How To Use Vigilante In A Sentence
After a resurgence of vigilante action, including necklacing, he had asked the agencies for information on why it was happening.
We're getting a reprieve from inflation," said Edward Yardeni, president and chief investment strategist at Yardeni Research Inc. in New York, who will speak at the conference and who devised the term "bond vigilantes" to describe the power financial markets can wield over governments. -- Top News
On the other hand, you juxtapose that with a much darker and more critical view of superheroes--basically by offering up a fairly standard "deconstructive" depiction of Batman as a borderline-fascist he actually uses the phrase "final solution", borderline-sociopathic vigilante who finally staggers over those borderlines.
Archive 2009-04-12
But his vigilante approach seems so wrong-headed.
We simply will not tolerate vigilante groups on our streets.

The " vigilantes " in the market are supposedly alert to any inflationary threat.
We read this article in LC, maybe, about a group of dyke vigilantes in the Bay Area who were kidnapping guys who had been arrested for rape, clearly done the rape but gotten off on a technicality.
To them, as soon as gold was discovered, were added bonanza, eldorado, placer and vigilante.
Chapter 3. The Period of Growth. 4. Loan-Words and Non-English Influences
My answer is that more than knocking gold down to discourage the bond vigilantes from moving out of bonds into tangibles is involved.
It becomes clear these men are self-styled vigilantes who are attempting to intimidate the looters and take back the goods they have stolen.
Health authorities or even vigilantes ought to have shut it down years ago.
Vigilante groups dressed in robes and turbans, armed with staves and swords and mounted on motorbikes, patrol the city to enforce the curfew.
There's nothing the public love more than a subway vigilante.
Then he creates a battlesuit and calls himself Cardiac, the newest vigilante in New York City!
Archive 2009-02-01
The Marquis: Inferno - Gotta love Guy Davis 'writing and drawing a weirdly-masked vigilante fighting demons in eighteenth-century France.
Gorillas Riding Dinosaurs: What Looks Good for July | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
He later explained this position away by saying that he did not endorse vigilante action against the author, but would rather want the verdict to be carried out by a proper court.
Still, it was only a matter of time until someone defied the vigilantes and challenged their powers of enforcement.
But Baghdad's streets are barricaded, armed and patrolled by vigilantes.
No matter what list you look at of top anti-heroes in movies, Robert De Niro’s portrayal of a cab driver gone vigilante is right at the top of everyone’s list.
Many were arrested by police and others were injured by unidentified vigilantes.
Vigilantes aren't the problem, it's the system which creates them that needs fixing!
Many a bunch of vigilante bully-boys would have worked them over into lumps of fillet steak, twitching and staining the carpet.
There was another day of brutality during which Ansar vigilantes shaved their beards to “change their look” to better infiltrate the crowds, students later told me.100 That was followed by a large but listless pro-regime counterrally, with the usual offering of “every drop” of blood to the Leader.
Let the Swords Encircle Me
He could have asked for something specific such as proper prosecution of the guilty and a roundup of vigilantes.
But leftists made what progress they did by demanding that the nation live up to its stated principles, rather than dismissing them as fatally compromised by the racism of the founders or the abusiveness of flag-waving vigilantes.
Earlier the vigilantes - who've not been named publicly - had declared war on young tearaways saying they were ‘prepared to do time to stop them.’
The men claimed to be members of a vigilante organisation but contradicted each other as to which one.
Hearing the detonations, the local vigilantes stormed in, shooting anything that moved.
The term bond vigilantes was coined by economist Edward Yardeni in 1984 to describe investors who protest monetary or fiscal policies they consider inflationary by selling bonds. --
A human life has been extinguished by private guards acting as vigilantes in the defense of a multimillion-dollar company.
The growth of such vigilante gangs has worried community leaders, police and politicians.
The ideal of freedom, its protection at home as well as its evangelization overseas, is repeatedly invoked to justify military interventionism, almost as if without a world vigilante constantly fanning the flames of liberty, asphyxiation would strangulate the planet's supposedly oppressed.
Sunil Sharan: The West's Victim Complex
Just a few months ago the run-up to such an occasion would have had the wires of Wall Street's vigilantes humming.
Watchmen was the first film to reinvigorate the beleaguered genre, and this adaptation of Mark Millar’s revered graphic novel brings the super-hero – sometimes quite literally – kicking and screaming into the modern world, grounding costumed vigilantes in the laws of reality more than any film before and thus making the notion of caped crusaders absolutely enthralling again.
Darren says KICK-ASS really does KICK-ASS!!! | Obsessed With Film
The attempted robbery took place at around 11.10 pm on Sunday in Pilgrims Lane, South Ockendon, turning an unwitting driver into a vigilante.
These reasons do not justify the righteous role which they assign to the avenging vigilante.
The vigilante is either a lone-wolf cop or an aggrieved private citizen.
All I know, Briggs, is I've got a source who tells me this guy will be offed by the Vigilante.
The thugs, vigilantes and enforcers have to end their activities - and be seen to do so.
