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How To Use Vindictive In A Sentence

  • The children were silent, hostile, vindictive, continuously complaining of hunger.
  • In an act of petty vindictiveness she was deprived of the title of Her Royal Highness.
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive
  • But the greatest controversy concerns the character of the racist cop who pursues Carter vindictively, lying, cheating and forging a signature in an effort to frame him.
  • Are our democratically elected persons being vindictive? The Sun
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  • I had no idea who this nasty, vindictive, evil person was. Times, Sunday Times
  • He grinned vindictively, and the correspondent seemed to lose all interest. CHAPTER 28
  • I personally do not get any pleasure from seeing people locked up for a long time, but these people were cruel and vindictive. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said: ‘The judge punitively and vindictively imposed these defence costs.’
  • I don't like Kevin — he's got a nasty vindictive streak in him.
  • Why are our trained warriors risking their lives to "cajole" a vindictive Shia government to help poor Sunni squatters? Archive 2007-04-01
  • When I was a boy in the Vale of Leven 60 years ago I was regularly belted at school by vindictive teachers.
  • For some reason they have also chosen to crank the thumbscrews with an added splash of vindictiveness.
  • Goerge says public record will show that he is not a vindictive person.
  • If the impresario suspected a repetition of the Nijinsky debacle, however, he could turn vindictive, as happened in 1920 when Massine took up with Vera Savina, one of the company's ballerinas. Sergei Diaghilev: first lord of the dance
  • He was self-willed, obstinate, aggressive, vindictive, beset by feelings of inferiority, and yet firmly convinced of his own abilities.
  • Its great achievement is to recover the complexity of a literary mode that could easily be dismissed as vindictive, petty, and obscure.
  • And then you can send off vindictive messages to the spammers, telling them you told on them.
  • Les had gone into the deal with full understanding of how vindictive and unforgiving Arnie and those in his organization could be.
  • What kind of idyll was it that was supposed to emerge from this ugly, vindictive battle?
  • He was a notorious parasite and schnorrer, but few of his hosts were overtly unwelcoming, since he could be ingeniously vindictive in print, even when seeming to offer praise.
  • Should military force subsequently be used excessively or vindictively in that country, this judgment could again be reversed.
  • In the film 'Cape Fear', a lawyer's family is threatened by a vindictive former prisoner.
  • He was seen as ‘passionate, greedy and vindictive’ by another Italian, the Siennese roué, who visited him in 1435.
  • ‘Serves him right, after what he put my Martha through,’ said Janice, vindictively.
  • In the scenes in which she was abused by the vindictive villagers, Doone gave a moving representation of the ruffled pride of the old and slightly dotty.
  • Wilson thought both France and Britain were being too vindictive and unreasonable.
  • Those who use the word "Nazi" as Sarandon did use it fallaciously, but the actor's misnomer does not automatically suggest "vindictiveness" as Foxman claims. Michele Somerville: Should Susan Sarandon Apologize For Calling The Pope A "Nazi?"
  • Though Scylla is bent, harsh, and angry, the source of her rage is not vindictive.
  • How much more harsh and vindictive can our magistrates be?
  • Next ball, as if vindictively, he reverted to a hideous, shameless cross-batted slog near midwicket for six.
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive
  • It’s an American concentration camp, its horrific that the U.S. has become a nation that would permit a kind of clamouring vindictive ‘prison culture’ to exist, a revenge culture that celebrates execution, military strikes, imprisonment, and torture. Firedoglake » The Home of the Brave
  • Taken in isolation, my boss's actions seemed more petty than vindictive. Times, Sunday Times
  • more vindictive than jealous love
  • The only way this expulsion can be interpreted is as a spiteful and vindictive move.
  • Both are equally foul-tempered, vindictive and plain bad.
  • He'It such a shame that their is ruined and their future be ruined as well because of person 's vindictive behaviour. The Sun
  • There are certain forms of weather we get here that are foul - pointlessly mean, surly for no reason, vindictive.
