How To Use Viciously In A Sentence

  • Snappers strike viciously when lifted from water or teased and can inflict a serious bite.
  • He whipped in a viciously dipping shot that spun just a foot over the bar.
  • A dog snarled at us viciously but he was caged and couldn't get at us.
  • The dogs were nearing her, coming closer; their teeth bared, snarling viciously
  • Catching her wrist, Holman smacked her face viciously, sending her to her knees, but still holding on to her.
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  • We discussed Yasmin Alibhai-Brown's concerns that blogging is just 'pub bores' ( see debate on political blogging here on TV), the state of the blog wars, in which both sides have taken a lot of flak, particularly Tim, who has provoked a needed debate about damage done to the image of blogging by lack of basic 'netiquette', and who has been viciously ( anonymously) lambasted for it, which rather proves his original point. Blogger TV again
  • Sir Hugo is found dead on the moors, viciously murdered by a terrifying hound from hell.
  • People — and I do actually mean “people” here, not viciously stupid animals like yourself — already know that that pathetically infantile piece of snivelling ideological tripe is demonstrably false. Think Progress » Deficit Peacock Evan Bayh Hits ‘Far Left-Wing Blogs’ For Criticizing Obama’s Spending Freeze As Too ‘Austere’
  • Then they both gush about how it's going to be great fun and will be all slumber parties and makeup while eyeing each other viciously.
  • The crowd began to mutter angrily, the glowing embers of their ancient prejudices that had been viciously stoked by the near murder of their King were being fanned to fury so easily by the power of the monarch's simple words.
  • But when they're serving shots of vodka at the equivalent of 33 pence a go, one is generally too sozzled to complain viciously.
  • A 200-pound pet chimpanzee viciously mauled a woman he had known for years.
  • Kudos is due to Sarah Millican, whose brilliant eye for observation and viciously acerbic style gives her the chops to win over all but the most committed chauvinists. This week's new comedy
  • Since the triads dealt with him so viciously, I believe that he was exceptional in fulfilling the duties of a journalist and that was why he was hated.
  • His philosophy of pragmatic capitalism and backslapping politics were viciously attacked by members of the Northern black elite.
  • Viciously beaten, he sustained serious injury leading to major brain surgery and permanent disability.
  • Triflic anhydride, and its hydrolysis product, the viciously strong triflic acid, are notorious plastic-eaters and cap-softeners.
  • Viciously attacked by critics and rejected by the public, the Impressionist painters were outcasts in the art world.
  • She had four felony convictions for burglary and petty theft with priors, and had been out of prison for a couple of years when she coolly shoplifted, then viciously fought me in the parking lot.
  • The victim turned up as planned and was viciously punched in the face.
  • A dog snarled at us viciously but he was caged and couldn't get at us.
  • The 52-year-old builder, originally from Beaufort, was viciously knifed to death while waiting for a train in London.
  • he was viciously attacked
  • The local school was broken into, a man and woman were viciously assaulted, another family had to summon help to prevent their house being broke into and car stolen.
  • Trepolov absentmindedly bit viciously into the peppermint honey cake.
  • Not so LaGarrette Blount, the University of Oregon running back who viciously cold-cock punched an unhelmeted opposing player after his team's upset loss to Boise State. Michael Kimmel: Meet the Lamberts: Elizabeth and Adam Expose Sexism and Homophobia
  • She began to bite her nails, chewing at them viciously until the blood welled up.
  • When I woke up, I remembered how Al Gore was viciously mocked for his "lockbox" campaign theme, everywhere from SNL skits to mainstream debate coverage: "He must have used the word 'lockbox' about 20 times. Lockbox
  • Downton doesn't exclude his own acclaimed work from that same viciously fickle fashion cycle and is uncomfortable with the label foisted upon him: the world's greatest fashion illustrator. The Age News Headlines
  • While a British queue might appear a polite and decorous affair, the study suggests that it is in fact viciously judgmental. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Angel, though not viciously evil, is not a nice person.
