How To Use Viewing In A Sentence
I reassured him it was secure by logging into my account and viewing his profile.
A few nights ago, after viewing one of these, I was quaffing beer in Bombay Peggy's and learned that every one of the four women at the table happened to live on the other side of a river, either the Yukon or the Klondike.
Radical is still reviewing whether to offer a second printing based on incoming reorders.
FVZA: Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency #1 sells out | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
The show is in blistering form and viewing figures are on the up.
The Sun
Breads, pastries, rice and legume dishes were on display for the viewing and tasting pleasure of interested patrons.

As they are picked off one by one, the pace remains snappy and the viewing experience is over before you know it.
The Sun
A private viewing was held at the apostolic palace in the Vatican.
I based myself at Ibsen's, an art-filled eco-friendly hotel on fashionable Nansensgade, an easy walk from the city center and after viewing artwork at the National Gallery of Denmark, I lunched at Aamann's, specializing in a modern take on the traditional open-faced Danish sandwich called the smorrebrod.
Jill Fergus: Copenhagen Dining Beyond Noma
It was decided previously infrared viewing equipment would be best.
The structure is surprisingly complex, viewing the same events from different perspectives, which Zhang helpfully colour-codes in ravishing washes of primary tints.
Third, this paper gives standard in reviewing of evidence in customs law enforcement, this is, legality, objectivity, adequacy, certifiable and the exclusion of illegal evidence, etc.
The plane will then return to the apron over the winter before she moves to a purpose-built area within the viewing park next year.
Fascinating and enhanced with a great soundtrack, this DVD is affordably priced and suited to many viewings.
I have seen it twice, and it did get better n a second viewing. lorettajohnson hey peter, that is very interesting. there is a fanboy in my accounting dept that saw it over the weekend and he said it was very "pedestrian
Up in The Air’s Mad Men TV Trailer | /Film
Viewing it from all angles the point is, it is discriminative criteria to reject siblings of non Jewish mothers on the logical basis that no female line could possibly hereditarily claim pure Jewish roots going back five thousand years.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Sure, I keep hearing assurances from network executives that more family-friendly viewing is on the way.
It will include a canoe run, fish pass, changing and training facility and public viewing areas.
An overhead projector is also used to see the colors as the pieces are placed on the viewing screen.
Television companies have been massaging their viewing figures in order to attract more advertising revenue.
The secret is simple: stop griping about the public sector and start viewing it as a source of business opportunities.
I mean, who wouldn't want to be a human bowling ball, or fall face first onto a rolling concrete drum or land on my sauce bits for viewing pleasure.
So check for an authentic service history and that the chassis number and invoices tally with the car you're viewing.
Times, Sunday Times
The viewing figures were in a different league from those for any routine political programming or daily news bulletin.
Times, Sunday Times
"The Assembly will also be reviewing the cost of the Bee Inspectorate," said a spokeswoman.
`Because she told the dean who was interviewing her that the college and governing body system was corrupt and doomed.
(I'm never home when it's on anyway) and setting the DVR to record it for later viewing seems more than I'm willing to do to expose my brain to the neuron-apoptosing and - necrosing antivaccinationist stupidity that Jenny routinely lays down, as lately I've been questioning whether any blog post, no matter how snarky and fun, is worth that kind of self-abuse.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Slowly drag the slider to the right, and the web site will fade into view enough for you to be able to tell whether what you are viewing is safe for work or not.
Variably Safe For Work Previews Questionable Links | Lifehacker Australia
While examining your irises, both in-person, and later when reviewing the photographs, the iridologist will look for subtle signs of developing illness, such as symptoms of stress or a build-up of toxins.
BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
It may make compelling viewing.
Times, Sunday Times
viewing subaqueous fauna from a glass-bottomed boat
Newspapers and television viewing are largely proscribed and inmates are often unable to contact their families for months.
While viewing ice hockey on television is fun, seeing world class NHL stars perform live is an unforgettable experience.
This powerful polemic about the insidious links between media, celebrity and the public makes for entertaining viewing.
