
How To Use Vigorously In A Sentence

  • Vigorously he hops and stomps along with the music.
  • Take spinal charities competing vigorously for funds. Times, Sunday Times
  • This case for a belief module is far from unassailable, and indeed every one of these prongs is still vigorously disputed, but the whole picture is compelling.
  • Add the vermouth, garlic and cayenne, boil the liquid away and start adding ladlefuls of the seaweed and saffron-flavoured vegetable stock, stirring vigorously all the while to aid absorption and prevent sticking.
  • Vigorously develop and produce new type energy - saving construction materials, heat insulating materials and green decoration materials.
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  • The Law Society vigorously opposed the restrictive amendment.
  • With little prompting from the teacher, the students raised and vigorously pursued the following questions.
  • The mass movement for technical innovation is vigorously forging ahead in the factory.
  • The fields vegetate vigorously
  • Again and again he declared that he would vigorously enforce laws which he abominates, on civil rights, abortion rights, gay rights, etc.
  • In order to be in tip-top shape for the upcoming Olympics, athletes must train vigorously and sacrifice time that they would normally spend with their families or their loved ones.
  • The airlines rejected the accusations and said they would defend themselves vigorously. Times, Sunday Times
  • One word of advice: when you are boiling potatoes, whether to make mash or to roast them, don't let the water boil too vigorously.
  • They had campaigned vigorously for unilateral nuclear disarmament .
  • He shook the blankets vigorously to get rid of the dust.
  • The mass movement for technical innovation is vigorously forging ahead in the factory.
  • Frame said the suit is without merit and it will be defended vigorously.
  • The team is viewed as vigorously expansionist, and is rumoured to be prepared to look at investments in local newspapers, radio stations and new internet opportunities.
  • The National Rifle Association and other advocates of firearms rights are expected to vigorously oppose these proposals.
  • Having spluttered vigorously into double-handfuls of water from the little stream and put the towel back on its bush, he turned his attention to his twelve-dollar boots -- for in the country of boots and saddles the leatherwork is the soul of appearances. The Wrong Woman
  • After washing, pat the skin dry, don't irritate it by rubbing vigorously.
  • In his small office in the town of Ennis, he pointed vigorously at a map to illustrate the areas where incomers, or ‘blow-ins’, could still build homes, should they wish.
  • As it stands it's a weak prosecution case, the matter will be vigorously defended, and I'm very confident of a favourable outcome.
  • A chip was tossed at her and she caught it in her mouth, chewed vigorously, then swallowed.
  • The club has vigorously defended the mayor against attacks by other disabled advocates who say Brown has done little for them.
  • Cut down the risk by not swimming near harbours or places where locals do their washing, and always towel down vigorously. Times, Sunday Times
  • Presently one of the passengers, after vigorously pushing his way through the importunate crowd of porters, came up to him and politely asked if he could point out the English consulate, at the same time showing a passport which he wished to have visaed. Around the World in 80 Days
  • You may have to encourage the seeds to detach from the pith quite vigorously, but you end up with a very munchy pile of purplish nibbles. Culinary adventures
  • But it will defend equally vigorously the rights of women who choose to look after their children full-time.
  • The 2010 election was the political equivalent of the perfect crime: The GOP vigorously took on all reforms designed to rebalance the economy for the long term, tying Washington up in contorted knots, then were rewarded at the polls by voters dissatisfied with an ugly D.C. culture unable to produce economic renewal. Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson: Giving the Keys Back to the Folks Who Crashed the Car
  • Lorin Maazel, late of the New York Philharmonic -- where he drew both barbs and bravos from the critics -- strode vigorously across stage to the Disney Hall podium, telegraphing to the audience that this was no crochety 79-year-old maestro, but a commanding presence still, no matter which orchestra he stands before (of the 150 he's led over five decades). Donna Perlmutter: Maazel to the Podium -- Still Collecting Orchestras
  • Thus the scope of this new technique is enormous and its technological capabilities are being explored vigorously.
