
How To Use Viewers In A Sentence

  • Among our number, there must be some who can bring home to the viewers the value and fascination of history as an art and science.
  • Looking radiantly healthy - in contrast to her wan mien of recent months - she lucidly defended herself the interviewers tried to extract an apology from her.
  • Faceless, unqualified reviewers define our work, remove our colleagues from panels and routinely breach confidentiality.
  • Thrice a day, the performers have been taking to the stage under the massive fireproof tents, which can accommodate up to 2,500 viewers.
  • Since interviewers represent the interface between the research and the respondent, they have an important role in maximizing the response rate for the survey.
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  • The interesting element of the game was that it required one to evaluate not films but people; that is, to sift through the prejudices of one’s movie-freak friends and the peccadilloes and quirks of the major reviewers, and by graphing, as it were, what each could be expected to overpraise, underpraise, revile, not notice, or deliberately ignore, one could acquire a very nice sense of the film. Film flam
  • I trust this callous disregard for viewers' feelings will be put right as soon as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it's not like viewers saw nipple or areolae, viewers saw cleavage. Dr. Logan Levkoff: Those Bad Breasts - Take II (Katy Perry Edition)
  • The channel's viewership is ageing, and attempts to attract younger watchers have yet to bear fruit.
  • It forced it to consider more carefully the preferences of the average viewer, to become more responsive to viewers. The Media in Britain Today
  • I think the term comprehension still has great relevance because it is a reminder that as readers, viewers and web surfers we need to be able to understand, interpret, appreciate and critique what we read, view, hear and even … Literacy News – 162th Edition « News « Literacy News
  • The verbal responses to the film are constructed using data from the ‘real life’ of viewers rather than the fictive world defined by the film and filmmaker.
  • This net work will show what it ` s viewers want to see African Americans clubbing it up, not in stuffy dances at round tables but in rowdy bars and questionable venues like an after game NBA Allstar Party. Democratic Convention, Yes. Republicans, Not So Much - The Caucus Blog -
  • It does mean, though, that interviewers need to be sensitive to the dangers to which victims may be exposed as a direct result of the interviewer's presence.
  • Many avid viewers of "quarterlife" probably recognize themselves somehow in the show, but they may not necessarily know why. Jeremy Axelrod: "quarterlife": Gen-Y Bloggers Shake The Cradle
  • I decided to chronicle my experience of hyperplasia with atypia for viewers of The Early Show. Good-Enough Mother
  • The use of the word 'gay' in this trailer as a slur is unnecessary and does nothing more than send a message of intolerance about our community to viewers," GLAAD president Jarret Barrios said in a statement. Vince Vaughn Trailer Pulled After Complaints From GLAAD
  • There is a quite possibility that individuals who visited Saint John's, the emergency room of North York (ph) General may have been exposed to the virus, and so, very clearly, I gave you the dates a few moments ago for your viewers, readers and listeners to take into account and follow the public health directions that we have given. CNN Transcript May 24, 2003
  • While I enjoyed the news-less interlude, too many strikes will weary public patience and risk handing viewers and listeners to the opposition.
  • There is another way to weigh this trend, however: maybe readers and viewers are not so much growing insular as searching for meaning in a vast universe of fact and factoid, and embracing a political bent is one way of organizing it.
  • The pair have impressed viewers with their on-screen chemistry in the results show. Times, Sunday Times
  • The interior has been designed to engage viewers in contemplation of the diverse approaches to spirituality worldwide.
  • When reviewers and prize jurors tout a repetitive style as "the last word in gnomic control," or a jumble of unsustained metaphor as "lyrical" writing, it is obvious that they, too, are having difficulty understanding what they read. A Reader's Manifesto
  • Currently in the works is a sitcom-style miniseries in which viewers can influence the actions of characters with a click of the mouse.
  • There is a danger - as some young American web reviewers have pointed out - that, by following the book so closely, the film will make itself inaccessible to those who haven't read it.
  • The straight vertical edge that viewers see as they walk into the room could be an obelisk, a standing figure, or even a stone tombstone.
  • Only from an editor's perch can you get a broad panoramic view of this community of scholars - authors, reviewers, associate editors - in action.
  • Viewers from outside these groups may yet enjoy the film's wit and panache. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sharp-sighted viewers alone will note the warning signs of owls or demons and realize that the most visible figures of the foreground are all deceivers.
  • Alexander fully expects to be savaged by reviewers again.
