How To Use Villager In A Sentence
The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.
Mr. Hernandez's monochromatic costumes were 1950s-style, with the plain garb of the villagers contrasting with the cosmopolitan clothes of Neruda and his wife, Matilde, and Di Cosimo's natty, attention-getting white suit.
When Postman and Poet Meet
Finally met Judith "with the blue shutters": the American to whom the villagers have been trying to introduce me, going as far as to give me directions to her house "avec les volets bleus".
Péquenaud - French Word-A-Day
At harvest time all the villagers lend a hand.
Villagers then filtered out the sediment by pouring the water through tightly woven cloth.

Most villagers have cleaned out their bomb shelters and made sure to stock canned food and medical supplies.
Times, Sunday Times
More events are planned, as villagers celebrate their unique and historic home.
This posting is about intercommunication among Zapoteco villagers in Oaxaca State and the notion that communications among various villages can be improved by foreigners introducing radio signal interrelationships to, supposedly, improve inter-village understanding and, perhaps, harmony.
Radio stations in Oaxaca
Usually one finds on a given manor that ten or fifteen of the villagers have each a virgate of a given number of acres, several more have each a half virgate or a quarter.
An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
They round up all the villagers and execute them one by one.
The villagers hated them, and spread malicious gossip about their immorality and irreligion.
Times, Sunday Times
Villagers have poured in on either side of the debate over whether to allow the new eatery to open next to the existing Evergreen takeaway in Fawley.
During the monsoon season the villagers divert their occupation to fishing and agriculture.
Villagers used to hold a great feast at harvest time.
Bewildered by the suddenness of this blow, I could but watch in helpless silence the advancing throng, with my poor friends in their midst, their hands bound, their tottering footsteps directed by rude shoves towards the pipul tree, the accustomed assembly place of the villagers and the village council.
Tales of Destiny
While a system of barracks relieved the villagers of having to lodge the dragoons in their houses, the obligation to transport provisions using their own animals at times when they were needed in the fields was burdensome.
The presence of the jumbos created terror among the villagers and they fled.
Previously, detainees have been hit or tortured during questioning, villagers say.
Although it is perfectly good meadowland, none of the villagers has ever grazed animals on the meadow on the other side of the wall.
The villagers all line the dock, tears welling in their respective eyes, waving a mournful farewell to the departing sailors.
Yusuf Ahmad/Reuters INDONESIA TORRENTS: Villagers carried a motorcycle in a flooded village in Palopo, Indonesia, Wednesday.
Today's Photos: Nov. 5
At first Jack Mulcahey had been a disappointment to the villagers.
Villagers look like they will be losing their main bus service in just over a fortnight, despite a deluge of complaints to the bus company.
Rural libraries, training centres for the visually impaired, public toilets and milch animals are only a few assets contributed by NSS volunteers for the benefit of villagers during their field visits.
The villagers took fertility symbols into the fields to ensure a good harvest.
A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
A villager has criticised the rail service which runs trains to and from his rural community, claiming the transport needs of people living in the countryside are being ignored.
The militants also fired few shots to scare the villagers and later fled from the spot.
I have come into villages where, had we acted a domineering part, and rummaged every hut, we should have found nothing; but by sitting down quietly, and waiting with patience until the villagers were led to form a favorable opinion of us, a woman would bring out a shellful of the precious fluid from I know not where.
Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
The expectation among the villagers is that the new model would serve as a path-breaking example for the rest of the country to emulate.
This ended the controversy and at last the Sutton villagers were able to be buried in their own churchyard.
The epidemic swept off most of the villagers.
The villagers support their monks with food, gifts, and offerings to Buddha.
Shortly thereafter CCL made two more opencast mine of about 5 each displacing villagers in 8 villages and scattered hamlets and this mining is still continuing towards a heavily built-up tribal area in the forest See newspaper report of today by Jaideep Degharia.
Jeff Biggers: India's Coal Rush and Form of Mountaintop Removal: Interview with Jharkhand Leader Bulu Imam
The villagers showed us how they collect lontar palm juice, and distill it into an alcoholic drink either fine or rough, sold cheaply in the market for local consumption.