  • The company denies the allegations and intends to defend its position vigorously. Times, Sunday Times
  • Casper shook her head vigorously, clearing it of the fuzzy, heavy feeling that her tears had brought on.
  • But the company has vigorously asserted that its marketing practices do not violate the 1995 consent decree.
  • The group of them got into a happy conversation, and like a pot set vigorously aboil, the waiting room was soon splattered by the frolicsome four: "radical secular left," "cultural relativism run amok," "post-modern world," "the mushy middle," etc. Archive 2008-03-01
  • We would vigorously oppose such a policy.
  • It is a very active metal that reacts vigorously with oxygen in the air, catching fire spontaneously.
  • In disgust, Amy reaches over and twists the radio dial vigorously.
  • My face had been blanketed in pale powder and my cheeks brushed vigorously with pinky red rouge.
  • The mass movement for technical innovation is vigorously forging ahead in the factory.
  • To naturalize bulbs in your lawn, choose bulbs that blossom and fade before grass grows vigorously and requires mowing: crocus, winter aconite, snowdrops, and scilla.
  • In many quarters there was a clamour for "practical" studies, and the old classical course was decried as useless, or merely ornamental; its very foundation, the theory of mental or formal discipline, well expressed in the term gymnasium for classical schools in Germany, has been vigorously assailed, but not disproved. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Would you say this case was prosecuted vigorously, and if so, why?
  • We have vigorously set about recovering our mutual understanding, building a broad base for our co-operation and redeeming the promise of our complementarities.
  • A short, vigorously cheerful woman in a twinkling red dress walked about, greeting each person.
  • The researchers then attached motion recorders - small accelerometers measuring how often and vigorously a limb moves - to the dominant leg and arm of each child.
  • But it also vigorously polemicised on behalf of Indian indentured labourers.
  • Since the famous Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, which recognised women's legal right to abortion, anti-choice campaigners have fought vigorously to outlaw the procedure.
  • Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Times, Sunday Times
  • How vigorously will the local companies defend their turf?
  • In addition to incitements and urgings from these right-wing political and mainstream media morons, there also came - and still are coming - the claims from the weirdest and dankest holes in the blogosphere, the deep rat warrens where readers of Newsmax, NewsBusters and other collections of neo-Nazi rants, can come together to rub vigorously each other's, um, reptilian fears and stroke each other's faux bravery as they plot their "counterrevolutionary" tactics and strategies. Mike Malloy: Poison
  • The obvious interpretation put on each ministerial speech has been vigorously denied by Downing Street.
  • April 13th, 2006 at 3: 44 pm cousin benny says: you can honor the families of the dead and still question the official story. in fact the greatest way to honor the victims of 911 is to find out what really happened. true patriots constantly and vigorously question their government, especially when the media refuses to. Think Progress » Flight 93 remembered.
  • I totally refute the charges and will vigorously defend myself against them. Times, Sunday Times
  • "But really, he does, dear," said Aria, making a face at Christopher after he shook his head vigorously.
  • She's wearing a skintight vinyl dress, chewing gum and grinning mischievously while rubbing her arms vigorously against her sides to make the dress creak and squeak. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can be seen vigorously tearing twigs from the trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, isolated mutant axonemes lacking the central pair or radial spokes can vigorously beat in certain nonphysiological solutions.
  • Bucks had complained vigorously for having to recall their players who had already gone on holiday for the league recess.
  • The theatergoers applauded her as vigorously as Mary and I had at home.
  • The Pentagon vigorously opposes that recommendation, but even a rookie spook can figure out that big changes are in the air.
  • It grows even more vigorously than the jackbean under less harsh conditions (in Yucatan, where droughtiness is always a problem the jackbean does better in years of low rainfall, whereas the velvetbean does better when rain fall is higher than normal, but still scarce). 28 additional technical notes about tropical agriculture
  • Earlier another Bond director Mr Tony Oates said the corporation vigorously denied it had any knowledge of the alleged phone-bugging operation.
