How To Use Vietnam war In A Sentence

  • During both the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf War, the B - 52's internal stowage of eighty-four 500-pound bombs made it a formidable offensive weapon.
  • The worst case of fratricide in the Vietnam war occurred during an artillery exchange when the wrong powder charge caused long rounds to hit another U.S. artillery position.
  • The 1968 campaign had been divisive as it was fought in the shadow of the Vietnam War.
  • He's the man who helped persuade hawkish editors at influential Newsweek magazine to oppose the Vietnam War.
  • The term escalate became popular during the Vietnam War and refers to the United States' significantly increasing its involvement, but the term also carries an undertone of blunder. Site Home
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  • We urgently need to build a solidarity movement on the scale of those against South African apartheid and the Vietnam War in the past.
  • During the Vietnam war, he moved to Canada to dodge the draft.
  • Since the Vietnam War, there has been a chilliness between the military and the press, but there was none with the Third Battalion.
  • The Hmong are the mountain peoples of Vietnam, Laos and Southern China. treated as savages by the ruling peoples of Vietnam, they were staunch allies of the US during the Vietnam war and after the fall of South Vietnam in 75, the US accepted a fair number as refugees. "We have to be very careful. We want professors to speak with what they see as their truths."
  • Those of us who were involved in these activities in the Vietnam War era know that this will work.
  • His Vietnam war career was undistinguished. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trio play three conscripts who are trying to avoid being sent to fight in the Vietnam War. The Sun
  • The brutal destruction of an entire village was one of the worst atrocities of the Vietnam war.
  • Among other things, he detonated mines and bombs left behind from the Vietnam War.
  • Consider the most famous image to come out of the Vietnam War: a child doused in napalm, naked, arms upraised, shrieking with pain, running down the road toward us.
  • When the war ended he re-enlisted and commanded an artillery battery in the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
  • Nothing better illustrated the turbulent state of civil-military relations during this period than the hostility on the part of the uniformed military toward President Bill Clinton, whose antimilitary stance as a young man during the Vietnam War years did not endear him to soldiers. The War on Terror and the Revolt of the Generals
  • He steered a neutral course between the USA and the USSR, which became all the more difficult after the outbreak of the Vietnam War.
  • During the Vietnam War, Buddhist monks were active in efforts to bring hostilities to a close, and many of them immolated themselves publicly to protest the war.
  • The Continental became the meeting place for journalists covering the Vietnam War and for all the multi-plumed hangers-on anxious to make a dollar out of chaos.
  • Even during the long Vietnam war, successive administrations were able to leave ‘their’ war out of transatlantic relationships.
  • He understands how to employ our military more effectively - despite dodging the draft during the Vietnam War.
  • I remember when thousand of hippies and yippies surrounded the Pentagon during the Vietnam War and held an exorcism to drive out the evil demons.
  • Here is a a model I built of the 4th Oiler I served on during the Vietnam War 1963 three years before she was jumboized.
  • The single was a worldwide No 1 hit in 1966 and was taken up as an anti-war anthem by activists opposed to the Vietnam war.
  • And then the Vietnam War heated up after that, along with civil rights, etc., and TV became the real conveyor of the narrative here.
  • Massa's intellectual history, "The American Catholic Revolution: How the '60s Changed the Church Forever," describes how celebrating the Mass in English, butting heads with the pope on birth control, and priests protesting the Vietnam War opened new possibilities -- and controversies -- in the church. How The '60s Transformed The Catholic Church Forever: An Interview With Rev. Mark Massa
  • Napalm's employment in the Vietnam war attracted particular obloquy.
  • Guns and Butter: As a man who applied for and was granted five (I sense a theme here) deferments from military service in the Vietnam War, who could have guessed Cheney would become the ultimate war monger. The DC Damsel: The Top Five Reasons I'd Boff Dick Cheney
  • Agent Orange was used as a defoliant during the Vietnam War and included, as contaminants, dioxin and related compounds.
