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How To Use Victimization In A Sentence

  • We shall be concerned to examine to what extent our common-sense knowledge matches with the available evidence on patterns of victimization. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • Although the majority of cases are ones in which children are exploited, this hallmark is not limited to victimization of children. In Defense of Free Speech… : Law is Cool
  • his victimization infuriated him
  • The factors responsible for encroachment such as lack of political will, victimisation of forest officials, poor boundary demarcation and alienation of regularised land should be addressed.
  • Usually, the fear of victimisation deters people from making complaints against corrupt officials.
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  • This project will analyse multiple victimisation using statistical modelling techniques.
  • The only way you can believe that citing Mary Cheney amounts to "victimization" is if you believe someone's sexual orientation is something shameful. 10/14/2004
  • The criminal victimization survey concerns itself with measuring criminal incidents for which there are clearly identifiable victims. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • Compiled chiefly from interviews with former internees and their kin, it concentrates on five detainees of very different backgrounds, but alike in their appalling victimization.
  • One way to understand this term would be to document clearly the range and extent of criminal victimization which occurs for particular populations. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • paying Blacks less and charging them more is a form of victimization
  • In addition to pay, there are also strike ballots over safety, victimisation of union reps and other issues.
  • COOPER: No, I don't think it's brainwashing, I think it's more associated with something called disassociation, where children are able to separate the memory of victimization through sexual abuse from their everyday life. CNN Transcript Aug 25, 2006
  • The newspaper offered only a grudging apology for its reprehensible victimization of Lee and did not discipline any of the reporters involved.
  • Increasingly, evidence suggests that stereotypes and dualisms around young people's victimisation, and the fears of parents and other adults, need to be dispelled.
  • Is there another way that preachers, teachers, and catechists can tell the story that can help break cycles of violence and victimization?
  • This kind of victimization is a regular part of a tramp’s life, and it will go on as long as people continue to give meal tickets instead of money. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • I recognize that just because a woman indulges in the fantasy, that doesn't mean she thinks victimization is right or wants it to happen in real life. Today's Book Review
  • However, this was hotly denied by a convenor of referees who declined to be named for fear of victimisation.
  • Overall, 79% of males and 56% of females who reported victimization also reported perpetration.
  • It is the story of their forced migration and victimisation.
  • Although Mr Allawi has complained about harassment and victimisation of his followers by forces loyal to his chief rival –the incumbent Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
  • If someone has humiliated you, you pass on the victimization to the next sucker.
  • We shall be concerned to examine to what extent our common-sense knowledge matches with the available evidence on patterns of victimization. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • This discrimination and victimisation must be banished from the system.
  • ‘People relate to the theme of a journey from ignorance to knowledge, from fear to courage, from insensitivity to caring, from paralysis to powerfulness, from victimization to accountability,’ the book points out.
  • Representatives of the Latino community, however, said the lapse speaks more to what they called the victimization of a vulnerable population, one that is taught to respect members of the clergy and that fears ramifications - primarily deportation - of going to the police. Deep Thoughts
  • Lohan, 50, was booked Monday night in West Hollywood, Calif., for inflicting corporal injury on a cohabitant, false imprisonment and preventing a report of victimization. Michael Lohan Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges
  • The probabilities of crime or victimization are higher with some situations than with others.
  • If victimisation's grip over artists like him is moot, maybe its ability to regiment society evermore is defective as well.
  • The intrinsic nature of victimization of this sort suggests that such individuals are likely to be few and far between. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • Nobody said this was a "smoking gun" proving that Serb victimization in the Srebrenica area was massive and that the supposed "demilitarization" of that "safe area" was a fraud. Latest Articles
  • Rates of violent victimizations began to increase sharply late in the 1980s, with peaks occurring in 1992 and 1993.
  • With the age , physical victimization is decreasing, but unknown control is increasing.
  • Five years ago, you lodged your employment law case for direct and indirect discrimination plus victimisation.
  • Call on the playful and productive masculine energies (and heal the negative masculine forms that operate through aggression and domination) that arise from both sides of your lineage to reinspire your own masculine nature; call on the nurturing and intuitive feminine energies (and heal patterns of victimization that signal a disempowered feminine) from both sides of your lineage to reinspire your own feminine nature. Wild Feminine
  • His suspension leaves him open to possible victimisation by a brigade that is already trying to impose cuts.
  • This is not to deny that some of the suggestions made for victimization avoidance may constitute sound advice. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • In principle, victim surveys are an additional way of charting the nature of victimization.
  • This is an enterprise whose domain encompasses the politics of identity, of religious zeal, of race or class or national resentment, of victimization, of cheek and self-assertion. What Ahmadinejad Knows
  • He reproduces that fundamental conflict between power and victimization underlying the social identity Wilde had come to inhabit.
  • It was Rideau's victimizations that "mitigated" murder into manslaughter. Cold-Blooded Murderers Can Still Make A Killing
  • Western philosophers have recently devoted considerable attention to the perceived victimization of women by Non - western cultures.
  • Thus the Jewish state, desperate for peace and institutionally traumatised from six decades of exterminatory attrition directed at it solely for the crime of existing, has its victimisation not only erased but turned against it in a systematic inversion of truth and lies. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Previous retrospective assessments in younger samples of childhood victimization and neglect have found that neglected boys and girls were at higher risk for arrests for violent crimes.
  • Both novels focus on the desolation of a family trapped in the quagmire of poverty, victimization, and oppression in the Harlem ghetto.
  • The entire community has to take responsibility for preventing and dealing with victimization.
  • The victimization which occurred, the loss of trade union membership, and the wage reductions all seemed to confirm this impression.
  • Select an adviser who understands the self-victimisation concept and is far enough removed from the problem to be objective. 2.