And, because we are realistic, right-thinking leftists, we understand that interspecies carnivorism is celebrated among Insect-Canadians, adding another community of insect villagers.
Summer of the Ants
This strategy not only emphasized the status of the paramount chief, but it also pushed the undefended villagers to the centre for protection in the event of an attack.
Fossey saw local Rwandan people as barbarous, and went to extreme lengths to protect the gorillas, even killing villagers' cattle and firing guns at them.
The presence of the security forces personnel created apprehensions among the villagers and they took refuge in a nearby ground.
The fustanella, or Albanian kilt, was common dress for men until the 1400s. Common villagers and rural people wore a fustanella made from coarse linen or wool; more affluent men wore silk.
Villagers stole cattle for beef, for a ransom payment, or in some cases for ploughing or local sale.
Villagers hid in the hills as the troops advanced.
When villagers tried to put the cones back, they were insulted by some motorists.
The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.
Several of them carried burning torches and I had a flash of old horror films, the mob of villagers going after the mad scientist and his monster.
A frown of irritation creased his brown and weather-beaten face, obscured by a scraggly black beard that tended to make him rather inscrutable, and probably enhanced his reputation amongst the villagers.
The villagers had been angry about the smell and pollution from rubbish being dumped near their homes and had tried to halt a loaded truck that arrived.
Times, Sunday Times
Villagers also enjoyed spectacular helicopter rides as well as listening to sound advice from Bromley police and firefighters.
A villager had noted the number of the truck.
Understandably, they were subject to sporadic physical attacks from partisans and Polish villagers.
Refugees in the Age of Total War
His brother died of scarlet fever, many other villagers succumbed to asthma and diabetes.
The villagers were powerless against the rising flood water.
Oh! so sweet of Uub who don't want to fight but still fights as he wants to use the prize money to arrange eatables for his villagers.
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The Puritan villagers believed all the quarreling was the work of the Devil.
Boing Boing
Although the waters are slowly receding the villagers are not optimistic about what they will find when they return home.
As the news of the victory spread across the country, villagers left their mountain hideouts and joined his righteous army, which grew into a force of 2,000 people.
The situation escalated, with villagers attacking each other with clubs and other weapons.
And so in China, the army starts displacing villagers to begin what it calls a dam-building project.
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The villagers think the experiment has failed but Scundoo is very clever: He asks everybody raise to raise their hands above their heads and every hand is blackened with soot from the iron pot — every hand except Sime's.
“And must I. . .who am weary, travel always your trail until I die?”
The villagers were not consulted, even though the river was their only source of water and they depended on the sago trees for food.
Experts say some of that helplessness may be erased by commune council elections, held for the first time in 2002, which could give villagers more influence over local planning.
The villagers are rocked by news of a murder!
The Sun
The villagers believed a devil had taken control of his body.
The villagers told them to quit the place immediately.
The entire island was designated a naval base, and villagers were expected to conform to naval standards of hygiene and decorum.
Villagers who live in and around national parks have suddenly been banned from hunting in the forests.
Times, Sunday Times
The only disappointment for the Villagers was the fact they conceded a controversial converted try late on to deny them a prized clean sheet.
He was told by villagers that approximately 10 minutes after the airman had landed, militiamen from the village found him hiding in a bamboo thicket and captured him.
Busch, Jon T.
Not every villager believes that he was given a fair hearing, and the issue remains a conversation point on local streets.
The villagers piped in drinking water from the reservoir.
Oh, do you think so, you seclusive wretch," the headman said, as other villagers closed in around them, each looking more surly than the others.
Demons Don't Dream
For more than three weeks, villagers have camped out in their village hall demanding the ouster of the mayor and new elections.
The ferries plying in these rivers provide cheap transportation to many villagers and poor people who live in remote areas, not accessible by road.
Local villagers cut a tunnel road through the mountain and named it Guoliang Cave.
Villagers in Bishopton and the surrounding area started to complain because they were annoyed by the irregularity of the service.