  • The average age of the US soldiers who fought in the Vietnam War was 19.
  • During my days as a Vietnam war protester, it was always clear what distinguished ordinary liberals from leftists.
  • Accomplishing all this with anything like the efficiency American forces have enjoyed since the Vietnam War depends on owning the sky, which means having air-to-air hunter-killers that can shoot down enemy planes and destroy surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites before the rest of the fleet takes to the sky. The Last Ace
  • The Vietnam war was an extremely divisive issue in the US.
  • When Taylor was activated for stateside duty in the Vietnam War later that month, Sinatra called him back to thank him for the songs.
  • American pacification efforts took on many forms and consumed enormous resources during the Vietnam War.
  • Woods, the African-American/Thai son of a Vietnam war veteran, emerged from Southern California's municipal courses to dominate the clubbiest of sports. Golf's Little Prince, All Grown Up
  • My teaching at Yale seemingly warranted an indefinite deferment from the Vietnam War draft. Joseph E. Stiglitz - Autobiography
  • The US military wants to avoid the graduated escalation that marked the Vietnam War.
  • The game puts you squarely in the role of a new US Army GI starting his tour of duty in the Vietnam War.
  • Dioxin was the primary toxic component of Agent Orange, a defoliant used during the Vietnam war.
  • Richard Nixon the anti-communist went to China and ended the Vietnam war.
  • During the Vietnam War, the ace of spades was considered the card of death by the Viet Cong.
  • But when mainstream, everyday Americans became opposed to the Vietnam War, it stopped.
  • From the Boston Globe: As the Vietnam War raged in the 1960s, Mitt Romney received a deferment from the draft as a Mormon "minister of religion" for the duration of his missionary work in France, which lasted two and a half years. Mr. Romney Deferred
  • Evoking protests against the Vietnam War, one banner carried by students at San Francisco State University read, "Shut It Down Like '68. The Golden State's Me Generation
  • At this point, I'll also note that he was drafted for military service in the Vietnam War.
  • With Apocalypse Now Redux ringing in at 197 minutes, Coppola and his audience are embarking on a real tour of duty - and like the Vietnam War itself, this is no in-and-out operation.
  • Vietnam War – VSM issued to anyone who was within territorial boundaries of Vietnam Gerald Bluefeather Smith
  • Since the end of the Vietnam War in the early 1970s, the United States has been more deeply enmeshed and invested in this region than anywhere else. David Nassar: Arab Voices: What They Are Saying to Us and Why It Matters
  • By the time of the Vietnam War a G-suit, with its inflatable bladders, could substitute for the suppleness of young muscles, and electronics went far to make up for reflexes that were no longer youthful and fast. A Man On a Mission
  • It's the exciting true story of a Marine sniper in the Vietnam War.
  • But nonetheless, the stop-loss policy is wrong; it runs contrary to the concept of the volunteer military set up in the aftermath of the Vietnam War.
  • As a weapons systems officer with the ‘Triple Nickel,’ DeBellevue scored his first four aerial victories while crewing with Capt. Steve Ritchie, who became the first Air Force Vietnam War ace.
  • The Vietnam War, which is a terrible tragedy in American diplomatic history, is another hot war after the Korean War during the cold war period.
  • Beck enlisted in 1963 and served as a frogman and Navy intelligence officer in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos during the Vietnam War.
  • The Americans were still smarting from their defeat in the Vietnam War.
  • Bill Nighy is Johnny Worricker, who was recruited to hunt communists for Britain's MI-5 counterespionage service during the Vietnam War era and now finds himself tracking Arabs and other terrorists. Tales of the Old West and Aging Spies
  • The 18 tracks include the infamous Vietnam War rant against the US military top brass, War Pigs, Children Of The Grave, and Killing Yourself To Live, among other dark dirges.
  • Even a Vietnam War hero from the Northeast came across as too steeped in intellectualism and internationalism to understand military families.
