of the most senior members of the House, a Vietnam veteran, was a violation of the body's customary decorum as well as its rules, which bar members from directly addressing each other.
  • The clauses also provide for jail terms for violations of labor rulings.
  • But not a word about Indian violations, no, sirree! Isabelle
  • He was in violation of his contract.
  • A State promisee cannot respond to a violation by retaliation or the threat of retaliation; such retaliation would itself violate human rights.
  • Having spotted a screen legend behind the wheel, he would follow at a discreet distance and wait for the inevitable traffic violation. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a New York case, a federal district court found that a nonprofit educational service agency was guilty of copyright violations.
  • Prosecutors offered no comment, but their plaint reveals their views: ‘The heart of Greenpeace's mission,’ it claims, ‘is the violation of the law.’
  • This time the alleged transgressions involve a violation of constitutional protections that really matter in a democracy.
  • Yet, it appears that the government was not concerned with any substantial violation of the law in this case.
  • Brenntag bolstered its compliance efforts and there is zero tolerance for antitrust violations at the company, its spokesman, Hubertus Spethmann, said. Lender Liquidity, German Tax Dodgers, French Solar: Compliance - Bloomberg
  • Stay tuned for more articles in LH's ongoing series covering easy Terms of Service and possible wire fraud violations. Create A Dummy Account To Get Around App Store Restrictions | Lifehacker Australia
  • They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement.
  • Dismiss, suspend, or demote all or any employees who participate in such strike or violation. 2.
  • SECTION 2 The transportation or importation into any State, Territory or Possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxi - cating liquors in violation of the laws thereof is hereby prohibited. Legacy
  • He is also indicted with knowingly and intentionally combining, conspiring, confederating with people to possess with intent to distribute the substance in violation of US laws.
  • It was an outrageous action, the worst violation of the basic principle of diplomatic immunity in modern history.
  • This continues until the owner reports the account as stolen, or worse, the account is banned by Blizzard for botting (a grievous violation of the terms of service). How the Virtual Gold Trade Works
  • Some of the violations described in kennel inspection reports include: Wayne Pacelle: A Dozen More Reasons for Supporting Missouri's Prop B
  • The violation of law enforcement procedure express into four major categories: steps illegal, way illegal, order illegal, and time limit illegal.
  • Even saints can be sinners, and as many studies have shown, divorce, premarital sex, and so forth are not significantly lower among religious Americans than among secular Americans.30 Rather, our interpretation is that religious Americans are readier to condemn all violations of conventional morality, including civic morality. American Grace
  • Put simply, the government was in violation of its own standards and knew it would cause injury to these men.
  • Similarly, violations of bondholder rights by persons other than the company generally will not result in a breach of the bond indenture, since these persons are not party to the indenture.
  • The bureau can obtain authority for wiretaps to investigate gun and explosives violations but not threats against its own agents.
  • The data was not encrypted, which is a violation of government policy. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2008
  • The action is an open violation of the Vienna Convention.
  • They were "denationalized" and turned into stateless refugees in violation of the law of state succession. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement.
  • I think that even if there is a two-way system (so the child sees the person being accused), there could be a Sixth Amendment violation. The Volokh Conspiracy » Iowa Constitution’s Due Process Clause Bars Propensity-to-Commit-Crime Evidence
  • Said they were renegades and were in violation of the nonproliferation agreement. FALLOUT
  • Proposition 22, which defined marriage to be between a man and a woman and adopted by California voters on March 7, 2000 with 61.4% in favor, was hijacked along with the California Legislative Branch by the Tyrannical Justices of the California Supreme Court which legislated from the bench in direct violation of the California Constitution and managed to null the will of the people and declare Proposition 22 unconstitutional. California becomes second U.S. state to legalize gay marriage : Law is Cool
  • Last year an experienced FA - 18 pilot operated his section in complete violation of established procedures on a low-level route below the route structure.
  • IATA halves forecast 2010 loss to $2.8 billion from $5.6 billion Korean regulators tag KE, Asiana for antitrust violations; KE faces ACCC cargo charge ATW Daily News
  • When they started working on the case, not only did they find clear-cut Batson violations—a former prosecutor who worked in the DA’s office around the time of Bo’s trial would later testify that the philosophy of his office was, in his own words, “that prospective black jurors at that time were antipolice, antiestablishment, and should not be left on juries”—but they also turned up significant evidence that Bo was innocent of murder. Living Justice
  • Their reasoning is that some local societies follow practices that violate human rights, such as female genital mutilation and other violations of the right against gender discrimination.