  • One example may be the male red deer which competes vigorously with other males for opportunities to mate.
  • A Glencore spokesman "vigorously disputes" the charges.
  • ‘We believe that the Revenue and Paymaster General have a clear duty to pursue vigorously a compensation claim from EDS,’ the committee said.
  • Single cell preparations were made by vigorously pipetting the cell suspension with a Pasteur pipette and by vortexing.
  • A source close to them said they would vigorously dispute any suggestion of reckless or fraudulent trading, excessive expenditure, mismanagement or undeclared income.
  • It was quite refreshing to see people who train wholeheartedly, and vigorously with mutual respect, there were no inflated egos here.
  • Whisk vigorously allowing it to thicken.
  • Amnesty International, the human rights group that campaigned vigorously to save Miss Darabi, led the condemnation.
  • There, monuments deeply informed by the Classical past were succeeded by vigorously illusionistic works, which in their turn were succeeded by things made for one ruler in both classicizing and veristic styles.
  • These tests include a stress test in which you relax, then cough vigorously as the doctor watches for loss of urine, a urinalysis where the urine is tested for evidence of infection or urinary stones, blood tests, ultrasound, cystoscopy in which a tiny camera is used to see inside of the urethra and bladder and urodynamics, which measures the pressure inside of the bladder and the flow of urine. Health Update: Turning Off A Leaky Bladder
  • As the match drew to a close both teams attacked vigorously in search of the winner, but poor finishing let them down.
  • Hence he has found it practically the greatest economy of mental labor to work vigorously when he is disposed to do so, and to refrain from exertion, so far as possible, _when it is felt to be an exertion_. The Education of American Girls
  • When Matsui hears himself characterized as a showman or a performer, he laughs hard and then shakes his head so vigorously it appears his cap might pop off.
  • Wipe up the spill quickly and rub the spot vigorously with your palm or with a cloth dipped in a small amount of furniture polish.
  • A stone travelling more slowly can be made to go further with the assistance of your team mates, sweeping vigorously just in front of its path, warming the ice and making it more slippy.
  • But so long as the whale shark made no discernible attempt to propel itself through the water I could, by finning vigorously, just about keep pace.
  • When he refuses to submit and instead responds vigorously, back off quickly and overcompensate for failure by switching into a placatory mode. Dilip Hiro: Obama's Rudderless Foreign Policy Underscores America's Waning Power
  • A particular idiosyncrasy of his, which never failed to delight me, was to vigorously rub his bald pate with a white towel between khayals.
  • We would vigorously oppose such a policy.
  • Sophia bought two hot cocoas from the school cafeteria and the two of them drank them vigorously.
  • His face had purpled to roughly the same shade as a ripe eggplant and he banged vigorously on his desk with a gavel.
  • He vigorously punished crooked cops. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coming from a footballer in his prime, however, with two small children and a third on the way, the expression undergoes a vigorously literal restoration.
  • They will also engage themselves vigorously with the immiseration and the violence suffered by that great portion of the planet who have never known democracy and freedom.
  • It is human nature to advocate change in some one else's affairs whilst vigorously opposing its necessity in one's own.
  • He went for the cylinder wrench, which he then used for the non-standard purpose of vigorously whanging the valve with strong overhand strokes.
  • He holds elected politicians themselves responsible for not defending more vigorously the chief alternative to judicial supremacy, namely "departmentalism," according to which each branch of the government has final say over constitutional questions that arise within its purview.
  • At night, after a long day of gathering nectar, they gather at the hive entrance and begin fanning by vigorously beating their wings.
  • Cagliari" by the Neapolitans on the high seas; our attitude towards the Paris Congress of 1857; while in 1858 he led the revolt against Lord Palmerston's proposal to amend the Conspiracy Laws in deference to Louis Napoleon; in 1860 vigorously denounced the annexation of Savoy and Nice; and in 1864 moved the amendment to Biographical Study of A.W. Kinglake
  • The move has spurred anger among vendors hit by patent infringement claims; they say they will contest the action vigorously.