Villagers opposed to opencast mining plans near their homes claim the proposals could encroach on local water voles, currently the UK's fastest declining mammal.
A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
With a rise in the water level of the Sutlej after the release of water from the Ropar headworks, panic has gripped villagers living along the Dhussi bundh.
From any part of the salt tract one may see the boundary of the inner arable part of the district fringed with long lines of trees, from which every morning the villagers drive their cattle out into the saliferous plains to graze.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
The flood has left villagers and animals desperately scavenging for food.
We also envisage this as a discovery kind of museum in which the villagers can gain some insight into science.
But most times to live at continent and throw villager child, So though residential district build up already, the schools of continent dismiss from and keep one a piece of teachings order also still.
Driveways, gardens and entrances were under water and many villagers could not leave their properties without wellies or waders.
Villagers are proud and fortunate to be living here in this peaceful little village, surrounded by beautiful countryside.
Three villagers were hacked to death in a savage attack.
A trickle of subterranean water, which fell on the plateau weeks before, collects in a culvert for the villagers.
One day I was in the nearby village of Lang Co, where I went every day except Sunday, to treat the villagers for their various ailments, which ranged from ringworm and pinworm to elephantiasis.
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Mexican villagers call any open spreading sore lepra.
Chapter 9
The few Persian travellers in the caravansarai and the villagers come flocking around as usual to worry me about riding the bicycle, but the servants drive them away in short order.
Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
Punitive expeditions destroyed crops and stores and lifted cattle, leaving villagers to starve as a salutary lesson for resistance or revolt.
Father cabled the poor villager's son some money for his further study.
The villagers cook on open fires with precariously balanced pots, which result in many scalds and burns.
Villagers are concerned for the safety of people walking on narrow footpaths next to narrow roads.
The villagers whose cottages are destroyed by the floods have to be relocated immediately.
Villagers in Heaton are among those now campaigning to protect land from housing.
Villagers used to hold a great feast at harvest time.
It seems to me that this is a totally unnecessary imposition by government on neglected and over bureaucratised rural villagers.
Government officials stole relief money assigned to rebuild ruined rice terraces and then local authorities attempted to levy a tax on villagers.
Villagers who live in and around national parks have suddenly been banned from hunting in the forests.
Times, Sunday Times
Haworth villagers are being urged to go blooming crazy to get the village in tip-top shape before judges arrive for the Yorkshire in Bloom competition.
The villagers hurled all possible effort into rebuilding the bombed houses.
A broadway parish councillor is urging his fellow members to rethink a controversial new rule, which he feels limits a villager's opportunity to be heard.
The government transplanted the villagers to an island.
A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
Villagers also enjoy a two-hour siesta each afternoon.
The Sun
He looked firmly at the villagers, who were heaping piles of straw around the lion with mechanical motions, as if they were going to burn it.
The villagers built banks of earth to hold back the flood waters.
After a fortnight of failure, a villager reported that the lurcher repeatedly visited one isolated house.
The harassed villagers who live on the reserve might come closest to entertaining the notion.
Times, Sunday Times
Villagers stole cattle for beef, for a ransom payment, or in some cases for ploughing or local sale.
One of the villagers showed him an old-fangled film projector which his paternal grandfather had requisitioned to show movies to the villagers.
But not the villagers who rush around madly in Dickensian mode.
Times, Sunday Times
So each morning and evening, 700 villagers strike out across dirt roads turned into a morass of mud and dung to deliver medicines to people with AIDS and tuberculosis.
Joseph beckoned to the leader, gesturing for him to enter his house, which was much nicer than the average mud huts of the villagers, being made of wood with thin tiles on the roofs.
Villagers hope that the building can be restored as the focal point and social hub of the hamlet.
Times, Sunday Times
a Munchkin villager; Margaret Pelligrini, the "sleepyhead" Munchkin and Meinhardt Raabe, the coroner.
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Then, with a beating of drums, forty or fifty well-built villagers filed out of the temple and took up their stations along the side of the tank parapet.
Traditionally, villagers deposit money in post offices as they consider them safe and they also earn more interest compared to banks.
Before the enemy's attack he crossed the river and alarmed the unarmed villagers.