  • At the drinks cabinet a beaming middle aged man and his wife are handing out viciously strong plum brandy.
  • Their personalities clashed viciously, and this would probably only be the first of many disagreements.
  • The wind was rising in the darkening sky, viciously whipping up the sea around the ship.
  • Kate could hardly remember now the dry rigid pallor of the heat, when the whole earth seemed to crepitate viciously with dry malevolence: like memory gone dry and sterile, hellish. The Plumed Serpent
  • Carl won his place on the college team as a half-miler, and viciously assaulted two freshmen and a junior for laughing at Genie's legs, which stuck out of his large running-pants like straws out of a lemonade-glass. The Trail of the Hawk A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life
  • The ball bobbled viciously as it approached the near post, but Miller adroitly launched himself into its path.
  • A viciously intense, poetically raw story, interspersed with moments of dark humor, about two young men - Bassam, the narrator, and his friend since childhood, George - known as De Niro, for his habit of playing Russian roulette like Robert De Niro's character in Bookbrowse - Best Recent Reader Reviews
  • Not that he lasts long, as his opponent viciously clouts him from behind.
  • I felt my stomach churn painfully, heaving viciously before I had time to react.
  • The yellow sponged raked over the arm viciously causing a deep red scuff marks to surface.
  • It was as he walked across the car park at the front of the sports centre that he was ambushed and assaulted so viciously that he lost consciousness.
  • He worked only for political ends, viciously lampooning opponents of the left.
  • Instead of viciously attacking them, the amphibian began to speak in a gurgling voice, thin spindly arms waving about.
  • BTW, The microphone the Thug Party has these days blares loudly, constantly and viciously about their sworn enemies and making nicey-nicey with them. Mostly, We are Idiots. So How Did We Elect a Genius?
  • A good Samaritan who was viciously slashed as he defended another subway rider from a razor-wielding robber said yesterday no other passengers came to his aid - not even the straphanger he rescued.
  • Frowning direfully, she viciously decapitated another shriveled set of blooms. The Ideal Bride
  • Look out!" yelled Bud, as a bullet "zinged" viciously over their heads. The Boy Ranchers in Camp or The Water Fight at Diamond X
  • At least here he had some protection from the wind, the relentless, tearing wind that whipped him so viciously whenever the opportunity arose.
  • The ball jagged back viciously to shatter the stumps and send the bails flying.
  • I viciously clawed at his clothing, almost ripping his favorite shirt.
  • They started groping viciously and kissing savagely with loud, desperate smacks resonating into the dizzy evening air.
  • It was the bumpiest ride Kai had ever experienced, and the people in the back were thrown around viciously. Rogue Wave
  • The Brawlers scowled viciously at the stationary pair as they sped forward, their serpents lashing their tails and hissing.
  • As she swooped viciously down, he lunged up and forward with a half-leap, half-forward fall, and came within an ace of striking the trailing blue-black abdomen with his reaching fangs. Children's Literature A Textbook of Sources for Teachers and Teacher-Training Classes
  • Didna maitter!" repeated the Chamberlain, viciously, mimicking the eastland accent. Doom Castle
  • Watching the Republicans attack so viciously over everything from Health Care, Birth Certificates, Deal Panels, the President speaking to school children from afar is really disturbing especially when every one on this planet suffered under the Bush-Cheny Regime but there was no outcry like there is now. Sources: White House considers drafting health care bill
  • Europe, viciously divided against itself for centuries, has knit together into a democratic and civil society.
  • Before it comes undone with a viciously nasty @#$-mouthed conclusion out of the NYDN Rss
  • It would be very, very bad advice - sometimes crazy, misguided bad, resulting in wacky, embarrassing Three's Company-like scenarios - sometimes viciously, heinously bad resulting in devastating, life-crushing misery. Dear Slimbolala
  • The knife sported an obsidian blade mounted to a bone haft, the edge still viciously sharp even after years of storage.