  • While the majority thought the Minister was right to have resigned, almost two thirds thought his lover had acted vindictively.
  • Mr Ingram said: ‘The judge punitively and vindictively imposed these defence costs.’
  • Our guardians of purity have magnified the pain of this family and willfully and vindictively punished them for the ‘crime’ of a biological imperfection.
  • Rather then calling Sarah's book "setting the record straight", the media call it vindictive. Schmidt calls Palin claims 'total fiction'
  • Of course I assisted him as well as I could under the circumstances, but as he limped along towards the companion-hatchway, the leader of the desperadoes, that villainous "marquis," who I thought had met with his just deserts long since, not having seen him for some little time among the other fighters, most unexpectedly jumped from the rigging in front of the colonel and aimed a vindictive blow at him with a marline-spike. The Ghost Ship A Mystery of the Sea
  • The notion seems to be that she is more victim than villain, with the real villain being a nasty, vindictive media industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Shut up,’ he growled, staring vindictively at his breakfast.
  • What vindictive irony, to force Digby to sacrifice his entire career in transport over a railways announcement!
  • I'm not vindictive and I don't wish any ill health on him, but he has to serve the time.
  • Indeed, where any are conscious that their sickness is a vindictive punishment of some particular sin, and they cannot look for the removal of their sickness without particular applications to God for the pardon of such a sin, there it may be proper to acknowledge and tell his case, that those who pray over him may know how to plead rightly for him. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Accurately, though unfairly, contemporary critics of the Futurists denounced them with the vindictive labels: photographic, cinematic.
  • He is not nasty or vindictive or malicious. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the first long sermon preaches a doomsday envisionment of religion, where a vindictive God has nothing but wrath for sinners, he is sure that every word was aimed at him.
  • The state has proved how nasty and vindictive it can be over all this.
  • ‘Your actions would indicate otherwise,’ Nethlin replied vindictively.
  • Whether or not Johanna is right or wrong, she has comported herself reasonably well and without rancour or vindictiveness. Tax-Exempt Status in Danger » Comics Worth Reading
  • Of course, the senior officers ran the risk of incurring the wrath of a vindictive and ruthless Chief Minister.
  • If it was (as she claims) an accident, it was unfortunately timed to appear like a vindictive fit of pique.
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive
  • Few local governors were Dissenters; but many were sympathetic to them and reluctant to impose the full strictures of the vindictive laws which Parliament went on to pass against their religious assemblies.
  • And then you can send off vindictive messages to the spammers, telling them you told on them.
  • punishments...essentially vindictive in their nature
  • You could be forgiven for thinking that ours was a spiteful and vindictive business and that would be a shame. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a stern, vindictive man with piercing dark eyes and a booming basso voice which always made her shudder.
  • BHO is no exception, but then, if he does not do anything, or grossly ignores bipartisan contribution, as vindictively denied by many GOPs, he may not even find a place in hell, let alone heaven. Poll: Obama drops on health care
  • Because what they're doing is making business look unpleasant and nasty and vindictive. The Sun
  • He is praised grudgingly for being as good as he is: and he is blamed vindictively for not being even better.
  • He painted in strong terms the incapacity, and what he called the vindictive and treacherous disposition, of the king; and declared, that to liberate him from the confinement under which he was now placed, would be to expose to certain death, a princess, who, by her wisdom and courage, had been the salvation of the state. Coronation Anecdotes
  • And then the constant problem: how informed, smart, generous, dumb, ignorant or vindictive is the population, and what timeline do they consider — this year, or this century? bob h says: Matthew Yglesias » Size Matters
  • I am not vindictive ... but I will not hesitate to fire you should you engage in corrupt practices," Mwanawasa told the ministers at state house. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The film's romantic complications are restrained - they neither stretch the viewer's credulity nor make the characters seem airheaded, vindictive, or blind.