  • The proposed new examination system has been vigorously opposed by teachers.
  • They fielded vigorously, bowled straight on a length, and batted patiently.
  • The mainsprings of British empire building have always been argued over vigorously.
  • Bird vigorously pushed a heady mix of laborism and state capitalism that came to be known locally as milk and water socialism.
  • In both, tightly cropped portraits of historical and cultural figures stare out bracingly from vigorously painted encaustic surfaces.
  • The couple continue to vigorously deny any involvement in their daughter 's disappearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, it seems these lawgivers are indeed above the laws that are so vigorously enforced on unpopular public figures who are supporters of the wrong political party.
  • The importance of vigorously removing layers of skin cannot be overestimated.
  • In an instant more Tofi was off down the street, vigorously plying the quirt. HAMMERFALL
  • In an instant more Tofi was off down the street, vigorously plying the quirt. HAMMERFALL
  • Before we release a new blueberry plant, we want to know when the fruit ripens, that the plants grow vigorously, and that they produce high-quality fruit.
  • Both bills were vigorously contested by the opposition but carried by large majorities.
  • The mass movement for technical innovation is vigorously forging ahead in the factory.
  • The police vigorously denied that excessive force had been used.
  • I have now come far enough to meet you on a common ground of fact; and I tell you that, to a mind not prejudiced by jealousy, all the reforms of the lazaretto, and even those which he most vigorously opposed, are properly the work of Damien. Lay Morals
  • The Association of Carers is campaigning vigorously on their behalf for more professional and financial support.
  • Thin reasoning perhaps, but the bassoon and double bass duet in the "Menuet" has an earthy Balkan jocularity and the whole work is vigorously charming. Brad Hill: Salonen Brings Hungarian Echoes to the NY Philharmonic
  • As he only comes to notice a year before he joined Handel's company, the bass who sang so vigorously in those early arias written for him must have been remarkably young.
  • She ran the towel through her hair vigorously and tugged on her bra and underwear.
  • The desire for advertising revenue, if pursued too vigorously, might well put those aims at risk.
  • When the home keeper gathered the ball on the edge of his area the assistant referee vigorously waved his flag, signalling that his hands were outside.
  • Each morning in the sutra hall he would respond vigorously to the drum and gong accompanying the recitation of the Heart Sutra.
  • Take spinal charities competing vigorously for funds. Times, Sunday Times
  • And then she scrubbed the back of her hand vigorously across her mouth, stepped out into the torchlit chapel. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • When I brush vigorously or floss, my gums bleed.
  • I was bleary-eyed from the transatlantic leg of my itinerary, and became aware of a guy with a very loud voice who was vigorously fanboying one of the other passengers as we disembarked and had a long wait for the terminal bus. Linkspam for 29-8-2009
  • Claiming to be misrepresented, Levi-Strauss responds vigorously to this charge in the postface to the volume, claiming that in his construction.
  • A remarkable versifier, Dylan exploits the possibilities of poetic form more vitally and vigorously than ever.
  • And I am confident that big bookstore chains like Barnes and Noble are vigorously buttressing themselves against the onslaught of challenges to their retail model now being leveled at them by the rise of the e-book. John Shore: Love Loses: Barnes and Noble's Big Fat Bell Book Fail
  • We paddled vigorously until lunchtime, when we found a sandbar in the middle of the river.
  • Fired at one end, the burning resin tube was inserted into piles of cecropia ash and blown vigorously so that the myrrhlike aroma permeated the ash, thus flavoring the coca. One River
  • In its early years fascism was a movement of vigorously competing currents and factions. Fascists and Conservatives
  • Georgiana nodded her head vigorously.
  • Pour the eggs and sugar into a large mixing bowl and whisk vigorously, until the sugar has dissolved.