Times, Sunday Times
Therefore in reviewing the opinions and practices of ruder ages and races we shall do well to look with leniency upon their errors as inevitable slips made in the search for truth, and to give them the benefit of that indulgence which we ourselves may one day stand in need of: _cum excusatione itaque veteres audiendi sunt.
The Golden Bough
They're rerunning a two-part ‘Biography for Kids’ that Harry did, visiting the set and interviewing the folks behind, in and under the Muppets.
The second problem is that there is no way to police if the teams are just interviewing these minorities as token candidates to fit under the guidelines.
Moreover, they are in every respect exemplary - i.e. they are projected as an imitative model for the viewing subject.
At evening viewings, comfortable cushions and blankets are placed on the lounge chairs.
Waters managed to get his films screened in New York, where they soon became mandatory viewing for those in the underground art scene.
There's also a quick introductory tour overviewing the whole thing.
To create an image suitable for public viewing, the scientists send the FITS files over to a public outreach team.
The process of kinesic analysis in interviewing and interrogation is first to establish a baselinea catalog of behaviors that subjects exhibit when telling the truth: Where do they put their hands, where do they look and how often, do they swallow or clear their throats often, do they lace their speech with Uhm, do they tap their feet, do they slouch or sit forward, do they hesitate before answering?
Roadside Crosses
We are reviewing our procedures and will implement changes to ensure that this does not happen again.
The Sun
There isn't one laptop in the show, however; every film, video, DVD, or what-show-you is seen in a dedicated viewing context, whether cast upon a large screen, seen on a small screen in a booth, or even peeked at through an updated version of a side-show mutoscope.
Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: Moving Pictures, Frozen Music
We're in the middle of reviewing some pages of the BBC Style Guide that discuss journalese, the tired vocabulary of the lazy hack who insists on using tedious words because he thinks all other hacks do.
He is no longer one of that select group of monarchs in whom the reading or viewing public is thought to be interested.
Remote viewing might well be called psychic dowsing.
These works refer to the contents of software maintenance models, program viewing, program database, hypertext, program high-level abstraction, and decompiler.
He isn't thinking of returning full-time to a career in interviewing and he wasn't keen to offer advice to the latest pretender to his throne.
Buy premium fluffy towels and shower mat for use on viewing days only.
Times, Sunday Times
Television companies have been massaging their viewing figures in order to attract more advertising revenue.
She has not eaten meat for six years and is reviewing her pescatarian status.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet the researchers failed to find a correlation between this expectation and jurors' viewing habits.
Times, Sunday Times
Nearly 6,000 enthusiasts flocked to the Aviation Viewing Park to see the show and a fly-past by the RAF's Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, featuring a Lancaster bomber and Hurricane and Spitfire fighters.
A good standard of motivational interviewing was provided throughout the study.
There will be a public reception on August 10, but until then viewing is by appointment only.
Park's naturalistic depiction of brutal violence and sadistic torture often make for uncomfortable viewing.
It can be more accurately described as an uncomfortable viewing experience - but that's because it tells a brutal and uncomfortable story.
But we hear budget constraints and disappointing viewing figures have been blamed for the decision not to recommission the series.
The Sun
I'm fully across bargain flatscreen televisions and had my awareness of diabetes raised to levels that can only be described as constant vigilence, but I'm no clearer – after 17 viewings – what the point of the Liberal Governor ad is, other than to repeat those words.
Florida primary campaign: Romney up, Gingrich down - as it happened
What gets in, what stays out and what gets in but in the wrong place are staple issues for those reviewing reference books.
The Times Literary Supplement
For someone like me, who has to bring his eyes very close to the monitor to read the text, the low viewing angles will pose a problem.
And, everyone, as a follow-up to the earlier post on critiquing/reviewing your friends 'work in public forums (fora? foramina?), if I ever post anything, like say a drawing of otters as a random totally-out-of-nowhere example, and there's anything wonky about it, yes, please feel free to say something.
In case there isn't enough cuteness in your life
One way of viewing the American Social Security Trust fund is as a massive cookie jar filled with IOUs.
l reviewing the signing, lining and signal timings on major roads to improve traffic flow.