  • He is not nasty or vindictive or malicious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless the torturing pangs of anxiety and suspense have already begun to lay hold on your heart, from my already too long delay; be assured, however, my procrastination proceeds from no vindictive feeling, or retributive motive, but alone from cir From Young John Allen to Mollie Houston,Sept. 16, 1856
  • It is constantly seen that the waverer, of nervous atrabiliar constitution, no sooner overcomes the agony of irresolution, than he flings himself on his object with a vindictive tenacity that seems to repay him for all the moral humiliation inflicted on him by his stifled doubts. Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 1 of 3) Essay 1: Robespierre
  • Everything conspires to bring out the worst in him as he turns petty, malicious and vindictive.
  • He was self-willed, obstinate, aggressive, vindictive, beset by feelings of inferiority, and yet firmly convinced of his own abilities.
  • 78I, for my own part, had much rather people should say of me that there neither is nor ever was such a man as Plutarch, than that they should say, “Plutarch is an unsteady, fickle, froward, vindictive, and touchy fellow. Quotations
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive
  • 8833I, for my own part, had much rather people should say of me that there neither is nor ever was such a man as Plutarch, than that they should say, “Plutarch is an unsteady, fickle, froward, vindictive, and touchy fellow. Quotations
  • The world does not hate for no reason, because vindictive heart, is doing a bad person.
  • Are our democratically elected persons being vindictive? The Sun
  • Never the less, it also makes me extremely bitter and vindictive and say horrid things.
  • He withheld the letter out of sheer vindictiveness.
  • Day after day he sees vindictive, false and misleading media stories.
  • Washington agreed, for he was not a vindictive man. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • His ex-wife seems bitter during her interview segments, but some of the video depicts her as a nasty, vindictive shrew.
  • The Markets seem to be like a vindictive 5 year old, they want their way on their terms irrespective of how destructive it is generally and no matter what they do they can't lose. The Guardian World News
  • In my study of the wholly babble, I think people have it wrong. the gawd described in the babble is hateful, vindictive, and petulant. Think Progress » Bachmann Suggests Critics Of Health Care Reform Will Be Put On A ‘List’ And Denied Treatment
  • A true gentleman is above envy, jealousy or vindictiveness.
  • She shooed it off, vindictively giving it an urge to become a great landscape painter in place of its rope obsession.
  • I personally do not get any pleasure from seeing people locked up for a long time, but these people were cruel and vindictive. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is often vindictive, lying, erroneous, deceitful, baseless, and devoid of any fact.
  • To me this seems petty and vindictive. The Sun
  • But mostly, being the writerly/vindictive type, I've looked forward to handing in the most subtly snarky resignation letter ever penned.
  • He was a notorious parasite and schnorrer, but few of his hosts were overtly unwelcoming, since he could be ingeniously vindictive in print, even when seeming to offer praise.
  • To me this seems petty and vindictive. The Sun
  • Lying will not get you in the WH; to be vindictive is non-Christian. Schmidt calls Palin claims 'total fiction'
  • I thought so, since I judged her to be shallow, petty, vindictive and narcissistic from the start. Rove: Palin's resignation lacks clear strategy
  • QUOTATION: I, for my own part, had much rather people should say of me that there neither is nor ever was such a man as Plutarch, than that they should say, “Plutarch is an unsteady, fickle, froward, vindictive, and touchy fellow. Quotations
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive
  • If her campaign was going to leak something like this, they’d do it anonymously, since this just makes her look vindictive, and making Hillary look vindictive is what Fox does, not what her campaign does. Waldo Jaquith - Fox News caught lying about Sen. Obama.
  • If Apple didn't have such a vindictive history against buttons, it would be easy to write off the new "buttonless" Nano as a marketing ploy. MyAppleMenu
  • Again, she lied with good reason: to avoid being identified as a vindictive political power player who used the F.B.I. to ruin the lives of people standing in the way of juicy patronage. Clintons Release 2000-2006 Returns: Earned $110 Million, Paid $33 Million In Taxes
  • What a horrible, nasty, vindictive woman she is. The Sun
  • Daniel crushed a stray piece of paper in his coat pocket vindictively.