  • And the storylines are clever enough that even viewers who aren't pre-teen girls can get hooked on the show.
  • And on television bulletins, viewers were first treated to how England rugby union had caned Canada which was about as exciting a tussle as Chelsea taking on Chertsey in football.
  • Acting Mayor Vladimir Resin, a veteran bureaucrat, gave a Soviet-style report on the city that left television viewers with little hope he would make any major changes until the Kremlin appoints a new mayor, presumably within one month. Moscow's Fired Mayor Slams Door on Leaving City Hall
  • In the absence of payment, amateur reviewers write overwhelmingly about topics they love.
  • Owenson's status as a professional woman writer was constantly abused by contemporary male reviewers, who savagely attacked everything she wrote.
  • Since then it has toured 73 cities in 32 countries and attracted over 7.5 million viewers.
  • Surely, the organisers who knew well in advance that there was a tie for the Miss personality and a Viewers Choice Winner should have prepared themselves better.
  • The new satellite TV channels offer viewers greater freedom of choice.
  • But we are out here in the middle of the desert, and somewhere in Kuwait, so, I think our viewers will pardon us.
  • Drew - Even casual viewers of The Wire know that the stats are * always* juked. Will the next Atlanta mayor be the "Crime Mayor"? (Blog for Democracy)
  • Based on available information online, the next few episodes are a bit "problematical" and viewers will have to wait and see if this formerly "hot" series can right itself, before it completely falls apart. Archive 2009-02-01
  • It's a fervently political film that should compel viewers to action.
  • To be honest, for much of the match it looked unlikely that anyone would find the back of the net and the first half probably saw BBC viewers collectively reaching for their remote controls and checking out the Eastenders omnibus.
  • Viewers lapped it up and the crisis was defused. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why it's still going The warm, buttery plots and familiar, approachable cast remind older viewers of the days when they could buy a pint for tuppence ha'penny and still have change for a misjudged June Whitfield cameo. Top Gear, New Tricks, Lewis … the television shows that won't die
  • He teases his viewers with disparate elements that are not always easy to identify.
  • She does look warm and pretty next to pasty Edward, but his palid complexion is just frightening here. the previous poster was much more appealling, alluring, and more likely for viewers to actually ditch their old movies and take this one. ilovethecullens (10/9/2008 5: 19: 17 PM) i dont really like it, they could've done a lot better Final ‘Twilight’ Poster Hits Net. What Do You Think? » MTV Movies Blog
  • Némirovsky's Suite Française is a book that could have used some actual literary criticism, by critics (maybe even "scholars") rather than "book reviewers. Book Reviewing
  • An increasing amount of telephone numbers are unlisted, and television viewership and Internet usage are at all-time highs.
  • Viewers who are easily upset may wish to give the first five minutes a miss. Times, Sunday Times
  • The programme contains language which some viewers may find offensive.
  • So we've been able to pick it up and maintain it on free to air and ensure that viewers can see it for years ahead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Good interviewers will have worked out in advance the sort of things they want to talk about and will have planned the interview time accordingly. How to Face Interviews
  • Pro football still has a lock on male viewers aged 18 to 34.
  • If the show is found to have breached the code of conduct regulating the use of premium phone lines, viewers could be entitled to their money back.
  • Reviewers, for instance, were narked that the special effects were not all that special.
  • You can try your best to impress the interviewers but in the end it's often just a question of luck.
  • But broadcasting was not closely attuned to the preferences of viewers, or to the basic tenets of efficient operation. The Media in Britain Today
  • Viewers are jokingly referred to as pasty shut-ins, lampooning assumptions about the audience for online video. BikiniZero Takes Net News to ‘Natural’ End
  • There is also one scene that will distress tender-hearted viewers.
  • TV viewers have been writing in to complain of the false advertisement.
  • Viewers in those days were agonized by his notion of justice and fair play!
  • The five-part series of online workshops, at www. pwc. tv, will cover topics like: how to craft a boffo "elevator pitch" and how to articulate your long-term career goals to interviewers.
  • Reviewers, for instance, were narked that the special effects were not all that special.
  • While broadcasters attempted to satisfy all tastes, in practice they were unable to meet the diverse and different preferences of viewers. The Media in Britain Today
  • Viewers were told how to orient their satellite dishes to best receive broadcasts.
  • Try and anticipate what the interviewers will ask.