The "Victoria's Secret Fashion Show" of models strutting the lingerie firm's latest creations last year drew a 10 percent share of the televiewing audience.
The MetroWest Daily News Homepage RSS
The screen is neatly trifurcated to allow viewing of multiple Web pages, each of which can be properly thought of as containing an ‘original work of authorship.’
This choice allowed us to travel comfortably with the wind at our backs while viewing the constant vista of mountains and valleys, the ice-speckled Atlantic Ocean in the distance dotted with floes of drift ice from Quebec and Labrador.
The disappointment will stem from the fact that a single viewing is not enough to leave a vivid memory of a single line of quotable dialogue or a scene that has real emotional impact.
It is put into a slide mount-like viewing envelope and then inside of a larger glassine envelope with a magnifying glass thoughtfully included so that the recipient can actually read it.
Boing Boing
They would also have a supervisory role in overseeing how out-of-court sanctions are applied locally and reviewing how effective they have been.
Times, Sunday Times
Preparation for viewing could include a reading assignment to be completed before the viewing session.
I think thats the point they were trying to make … Palin wont be interviewing them.
Think Progress » Toby Keith joins LL Cool J in shock at being used for Palin’s Fox News show.
ESP refers to telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and in recent years, remote viewing and clairaudience.
Simplicity of use is another plus here because its just a matter of popping in a filmstrip of a mounted slide into the film frame, which you're able to see being scanned in the proprietary lighting viewing window.
Often it looks to me like cultural narcissism is prevalent no matter where your viewing point may be.
America The Stupid
This market has a unique requirement - it cannot tolerate a disruption in the data flow or the picture you're viewing on the screen will glitch.
Warner is complemented on re-releasing a disc and greatly improving it, and our viewing experience in the process.
I've got a certain way of interviewing players to see if they are on the same wavelength.
Tiknis darts in and out of the hall, attending to the administrative business of interviewing a candidate for marketing director.
Interviewing must have given him insight into human nature, but what insights has it given into himself?
After viewing the mitfere, or cistern, and batteries at Mazagan, we mounted at four o'clock, and arrived at Azamor at seven o'clock P.M., pitched the tents in a large spacious fondaque, or caravansera, in the centre of the town.
An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
The endoscope is extremely small, which allows the viewing lens to magnify an image up to 200%.
Men, keep your hands away from your privates when viewing this, ok?
Of all my second viewing fluctuations, I'm most pleased to say that the cast entire fares much better when not jumping off the screen like flimsy cardboard cutouts, which is to say that I no longer feel so ungodly embarrassed for the lot of them.
Avatar: Notes on a Second Viewing
The panopticon, an 18 th-century prison design dominated by a central viewing tower, called for an elimination of privacy and constant surveillance of prisoners.
In a major performance in 1983 in a prominent American city, the critic reviewing the concert crucified the entire recital.
Prime Time viewing is a riot of hot shows, reality TV, feature films, sports, and other mass appeal programs.
Most of the candidates were not considered worth interviewing.
Girls and young women may experience lowered body satisfaction and self-esteem after viewing idealised images of thinness in magazines, soap operas and music videos.
(LCD) business, which requires value-added services such as subassembly build and LCD modification to change brightness and viewing angles.
Purchasing - Top Stories
The Oscars are about quality about recognising the 'best', they aren't popularist awards and if they where I doubt many Hollywood movies would get a look in as Bollywood and Asian Cinema get 10x the amount of viewings simply because they play to bigger audiences.
Avatar Fans Blue Over Oscar Loss
Viewing from the global scale, the occurrence of settlements seemed to have started from the ground cave dwelling since the late period of homo erectus.
Thank you for viewing the Method for the innoformulation of a biocompatible galenic base patent info.
The trifoliate leaves turn brilliant shades of red and orange in autumn but the cinnamon-brown peeling bark makes it worth viewing at any time of the year.
