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How To Use Vicinity In A Sentence

  • In 1672, when Mars was in the vicinity of the three Psi stars of Aquarius, the time was ripe for obtaining the first reliable parallax of Mars.
  • There may be a chill in the air this winter, but if you're in the vicinity of the Royal Theatre in Castlebar chances are it will come from the Ice Ballet.
  • The problem becomes more complicated when any untoward incident takes place in the Srinagar city or its vicinity.
  • Every buyer, lessee and mortgagee of property in or in the vicinity of a coalmining area should search before exchanging contracts.
  • Only a handful had returned to work in the immediate vicinity.
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  • One becomes suspicious of every person in the vicinity while providing security to VVIPs.
  • Ash could accumulate on rooftops, causing them to collapse on people seeking shelter in the vicinity of the volcano.
  • So there's this Wahhabi sect, very hard liners, I say, and then you have the House of Saud, which is essentially a nomad tribe from the Riyadh vicinity or Najd. NPR Topics: News
  • In France the alcoholic cordial crème de cassis, made in the vicinity of Dijon in Burgundy from locally grown blackcurrants, won worldwide fame.
  • Ash could accumulate on rooftops, causing them to collapse on people seeking shelter in the vicinity of the volcano.
  • One hundred in the shade kept the vicinity somewhat depeopled. Heart of the West [Annotated]
  • When the yellow fever broke out in New York, and caused much alarm, nearly forty years ago, the first cases occurred in the vicinity of Trinity Church, and until destroyed by a black frost, it spread gradually in every direction from this common centre, insomuch that the "infected district" was clearly defined and marked out from day to day. Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
  • Some wreckage which couldn't be identified was spotted in the vicinity, after the co-ordinates they'd been given the evening before had been reached and gridded.
  • They dress garishly, drink flute after flute of bubbly, chain-smoke cigarettes and giant doobies, snort piles of cocaine (or pastry flour, if they've been duped) and throw themselves at every young muscled thing in their vicinity.
  • They also open when exposed to the endocannabinoid known as anandamide, a substance that is present in both the male and female reproductive tracts and that may be at particularly high levels in the vicinity of the egg. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Approximately 50 enemy aircraft were in the vicinity and the entire area was full of friendly flak.
  • Frank Frink: @sooey - Maybe not seal meat or seal skin (although I have been in the vicinity of seal meat ... doug newton: So was I sooey, they called me Mr. Mom. Progressive Bloggers
  • Even lifestyle choices like driving a small car, carpooling and living in the vicinity of where we work are largely anathema, which is why I'm not the least bit shocked by the Lexus LS 600h L. Pale Green -- Lexus's $100,000 Hybrid
  • The relative thermometrical conditions of land and water in the same vicinity are constantly varying, and the hygrometrical state of both is equally unstable. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 04 (historical)
  • A very fine chalk-clay, or "malm" as it was locally called, was formerly obtained from the alluvium in the vicinity of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Wayne, an elementary school principal, is soon to be married to Jessica, a rich sexpot who flirts with every man in the vicinity.
  • In this case, the quantal amplitude of postsynaptic response strongly depends on the number of accessible postsynaptic receptors in the vicinity of the release sites.
  • Some say that wherever Selfridges is based it will attract shoppers and that it will act as a magnet to other top stores wanting to be in the vicinity.
  • The society member said: ‘There is no dating of this site yet, but it is thought that there is a possibility that it is linked with a monastic grange which was in the vicinity which dates back to the 13 th Century.’
  • Furthermore there were minimal chances for urban or industrial employment in the vicinity.
  • Any suggestions on what to do for four hours in that vicinity will be appreciated.
  • Promote a clean and uncontaminated river environment that interacts with the urban spaces, developments and pedestrian amenities in their vicinity.
  • Einstein's theory predicts that such gyroscopes will undergo geodetic precession merely because space-time is curved in the planet's vicinity.
  • Little grebes may be expected in the vicinity of Breydon Water all year; up to 20 breeding pairs occupy reedy dykes at Berney and alongside the south wall.
  • Shining brightest in the scorching blue range of visible light, V391 Velorum boasts a surface temperature in the vicinity of 30 000 degrees Celsius.
  • Pedestrians, drivers and pets have been hurt and killed in the immediate vicinity of my home and I am happy that the changes will slow down all vehicles and increase the safety of every road user.