There is absolutely nothing metaphysical about late-term abortions, which is one reason a fanatic turned to vigilante justice in this case.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
a mob of hysterical vigilantes
Traditionally, vigilante groups have found greater favour on the political right.
When the nearest thing to a global ‘competent authority’ is a bunch of moral incompetents and slimeballs, it would seem to suggest that vigilante justice is about the only justice there is.
Set in a world that saw actual costumed vigilantes appear in real life as opposed to the funny books we are treated to a view of the superhero as outcast.
Although truly about a mentally fractured woman turned vigilante psychopath after a beating by thugs leaves her laid up in a hospital for three weeks, only to wake up to the news that her fiance was killed in the attack all plot points readily pronounced in the previews, so don't cry spoiler, the film would like to pass itself off as a story about female empowerment—the kind of dunderhead regressiveness mistaken for social progress in a logic-free think tank.
Archive 2008-01-01
Does that mean the police in that department co-ordinate vigilante-ism?!
I’m Here For An Argument. No You’re Not! Yes I am! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Many a bunch of vigilante bully-boys would have worked them over into lumps of fillet steak, twitching and staining the carpet.
Rorschach" is a finger-breaking vigilante much like the satirical version.
Fun with Intertextuality
Police fear "bundu courts" have been revived, claiming the lives of four suspected criminals at the hands of vigilantes in the community.
IOL: News
In turn, this has fueled the emergence of a new consumer drive, vigilante consumerism.
But his vigilante approach seems so wrong-headed.
It has become commonplace for the authorities to use the vigilante RELA force to periodically arrest and 'deport' Rohingyas, a Muslim minority, but since Burma does not recognise them as citizens, the practise is to take them to the Bukit Kayu Hitam area on the Thai-Malaysia border and force them to cross over into Thailand.
Global Issues News Headlines
Police are offering rewards for any information about the vigilante, the hostage, or the robber.
And now, there is someone else pursuing Waller in Provence-Reggie Campion, an agent for a secret vigilante group headquartered in a musty old English estate-and she has an agenda of her own.
WEEKLY BOOK RELEASES FOR APRIL 25TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
Asked if there was a danger that standing up and being counted could lead to vigilantism, he said that he would not advocate the use of vigilantes.
Although the details of her release are being kept a secret, her family's addresses are well-known to the media and any potential vigilantes.
Many of the outposts are inhabited by radicals known as "hilltop youths," who have embarked on a campaign of vigilante violence against Palestinians and Israeli security forces as retaliation for the occasion demolition of illegal buildings in the settlements.
Israel Leader Signals Plan to Dismantle Outposts
Superbad) as one of a group of like-minded teens who join Dave in a kind of costumed vigilante movement. Sci-Fi / Fantasy
To their credit, like Israeli officials, mainstream American Jewish leaders condemned the price tag vigilantes after the widely publicized defacement of a mosque in Israel proper last week.
Dan Fleshler: How Extremist Israeli Settlers Celebrate the Harvest Festival
These reasons do not justify the righteous role which they assign to the avenging vigilante.
You want to take sides with the vigilantes and call them heroes.
A sidekick, the antagonist, whatever - if they’re not the central focus of the story, they must still play an important role (the reporter later discovers the enigmatic recluse is really a costumed vigilante, and now must decide what to do with that knowledge).
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » “How far in the book should I introduce my main character?”
Rorschach is an uncompromising vigilante who is brutal and unapologetic in his application of “justice.”
Movie Review: Watchmen | Heretical Ideas Magazine
I still feel the drunks wailing off key in cheesy bars should be "critiqued" by Dexter (my favourite vigilante serial killer) for murdering songs as they do, but not so the stars who perform with the Danny Kramer ultimate live band experience a couple of times a week.
Winnipeg Sun
Vigilantes ignore due process of law and enact their own form of perceived justice.
A veritable Wild West show, the story had it all: miners, gamblers, outlaws, vigilantes, robber barons, and venal politicians.
We're seriously excited about the return of this action-packed show about a bratty billionaire-turned-vigilante.
The Sun
His vigilantes continue marauding the country irreligiously.
Does that mean the police in that department co-ordinate vigilante-ism?!
I’m Here For An Argument. No You’re Not! Yes I am! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Now that she was closer, Vigilante could see her better, and noticed that she wore a flimsy nightgown.
In other districts, vigilantes set up roadblocks and patrolled neighbourhoods to deter thieves and looters.
As far as upcoming comic book films go, however, "Conan" is the only one that has his attention right now, and he said he hasn't been keeping up with the skull-shirted vigilante he first portrayed in 1989.
Dolph Lundgren, Star Of The Original ‘Punisher,’ Hasn’t Seen The Recent Remakes » MTV Movies Blog
Caine is set to become something of a crusader (if not a caped one) himself in the recently announced "Harry Brown," the story of an elderly man driven to vigilante justice in a London neighborhood taken over by criminals.
Michael Caine To Play Batman In New Movie. Well, Sort Of. » MTV Movies Blog
Kripal Singh told me that the government agencies had been creating many armed vigilante groups out of anti-social riff-raff, so as to infiltrate and neutralize genuine militant outfits.