That the Toibin review is of a novel while the Updike review considers a collection of stories may partly account for the greater reliance on plot summary in the former (as well might various editorial policies of which we as readers of the review cannot finally be aware), but the temptation to "review" mostly by condensing story and making a few unsupported critical remarks is apparently an inherent feature of journalism-based book reviewing.
Book Reviewing
(Upon second viewing, all of this foreshadowing is vomitous.)
Una LaMarche: Project Runway Finale Part Two Recap
(Upon second viewing, all of this foreshadowing is vomitous.)
Una LaMarche: Project Runway Finale Part Two Recap
Instead of the super-duper twist ending M.Night has become famous for, this picture is gently torqued throughout its length, creating a very smooth viewing experience.
It lies on an American naval base and the only viewing point is 100 metres away.
This is perfectly valid and appropriate advice from the vantage point of the canons of structured interviewing with its quest for standardization and for valid and reliable data.
Few would argue with the case for reviewing what looks like a nuclear white elephant.
Times, Sunday Times
Because DeepView displays only in wireframe, without depth cueing, stereo viewing will help you to carry out mouse functions precisely.
What struck Jarecki while interviewing David were the gaps in his life story.
The show is in blistering form and viewing figures are on the up.
The Sun
He has been conducting fieldwork and interviewing software developers in and out of the workplace in the United States.
The luxurious tones and melded colors demonstrate the paintings' slow facture and encourage contemplative viewing.
TV footage from inside the Tokyo Detention House showed the trap door, the viewing room and rooms where the inmate can meet a cleric, with a Buddhist altar and a Buddha statue.
If it's not interrupting teatime viewing of The Simpsons then it's popping up at the most unearthly of hours.
The work will target the key impairments of film flicker and unsteadiness, both of which interfere substantially with viewing.
In short, online exposure, plus the attention of the local property expert to carry out the valuation and conduct viewings.
Times, Sunday Times
We were plagued by unannounced visits, scrutiny of our cleaning methods and numerous viewings.
Times, Sunday Times
If you have a puppy or are thinking of getting one, this is essential viewing.
Times, Sunday Times
Remote console or better viewing of the machines to see boot up problems that may arise.
The cab is hexagonal thin wall box-type structure. Glass is mounted at six sides with wide viewing range.
The trailer actually undersells the film, while the storyboards and biography make for intriguing viewing.
Local media outlets have been in a frenzy interviewing people who attended the party.
So, unless the viewing in the Michaud pissoir was of an engorged and distended “Scottie” — which it plainly was not — then Papa was offering Fitzgerald a surrogate form of consolation.
Hemingway's Libidinous Feast
Viewing the rapids was an unexpected bonus to the Niagara experience.
He said he is reviewing legal options to avoid paying the fine, due in 30 days.
The viewing and drinking of martinis is relatively intuitive, so I'll focus on their manufacture.
Archive 2005-05-01
However the rousing spectacle of so many dancers performing heroic choreography in unison should not be missed, even if it does not bear repeated viewing.
So if you treat me nice by reviewing, I'll definitely return the favour by continuing the story.
When reviewing cases, councils will also need to take into account any fresh case law judgments from the Appeal Court that may be relevant.
Properties of this calibre rarely become available therefore interior viewing is highly recommended.
That should provide a comfortable berth for viewing some of the most spectacular scenery in the world.
The Sun
1894 - Thomas Edison demonstrates the kinetoscope, a device for peep-show viewing using photographs that flip in sequence, a precursor to movies.
He looked mutely to the woman in the suit, but she had already slipped out of the viewing chamber, supposedly to give him privacy.
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It has allowed a last public viewing on January 31 before the bulldozers roll in.
Alan was able to walk through the house with his mobile phone, answering questions and describing the flat to his partner who was viewing the property from her computer in Sheffield.
Mr. Pellecchia said the exchange is reviewing plans to accommodate "oversubscribed" interest for the new area, designed by Perkins Eastman Architects PC.
Take a Seat, Finally
Often this is quite understandable as one interview follows another in what may be a period of days spent interviewing.