  • Internationally the term suburb conjures up images of a quiet, relatively unspoilt, less densely populated and predominantly residential community in the vicinity of a city. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • There is an extra period called injury time, usually in the vicinity of three minutes.
  • The team is urgently seeking storage space in the Tokyo Tower vicinity to keep bottled water, blankets, tents, canned and instant food and other supplies.
  • I recall another footpath near Worcester, Massachusetts; it leads up from the low meadows into the wildest region of all that vicinity, Tatesset Hill. Oldport Days
  • But there is no peatland in the vicinity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eureka to look for "extremophile" alien-like life, possibly intelligent, in the vicinity of San Francisco. The Register
  • There was a pod of 10 minke whales in the vicinity, indulging in a game of hide-and-seek.
  • He would not have remained in the city even if the story that his own men were spreading were true, that a half-dozen assassins possibly capable of shelling the Soviet Embassy were in the vicinity.
  • Several anglers reported large accumulations of fish showing around the city centre with fish rolling in the vicinity of Butcher Terrace and along Marygate.
  • Except in the immediate vicinity of the collieries, they suffer more from cold than when the woods and turbaries were open. Sir Thomas More, or, Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society
  • The hill in the vicinity of the graveyard has been the subject of much complaint.
  • The hotel was well out of the centre in a slightly grotty area, and so there wasn't much to see in the immediate vicinity, but in any case I wanted to work on the act for the night.
  • In the vicinity of the large ruin just above Limestone creek, previously described, the bowlder-marked sites are especially abundant. Aboriginal Remains in Verde Valley, Arizona Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1891-92, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1896, pages 179-262
  • For a while, it was so quiet that everyone in the near vicinity could hear the faint wind in the distance.
  • These hard core rifts spawn waves of enemies that eventually culminate into a titanic boss, and anyone in the vicinity can jump into the fight.
  • One possibility that must be considered is that the heat from the waste package could induce convection of the fluids within the host rock and enhance flow rates in the vicinity of the disposal.
  • But then the full moon rose in cloudless serenity, and at length we heard, faintly, then more distinctly, and then in all its deep and sonorous harmony, the tolling of the cathedral bell, which announced our vicinity to a great city. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • The "Onondaga Giant" is the work of the sculptor, and out of a single large block of the gypseous limestone (an upper member of the "Onondaga Salt Group") which forms large beds in the immediate vicinity. The American Goliah
  • He met, in the narrow streets in the vicinity of the Boulevard des Invalides, a man dressed like a workingman and wearing a cap with a long visor, which allowed a glimpse of locks of very white hair.
  • There are five schools and one college in the vicinity and there is no much time gap between the opening and closing timings of all.
  • Interestingly, there are mitochondrial-rich infolded membrane regions of the tracheolar end cells and tracheolar cells that surround tracheoles in the vicinity of their branch points.
  • This sudden descent into darkness would be followed by cursing from the vicinity of the open carrels where readers had lost track of time.
  • Such judgmental questions sound like that arch-conservative self-righteous man who every young woman in the vicinity knows is a groping ogler.
  • According to Sharp: Insects have a behavior phototaxis in which they tend to congregate in the vicinity of light having a wavelength in the ultraviolet range of around 350 nm. Sharp’s Earthquake Detecting Solar Streetlights | Inhabitat
  • The location does have its drawbacks - there is a lot of prostitution in the vicinity of his building, and his sleep has been interrupted by loud arguments between pimps and prostitutes.
  • Ringed Plovers can also exploit industrial sites and, for example, breed in the vicinity of the power station at Southwick.
  • These fish were probably in the vicinity ‘picking off’ the salmon as they were about to ascend the River Wear to spawn.
  • Everyone will be welcome but a special welcome to all those who are new to the town and vicinity.
  • The giant pole has been erected just inside the boundary wall of the ESB depot but it completely overshadows the adjacent town library and it towers over a seated picnic area in the immediate vicinity.
  • In a preferred embodiment, the deactivation of the free electron pair of the nitrogen atom occurs by mesomerism and/or one or more electron-attracting and/or space-filling groups in the vicinity to the nitrogen atom.
  • Darling du jour: the limbs sprung and swayed as if gravity luffed for a moment in the vicinity, and when they sagged again a patter of unripe olives struck the earthen deck. I was born in the boredom and the chowdah.