  • The spectre of Chicago 1968 looms, when police unleashed a brutal assault on anti Vietnam War protesters at the Democratic convention.
  • Although records are incomplete, the rate of such incidents was relatively low until the Vietnam War, when fragging increased dramatically.
  • During the Vietnam war, enlisted men threw fragmentation grenades at their superiors so frequently that killing within the ranks became known as "fragging. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • It was difficult to talk to Holbrooke about his last role without recalling a laudatory review he wrote two years ago of Gordon Goldstein's book about McGeorge Bundy and the Vietnam War. -- Top News
  • Some critics of the president's handling of Iraq are expressing deep concern the mission there is turning into a situation similar to what happened during the Vietnam War.
  • Unlike the production by Daniel Kramer, who neatly updated the action when he directed it a couple of years after the invasion of Iraq, Diane Paulus's Broadway production takes Gerome Ragni and James Rado's tale back to its henna'd roots, with the burning of draft cards, marching against the Vietnam war – "Lay, don't slay" – and domestic protest against parents who wore suits, sleeked their hair down, and Hoovered. Posh; The Empire; Hair
  • American rock and soul music and its instrumentation and stylistic tenets found purchase in trad Cambodian music in the wake of the Vietnam War.
  • Amid the urban riots, campus unrest, economic strains, and Vietnam War controversies of the late 1960s, Republican conservatism revived.
  • Likewise, the Vietnam War and international trade are brought in to help explain perturbations in demographic processes that appear unexplained by relative cohort size and relative income.
  • A large number were veterans of the anti-Vietnam War and anti-nuclear protests, with the vast majority well over the age of 40.
  • After all, we lost the Vietnam War, but only in the sense that our goal of reunifying a democratic Vietnam, or maintaining an independent South Vietnam, was not met.
  • The brutal destruction of an entire village was one of the worst atrocities of the Vietnam war.
  • A corporate whizz-kid from the Kennedy era, he was the US's secretary of defence at the time of the Cuban missile crisis and is widely considered to have been one of the architects of the Vietnam War.
  • BLU-24 (BLU stands for "bomb live unit"): A submunition packed into U.S. cluster bombs and used in the Vietnam War. - 30-year-old bombs still very deadly in Laos
  • Col. Hauck, who developed an expertise in ordnance, was a veteran of the Korean and Vietnam wars. Obituary: Wayne O. Hauck, Army colonel and owner of financial services firm, dies at 84
  • Dr. Creel served as an infantry officer in the Vietnam War and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. Frank Creel; Marion Gaines III; J. Paul Hile; Ruth Jones; Russell Kirk; Rita Landers
  • It was the first time since the Vietnam War that Royal Australian Air Force aircraft have flown close air support missions in support of Australian ground troops in a war zone.
  • Is the war in Afghanistan like the Vietnam War, the conflict it has just surpassed as the longest in U.S. history? In Britain's exhausting Boer War, a parallel for Afghanistan
  • I was a naval gunfire officer in the Vietnam War - a Navy lieutenant serving in the 7th Marine Regiment.
  • The effort to achieve more accurate weapons began in World War I and approached modern capabilities with PGMs toward the end of the Vietnam War.
  • This film seems intended to suggest that he preferred to cohabit with animals rather than American citizens during the Vietnam War.
  • During the Vietnam war, conversion disorders were seldom encountered as repressed memories, and abreactive treatments became a quaint historical artifact.
  • BLU-26: A submunition packed into U.S. cluster bombs and used in the Vietnam War. - 30-year-old bombs still very deadly in Laos
  • Thus, the protest against the Vietnam War was mobilized by images such as the photograph by Huynh Cong Ut.
  • He was a Navy assault coxswain aboard the USS Talladega during the Vietnam War.
