How To Use Vicugna In A Sentence

  • Also new to me were Vicuna Vicugna vicugna, a small Andean camelid with rodent-like incisors. Archive 2006-05-01
  • The vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) – which along with the domesticated llama (Lama glama), the alpaca (Lama pacos), and the wild guanaco (Lama guanicoe) is one of four distinctive camel species found in the Tropical Andes – represents an important conservation success story for this hotspot. Biological diversity in the Tropical Andes
  • The vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) – which along with the domesticated llama (Lama glama), the alpaca (Lama pacos), and the wild guanaco (Lama guanicoe) is one of four distinctive camel species found in the Tropical Andes – represents an important conservation success story for this hotspot. Biological diversity in the Tropical Andes
  • The Andean camelids are found in these and other ecoregions, including the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna), llama (Lama glama), guanaco (Lama guanacoe), and alpaca (Lama pacos). Central Andean wet puna
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