  • Moreover, since all human arrangements are vulnerable to changes in circumstances, the possibility that a planned robbery might be cancelled if there are police in the vicinity at the time does not negate the existence of a conspiracy.
  • They pause and corkscrew in our vicinity for years before moving along.
  • [Footnote: Wight: a person.] of the name of Ichabod Crane; who sojourned, or as he expressed it, "tarried," in Sleepy Hollow, for the purpose of instructing the children of the vicinity. Short Stories and Selections for Use in the Secondary Schools
  • When possible, the field crew angled in the vicinity of the fish they were tracking, and on several occasions captured striped bass in this manner.
  • Rhapta was described as a bustling metropolitan area located somewhere just inland from the central coast of mainland Azania, perhaps in the vicinity of modern-day Bagamoyo and Dar es Salaam. 10 It also indicated that Rhapta was the most southerly stopping point along the East African commercial route, and that merchants interested in making a round trip to Rhapta from one of Roman Egypt's Red Sea ports had to be ready to depart in July because that was when the climate cycle necessary to make the voyage began. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • Discreetly, in the vicinity of the snake's tail, the mouse capered. On Deadline
  • The spilitic basalt associated with chert found in the vicinity of Rio Tuba belongs to the sediments of this period.
  • For example: an amoeba might gaily multiply itself into proliferous plurality, gobbling up all the sugary water in the vicinity -- until there is no more sugar and too many amoebae, who then all abruptly die. Rabbi Arthur Waskow: Fracking & Fukushima: More Obscene Than The Word They Sound Like
  • With the Piezo injectors, working at a pressure of up to 200 bar, the fuel is injected in the direct vicinity of the spark plug and is far more accurately controlled.
  • There they found the "pightle" which suited them in the vicinity of that town, on the road leading to Happisburgh (Hazebro). Lavengro The Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest
  • Public latrines were in the same vicinity as the hospital.
  • The main economic staples grown in the vicinity of New Orleans were tobacco and indigo for export and rice and vegetables for local consumption. Naval stores were also exported.
  • He also disputed the number of car parking spaces, which reputedly would be available in the immediate vicinity of the licensed premises.
  • There are many older residents in the vicinity, many of whom are disabled.
  • Our first target was in the vicinity of the Pinto mine and the Buckhorn mine, where a cluster of adits was indicated.
  • Strolling into its vicinity means ending up stuck on a packed pavement behind wonder-struck, slow-moving tourists. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This stress was to lead to the break-up of the land mass, first appearing in the vicinity of the South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.
  • This may be symptomatic of some inflammatory condition in the vicinity, such as a pyogenic affection of the lower jaw -- for example, that associated with a carious root or an unerupted wisdom tooth, or with parotitis or tonsillitis. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Among other creatures, the lake vicinity is home to an endangered species, the Wallum froglet, and a breeding ground for the endangered Loggerhead turtle.
  • the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville
  • We crouched low behind boulders, striving for inconspicuousness while Wehausen unpacked his telemetry equipment to see if any radio-collared sheep were in the vicinity.
  • Unable to hold Kalgan militarily, the Communists returned to diplomacy, and on September 30, Chou wrote Marshall that if “the Kuomintang Government does not instantly cease its military operations against Kalgan and the vicinity areas, the Chinese Communist Party feels itself forced to presume that the Government… has ultimately abandoned its pronounced policy of peaceful settlement.” The Last Empress
  • Last year I underestimated the growth of my hostas and planted dahlias somewhere in their vicinity.
  • The patient finding himself abulic, and perhaps too critical minded to accept the mundane supports in his vicinity, seeks a solace in that which to him seems powerful because incomprehensible, that is to say in something supernatural. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Just being in the vibrating vicinity of those two tycoons was invigoratingly buzzy. An Angel Among Us: James Wolcott
  • The assumption of horizontal flow in the vicinity of the drains fails.
  • However, I will happily spruik the event to those on my flist in the vicinity? Event Interest Gauge.
  • The headlight also has a convergent lens which is focused in the vicinity of the second focal region so as to project this light patch on the road.
  • In Pre-European times the area was occupied by various Indian tribes of the Athapascan language group, including Slaveys and Mountain people in the vicinity of Bear River.
  • She tossed the bundle of slightly damp clothing into the general vicinity of the tent and sat down on the grass beside him.