Then they would not be terrorists, but vigilantes.
The story line he is pitching with his struggles as a leader came as he formed the Avengers and dealing with the unsolder/vigilante like personalities of Stark, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor etc.; who kind of viewed him as a cheesy golden boy do-gooder.
Joe Johnston's 'Big Plans' for Captain America & Jurassic Park 4 «
The communities around these people are not irrational vigilantes but more likely incoherent with grief.
Yardeni -- famous for coining the phrase "bond vigilantes" to describe investors who punish profligate governments -- predicts that global growth of about 5 percent this year will help spur a 15 percent rebound in the MSCI World Index of developed-nation equities from 1279.69 yesterday, and a increase in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index of stocks to 1,500 by year-end from 1273.72. -- Top News
The hallmarks of much postmodernism are there, though it's more postmodern filmmaking than literature: a kind of blankly ironic (so self-conscious it's self-neutering) use of pop-culture and low-brow culture; amoral violence; a superficial identity-politics (Dave's embraced as a kind of fanboy or geek-chic vigilante, while in the movie Hit-Girl's Kill Bill, faux-feminist, grrl power gets played up); an almost irreverent, self-conscious take on old genres.
Vue Weekly
The reason Batman does so as a vigilante is because the official channels were and are corrupt and ineffectual, which is another problem he's trying to fix so as to render himself unnecessary.
Hth_the_first: Batman's Sing-Along Blog
Speaking by videophone in the Pima County Adult Detention Center, the woman prosecutors dubbed a braggart and a killer-who reportedly boasted she would "kick down doors and change America" with her border vigilante activities-maintained her innocence.
Crooks and Liars
It becomes clear these men are self-styled vigilantes who are attempting to intimidate the looters and take back the goods they have stolen.
Frank wondered what he thought of this vigilante justice.
Sorry, but that it is just vigilante insanity that is as bad as, or as in this case, worse than the original crime.
Given that you were a criminal vigilante a week ago and a shlumpy Hollywood dandy a few months before, that's pretty hilarious," Justice responded.
The Messenger, Chapter 2
Less concerned with the standing of Belle Cora than with the legitimacy of the vigilantes' supporters, however, Gertrude accused the pro-vigilante women of being unchristian, uncharitable, and unwomanly.
A community of spam vigilantes constantly is improving free programs such as SpamAssassin.
I will also be talking with two outspoken critics of the Minuteman Project who say the minutemen are simply vigilantes.
We simply will not tolerate vigilante groups on our streets.
The interior minister also claims to have uncovered a conspiracy whereby armed saboteurs pretended to be members of the baseej, a vigilante force of zealots which has been widely accused of brutality.
2009 July 03 « Sigmund, Carl and Alfred
In Gujranwala, the marathon armed vigilantes hurled petrol bombs and attacked the participants.
Professional photographers Jan Checker and Sally Vigilante were on hand to teach the photography novices some useful skills.
These vigilantes are an assault on the values of Australia.
Kripal Singh told me that the government agencies had been creating many armed vigilante groups out of anti-social riff-raff, so as to infiltrate and neutralize genuine militant outfits.
After all this, Tannino'll happily turn you out on the streets to keep up with your vigilante activities.
And jurors are never accused of acting like vigilantes when they convict a defendant, no matter how weak the evidence.
Unlike insurrectionists who resist government because it is repressive, vigilantes ‘take arms to do the government's work because the authorities are not repressive enough.’
For those who aren\'t familiar with the term, \ "woo woo\" is a derogatory reference to almost any form of unconventional thinking, aimed by professional skeptics who are self-appointed vigilantes dedicated to the suppression of curiosity.
Deepak Chopra: Woo Woo Is a Step Ahead of (Bad) Science
The detectives and commanders of Gotham's police department depend on the half-crazy vigilante named the Batman to capture those crazies, but also resent their dependence.
Archive 2008-04-01
This story sounds suspiciously like a tale based on the 1889 vigilante hanging of the homesteader Jim Averell and nearby Ella Watson, the latter believed to have traded sexual favors to cowboys in return for mavericks.
Bird Cloud
COindy wrote: There is absolutely nothing metaphysical about late-term abortions, which is one reason a fanatic turned to vigilante justice in this case.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
Mark Millar's revered graphic novel brings the super-hero - sometimes quite literally - kicking and screaming into the modern world, grounding costumed vigilantes in the laws of reality more than any film before and thus making the notion of caped crusaders absolutely enthralling again. is every-bit the people's hero: a spectacled, nerdy high-school weed who makes Peter Parker or Clark Kent seem like suave charmers in comparison.
Obsessed With Film
The territory's federal justices, plainly intimidated, took no steps to indict anyone for the killings, and Hosmer went so far as to renew his praise of the vigilantes.
As the bond vigilantes take aim at Italy, a by-now-familiar reversal of the precrisis order has taken place: It costs more to insure Italian sovereign debt than that of Bulgaria or Romania.
Overheard: Reversal of Fortune