The villagers were unable to put up any resistance to the invading troops.
In the scenes in which she was abused by the vindictive villagers, Doone gave a moving representation of the ruffled pride of the old and slightly dotty.
Following complaints from villagers that the sheep were marauding through their gardens, metal road grids were installed as a deterrent.
For her late husband, David, who died this summer, was one of the villagers who had previously rung the bell.
The villagers displayed the typical narrow-mindedness of a small community.
Visit the local museum, which displays the villagers' embroidery and filigree silverwork.
Times, Sunday Times
They kill villagers over there and our fellow citizens over here.
Times, Sunday Times
He was sickened when, just months later, vandals desecrated the memorial, built to commemorate villagers who fought in the First World War.
You cannot proceed a mile without starting a steeple, with its little patch of villagery round it, enverduring the waste.
The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb
None of the eight other fatal accidents claimed by the villagers has been recognised by the government.
When the villagers were asked if they wanted the factory to be built, the answer was a resounding yes.
I shall now take a more particular view of the Malayan states, as distinguished from those of the people termed orang ulu or countrymen, and orang dusun or villagers, who, not being generally converted to the
The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
The villagers are mostly illiterate, so they have to go to intermediaries to get any official documents prepared.
The villagers reported that the lion from the zoo was still lurking close to.
When the villagers were asked if they wanted the factory to be built, the answer was a resounding yes.
Villagers also cited skin, lice, and saliva as carriers of the disease.
Villagers rushed to the aid of the crash victims, not shrinking from the carnage that confronted them.
A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
The simple fact that villagers were so anxious to use the silage is a strong enough indication of the potential role the silage technique can plays Once again the importance of technical surveillance and contact is a key factor in getting the villagers to realize what can be achieved through their own efforts.
Chapter 10
They bragged about their exploits in Gawthorpe and this, naturally, upset the villagers.
Before the enemy's attack he crossed the river and alarmed the unarmed villagers.
When the existing policy expired in March the villagers were told it would not be renewed and were offered a quotation by another company of £1,000.
‘For villagers who can not afford to purchase a mosquito net or coils, Jatrohpa is the answer to their cry,’ said Munengu.
Those villagers who have made the hajj to Mecca, or even descendants of those who have made the journey, are highly respected.
Villagers may derive their greatest pleasure from fairs and religious festivals.
In more recent times, grinding poverty forced villagers to marry off their daughters at a young age because society dictated the girls were a financial burden.
According to some villagers, they could not make calls from their mobile telephones during the incident.
At the crack of dawn on the horizon one of the villagers noticed a Galbat-boat blobbing slowly towards the dhela.
Archive 2007-07-01
Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number of victims.
Villagers from El Barillo ended up in a church-run refugee camp in Calle Real.
The villagers also agreed to devote one day every week towards voluntary work to help develop the pastureland.
Villagers used to hold a great feast at harvest time.
He hit out at "supersensitive" villagers.
The Burley Bridge Association members, who are mostly incomers to Burley or live outside the area, mistakenly believe that villagers want to cross the river.
It’s a good name, Mother, a name respected by everyone except those villagers, who don’t count anyway.
Seeds of Yesterday
Villagers were in their colourful headgear huddled together in a lurching truck on a rustic road.
The spectacles were sold at a price that most villagers couldn't afford, thus alienating the very people most at risk.
The cavalry charged out of nowhere, the hundreds of thundering hooves terrifying the villager who had never seen nor heard more than four horses together before.
Peruvian villagers already on the edge of survival are enduring bitter cold linked to climate change.
When they got to the market, she remembered being awed by all the scents and sounds, the hubbub of the nearby villagers and passing tourists.
The Villagers have now lost four matches and are down to fifth in the table.
Oh to be fluent in the international language that enabled my younger son and husband to befriend villagers in rural Burma.
Times, Sunday Times
Many houses were flooded, and the villagers were busily employed in devising means to keep the water out.
The rains will mean fields are left unplanted as those abandoned by fleeing villagers can no longer be sown this year. This leaves all those displaced without any secure source of food for the next 12 months.