  • Digital Terrestrial viewers will be able to view two from the following four interactive streams in full screen via the on-screen menu.
  • Its main benefit is helping viewers to understand matches by showing placement, bounce, speed and swerve of the ball during play.
  • Telling Verus' story takes viewers into his world, showing how gladiators really fought and trained and how the greatest amphitheatre of all was built.
  • A warning to viewers during the broadcast said they should beware of "destructionist" international broadcasts. - Financial News
  • He reverts to the world-weary pundit voice known to viewers.
  • And now you come and sit with me and look at our viewers and say here's the truth.
  • However, in terms of publicity, the video has already been viewed 673,641 times and been "favourited" by viewers 368 times.
  • It gave £3m of lottery money to the building judged by viewers to have the best claim to preservation.
  • He always savoured the chance to quash interviewers with one of his favourite put-downs: ‘Please desist from your perfervid questioning.’
  • Given that your persona is rough and tough (I gleaned this from your frequent mentions of having been "in the can"), it's not so shocking that you're an action movie fan; but it is surprising that you frequently go to bat for women, picking up on gender issues that many reviewers might miss, especially ones trying to gain a female audience while still impressing adolescent fanboys. Caroline Hagood: On Yippee Ki-Yay Moviegoer!, Movies, and Manhood
  • According to the blog, test viewers criticized a rough cut of the pilot for seeming too much like "The Office" and featuring no "datable" male characters. The Rise of the Likable Jerk
  • He might not embrace viewers, but he certainly doesn't exclude anyone either. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was seen by nine million viewers and showed footage of her shaving off her hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what viewers cannot see is his two years of suffering, which included 100 hours of surgery and mental torment. The Sun
  • Video on demand systems store vast archives of material and, for a price, viewers with broadband lines can download any program at any time.
  • Manuscripts are usually sent to two or three reviewers, chosen for their expertise rather than their geographical location.
  • Unfortunately, the advertiser didn't count on dim-witted viewers.
  • This alternately harrowing and touching story of tragedy and hope has been impressing viewers and critics for years, and the prospect of witnessing this true-life horror story on the big screen is cause for excitement.
  • They unabashedly explain the techniques they use to tug at viewers' heartstrings.
  • But his dithering approach is still a hit with viewers, which is why bosses are keen to keep him on board. The Sun
  • I was relieved that showrunner Craig Silverstein trusted in the intelligence of the viewers and didn't attempt to hand-hold them through the story after the first few minutes.
  • If I hadn't stumbled on a link one day that led me to a snarky sarcastic blonde doing something that resemebled cable access on crack, I would never have made RB one of my daily fixes and BTY, I am one of those conservative viewers you told John Edwards you were trying to "alienate" - obviously it didn't work. For the Record
  • The reviewers must provide a circumstantiated opinion on a standardized form in the maximum period of 30 days.
  • Multiple honour rolls could address different aspects, such as helpfulness to editors, high ratings from fellow reviewers, or good marks from rejected authors on constructiveness.
  • There was outrage in some quarters, but most critics and viewers acknowledged the film as a masterpiece. Times, Sunday Times
  • Actor Richard E Grant and newsreader Fiona Bruce are two of the famous names who will try to persuade viewers to vote for their favourite architectural treasure.
  • Yes, there was a bit of ogling once the Canadian team entered the stadium, but they had a split screen so that viewers could still see the remaining teams enter and be recognized.
  • We reckon our top tips could lure viewers back in their droves in no time. The Sun
  • Television cameras exposed the errors, viewers were aghast and the sport's officials were left red-faced.
  • But its popularity gradually waned as Discovery failed to catch the interest of local viewers who channel-hop to see something new.
  • Might TV news tilt in favor of prescription benefits for senior citizens because the producers know many of their viewers are codgers?
  • It gives viewers the chance to join detectives as they hunt down dangerous criminals to keep us safe. The Sun
  • Questions will come from Winfrey, the studio audience and from viewers via e-mail and phone.
  • An astonishing five billion TV viewers tuned in to see the dazzling display set on a vast artificial lake in Athens' Olympic Stadium.
  • They kick things off with the search for evidence of life on Mars and ask viewers to help explore an uncharted area of the red planet. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've talked to lots of reviewers who, like me, are making their year-end lists, and almost all of them seem to agree it's been a challenge to create and sort a list this year, to put games in ascending order of superiority. Was It Really A Bleh Year?