  • Speaking after a meeting Monday with government and UNITA officials, Beye said such violations of the year-old cease-fire were "inacceptable" and came "at exactly the most inappropriate moment of the peace process. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • As a remedy for the violation, the courts ordered that gays and lesbians be given the right to marry.
  • Knight, who is in Los Angeles County Jail on a probation violation, could not be reached for comment.
  • Suicidal attacks by undisguised military forces, exemplified by Japanese kamikaze attacks during World War II, are not a violation of the laws of war.
  • However, rape, sexual violation, and incest are not crimes that are now quaintly foreign or out of date in Aotearoa today, alas.
  • Newtonian gravity assumes action at a distance, in clear violation of the principle of relativity.
  • Offenders of intellectual property violations will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
  • This time the alleged transgressions involve a violation of constitutional protections that really matter in a democracy.
  • The function of the reparation and rehabilitation committee is to make recommendations to President (Nelson Mandela) on both urgent interim relief and long-term reparation and rehabilitation for the victims of gross human rights violations (between) March 1 1960 and December 5 1993," she said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Dropping a loaded firearm is not so much a gross violation of gun etiquette as it is an invitation to a lawsuit.
  • Eugene, this post demonstrates the very real conflict between the First Amendment and the speech-as-violation jurisprudence that has accreted under Title VII and similar laws. The Volokh Conspiracy » Anonymous Comments and Modern Tort Law and Antidiscrimination Law 
  • For the government of each such country, the President is to seek to determine the precise agency or instrumentality and the specific officials that are responsible for the particularly severe violations.
  • Once this is done, any violation of the norms by vendors can be met with penal measures.
  • These could not be sold openly in Chile, but some Americans help to sell them in the United States as a way of publicizing the human rights violations.
  • Concurrency Violation encountered while { 0 } the { 1 }'{ 2 } '.
  • Brandishing a photo of the plane, which he described as a P-3, Chavez said the overflight was the latest violation of Venezuelan airspace by the U.S. military from its bases on the Netherlands 'Caribbean islands and from neighboring Colombia. Legitgov
  • Sinn Fein is accused each other of provoking incidents, in violation of the peace agreement.
  • The convention, which went into force in 1975, prohibits the development, production and stockpiling of bacteriological and toxic weapons but lacks a mechanism to check suspected violations.
  • Every violation of the law is damaging to the good order and expectations of society.
  • Russia's interference in the processes of western democracy is a gross violation of international norms and national sovereignty. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Bench was told that all the 87 buildings surveyed had shown violations and that the BMP had decided to take up a survey of the entire locality.
  • War, in its fairest form, implies a perpetual violation of humanity and justice. Edward Gibbon 
  • The second is that if these problems arose, the companies activated a response plan to halt the suspected violation immediately, to investigate the circumstances thoroughly and in an unbiased manner and to penalize guilty perpetrators according to preestablished guidelines. How Companies Should Handle Office Romance
  • Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention.
  • Having spotted a screen legend behind the wheel, he would follow at a discreet distance and wait for the inevitable traffic violation. Times, Sunday Times
  • a procedural violation
  • While I'm of the understanding that a number of church-based welfare agencies are pointedly non-proselytic (for example, it's a violation of Centrecare's code of ethics and social justice policy*), the same isn't true of a number of religious aid initiatives. Thinkers' Podium
  • Potential biases caused by violation of the assumption of independence of observations at the client level were avoided using multilevel models.
  • And while the occasional privacy violation seems trivial, perhaps even silly to some readers, these abuses really do add up over time.
  • In each case the violation alleged by those attacking minimum wage regulation for women is deprivation of freedom of contract.
  • Brandishing a photo of the plane, which he described as a P-3, Chavez said the overflight was the latest violation of Venezuelan airspace by the U.S. military from its bases on the Netherlands 'Caribbean islands and from neighbouring Colombia. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Setup or hold violations cause the output of the flip-flop to enter a symmetrically balanced transient state, called a metastable state. EE Times-Asia
  • Violation of the act was punishable by a fine of one thousand dollars or imprisonment for one year, or both.
  • A bedroom window in a garage wall is a fire safety violation and is an indication that your garage is either an addition or a converted carport.
  • Any violation is forbidden and punished severely if the hierarchy has the capability to defend its reign.
  • The use of bacteriological weapons is a clear violation of international law.
  • The charges include bribery, corruption, violation of the Constitution and betrayal of public trust.
  • UNITED NATIONS - A U.N. sanctions committee expressed "grave concern" Thursday about what it called apparent Iranian violations of a U.N. ban on uranium enrichment plant as world powers united against - Articles related to EU, US back new Iran nuclear sanctions
  • The violation carries a maximum penalty of death.