  • How can the government encourage enterprise and entrepreneurship on one hand, while on the other planning punitive and seemingly vindictive tax regulations for small businesses? Times, Sunday Times
  • She uses it rather vindictively, humiliating him, dressing him up in a woman's dress.
  • More than forty years of strife and struggle with the whisper that, by whatever name she called her vindictive pride and rage, nothing through all eternity could change their nature. Little Dorrit
  • Yet his sincerity, his freedom from vindictiveness, his never-failing readiness to use his eloquence to combat injustice, and a certain warmth of character which breaks through the restraints of classicizing purism make him attractive to the patient reader.
  • Cancers so virulent they were practically carnivorous... "A vindictive smile played briefly at her lips. NIGHT SISTERS
  • Washington agreed, for he was not a vindictive man. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • My experience with incompetent bosses is that they don't like their shortcomings being pointed out to anyone and can become very vindictive. Times, Sunday Times
  • This will not be vindictive or a revengive -- a trial for revenge. CNN Transcript Dec 14, 2003
  • It seemed as though some resolution were ripening within him, which he was himself ashamed of, but which he was gradually getting used to; one single thought kept obstinately and undeviatingly moving up closer and closer, one single image stood out more and more distinctly, and under the burning weight of heavy drunkenness the angry irritation was replaced by a feeling of ferocity in his heart, and a vindictive smile appeared on his lips. A Sportsman's Sketches
  • Taken in isolation, my boss's actions seemed more petty than vindictive. Times, Sunday Times
  • His eyes snapped vindictively, while his ears joyed in the sniffles she emitted. Chapter 3
  • A crime of such selfishness, vindictiveness and plain no-goodedness that I hesitate to lay it before you in all its red toothed, black cloaked and villainous evil.
  • He does not tend toward vindictiveness or in-your-face triumphalism.
  • The uncertainty led to unpredictable twists in his character, making him by turns free-hearted and crabbedly vindictive.
  • The only way this expulsion can be interpreted is as a spiteful and vindictive move.
  • The tone was new: not merely strident, but shrill, vindictive, intemperate; but most noticeably, the real target was new.
  • Cancers so virulent they were practically carnivorous... "A vindictive smile played briefly at her lips. NIGHT SISTERS
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive
  • I don't like Kevin — he's got a nasty vindictive streak in him.
  • Grandmother murmured something in embarrassment, but the Bohemian woman laughed scornfully, a kind of whinny-laugh, and, catching up an empty coffee-pot from the shelf, shook it at us with a look positively vindictive. My Antonia
  • It is childish and hateful to manufacture petty, vindictive cliques who seem to thrive on aloofness, exclusivity and secrecy.
  • For the life of me I can't understand the vindictive nature of their comments.
  • Because what they're doing is making business look unpleasant and nasty and vindictive. The Sun
  • The president, true to his vindictive self, decided to appoint seventy seven members without the comities input arguing that he was not required to. Ispirational leadership in Africa
  • My experience with incompetent bosses is that they don't like their shortcomings being pointed out to anyone and can become very vindictive. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it still to bothers you, continue your current course of lashing out vindictively against people around you and if that fails to give comfort, well, a lot of people who have been troubled in this way successfully find solace for many years in problem drinking. Dr Gerry Mander: the therapist the stars trust
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive
  • It's the same kind of piggish, clueless vindictiveness of a passenger on a storm-tossed boat in the middle of an angry sea - who hates the captain so much he hopes he's too incompetent to keep the boat from sinking. Mario Almonte: Can Hope Float the Economy - and Sink the Republicans?
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive
  • I shall not enter into his literary quarrels further than to say that he seems to me, on the whole, to have been forbearing, which is the more striking as he tells us repeatedly that he was naturally vindictive. Among My Books First Series
  • In his prime, his vindictiveness was ugly and frightening; now it's ugly and a little pathetic.
  • Those opposing him were so vindictive, untrue and stupid that they helped his cause even more than those that praised him.