  • Mr. Karadzic rarely referred to specific allegations in the indictment, concentrating instead on what he described as the victimization of the Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia, which prompted them to take up arms. Karadzic: Serbs Acted in Self-Defense
  • They were protesting at what they see as management's victimisation of a Unison union convenor and a senior shop steward.
  • Child maltreatment, abuse and victimization refer to the intentional assault of a child by a caretaker.
  • Beliefs also can lead to negative feelings (such as anxiety, anger and upset), feeling sorry for oneself (a sense of victimization), feeling unlovable, etc. Morty Lefkoe: Boy, was I wrong in my last eating blog post!
  • However, such victimisation is expressly forbidden by German industrial law.
  • Although Mr Allawi has complained about harassment and victimisation of his followers by forces loyal to his chief rival –the incumbent Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
  • This project will analyse multiple victimisation using statistical modelling techniques.
  • … [T] he information concerning the results of the implementation of juvenile curfews in other municipalities is equivocal at best and does not establish the necessary relationship between the ordinance and the goals of reducing juvenile crime and victimization. Criminal Law
  • Tomorrow one of the Clintons will find a way to martyr themselves with victimization and sad tales of derry-do gone awry. Obama: Bigger than Bill Clinton, Bigger than MLK, Jr.
  • A counterargument would stress that the greatest learning is derived from the inimitable, silence betrays cowardice, disaffiliation and indie culture give the lie to the unavoidability of affiliation, the literary field exists in many sites other than the academy, self-victimization is the reigning philosophy, program writers are more self-commodifying than the disaffiliated, the system purges internal feedback from dissenters, and the end of excellence is well in sight. Anis Shivani: Can Writing Be Taught? The Systems-Theory Rationalizations Of An Insider
  • Karadzic rarely referred to specific allegations in the indictment, concentrating instead on what he described as the victimization of the Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia, which prompted them to take up arms. Fore, right!
  • Select an adviser who understands the self-victimisation concept and is far enough removed from the problem to be objective. 2.
  • The crisis ends with the victimisation of the guilty scapegoat through collective violence.
  • Embarrassing yourself in public does not come under the category of self-victimisation. 12.
  • Hence, for instance, the new act of parliament that protects people from victimisation if they split on their bosses.
  • Upwards of a thousand of the former are all over the trailer's web page, holding forth in that peculiar combination of arrogant certainty, indignant victimization, and pseudo-wised-up, cockily confident wrongness that marks the true Randroid. Ellis Weiner: "I love John Galt!" (Atlas Shrugged: the Movie)
  • A proper indicator of this hallmark is the presence of messages that attempt to establish an association between the targeted group and the exploitation and victimization of a societal group. In Defense of Free Speech… : Law is Cool
  • A child is much more at risk of sexual victimization from a member of the family, especially a stepparent, than a stranger. Hara Estroff Marano discusses A Nation of Wimps: The High Cost of Invasive Parenting
  • Each Member shall prohibit and penalize any kind of victimization a seafarer for filing a complaint.
  • This be accusation of victimization.
  • Mrs. Lingard claims constructive dismissal and victimisation for whistle-blowing against the Prison Service.
  • The resultant puke itself, of course, added to the savage osmic holocaust which more than crime, more than despair, more than the appalling sense of victimisation and neglect turned those places (ghastly enough in their nylon carpeted, vending-machine, strip-lit healthy incarnations) into an idea of hell that the combined imaginations of Hieronymus Bosch, Dante and Antonin Artaud could never conjure up. Stephen Fry: The Great Stink of 2005
  • She claims constructive dismissal and victimisation for whistle-blowing against the Prison Service.
  • Both bullying and victimization are associated with intrapersonal problems such as anxiety and depression, eating disorders, low self-esteem, and less satisfaction with school.
  • An urban political climate in which the politics of victimization and outrage are ascendant is one that demeans the great freedoms and opportunities we all enjoy. Sound Politics: The Underwhelming Priorities Of The Seattle City Council
  • The intrinsic nature of victimization of this sort suggests that such individuals are likely to be few and far between. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • Beneficiaries often have to submit to small scale victimisation and invasions of their privacy if they are to keep their benefit.
  • The strikersagreed to return to work provided there would be no victimization of their leaders.
  • The sexism crap was just more clintonian victimization. On Private Conference Call, Hillary Urges Major Donors To Throw Weight Behind Obama
  • Their airs of passivity and wearied victimization are part of their obsessive rerunning of the past.
  • This is not to deny that some of the suggestions made for victimization avoidance may constitute sound advice. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • The thing about victimization fantasies is that there are plenty of * believable* ones you could write without turning to the unbelievable ones. Intertribal: more Under The Dome angst
  • As Western Society worthy of the name continues to decline, the barbarism, violence, and victimization of those socieities which, for humanitarian reasons, endured higher taxeation, disparate treatment, and reverse discrimination against their own, in an attempt to make amends and enculturate the other, will only increase. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • (Sakizliogu noted that some of these elements were professionalised and reactionary), a city-wide platform of residents associations and what she described as a resuscitation of left history. xli She asked if a 'Right to Housing' or 'Right to the City' movement might help focus struggle, and made the suggestion that a more powerful resistance to the victimisation, separation and privatisation of tenants/residents groups might lie in the convergence of movements of different tenure types. xlii Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net - CULTURE AND POLITICS AFTER THE NET
  • Upwards of a thousand of the former are all over the trailer's web page, holding forth in that peculiar combination of arrogant certainty, indignant victimization, and pseudo-wised-up, cockily confident wrongness that marks the true Randroid. Ellis Weiner: "I love John Galt!" (Atlas Shrugged: the Movie)
  • Are we waging war on poverty, inequality, the victimisation of women and children?

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