  • The demon had the face of an attractive young man, but his eyes glowed viciously with an intense, fiery red, even when the flames left his body.
  • The ball spun viciously, and forced a great touch from the keeper.
  • The banshees had arrived soon after, descending upon the gnome village, buzzing and chittering in the language of the viciously insane.
  • And viciously contemning the Church more often than not entails a disdainful sidelong glance at the benighted faithful who persist in allegiance to her.
  • All the fabulous items and riches so earnestly sought and viciously competed for over the years, will be gone.
  • Thunder rolled viciously as the six men carried the rough-hewn casket containing the body of the kingdom's youngest princess.
  • Nevertheless, anyone who contravened the pirate law or code, would be dealt with viciously.
  • Over the past few years, we have made a habit of winning on tailor-made pitches at home, where the ball spins viciously from day one.
  • His "killingly fair-minded and viciously funny" review of the Pulitzer prize-winning author Michael Cunningham's latest book, By Nightfall, has won novelist and critic Adam Mars-Jones the inaugural Hatchet Job of the Year award. Review of The Hours author's latest book wins inaugural hatchet job award
  • Adam Mars-Jones's review … was at once erudite, attentive, killingly fair-minded and viciously funny. Review of The Hours author's latest book wins inaugural hatchet job award
  • ‘Sounds from the Village’ is even better, showcasing Ranelin's oily trombone gymnastics and a viciously fuzzed guitar solo.
  • Browne has viciously slandered and libeled me, in the public media, repeatedly.
  • Diana always yanks on her hand viciously, all angry words and spit flying.
  • The grievances brought forward, amongst others that of the _salt-horse_, (a horse's hoof with the shoe on, so swore the cook, had been found in the pickle,) were treated as trifles and pooh-poohed by the functionary, "a minute gentleman with a viciously pugged nose, and a decidedly thin pair of legs. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 380, June, 1847
  • After almost ten seconds of continuous fire everyone stopped, their ears ringing viciously.
  • Parking charges are ramped viciously. The Sun
  • People — and I do actually mean “people” here, not viciously stupid animals like yourself — already know that that pathetically infantile piece of snivelling ideological tripe is demonstrably false. Think Progress » Deficit Peacock Evan Bayh Hits ‘Far Left-Wing Blogs’ For Criticizing Obama’s Spending Freeze As Too ‘Austere’
  • The stub nose drops viciously over the front wheels, while the front air vents have been enlarged to feed the more powerful engine. Times, Sunday Times
  • He viciously bayoneted the straw dummy.
  • When it hissed and spat at Arvan, Shanae could make out the rows of viciously sharp teeth and foul black tongue.
  • For the willfully, viciously stupid carrion feeders that comprise the backbone of Reichwing religionists, such a notion is as alien as Jesus caring for the poor. Think Progress » Palin blames ‘Gore-gate’ for ‘this snake oil science stuff.’
  • We see evil in parents who viciously abuse their children.
  • The boy had been viciously assaulted and sexually abused.
  • Electricity crawled along the silhouette of the ravening beast, and its viciously pointed beak glinted and was outlined in a shifting corona of spitting sparks.
  • The first thing we met with was a kind of marten, which looked viciously at us, and greeted us with a shrill cry. Aventures d'un jeune naturaliste. English
  • The coyote-dog barked viciously at Jack, and it was all he could do not to unleash his full fury on the cur.
  • That viciously clawing little paw shot out farther, and there was a limit to Spartanism in a little girl born so far from that heroic land. The Copy-Cat, & Other Stories
  • He wrote a viciously disparaging blog post about the company's rejection of a dictionary app.
  • His philosophy of pragmatic capitalism and backslapping politics were viciously attacked by members of the Northern black elite.
  • The differently colored animals bounded for the boy, the bear bellowed viciously, the wildcat snarled loudly, and the hawk screeched harshly.
  • Instead of listening to other political parties and to independent experts he consistently and viciously denigrated all opposition.