  • She shows up when she wants, her book is nothing but a vindictive lashback at everyone she ever perceived 'hurt' her, she poses for pictures then calls the same pictures 'sexist' ... how long does the list of faux pas, bloopers, and innuendoes have to get before this person is revealed as the self-centered person she really is? Christie, McDonnell explain Palin's absence from campaign trail
  • The Captain's civilian lawyer has said the charges were vindictively added as part of an effort to cover up the military's mistake and initial overreaction.
  • The fact that McCain had been portrayed by a home state newspaper as a vindictive philanderer with a volcanic temper only adds zest.
  • To focus all concern on cost overruns is a diversion from these and at least a dozen more important concerns which condemn the deep-bore tunnel to the wastebin of history and its proponents as either unwittingly incompetent or, in the case of certain highway planning directors, malevolently vindictive toward the good people of Seattle. Open Letter to the Council: Take the Same Damn Risk You’re Asking Us To Take « PubliCola
  • They can dish it out by the bucketful, but when it comes to getting some back, they're childish, petulant, and vindictive. The Dangers of Snark
  • He was not at all pleased to see me, but gradually thawed and explained that owing to the tracasseries of the Bishop of Poitiers, he had been made the victim of a continuous and vindictive persecution.
  • See how his writhen features show under the hollow helmet, like those of a corpse tenanted by a demon, whose vindictive purpose looks out at the flashing eyes, while the visage has the stillness of death. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • It has become more vindictive and hyperbolic by the day, with much of the personal venom being directed at him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Phyllis was motivated by vindictiveness; others bridled and saddled men for profit.
  • Nathaniel smiled vindictively and made a motion with the gun.
  • My own opinion is that I don't think her comment was meant vindictively, in the sense of being pre-meditated or politically strategic.
  • The mate's face set vindictively, and his fists clenched. A LITTLE ACCOUNTWITH SWITHIN HALL
  • Grandmother murmured something in embarrassment, but the Bohemian woman laughed scornfully, a kind of whinny-laugh, and catching up an empty coffee-pot from the shelf, shook it at us with a look positively vindictive. My Ántonia
  • When Paula vindictively sets up a date for her mother with a kindly old dullard, the film resorts to caricature and grotesque camera effects to persuade us of how unseemly the older gent's needs and desires are.
  • It hurts when you know that someone has set out to be vindictively destructive and to target your church.
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive
  • So I called her vindictive, and then she just laughed at me. Hamletwildie Diary Entry
  • This style of ignoring is not about withdrawing affection and is not meant as a malicious or vindictive act. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, you will already know there is not a vindictive or a spiteful bone in a Lab's body.
  • Aimee could spot the vindictive curl on his lips, the hand holding the cup of fruit juice rising and before she knew it, the contents of the cups were emptied all over her.
  • In the film 'Cape Fear', a lawyer's family is threatened by a vindictive former prisoner.
  • The losers must not be vindictive and the winners must not be arrogant.
  • The judge knew we had all these debts and yet he punitively and vindictively imposed these defence costs on us as well.
  • The judge knew we had all these debts and yet he punitively and vindictively imposed these defence costs on us as well.
  • Yet, in the several intervals between these periods, they have exhausted the powers of their rhetoric and the vehemence of their vindictive passions, in denouncing what they term the unequal asperities of the social and political surface. The Two Rebellions; or, Treason Unmasked.
  • I had no idea who this nasty, vindictive, evil person was. Times, Sunday Times
  • But that buff is so big and mean and ugly and hard to stop and vindictive and cruel and surly and ornery. Shameless Products Plugs
  • This style of ignoring is not about withdrawing affection and is not meant as a malicious or vindictive act. Times, Sunday Times
  • The terrible suffering we see may certainly disturb and outrage us, but the outrage turns to compassion and creativity rather than to anger, despair, or vindictiveness.
  • The notion seems to be that she is more victim than villain, with the real villain being a nasty, vindictive media industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Knowing Julebba's vindictive jealousy and hatred of Helene, he dare not let her be carried into the kloof without him. Death Stalks The Ruins
  • Eclair's writing is spiteful and vindictive, her agenda unreconstructed and male.