  • I would think that people would be all over this as a violation of property or vandalism or sign of the degeneracy of Europeans, but instead, we're going to argue about the "audaciousness" of a white canvas, without even knowing what is on the other two canvases that form the rest of the painting. "When I kissed it, I thought the artist would have understood."
  • It is the renewed contract that the respondent claimant has no violation.
  • Mortgage fraud investigator Steve Dibert of MFI-Miami said, "Seventy percent of the loans we investigate are flawed due to recordation, PSA violations, etc. Richard Zombeck: Massachusetts Courts to Banks on Foreclosures: The Law Matters
  • No good will come of all these violation activities.
  • But if the duty of the government is to prevent violations of the rights of individuals (and I believe it is) and punish those violations in proportion to their severity (seems reasonable) then, perhaps, these activities aren't so very far apart as far as * government* is concerned? Huckabee Adviser Clarifies Remark About Homosexuality And Necrophilia: They're Both "Aberrant Behavior," But They're At "Opposite Ends Of The Spectrum"
  • But it would be an unjustifiable violation of another's personal freedom to coercively attempt to prevent him from ingesting some substance that he - however wrong-headedly from the critic's perspective - finds desirable, useful, or pleasurable.
  • It's crazy to have an expensive, elaborate judicial system handling parking tickets and minor traffic violations.
  • The U.S. threatened to take away trading privileges as a way to punish the country for human rights violations.
  • Have you ever had a DWI (driving while introverting) or DUI (driving under the influence of the muse) violation, or any other legal problem related to your writing? Quitting Writing
  • There is plenty of evidence that her actions were in violation of an earlier contract.
  • Chi Mei, which is based in Tainan, Taiwan, is charged with price fixing in violation of the Sherman Act. Each violation carries a maximum fine of $100 million for corporations. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Pfizer division , Pharmacia & Upjohn, agreed plead guilty to a criminal violation over the painkiller Bextra.
  • Some churchmen are heard to grumble about violations of the prohibitions of shared worship with heretics and schismatics.
  • The NFL could unilaterally institute its final offer to the union -- in that case what the clubs would pay players on what used to be called the "taxi" squads -- without having to worry about the implications of the antitrust laws, which would have made the collusive decision of the owners a clear violation of law. Roger I. Abrams: Eighth Circuit Heading in the Wrong Direction in Football Dispute
  • The idea of being 'inseminated' definitely bothers me, because it feels like a violation of my bodily integrity ... Tick Tock that Biological Clock - Feministing
  • We need a government who can control the law and order and curtail violation of human rights.
  • For example, a rule violation in a Java class will be underlined with a red squiggly line.
  • It was an intimate violation, this burrowing into themost private part of a woman's anatomy.
  • The judge called the decision "a flagrant violation of international law".
  • Some public watchdogs say the council is dangerously close to a violation of the Open Meeting Law.
  • They arrested something like 300 people last night for curfew violations.
  • Federal marshals estimated that the birdmen, in violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, killed thousands of birds over a five-year span.
  • There is also no violation of the law of conservation of energy.
  • But if, and I see this as a big if that is yet unestablished, Gonzales was denied tenure **because** of his pro-ID views, **and he was otherwise qualified for tenure** then that is a violation of the principles of academic freedom. Iowa State University responds - The Panda's Thumb
  • Moving the control of the Census from the Commerce Department to the White House is just about guarantied to bring a law suit for violation of the Constitution. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • Use by unauthorized persons is a violation of applicable laws.
  • I DO care that he engaged in kinky, extramarital sex WITH A LOBBYIST, another grade-A ethics violation. Sound Politics: Timing is everything
  • ‘What is going on in Najaf and the rest of the Iraqi cities is a violation of sanctities, an aggression on holy sites and shedding of innocent blood that could lead to a vicious civil war,’ he said.
  • These conditions were a total violation of the human rights of the people of Pakistan and the sovereignty of the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • He claimed that the way he'd been treated was a gross violation of his civil/constitutional/human rights.
  • In the Roth case itself, the Court did not find any violation of a liberty interest.
  • The appearance of Marshall Lee Miller to handle his defence against the passport violation charge had seemed more than just providential.