Villagers engage in animal husbandry and cultivate wheat, barley, and sugar beets.
The villagers have come from their gardens and planted the roadsides with daffodils.
In rural areas, villagers honor their patron saint during the annual festa.
The suggestion of off-screen, marginal characters implies the marginal place of rural villagers.
Yet the villagers are not idealized, but portrayed with all their faults and petty hostilities.
Many hands make light work: Cpl Peter Gardiner assists his workforce of East Timorese Defence Force assault pioneers and Tonnabibi villagers in lifting a beam.
For all anyone knows, the villagers may be the last surviving remnant of humanity.
Times, Sunday Times
The chorten is also used in another way, which is illustrated by the story told us by a villager when we enquired about one exceptionally big chorten we saw, with four smaller ones -- one at each corner.
The Mount Everest Expedition
As villagers at Market Lavington were told when Karen Ray, another member of the Great Bustard team, visited their annual parish meeting last week, bustards are difficult to breed.
In the afternoon, in another similar demonstration villagers of Ratanpur assembled at the crossing of Durgapur expressway and blocked it demanding opening of Tata plant and chanting anti Mamata slogans.
In a Backlash, Calcutta and Bengal Heating Up for the Cause of Tata Nano
On the first of May every year, the villagers would make merry in the village, dancing, singing and drinking.
While trying to help starving villagers, Yunus met a 21-year-old woman named Sufia Begum, who was burdened by a tiny yet crushing debt, Yunus recalled in his autobiography, "Banker to the Poor.
Troops forced villagers to flee to the surrounding hills.
Gembong Nusantara/Associated Press Paramedics carried a villager injured in Yogyakarta.
Volcano Erupts in Indonesia
Knowing who is holding their son and having some idea that the hostage-taking was to raise awareness of impoverished villagers is a crumb of comfort to his worried parents.
In some spots, villagers were building cinder-block houses, a sturdy if ugly improvement over their flimsy bamboo shacks.
He said he was originally from a family that had been fairly rich and he had once owned a truck, hoping to earn money by transporting goods for villagers.
Villagers have organized a lobby for improved local facilities.
Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Thai villagers paddle a boat past a giant statue of the leaning Buddha as floodwaters inundate an ancient temple in Ayutthaya province, north of Bangkok, on Monday.
Floodwaters Take Heavy Toll on Thailand
With the jumbos invading the fringe villages during nights, villagers are spending sleepless nights to save themselves, forget about saving their crops and habitations.
The villagers cultivate mostly maize and beans.
Villagers remained stranded as they could do nothing about the continuous flow of water but wait until it subsided.
Since villagers associate lagoons and rivers with wealth and fertility, performances are celebratory.
She also sympathetically records the sometimes conflicting desires of the participants, their fellow villagers and the local gentry.
The Times Literary Supplement
The villagers cast him out of the temple.
A villager had noted the number of the truck.
The vuvuzela is said to be based on the Kudu horn, a tribal instrument used to summon African villagers to meetings.
Last week he took out a full-page ad on the back of The Villager blaming local politicians for the looming "eyesore" of P.S.
Archive 2006-09-01
The villagers were so surprised that they could read and write in Bambara on the Web!
Global Voices in English » Translator of the week: Boukary Konaté in Mali
The villagers who took him in say he had a lung disease, coughing up blood as he died.
The villagers were going about their business as usual.
The call came at a meeting of police and villagers, during which tempers frayed as residents complained of a lack of police presence and support.
Villagers say the fence would restrict public access to the hills.
Do you think Federal Government should step in to help Kampung Buah Pala villagers considering the Federal Court's judgement ruled in favour of the developer?
The noise of the explosion sent the villagers scurrying back into their homes.
To date I've rescued villagers while flying around on a dragon, collected lumber at the controls of a machine known as a shredder, battled the undead in a tank, taken on a titan while sat atop a giant, and ridden a torpedo into the side of an enemy ship, to name but a few.
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Shaggy yaks stomp around threshing circles, ears of barley are thrashed with sticks and winnowed by singing villagers in twos and threes.