  • I hope the sun takes the skin all off your back, she panted vindictively, as they slid the canoe down the last shelf and dropped it into the water. CHAPTER 25
  • This legislation can be used by malicious and vindictive people to get at their neighbours who might have a puppy or a dog next door.
  • What vindictive irony, to force Digby to sacrifice his entire career in transport over a railways announcement!
  • The vindictive politics of the period may have pushed the nation over the abyss, but at least the cadres were squeaky clean.
  • What a horrible, nasty, vindictive woman she is. The Sun
  • There stood Mrs. Silverstein, with angry eyes that snapped vindictively at sight of her boy's clothes. Chapter 6
  • I raised my arms in the air in jubilation, and grinned vindictively at the student section, which again was silenced.
  • Whether or not Johanna is right or wrong, she has comported herself reasonably well and without rancour or vindictiveness. Tax-Exempt Status in Danger » Comics Worth Reading
  • He is known as a vindictive, vituperative, nasty, brutish political boss - but now we learn that he's also a pathetic cry baby.
  • he plotted vindictively against his former superiors
  • He'It such a shame that their is ruined and their future be ruined as well because of person 's vindictive behaviour. The Sun
  • A conservative columnist, George Will, provides a more vindictive answer.
  • But I do think he is a man who bears a grudge, who is a man who is vindictive and revengeful and, I have to say, so does Mr Burton.…
  • In sane moments we all know that it's the kids who suffer most when we act vindictively, but we are a flawed species and behaving as best we can is not an instinct we are at home with. Dear Mariella: My daughter still loves her father, who was abusive to me, and I feel very bitter about it
  • Not just a grudge, but a hateful, vindictive, nasty bitterness that I didn't even know existed until this person's name was brought up.
  • I am not vindictive ... but I will not hesitate to fire you should you engage in corrupt practices," Mwanawasa told the ministers at state house. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Then suddenly he braced himself up with a kind of rhapsody, and looked at Birkin with vindictive, cowed eyes, saying: Women in Love
  • Her face visibly hardened and she looked at her sister vindictively.
  • I am still facing totally vindictive charges relating to that little incident with that chap who invaded my doorstep peddling household goods.
  • A tipsy, disorderly, vindictive debil-debil it was, that made the boldest piccaninny shriek with dismay. My Tropic Isle
  • The spluttering defensiveness, the creepy vindictiveness, all signs of a brain fettered with incipient rot. Matthew Yglesias » Der Dolchstoss
  • a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment
  • Compare and contrast ? this bloke gets arrested by a vindictive PC Knacker, labelled a paedophile, is charged, his name no doubt leaked to the press by our wonderful Police, has to endure court appearances, has to explain ? at length I am sure, to his wife and family that he? The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • As well as levelling whole cities, the forces of nature pursue and torment individuals in the most vindictive and sadistic manner.
  • But certainly it is a very rare thing, and seldom found, to see a man of so clear a breast, so sincere a design, as to have waded through such prosecutions without any interposal of vindictive thoughts. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • A couple today told how they were pushed to breaking point by a vindictive neighbour who waged a 15-month hate campaign against them.
  • Once we get past the fact that Karen isn't the hurtful vindictive shrew she could so easily be, we recognize that she has very legitimate issues with Rick.
  • I realize that the word vindictive is a little strong for his comment to David, but there does seem to be some rancor coming from something. Never apologize
  • She shows up when she wants, her book is nothing but a vindictive lashback at everyone she ever perceived 'hurt' her, she poses for pictures then calls the same pictures 'sexist' ... how long does the list of faux pas, bloopers, and innuendoes have to get before this person is revealed as the self-centered person she really is? Christie, McDonnell explain Palin's absence from campaign trail
  • Linday cried, glaring vindictively at the closed door. THE END OF THE STORY
  • contradictory attributes of unjust justice and loving vindictiveness

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