How to Face Interviews
They are on the market for the princely sum of £1.4 million and £1.6 million respectively and were open to public viewing on Saturday.
This bearded and soft-spoken environmentalist poured out his heart, urging human beings to stop considering themselves the sole master of the earth, and instead start viewing themselves as just a small part of the whole beautiful order of nature.
The reporter treks across America interviewing a host of experts on fast food and an equal number of regular folk while chowing down.
The series received rotten reviews, then good ones, and the viewing figures blossomed.
The viewing figures cemented the 14th series of the programme as its most popular yet.
Times, Sunday Times
These are snapshots anyone might note when reviewing that year in music.
Anyone who's never seen La Strada is advised to wait until after viewing the film to watch Scorsese's discussion.
The long focal length portion of the lens focuses to one fovea for viewing in air; the other short focal length focuses below water.
Shaykh said to him, ‘O Janshah, take the keys of the castle and solace thyself with exploring all its apartments and viewing whatever be therein, but as regards such a room, beware and again beware of opening its door; and if thou gainsay me and open it and enter there, through nevermore shalt thou know fair fortune.’
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
One alternative approach might have been for the fiscal watchdog to disclose publicly that it was reviewing its judgments, giving the government longer to prepare.
Times, Sunday Times
His words come vividly to mind in reviewing the curious catalogue which a European statistician lately furnished of the number of sovereigns who have perished by violent deaths or been discrowned by disaster.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 24, March, 1873
Now, pointless variation is in fact a sin of unpracticed writers, but lots of variation has a point, so there's no justification for viewing all variation with suspicion.
Being insulted by your interviewee I am thinking of compiling a small book of insults from my years of interviewing the famous.
Times, Sunday Times
I met this theodicy once when interviewing some devout Christian women for a radio program I was producing.
WASHINGTON -- The Food and Drug Administration said it is reviewing additional information submitted by Amgen Inc. and Johnson & Johnson involving risks associated with the antianemia drugs Aranesp, Epogen and Procrit and "may take" additional regulatory action.
FDA Reviews New Amgen, J&J Data
MILLIONS of with-profits policyholders will be reviewing their investments with the announcement of disappointing bonus payouts from insurance giants.
Times, Sunday Times
But in my ripe old age of 29 years, I have to say I was completely disappointed by my digital viewing experience.
School sports day is approaching and, with it, the chance to get arrested for viewing the races through binoculars from behind the school railings.
Times, Sunday Times
Infamous for it's explicit rape scene and bloody violence which got it put on the UK's "Video Nasties" list, Karl Howman ("Jacko" of Brush Strokes fame) and director/stunt double Vic Armstrong play the rapists (so most of their big scene has ended up in the BBFC's personal viewing drawer).
Exposé aka Trauma aka The House On Straw Hill
Meireles has related this penetrable field(" a formal metaphor for the universe ") to his experience in viewing van Gogh's Wheat Field under Threatening Skies with Crows.
From the dawn of sound to the middle of the 1950s, American newspapermen with a background in theatrical drama and novel-reading dominated the prestige end of film reviewing.
How to navigate within the content using the interface viewing table of contents, using search tools, finding a citation, using title lookup
April 2009
Surveys of viewing patterns show that in an average household the television set is in use over seven hours a day.
Interviewing Manny the lobsterman, a 30-year-old college grad with a paltry paycheck, helped clinch that argument.
The virtual tours highlight the geology and natural history of the parks, and are offered for viewing through 3-D anaglyphic images or through regular photographs.
In reviewing the performance of councillors, there is also need for a second look at the qualifications for aspirants to local government office.
I'm a rather typical Asian girl, so this is my response piggybacking Mike's entry, reviewing it from a typical Asian girl's mindset.
Starting on day four we began reviewing the acceptable scenes and uploading them to the computer.
The remaining five ostriches have now been put in an open enclosure for public viewing.
TV was increasingly given over to amateurism; anyone with a camcorder could secure a viewing.
Buy premium fluffy towels and shower mat for use on viewing days only.
Times, Sunday Times
The first 45 minutes are spent in the homes of the eight contenders, interviewing their parents, siblings, teachers and schoolmates.