  • She has blasted the senator's criticism of the war by reminding viewers that he voted for the war.
  • This is a classic case of hype deluding viewers.
  • Highbrow critics sniff that the programme was "too sophisticated" to appeal to most viewers.
  • Viewers could play along at home on a mobile phone app costing 1 per episode. The Sun
  • Interviewers show ability to transmit a complete, detailed, subvocally perceptible answer co-occurrent to the question.
  • I think she’s done a great job leveraging interesting content over her good looks to create a show that is actually _interesting_ to watch, and isn’t just another blond chick using her beauty to attract viewers. PopSnap: Sarah Meyers’ Live Online TV Show
  • These days, the first episode of any new series or miniseries has to start with some sort of attention-getter, in order to lure in viewers and keep them from changing the channel after the first break.
  • Viewers wrote to say that they no longer felt alone when they had Iris for company, such was the power of television announcers of the time.
  • The show ran for six years and at its height drew more than 18million viewers a week. The Sun
  • Haley, whose been a bit of a surprise in this competition, in that she looks like one of those fresh-faced chicks with the earpieces selling you clothing in The Gap but sings with a hard-edge bluesy voice, goes through to be the final girl in the viewers' Top 10. 'American Idol' 2011: Lucky 13 [Updated w/ Poll]
  • Interviewers found that informal leadership networks of stokvels and migrant homegroups were also important in mobilization.
  • In most of the documentaries the testimonies come one after the other, often lapsing into a monotone, telling the viewers what the speakers had seen, how they had escaped or been rescued and, sometimes, what it meant to them.
  • All is not what it seems, however, as strange twists and turns make viewers stay glued to their screens trying to unkink the sordid mess.
  • The current series is incredibly popular with younger viewers. The Sun
  • Last night Adelaide viewers were faced with the unedifying sight of having their nightly TV news beamed in from Sydney.
  • Viewers who want to have their say or put a question to the studio guests can call in.
  • Viewers rooted for the Virginia kid with shaggy brown hair and glasses, who fidgeted with his hands as he spelled such words as "oriflamme" and "sophrosyne. 'Fustanella' is N.Va. teen's killer bee word
  • Even after watching an entire season of this show, I'm still not sure why Jesse is supposed to be such a draw for viewers.
  • Some viewers may think the supermoon looks more dazzling, but it's actually an optical illusion.
  • Viewers will also get their chance to listen to the arguments and express their opinion - voting either online, via digital television or by telephone during the programme.
  • An analysis of some published reviews of each book usually by noted reviewers or authors is also included.
  • He also distances the viewers from the characters, choosing to focus on the collective struggle rather than the more personal ones.
  • The RCMP is not telling the viewers the truth, nobody goes missing in Canada without them knowing, that is their job. The Mystery is Afoot: Sixth Severed Foot Found in BC : Law is Cool
  • To use the analogy "to most users, the interface is the computer" he pointed out that with any paper we read the figure is the thing one remembers most and so the philosophy "to most viewers the presentation is the data". Google Earth Scientific Applications
  • The online site will be monitored for the next year, noting the number of hits and messages from the viewers and then the project will be redesigned and reassigned.
  • Later critics have also emphasised the way in which viewers interpret advertisements differently, depending on their experiences and cultural knowledge.
  • I've had the chance to mingle with the crowds and meet far more racegoers than I normally do, which hopefully helps convey the atmosphere to the viewers at home.
  • Even an additional CD or two with some of the best tracks would have been a way for viewers to hear some of these classic songs uninterrupted by Tom Petty pontificating about various musicians and movements.
  • This section contains a wide array of magnifiers, jeweler's loupes, tripod magnifiers, magnifying glasses, linen counters, two-way viewers, hand lenses and lucite bug boxes.
  • The television series was panned by critics and viewers alike.
  • Most of the exhibitions left the viewers with the conviction that the most authentic identity of an urban environment is determined by its dwellers.
  • As a syndicated cartoonist, I've seen my published ideas later appear in eerily similar reiterations in other comics and spoken near-verbatim by nationally recognized humorists (to the point where scores of readers and viewers alerted me, offended and outraged on my behalf). The Riff: From 'SOUTH PARK' to 'POOCH CAFE': When a sense of plagiarism plagues comedy
  • Some of the reviewers when the book appeared seemed to find evidence for a sudden conversion round about 1934, but his disgust for earthly things is displayed over and over again in his early novels.