  • Even before the protest is over, the military council expresses regret for what it called "violations. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Fr. Jenkins 'comment would make sense if abortion were not such a fundamental violation of human rights, such a fundamental contravention of the purpose of government, such a grave and widespread attack on the most vulnerable of human beings, and Barrack Obama were not so prominent a supporter of the proabortion rights position. Fr. Reese's flawed arguments for Pres. Obama at Notre Dame
  • Immutable laws, such as gravitation and the conservation of energy, became wobbly, and I was prepared to witness their violation at any moment to remain unastonished. The Amateur Navigator
  • Felony violations include adulterating or misbranding a food, drug, or device, and putting an adulterated or misbranded food, drug, or device into interstate commerce. William Marler: Prosecuting Those Who Poison
  • Perhaps if we consider the pictures/descriptions on the website to be false statements instead of misleading ones (false by necessary implication?), a (a) (1) (B) violation would actually be easier to make out than a multifactor confusion analysis. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Police would begin by warning sidewalk solicitors that they are in violation of vagrancy laws.
  • He alleges Woods paid a personal attorney with state funds in violation of state law.
  • The probes forward transactions to a hardened Collector appliance on the network, where they are compared to previously defined policies to detect violations.
  • It is like buying a pig in a poke, " admitted Elizabeth Brickfield, the director of enforcement for the Parking Violations Bureau.
  • In their daily routine, the performers must obey the rules and regulations, and violations can lead to job dismissal.
  • He is being tried for bribery, graft and corruption, betrayal of public trust and culpable violation of the Constitution.
  • Perhaps the easiest way to The monitor will be ever-vigilant for protocol explain the difference is to stress that violations violations which can occur during a study and are not planned changes (hopefully) to the proto - which can have a serious impact on eligibility col, whereas protocol amendments are planned and evaluability. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The policeman rapped the driver for his violation of traffic regulations.
  • April Redding argues the search was an unconstitutional and degrading violation of her daughter's rights.
  • Labour Laws. If any clause in this agreement is found to be in violation of Chinese labour laws, then Chinese labour laws shall supercede the clause in question.
  • Also, equating the simplicity of a facially obvious equipment violation to a man holding a bloody knife is disingenuous. The Volokh Conspiracy » When a Police Officer Pulls Over a Law Student
  • Although both believe that taking multiple wives is a religious imperative, the number of wives each is alleged to have and the time period of the violations are different. Accused polygamist looking for legal aid from B.C.
  • And when it isn't someone like a friend saying, "That's a cool pic, can I borrow it" like if a pic of me showed up on another site about something - I woudld be okay about that - unless it was devo, that is one thing, when it is 300 guys in 6 hours ransacking the place, it feels a little different, more violation. Devotees and me (closing Screw Bronze); the cage of stereotype plus a suicide!
  • The use of force to deprive peoples of their national identity constitutes a violation of their inalienable rights and of the principle of non-intervention.
  • Moral indignation was invoked to support the violation.
  • Because of Vesper's diligent work and Milo's testimony, Caesare was behind bars facing an airtight case against him for smuggling arms, drugs, and mul - tiple violations of the RICO act. Second Skin
  • The UP-LAP-LUP has now cut down the number of political parties in the country from 18 to 15 after the National Election Commission had earlier on March 6, 2009 deregistered 10 other political parties for constitutional violations. Global Voices in English » Liberians Are Talking, Are You Listening?
  • Violation of expectation Violation of expectation can occur in both melodic and harmonic lines; however it is subject to certain restraints.
  • This time the alleged transgressions involve a violation of constitutional protections that really matter in a democracy.
  • Critics, including the Zimbabwean Association of Tourism and Safari Operators, say that the group uses poorly trained hunting guides who, among other violations, sometimes endanger the lives of their clients and overhunt species in violation of the Zimbabwean government's hunting rules. Shoot to Kill
  • Schools have to report legal violations by international students to the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Isn't it supposed to be a major violation of security for unaccompanied baggage to travel on a flight.
  • Violation of this subsection is a misdemeanor punishable for a first conviction by a fine not to exceed $1,000.00, by imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, or by both and punishable for a second or subsequent conviction by a fine left to the discretion of the court. The other day I was trout fishing in NC when a guy comes out of his house walks down to me and starts trying to drive me off the
  • The U. S. Department of Labor has cracked down on wage violations in the past four years.
  • Iowa associate athletic director Fred Mims said in the school's official response to the NCAA that the violations were "inadvertent" and that steps have been taken to ensure it won't happen again. Iowa Recruits Met Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore
  • The court reasoned that using the userid and password in violation of a contractual provision was an unauthorized access.
  • Police say he was stopped for a traffic violation.
  • That said, would a law that, for instance, prohibited anyone – student or non-student – from disrupting the educational mission of a public school be struck down by the current Supreme Court as a violation of the First Amendment? The Volokh Conspiracy » School Board Violating California Law?