Using the doll, he demonstrated how viewing aggression causes emulation of that behavior, rather than catharsis.
However, we do get the option of viewing the film in widescreen or full frame.
The parents should furthermore be vigilant and cautious in viewing programmes on cable TV.
If we love this kind of compromised, nonprofessional reviewing, we know where to find it.
Laura E. Kelly: 5 Ways to Screw up "Bookish"
The nine-centimetre Orion refractors are best-suited for viewing the moon, but there's something to be said for being able to do it from the comfort of your plunge pool.
We are reviewing all the brackets which support the lights to assess whether they are acceptable.
The film has flaws, but its sheer exuberance deserves viewing.
Times, Sunday Times
How many people are really viewing the ads that are skippable?
The majority of the rear elevation is curtain walling, and access to the remaining side elevation was not possible at the time of my visit, although viewing from a distance the finish matched that of the front elevation.
Cosy period dramas make for perfect winter viewing but are often filmed in summer.
The Sun
The show has a viewing audience of six million .
Medical examiners are interviewing family members about any unique characteristics to help identify bodies.
Despite evidence from psychologists that repeated viewing of rapes and physical attacks can brutalise young teenagers, McGregor insisted violent scenes deterred rather than encouraged.
Combine television viewing with countless hours logged onto the Internet, and one could argue that Americans have degenerated into a society of semi-literate loners.
The ISPs’ costs, however, to deliver a marginal gigabyte, which is about an hour of viewing, from one of our regional interchange points over their last mile wired network to the consumer is less than a penny, and falling, so there is no reason that pay-per-gigabyte is economically necessary.
Canada rethinks metered Internet, as U.S. pushes ahead
Children, teens and adults channel-hop with the TV remote control, afraid to miss a single choice in their final viewing selection, flicking through the pictures and information like some sort of voluntary brain-washing session.
You know, many people were so loyal to Dan, Peter and Tom, after having been on for over 20 years, that this throws a wrench in everybody's viewing habits.
He said he pursued information about the pornography matter because it "galled me to no end" that SEC employees were spending "hours and hours over weeks and weeks" viewing porn while collecting government pay.
SEC porn sting netted workers in 7 cities
The Home Office also revealed the Police Complaints Authority - which investigates serious incidents and allegations of malpractice - is reviewing the high accident level.
While parts of the documentary look over- or underlit and some scenes are conspicuously shot on video and transferred to film, this is all par for the course with television documentaries and usually does not detract from viewing.
The penguins can be viewed, not just from a sloping arena but also from underwater viewing areas.
I slacked off a bit on the viewing in July and August, but I've been picking up the pace lately.
But if the game is to survive and prosper it will have to translate impressive viewing figures into commercial revenue.
She has not eaten meat for six years and is reviewing her pescatarian status.
Times, Sunday Times
These programmes are compulsive weekend viewing for those of us who do not require anything more cerebral after a long week.
Times, Sunday Times
In the Australian study at least, the books are clearly the primary text with many people re-reading them in preparation for their film viewing.
ITV chiefs figured the viewing figures were dented because the show was pre-recorded.
The Sun
After a stint reviewing books for the Library Journal magazine, Pearl tired of being a critic.
I feel like I'm previewing a new play in Boston or Chicago.
It could be as simple as restoring data from a backup or even viewing the password on-screen.
The audience consumes these shows in much the same way as the live telecast of a sporting event because uncertainty is a key part of the viewing experience.
An Air Transport Association spokesman said airlines are reviewing the plan and will later comment formally.
Rainman is due home in half an hour and I'm eagerly anticipating the ratcheting sound of the La-Z-Boy as he settles in for an evening of television viewing.
On 2 July 1994 a 6-year-old boy fell off a gangway leading to a viewing platform on a New Zealand Rail train.
I felt confident reviewing a language with recognizable cognates, familiar rules of grammar, even an alphabet.
Most economists expect similar growth this year to last and they are not known for viewing the world through rose-tinted spectacles.
Times, Sunday Times