  • Millions of viewers voted for their favourite, with Will pipping rival Gareth Gates in the final.
  • He said he and other remote viewers have corroborated important information about extraterrestrials and their interest in humans.
  • According to the mag, a castmember from the past is making a return to the show … a return that is likely to flummox quite a few viewers, I think: Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » You’ll Never Guess Whos Returning To ‘Dexter’
  • The interviewers have to draw up a shortlist of five or six people.
  • Gerald consented to the filming, hoping it would help others, though to what extent viewers will tune in out of mere morbidness is debatable. Tonight's TV highlights: Celebrity Ghost Stories UK | Dave's One Night Stand | The Chicago Code | Inside The Human Body | The Shadow Line | Psychoville 2
  • He played the role for a decade and a half, delighting viewers with his portrayal of the irascible lawyer.
  • Viewers can see the stadium from the air, courtesy of a camera fastened to the plane.
  • Slater actually does viewers a disservice by being less than embarrassing here.
  • Unfortunately, these apps aren't designed to work with pre-recorded shows—and more viewers, especially the ones likely to use a second screen, are recording their TV these days. Using Another Screen to Interact With the TV
  • Mr Stokes explained that German families do not have milkmen to deliver their morning pinta so TV bosses were keen to explain the custom to their viewers.
  • Paradoxically, the first lie they tend to tell interviewers is that their works are not autobiographical. Times, Sunday Times
  • I trust this callous disregard for viewers' feelings will be put right as soon as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the plot for the cinematic version has been notably streamlined and occasionally reworked in substantial fashion from the bloviated novel, viewers are, by the end, possessors of this little nugget of truth: Dan Brown is just as bad at plotting as he is at writing, and his inability to create characters who are believable is equaled only by his inability to accurately represent the history, art, architecture, and technology found strewn throughout novel/movie. "Angels & Demons" is methodical, pedestrian, and quite silly
  • He conveys the emotion and excitement without forcing himself on listeners and viewers.
  • Viewers like to focus on a particular stall. The Sun
  • I’ve seen many a good title bogged down with comments like: ‘it’s not real if it’s not from Japan’ Perhaps if some authors were quick on the trigger to shoot down that nonsense, immature reviewers might dwindle away…but alas, this is asking for trouble, because even those truly critical of your work will avoiding saying so for fear Rice-Style retribution. Deliver Me From Temptation, Temptation Being Amazon « Whatever
  • The term 'film noir' gets thoroughly redefined in Bela Tarr's The Man From London, a mystery story cloaked in such stygian darkness that some viewers may succumb to eye strain before its enigmas are unfolded," writes Jonathan Romney at Screen Daily. GreenCine Daily: Cannes. The Man From London.
  • In any World Cup, any stadium that is anything less than full to the brim is a bit sacrilegious to viewers like me who would give a pinkie to be there. Ahmed Rehab: What the Vuvuzela Is Up With the Jabulani? Why World Cup 2010 Sucks So Far
  • Viewers baffled by these moments, not to mention the orotund tones and rolled R's of theatrical elocution, will probably welcome the subtitles.
  • There was hardly any telly then, so we were avid viewers. The Sun
  • The viewers are not fools, they pick up on doubt and uncertainty on screen and hit the remote accordingly.
  • Prime-time soaps were tops among viewers, and gone were the anthology series and variety shows, with comedies taking a back seat to the soap craze.
  • The show, which is banking on the power of Disney's tween megahit franchise to bring in viewers, is set to debut in June.
  • The commercial broadcaster's core problem is its loss of viewers on ITV1. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the author's most sympathetic reviewers have expressed the opinion that this sexual encounter from beyond the grave is an unsuccessful instance of overreaching.
  • Interviewers first decided whether a situation was eligible for inclusion by using a set of highly developed criteria provided for them.
  • Interviewers, she says, are variously rude, poorly researched or plain stupid.
  • Viewers were encouraged to participate at home and up to 10,000 people called a special helpline during the show.
  • Both had poor ratings in a crowded marketplace, with almost two dozen syndicated talk shows scrapping for viewers every day.
  • If she's taking viewers on field trips all over the world, it must be getting a bit expensive.
  • And the show went on and the private eye finally solved the murder, leaving televiewers a little perplexed.