  • The best method for routine hand washing is to cover the hands with soap and vigorously rub for at least 10 seconds.
  • The Faroese, descendents of the Vikings, vigorously defend the tradition to hunt pilot whales, which dates back to the 10th century.
  • He blew his nose vigorously, straightened his dressing gown and made a determined effort to regain a measure of composure.
  • Reformation in individual cases may take place under the most adverse circumstances; but an institution cannot be called reformatory unless its prevailing moral sentiment is actively, vigorously, and always, on the side of progress and virtue. Thoughts on Educational Topics and Institutions
  • They both vigorously refute the allegations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both men vigorously denied any wrongdoing, staunchly defended their men, and aggressively justified the customary practices of the department.
  • Mme. Tedesco, who had eventually been completely won over to her part of Venus by a wig powdered with gold dust, called out triumphantly to me in the manager's box, when the 'septuor' of the finale of the first act was again vigorously applauded, that everything was now all right and that we had won the victory. My Life — Volume 2
  • I vigorously deny being involved, much less behind the current crisis facing the Estrada government.
  • These are accumulated over many years and may vigorously colour the way we respond to all kinds of situations today.
  • Shake vigorously and strain into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have a tendency to scratch vigorously behind my right knee when distracted.
  • Since the famous Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, which recognised women's legal right to abortion, anti-choice campaigners have fought vigorously to outlaw the procedure.
  • Along the deck, out onto the pulpit and then farther out along the bowsprit he fled, as far away from her as he could get, while the porridge was arguing vigorously with his stomach now, and was not laughing.
  • Not wanting to miss out, I pick an item at random - a nice red dress made of classic jersey, or possibly cashmere - and clap vigorously.
  • Any reference to payment of rent by banker's order or credit transfer should be vigorously contested.
  • The mercury was applied by vigorously brushing it onto the surface of the metal.
  • The final suspension was shaken vigorously for 10 secs and cooled on ice for 15 min.
  • This mixture is rubbed vigorously into the scalp.
  • It often escapes from gardens and grows vigorously in the wild. Times, Sunday Times
  • Towards the close of April, these dry west winds are prevailed over by the eastern and north-eastern winds moving vigorously from April to October.
  • Scarify the lawn vigorously with a rake.
  • And I think our mission ought to be to vigorously reinvestigate, repursue evidence, obtain new evidence and bring those cases, particularly because there's no statutes of limitations for a lot of those crimes. CNN Transcript May 16, 2001
  • Haller, the ovulist, who had great authority as a physiologist, in a famous work, _Elementa physiologiae_, upheld the principle vigorously: Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • Vigorously he stropped his razor before applying it to his soap-lathered face. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • The schools vigorously defend the trips.
  • We would sit at the bar and watch the bodeguero prepare the mayonnaise in a large, well-cured mortar and pestle where he vigorously stirred egg yolks and olive oil, adding salt and lemon juice until he got the optimum smooth texture. Havana Salsa
  • Cwla members understood that commercial child placers frequently appealed more effectively than they did to birth mothers, and knew they had to compete more vigorously.
  • The mass movement for technical innovation is vigorously forging ahead in the factory.
  • They both vigorously refute the allegations. Times, Sunday Times
  • At any rate, the township that Fritchie had so vigorously preserved for the Union was a sprawling exurb now. THE LAST PLACE
  • One ad celebrates the caracter character of a man who vigorously salsa dances with several women at a party. Brewers Go Courting Hispanics
  • But it will defend equally vigorously the rights of women who choose to look after their children full-time.
  • On the contrary, ‘lobbying’ must be applied vigorously in close liaison with constituent social movements.
  • • The government's philosophical "nonwar" footing must be reversed; the psychology of a wartime posture sends a message to friend and foe alike that we are vigorously defending ourselves. The Two Malcontents
  • Roses, honeysuckle and clematis run vigorously together up the pergola, beneath which are hebes, more hostas, hardy geraniums and several magnificent phormiums.