  • Then came the Vietnam War, and the old, reformist Left, defensive about its anticommunism as a source of catastrophic blundering in Southeast Asia, was challenged by a New Left now convinced that "reformism" was a cop out and a delusion, certain to fail in a "nation conceived in sin, irredeemable. Robert F. Bauer: Richard Rorty and the Riches of Progressive Argument
  • More recently, during the Vietnam war, it was widely reported and known internationally that the United states massively employed chemical agents that were extraordinarily toxic for the civilian population and animals, as well as phytotoxic chemical agents that devastated crops, plantations and forests. LAS TUNAS MASS RALLY-28TH ANNIV. OF ASSAULT ON
  • American tourist Lawrence W. Goichman, referring to his visit to the Cu Chi tunnels, the 75-mile-long underground maze built by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War "Just because dolphins have a smile doesn't mean they're nonaggressive. Perspectives
  • It was the Vietnam War which made Sihanouk's neutralism untenable, as Cambodia was used by Vietminh and Vietcong forces as a supply route from North to South Vietnam, and received its fair share of US carpet bombing in return.
  • In recent years he has been making sculptures, installations, photographs and videos which recall the social impact of the Vietnam War on that country's inhabitants.
  • When you compare it to previous wars, the Second World War, the Vietnam War, a jillion other wars, civilian casualties were very low.
  • SEALS were active in both the Korean and Vietnam wars as well as in Grenada , Persian Gulf (1987), panama (1989), and recently in Operation Desert Storm.
  • In many ways the Vietnam War, though of an atrociousness the Afghanistan War has not yet approached, was pursued by the U.S. obedient to a much sounder theory than any offered for the present war. David Bromwich: The Afghanistan Parenthesis [UPDATED]
  • Another weapon that caused multiple wounds, the claymore mine, was used extensively by both sides in the Vietnam War.
  • Dioxin was the contaminant in the herbicide Agent Orange, used as a defoliant in the Vietnam war and thought to have caused numerous health problems in veterans of that war.
  • President Johnson had become a virtual prisoner in the White House, unable to campaign for another term due to increasingly violent protests against the unpopular Vietnam War. The Kennedy Detail
  • McConnell enlisted in the Army Reserve in July 1967 at the height of the Vietnam War but received a medical discharge after less than six months for an eye condition called optic neuritis, according to limited information that has been made public. Michael Rogers: What is Mitch McConnell Hiding?
  • Hayden was a prominent opponent of the Vietnam War.
  • For example, defoliants which were sprayed during the Vietnam War killed most of the mangrove forests in the Mekong Delta.
  • When the remains of a Vietnam War soldier buried in the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery were identified in 1998 using DNA, Pentagon officials proudly said that the days of interring service members as "Unknown" could well be over. For first time in decades, Arlington National Cemetery must bury multiple 'unknowns'
  • Monsanto and other companies are developing new seeds designed to resist older herbicides like dicamba and 2,4-D, a weed killer developed during World War II and an ingredient in Agent Orange, which was used to destroy jungle foliage during the Vietnam War and is blamed for health problems among veterans. Farmers Expected To Return To Harsh Herbicides, Chemicals In Battle Against Roundup Resistant Weeds
  • When the remains of a Vietnam War soldier buried in the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery were identified in 1998 using DNA, Pentagon officials proudly said that the days of interring service members as "unknown" could well be over. For first time in decades, Arlington National Cemetery must bury multiple 'unknowns'
  • This new volume, Haunting Legacy: Vietnam and the American Presidency from Ford to Obama, is a clear-eyed look at the Vietnam War's fateful consequences -- especially subsequent wars -- up until the present in Afghanistan. Jamie Stiehm: The Vietnam War Ghost: Does It Still Live in Obama's White House?
  • I was convinced then that the Vietnam War Memorial is a great place for reconciliation.
  • Ironically, he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to ending the Vietnam War, as he negotiated the US withdrawal from Vietnam on the least disadvantageous terms possible.
  • A large number were veterans of the anti-Vietnam War and anti-nuclear protests, with the vast majority well over the age of 40.
