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  1. French poet (flourished around 1460)

How To Use Villon In A Sentence

  • That is why, in this book, in translating a 'roundel' of Villon which Rossetti had already translated, he misses the naïve quality of the French which Rossetti, in a version not in all points so faithful as this, had been able, in some subtle way, to retain. Figures of Several Centuries
  • Between 1917 and the end of the Second World War, this and the Martinist Order actually shared the same Grand Master—first Jean Bricaud, then Constant Chevillon. The Sion Revelation
  • SENE, M. (1988): Le travail la dent en traction bovine pour une meilleure infiltration des eaux des premires pluies sur sols grvillonnaires en bordure de plateaux: C.R. de Kaymor. Chapter 9
  • Between 1917 and the end of the Second World War, this and the Martinist Order actually shared the same Grand Master—first Jean Bricaud, then Constant Chevillon. The Sion Revelation
  • Leurs habitations sont rondes comme des pavillons et couvertes de feutre. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It is from these rather complicated forms of verse that the ballades and rondeaux of Villon and Marot are descended. Introduction
  • For synovial diseases, such as pigmented villonodular synovitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteochondromatosis, it is desirable to remove as much of the synovium as possible.
  • Cyril Connolly and Jerome Zerbe include the Desert de Retz in their book "Les Pavillons" (1962) with Zerbe remembering "goats glattering up the beautifully modulated spiral staircase" and noting that the structure was then in a "terrible state" and hoping someone would come along "with the means and taste to restore it. The Broken Column House
  • After this dismissal of the two nobles, the pimping poeticule, Villon manque or (whom shall we call him?) reussi, reappears with a message to A Study of Shakespeare
  • Bitterman and Couvillon found that bees tended to perseverate - to choose the color for which they had most recently been rewarded.
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