  • Wow, a president who gathers data and considers it vs. an adolescent one who studiously avoided serving in Vietnam yet launched two incredibly costly (in blood and dollars) wars impetuously, with the Iraq war based solely on deceit and arrogance and in violation of the UN and the Geneva Conventions. Obama: Decision on U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan 'soon'
  • Also it is planned to install video monitoring and speedometer (velocimeter) equipment on major crossroads and highways of big cities, which will allow registering violations. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The violations included exposed wiring, fire doors off their hinges and a disconnected smoke-alarm system.
  • The violations involved workers under age 18 operating dangerous machinery, including cardboard balers and chain saws.
  • Arenas, 28, pleaded guilty earlier in the year to violation of the district's gun laws by bringing four guns to the Verizon Center as part of what he called a prank on teammate Javaris Crittenton. Black Entertainment, Money, Style and Beauty Blogs - Black Voices
  • The way they treat women there represents a gross violation of human rights.
  • The Sons filed the lawsuit about three weeks later, seeking $ 1, 000 for each alleged violation by the state.
  • For the many this is justifiable: gross violations of human rights make ethical demands upon us which cannot be overridden by prohibitive law.
  • When he was demoted for a disciplinary violation, his mother told him he could leave the academy if he wanted.
  • With the continuous improvement of experimental accuracy, the importance of lepton flavor violation process as an important experimental restriction for new physics model is constantly increasing.
  • On the one hand, you might argue that this constitutes a violation of national sovereignty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lou-Ann Preble, sent out a stinging resignation letter, alleging numerous violations of campaign finance laws.
  • In Brown v. Mississippi (1936), Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes denounced the state's use of coerced confessions as a violation of due process.
  • For example, Freud analysed his own daughter Anna over a period of several years, a flagrant violation of psychoanalytic principles which most psychoanalysts would condemn.
  • City Clerk Kathy Detrick has notified him via registered mail that his campaign may be in violation of Arizona campaign finance law.
  • The department's bank account was overdrawn by R40m, which is a gross violation of Treasury regulations.
  • Thus a tax on rent may represent a violation of justice while a tax on other incomes does not.
  • The alert urged police pulling over drivers for traffic violations, and conducting other routine investigations, to keep their eyes open for people carrying almanacs.
  • You tried to coerce her into marrying Liu Shengli in violation of the Marriage Law.
  • Mostly they turned out to be thinly disguised candidate ads, a violation of the spirit of the law at best.
  • Sometimes, to be sure, one bias or another leads to a violation of the canons of scientific method.
  • While the ‘liberal’ media were front-paging the allegations against the Clinton team, they were virtually ignoring serious campaign violations in the Dole camp.
  • His documents portrayed evidence of downright fraud, as well as real estate law violations.
  • They took dismissive action after the third violation.
  • Every nauseating action, every violation, abuse and mutilation is meticulously rendered.
  • That seems to be our response to any violation of traffic rules that slows us down.
  • His opponents say his return was a violation of a town code calling for direct election of the mayor.
  • When women and men live in a society, the possibility of violations always exists.
  • Under federal law, it is a misdemeanor to commit safety violations that kill workers.
  • The court said it was "unpersuaded" by Gardner's arguments that state law dictating how and when post-conviction appeals can be filed should be set aside in his case in order to avoid a violation of his constitutional rights. Chronicle
  • The photograph which the man has posted on his Facebook web page is therefore prima facia evidence of a full blown violation of the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 SCOTT ELLISON MCCORD
  • Taken together, these considera-tions lead us to conclude that the statute is a “necessary and proper” means of exercising the federal authority thatpermits Congress to create federal criminal laws, to pun-ish their violation, to imprison violators, to provide appropriately for those imprisoned, and to maintain the securityof those who are not imprisoned but who may be affected by the federal imprisonment of others. The Volokh Conspiracy » Federal Government Wins Comstock
  • Showing dissent at umpiring decisions can amount to violation of the conduct code for players.
  • Gibson is charged with receiving stolen property, resisting arrest, firearms violations and drug charges.
  • He was arbitrarily arrested by local police allegedly without a warrant and in violation of his rights.
  • He ducked quickly around an aquarium as Ravna said, "The terrane just complained to your suit: 'You are in violation of dress-code' is how the translation comes out. A Fire Upon the Deep
  • The video footage was so obviously a gross invasion of privacy and a violation of human dignity.
  • The punishment for such a violation is to be banned from performing any priestly function until the uncanonical act is expunged through repentance.
  • It was an outrageous action, the worst violation of the basic principle of diplomatic immunity in modern history.
  • The United States warned China that the installation requirement could be seen as a violation of world trade regulations.
  • The driver was fined for a speeding violation.

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