  • The Vietnam War highlighted the US Navy's need for better abilities within the littoral, or near-shore, environment, but the drawdowns after the war left the Navy Special Warfare barely existing.
  • One conservative estimate put the number of protesters at more than six million people, making it largest ever simultaneous demonstration since the Vietnam War.
  • Agent Orange is a defoliant that was used during the Vietnam War era and known to cause cancer and other serious illnesses. Environmental Investigation Underway on US Base in S. Korea
  • The Domino Theory, which Eisenhower put forward in April 1954, is the guidance theory in the Vietnam War that four American governments carried out later.
  • The U.S. armed forces lost thousands of helicopters during the Vietnam War, but Rivolo believed autorotation had saved many as well. The Dream Machine
  • The country is tanking, the markets are "cratering" and the only reason McCain is obsessed with Ayers is because he's still trying to win the Vietnam war. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • In 1974, police estimated that there were 400,000 prostitutes in Thailand, procured primarily for the U.S. military on R & R from the Vietnam War.
  • WASHINGTON - Two serv-icemen missing in action from the Vietnam War have been identified and returned to their families for burial. McCormick, Michael T.
  • Writes of Passage is the cumulation of over 30 years of writing poetry; her first poem being a reactionary poem about the Vietnam War at the tender age of nine. Lora Tucker’s ‘Writes of Passage’ in Harlem «
  • The term "shell shocked" became well known during the Vietnam War.
  • When the Vietnam War ended and Saigon fell in April 1975, Americans got their enduring impression of the event from television. Forgotten Ship: A Daring Rescue As Saigon Fell
  • The highly politicized environment that shaped them was characterized by "hippies, the Vietnam war, revolution, Nixon, Watergate, books that called for change in every way," Mr. Samaras said in a Journal interview. Frenemies: Two Greek Rivals Hold Nation's Fate in Balance
  • The draft, during the nine years of the Vietnam war, conscripted some 1.9 million Americans, or about 12 times as many as stop-loss has dragooned. Backdoor Draft Winding Down -- For Now
  • For her "the brush was mightier than the pen" in her fierce opposition to America's involvement in the Vietnam war in the 1960s, as well as her staunch defense of the "second sex". MutualArt's Top 10 Things to See During FIAC Week in Paris (PHOTOS)
  • It was initially slammed by critics, but the play really took off during the Vietnam War.
  • To do these things, Vietnam War reporters had to get close to the fighting.
  • He wrote one of the more famous resignation letters to come out of the White House, writing on September 8, 1974 that he could not "credibly defend" the pardon of Richard Nixon when others -- from conscientious objectors to the Vietnam War to other Watergate figures -- went unpardoned. Joe Rodota: The Year in Resignations
  • The US military wants to avoid the graduated escalation that marked the Vietnam War.
  • | Reply | Permalink nephew died iniraq from ied he was getting out after forcefu; lly being deployed to iraq for a second time, my nest friends died in vietnam who were drafted by lbj and congress as me, dont know what me being a draftee and doing my duty and taking my oath to uphokd and defend this country means as adraftee i did my duty and have lived with the fcat that the vietcong didnt ask you if you were adfratee or regular army we all bled died and cried and got wounded blow to hell to come back to this country tolive with the likes of mitch mcconnell i fromtexas mitch you chickenhawks are adisgrace to this country i call home we suffered a lot cuase of being drafteed to fight the vietnam war maybe if you had served invietnam when this nationneeded the cheneys bushes and mcconnells in vietnam they chose to dodge the draft and get educated wedidnt have rich families and dads ingovernment to hide behind and avoid combat we went may be if you had goner as adraftee you would know that being asoldier doesnt require to be professional or drafted we were all told to learn everything we teach ya your going to vietnam i, m a mexican american and my family lost soldiers in vietnam and iraq you best be apoligizing dude cause you as arepublican have done us veterans of war an injustice maybe you should resign you are the one always shooting down the redeployment resolutions down trying to keep troops in iraq may be you should resign and stop obstructing our kids coming home from iraq, i hope kentucky is embarresed enough to boot your rear out in ovember america has no need for war profiteers and war monger thank you GOP Senate Leader McConnell Appears To Belittle Deaths Of American Troops
  • On this date in 1977, Jimmy Carter pardoned almost all draft dodgers from the Vietnam War. Five People Born on January 21 | myFiveBest
  • For the first time since the Vietnam War, foreign and security policy, not the usual menu of bread-and-butter issues, is polarizing U.S. public opinion.