  • It's not extensive enough and talking to people in the immediate vicinity is not sufficient.
  • The drilling of nine cored boreholes, including a deep hole to a gabbroic basement, in the vicinity of the Rhyme chert locality has resulted in a major revision of the structure and stratigraphy of the area.
  • For instance, stretches of river where the popular approach is to stalk fish with big naturals such as slugs and lobworms, often finds chub spooking should such morsels be dropped into the vicinity of the fish.
  • We have never had an objection to a planning application from local residents in this vicinity.
  • Toward evening, the sidewalks, especially those in the vicinity of high buildings, were packed with bamboo reclining chairs, stools and a miscellany of makeshift sitting devices such as biscuit tins and blocks of wood.
  • I croaked, woken from my recurrent dream of loading reams of information onto the computer, by a banshee wail that went on and on, somewhere in the very near vicinity.
  • In the immediate vicinity were also nuts, high-bush cranberries, bearberries, hard small apples, starchy potatolike roots, and edible ferns. The Clan of the Cave Bear
  • Cabello, in the vicinity of the sea; and which often degenerate into adynamic fevers. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
  • If I were Rustum Ghazalah, I would remove all sharp metal objects and weapons from my vicinity, lest I get the temptation to "injure" myself really badly. Monday, October 31, 2005
  • Anyone who has lived in the vicinity of a disturber-of-the-peace knows that they are capable of making life unpleasant, or worse, without necessarily crossing the line into criminality. ASBO Nation
  • I was annoyed to find out that, although there were a number of service stations in the vicinity of the airport, all were closed.
  • Forty minutes later there was a weak beeper from the vicinity of the crash site but it was believed to be a result of fire at the crash site and was not pilot activated. Carlock, Ralph L.
  • The second engine burn occurs upon arrival in the vicinity of Mars.
  • The rescuers asked five emergency medical centers in Higashiosaka and its vicinity by phone to accept him, but all rejected the request by saying they were busy, all their beds were occupied, or ignored the call. The American Spectator
  • I was in the vicinity of the lighthouse so I pulled onto the shoulder of the road to ponder my situation.
  • Even a charge of conventional explosive in the vicinity of a small atom bomb would suffice.
  • There used to be a duty-free shop in this vicinity, if I am not mistaken.
  • Being Arians, they built two churches of their faith in the vicinity of Calpe; one at San Rocco, the other, a chapel, on the rock itself.
  • The nummulite rock, in the vicinity of those monuments, frequently presents a conglomerate of testacea imbedded in it, which, in some positions, resemble small seeds; and Strabo imagines they were the petrified residue of the lentils brought there by the workmen, from their having been the ordinary food of the laboring classes, and of all the lower orders of Egyptians. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • While taking someone down with a bullet seems cold, it's actually more humane that dropping a bomb on the individual that will smithereen all the other individuals in the vicinity. Original
  • Frogs found in the vicinity of the refuge's oil fields had missing or misshapen hind legs and feet, and missing eyes.
  • For example, in 2002 I collected soil samples from a cave in South China for pollen and phytolith analysis, then I invited a biologist to study the current vegetation in the vicinity of this cave, and I compared the results. Of Cereal and Civilization
  • Even in locations where members of the royal family were due to stay in the home of a local gentleman, knight or nobleman, further lodgings were needed in the vicinity for the large number of other personnel in the train.
  • Another bus coming from the opposite direction was damaged in the blast, as were two motorcycles and autorickshaws parked in the vicinity.
  • Mr. Stuart now turned his attention to crossing the interior, and, with the assistance of his friends Messrs. Chambers and Finke, he was enabled to make two preparatory expeditions in the vicinity of Lake Torrens — from April 2nd to July 3rd, 1859, and from The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • And it features clown cars full of Gucci clad consultants throwing bright shiny confounding pies in the face of the opposition, the voters, and anybody flashing his minicam in the general vicinity.
  • And that goes for that culchie whom I sense is in your immediate vicinity. The Rowan
  • It was a very tedious time and as rations were none too plentiful, foraging parties used to go down to the beaches with the hope of collecting any odd dainties, such as tinned chicken or tinned fruit that might be found in the vicinity of the canteens that were being rapidly dismantled. The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918
  • As long as the Grove remained a danger zone, and the bodies there were unrecovered, she wasn't going to leave the vicinity. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Brandark's finery had astounded everyone, and some of those who'd prudently withdrawn from his vicinity had been lured back when he uncased his balalaika and began strumming.