  • In the ghostly tale, she is viciously beaten by invisible hands, dragged screaming across the bedroom floor, and suspended in midair.
  • What I do think is that the US gov. is viciously exploiting this event as an excuse to carry out all sorts of sketchy activity, both in its internal and foreign policies.
  • Where he had once been funnily cynical, he became at times viciously cruel, not only to myself but to our daughters, who came to resent and fear him.
  • She reached down and viciously tweaked the sleeping man's nipple.
  • The Imam had requested the Yazidi forces water to quench the thirst of Ali Asghar, but Arab barbarism was very inhuman and base viciously anti -human instead of water the childs throat was pierced with a heavy duty arrow used for hunting wild life. The Cradle of Ali Asghar « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Carthoris, fearful lest Vas Kor might similarly elude him, or Astok return immediately with reinforcements, sprang viciously in upon his antagonist, and a moment later the headless body of the Dusarian noble rolled upon the ersite floor. Thuvia, Maid of Mars
  • Persons viciously inclined, want no wheels to make them actively vicious; as having the elater and spring of their own natures to facilitate their iniquities. Christian Morals
  • It's viciously bright if you ask it to be, and the backlighting is a very assuring white as opposed to a tinted red, orange, pink or blue hue on some other phones we've used. Boy Genius Report
  • It has been called, in an uncomplimentary way, ‘professors' law’ and viciously parodied within Germany.
  • Mr Wium was viciously attacked with a hayfork and pickaxe, while ANC Daily News Briefing
  • As the door slammed shut behind the girl, Brooke bared her teeth and snarled viciously after her, only a second before she fell into a hacking cough.
  • When the other young ones gathered around to tease, he joined with me in attacking them; and so viciously did we behave that before long I was let alone. CHAPTER V
  • We are fighting, with one-and-a-half hands tied behind our back, an enemy that's totally, absolutely, viciously, murderously ruthless.
  • The locals become viciously riled when the man and his estranged sister initiate a quasi-physical relationship.
  • Let somebody else take on Johnny and his bloody war, she thought viciously.
  • They will make use of that allegiance and fight viciously to hold on to the power they have so nefariously usurped.
  • In a scene of recriminations and reproaches, they both viciously lash into each other.
  • The ball bobbled viciously as it approached the near post, but Miller adroitly launched himself into its path.
  • To viciously pontificate about a celebrity's perceived character flaws and imagined motivations is pretty cheap.
  • He splattered the volley viciously with his left foot and, although McKenzie got a finger-stinging touch, he was still aloft as the ball birled in the netting.
  • Police were today hunting two men after a man was viciously assaulted and knocked unconscious outside a nightspot.
  • But it was really the Russian epigrapher Yuri Knorozov who recognized the value of Landa's "alphabet" and managed to decipher some phonetic symbols, for which he was viciously attacked by Thompson. Primary sources of Maya history - part three
  • He only sat himself again upon the disselboom of the wagon and went on cutting up the tobacco viciously, as though he were slicing the heart of a foe. Marie An Episode in The Life of the late Allan Quatermain
  • Debating a philodendron is kind of foolish if your as viciously ideological and incapable of thinking as the typical Repugnantcon. Think Progress » Republicans dismayed by Obama’s strong performance, say it was a ‘mistake’ to let cameras roll.
  • Why didn't I bombard him with cruel, viciously callous words?
  • An Ardglass woman has had a miraculous escape after she was viciously attacked by a crazed seal.
  • The defence claimed her aunt was viciously beaten by a burglar who ransacked the house.
  • The stub nose drops viciously over the front wheels, while the front air vents have been enlarged to feed the more powerful engine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Craig was viciously beaten by a violent customer in January, which landed him with a fractured skull, both cheekbones broken and a scar near one eye.
  • While a British queue might appear a polite and decorous affair, the study suggests that it is in fact viciously judgmental. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, ironically, what all sociopathocracies have in common though is this: They are all vehemently, viciously, virulently anti-sociopathocracy.

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