  • The disastrous ratings come after viewers accused it of stereotyping. The Sun
  • But that kind of digressive storytelling makes me wonder if "Mad Men" will ever truly be a crossover hit - something that rises above, say, 2 or 3 million viewers. Undefined
  • It didn't reach a U.S. viewership until the '90s, where it delighted insomniacs and stoners on late-night television.
  • The works are suggestive of political and ideological incoherency but offer a conceptual openness depending on space, chance, and the viewers' physical and mental participations.
  • Oddly, we have reached the stage where there might still be a singular vision, but too often it is being micro-managed at executive level to the point of blandness and is often hobbled by an unhealthy mix at executive-committee stage of half-understood notions of political correctness tied to an essential distrust of viewers 'intelligence. Can British TV produce drama as good as Mad Men?
  • He came out only slightly tainted by telling millions of viewers he and his wife had had marital problems.
  • Drawing is still widely regarded in the Indian art world as a subordinate idiom; however complex or powerful a drawing may be, very few viewers are disposed to accord it an autonomous position.
  • They were arranged by type and color, so just walking down the long pathways gave the viewers a rainbow of botanicals and a smell just as invigorating as the scenery.
  • While 19th century viewers of the original stereograph for Reaching for the Out of Reach #9 may have enjoyed the dramatic image of luckless passengers shipwrecked on the shores of Massachusetts, it's hard to imagine they would be similarly amused by the sad Victorian-looking characters stranded atop coffee bales and beneath umbrellas while the crippled ship looms like a set piece from some 3D Tim Burton film. The New York Public Library: New Perspectives on Old Perspectives: How an Art Project Helped the NYPL Put Its 3D Stereograph Collection in Your Hands
  • Some scenes are violent and may disturb younger viewers.
  • But broadcasting was not closely attuned to the preferences of viewers, or to the basic tenets of efficient operation. The Media in Britain Today
  • The movie was enthusiastically received by the reviewers.
  • This erotics of identification invariably frustrates the viewers' anticipations and appeals instead to their puzzle-solving abilities.
  • Even PBS's interview program NewsHour, which deceptively bills itself as a news show, draws a reported 3 million viewers a night.
  • But I challenge the ethics of including stealthily edited sequences and extras that obtrude questionable material on unsuspecting viewers.
  • The ground-breaking documentary series takes viewers to Planet Earth millions of years into the future.
  • But viewers in Britain are unlikely to get a glimpse of Linda's high-rise exploits.
  • This year, the ceremony was broadcast live on arts channel BBC4, a channel so highbrow it has about six viewers.
  • The refined and leisured lifestyle from the 1920s and 1930s can be relived when viewers appreciate the varied designs of their mandarin gowns and the way they made themselves up.
  • Yet when some bozo on a talk show confesses to an addiction or a perversion in front of millions of viewers, he's lionized as ‘courageous’ for speaking out.
  • Going by the abundance of books and films on Indian themes, one is left wondering why our authors and filmmakers feel compelled to present their country's exotica in order to make sure of their readers and viewers.
  • From the outset viewers are submerged in a world where what you see is not what you always get. The Sun
  • This ambiguous attitude makes his art cryptic: viewers are left grasping at answers.
  • The other terrific service we're offering interactive viewers is next-day highlights of action which took place in the middle of the night.
  • Do TV companies pay reviewers to write nice things and keep us watching? Times, Sunday Times
  • Book bloggers and reviewers -- female book bloggers and reviewers especially -- often seem to subscribe to a kind of cultlike apologism, in which they feel the need to defend the author as a person even if they are temerarious enough to be displeased by her book. Sarah McCarry: Faking Nice in the Blogosphere: Women and Book Reviews
  • If viewers weren't tuned to C-SPAN for the gavel-to-gavel coverage, then they missed the excitement and the energy and the brilliant remarks by them.
  • Witty and light-hearted, the play left behind an intriguing question in the minds of many viewers.
  • These games offer an opportunity for the viewers to play them alone or with the help of an older sibling or parent.
  • As a practicing Kyudo archer, Ona B. is always on target, never losing sight of the viewers of her works.
  • Every person and item of ritual furniture the altar with its book, candlesticks and crucifix laid out, the papal throne to the left with its honorific baldacchino is numbered and then labeled in the key below, so that viewers of the print can learn every arcane detail of this aspect of the papal mass. Archive 2009-03-01
  • In critiquing his poems, reviewers substituted epithets for analysis.
  • Viewers will wince at the training regime for the young and malleable, and gasp at the electrifying results. Times, Sunday Times

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