  • He stirs his extra-strong cappuccino vigorously, turning it to a grey mousse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though he started philately as a hobby during his school days and collected many stamps, lack of penpals plus adequate finances prevented him from pursuing it vigorously.
  • This was a short, violent incident during much of which the deceased was, it seems, struggling vigorously.
  • Germany has already suffered that fate, and incidentally the loss of all her colonies, except portions of German East Africa and Kamerun, both of which remnants are vigorously assailed and will soon be lost. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915
  • Second, defendants might defend cases more vigorously, causing greater trauma to child witnesses, if substantial imprisonment is probable.
  • However, when a good medium is provided it will thrive vigorously and produce numerous shoots on runners.
  • In the 1860 presidential election Lovejoy campaigned vigorously for Abraham Lincoln.
  • The base of the lesion should be swabbed vigorously because the virus is cell-associated.
  • The proposed new examination system has been vigorously opposed by teachers.
  • And the general process of confiscation and regrant of lands was vigorously carried out. William the Conqueror
  • The liquid sound is then further energised by succussion (shaking vigorously).
  • Unions defend the perk vigorously as an unalienable right. Times, Sunday Times
  • Castor shook them both vigorously and they protested with petulant whines and complaining moans.
  • We will vigorously develop social welfare and charity programs.
  • S / he is a good size, vigorously active, has all the relevant bits and bobs, and is doing just fine.
  • Cut down the risk by not swimming near harbours or places where locals do their washing, and always towel down vigorously. Times, Sunday Times
  • At higher temperatures, magnesium reacts vigorously with oxygen to produce a blinding white light.
  • He vigorously denies pressurising pupils, insisting the ethos is about making the work interesting, so they become self-motivated to learn.
  • He looked to have been caught but made his protests too vigorously for the referee, who booked the striker.
  • When it happens, rub the fingers vigorously or plunge the hands into warm water.
  • Sikes, invoking terrific imprecations upon Fagin's head for sending Oliver on such an errand, plied the crowbar vigorously, but with little noise.
  • Spin the hoop around and vigorously shake your hips.
  • Vigorously growing crops hold the soil and nutrients in place while protecting the soil from wind and water erosion.
  • Flintoff is nearly out for a duck when his mistimed drive just goes over the head of mid-off, then there's a big appeal for a bat-pad catch by Simon Katich, but Billy Bowden shakes his head vigorously.
  • He launched into a rhythm vigorously.
  • Add the garlic and stir vigorously until the oil is fragrant. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you apply Prolink and wipe the chain vigorously after a few minutes do you remove most of the good stuff along with the bad?
  • I felt insulted, degraded, and objected vigorously.
  • These fake programs are promoted vigorously on the Internet, and many computer users are lured into installing what they think is a protective.
  • These birds are highly animated as they vigorously beat their wings to gain height and speed.
  • Remarkably for a supposedly ‘liberal’ institution such as a university, attempts to unionise postgraduate teaching staff have been vigorously resisted by some US universities.
  • I rub it in vigorously, removing the stains, and then I rinse it under the water and dry it off.
  • The immediate precipitating predicate for his demotion was his meeting last month with the Colombian ambassador, a client of his giant P.R. firm, Burson-Marsteller, about how to pass a free-trade pact that Hillary Clinton vigorously opposes. Todd Purdum: Why Mark Penn Got Fired—or Did He?: Todd S. Purdum
  • Oh, to be a young believer in Philadelphia right now, where the spirit of Christian activism is mingling vigorously with an apparently unkillable strain of old-school countercultural Jesus-freakery. Sing to the Lord a New Song
  • William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, vigorously defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.
  • The National Rifle Association and other advocates of firearms rights are expected to vigorously oppose these proposals.
  • Both work at University College Hospital where Udwin campaigns vigorously against the privatisation plans that imperil 122 beds and hundreds of jobs and offer a beanfeast for private-sector parasites.

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