  • The 82d Airborne Division routinely trains to make heavy airdrops, but the Afghanistan fuel drop was the first combat drop in years (perhaps since the Vietnam War).
  • During the Vietnam War, however, despite research to find better antimalarial drugs or a vaccine, chloroquine-resistent falciparum malaria from Southeast Asia threatened the U.S. armed forces.
  • During the Vietnam War, at least one US soldier was also court-martialled for supervising water-boarding. George Bush Creates A Paradoxical Standard On Torture « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • It was pretty much a potted history of the Vietnam war.
  • Although the Vietnam War has for some time been away -- away from the headlines, away from the public dialogue, away from our private thoughts -- the Vietnam War is not gone. Stewart Nusbaumer: Film Review: The Disappearance of McKinley Nolan
  • The pilot's voice was untinged by the reticent or embarrassed tones that characterized U.S. military pronouncements for three decades after the Vietnam War.
  • Look at the reichwing attacks on Murtha questioning his bravery and the shameful treatment given Max Cleland-a triple amputee from the Vietnam war by Axby Chambliss-a draft dodger. Think Progress » Hagel: The Iraq War Is ‘An Absolute Replay Of Vietnam’
  • It's most searing experience remains the Vietnam War.
  • He made that jump with Sergeant First Class Jesse Mendez, a scout dog trainer during the Vietnam War.
  • Those who remember will recall not only was RFK killed, but Geoerge Wallace ran as a segregationist -- he could have wone WV and Ky!!. 1968 is remembered for that cop riot and for the worst kind of Republican-style slandering of the anti-Vietnam war movement. Obama Airing New Ad In Montana
  • Pam says the people are lovely and you encounter very little public animosity about the Vietnam War.
  • It was the first time since the Vietnam War that Royal Australian Air Force aircraft have flown close air support missions in support of Australian ground troops in a war zone.
  • In his 1977 book, Dispatches, Michael Herr, who had covered the Vietnam War for Esquire magazine, applied the term control freak to “one of those people who always … had to know what was coming next.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • The Chiu Chau Triads had operated in Saigon as good as Vietnam during a Vietnam war bringing in drug for a American soldiers. Batin Itam: The Li Blood Line
  • I can recall, during anti-Vietnam war protests in my student days, marching behind a sign that read: "LBJ Pull Out! Like Your Daddy Should Have Done!
  • Mullen compares the persistent mysteries surrounding blast-related brain injuries to diseases tied to Agent Orange, a defoliant used during the Vietnam War that was ultimately found to cause illnesses in troops. Joint Chiefs chairman seeks brain-injury limit
  • As global television is today demonstrating to the world in stark reality, the "Tea Party" is to revolution what a debutante cotillion is to the Vietnam War. Robert J. Elisberg: The "Tea Party" Is Not Revolting
  • SEALS were active in both the Korean and Vietnam wars as well as in Grenada , Persian Gulf (1987), panama (1989), and recently in Operation Desert Storm.
  • Just for the record, I am a bleeding-heart-liberal-Massachusetts-Democrat, raised with a houseful of lesbians and arrested at age eight for protesting the Vietnam War with my dad. Tom Matlack: Goodness Isn't a Policy
  • Romanian Americans were also represented in significant numbers during the Korean and Vietnam Wars and many were promoted to officer ranks.

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