  • No calico cat should ever, EVER be permitted in the vicinity of the Business Unit.
  • Nine civilians who were in the vicinity of such operations were also killed.
  • Perseverance '-- for that was her name -- was spoken somewhere in the vicinity of the ends of the earth, cruising along as leisurely as ever, her sails all bepatched and be quilted with rope-yarns, her spars fished with old pipe staves, and her rigging knotted and spliced in every possible direction. Typee
  • It was situated about the middle of the village, whose vicinity was not in those days judged any inconvenience, upon a spot of ground more level than was presented by the rest of the acclivity, where, as we said before, the houses were notched as it were into the side of the steep bank, with little more level ground about them than the spot occupied by their site. Saint Ronan's Well
  • In fact, not only was Kim not at the door for me, she wasn't even in my relative vicinity.
  • Direct contacts with certain other metals should be avoided in the presence of an electrolyte; otherwise galvanic corrosion of the aluminum may take place in the vicinity of the contact area.
  • When such bubbles burst in the vicinity of a solid surface, the symmetry is broken because the surface interferes with the inrush of fluid to the collapsed bubble.
  • If this open space were ever lost, the only undeveloped land left in the vicinity would be the private and enclosed playing fields belonging to the school.
  • The chief has puffed eyes and dark under-eye circles, thanks to ceaseless barking by stray canines in the vicinity of the Thackeray residence.
  • The blame for some of this must be apportioned to the frequency of the bus service but no doubt had this road been in the vicinity of the racecourse it would have been repaired or even resurfaced by now.
  • This meadow, in the vicinity of the site of the Roman settlement, served as pasturage for horses, cows and other animals of the townspeople.
  • Windsor, N.Y., died April 27 from injuries received from a mine explosion while conducting combat operations in vicinity of Hit, Iraq. Gulf War II
  • I croaked, woken from my recurrent dream of loading reams of information onto the computer, by a banshee wail that went on and on, somewhere in the very near vicinity.
  • Interestingly, the tips of filopodia, thin processes that presumably become stabilized and transform into spines, are found in close vicinity to preexisting axonal boutons that already synapsed on other granule cells more frequently than random chance would predict [ PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • An isolated black hole is, of course, undetectable, except by its gravitational pull - the way it distorts space in its vicinity.
  • You live here because the rent is affordable, because murderous drivers operate a cheap "microbus" service to town around the clock, because many of your friends live in the vicinity. Al-Ahram Weekly Online
  • The hospital can acquire land owned by residents in the vicinity if it really needs parking space.
  • Later they might round up and question all serfs in the vicinity, and leam that Bane had been seen leaving, but by then it would be far too late. Here There Are Monsters
  • A further R400-million was spent upgrading adjacent aprons and the roads infrastructure in the vicinity of the airport.
  • From the near vicinity, there is a small beaker in Romano-British style from a grave at Little Wittenham, embellished with scenes depicting episodes in the life of Christ.
  • The high-temperature polytype dickite is also present in the immediate vicinity of the thrust planes.
  • I may be somewhat easy, but I am not without a modicum of self respect. watch me as I choose to sleep with an uneducated redneck over you, simply on the grounds that he's too much of a gentleman to say such things in my general vicinity. that in itself makes the 30-minute drive a non-issue. your pool table and your parents 'money do nothing for me the way his shitty crack shack does. silly little fuckwit. speaking of fuckwits, isn't it funny how WRITING the word fuckwit is so much more funny than SAYING it? go on! say it! isn't it weird and retarded? ps: the funk is gone. Dragonwench Diary Entry
  • There is not a potboy in the vicinity who is not, to a greater or less extent, a dramatic character. Sketches by Boz
  • If a piffero strolled through the street, the monotonous drone of his bagpipe was reproduced in most comical imitation; and anon there was a gush of bird-songs, as if a whole aviary were in the vicinity. A romance of the republic
  • The insertion of an inner rod into the waveguide can rarefy the spectrum of the competing modes in the vicinity of the operating mode and restrict the mode competing effectively.
  • THE BLACK-AND-WHITE PHOTOGRAPH jolted the room like a powerfully concussive blast that leaves those in the vicinity damaged but unbloodied. Hi-Ya!
  • Leland added: Since none the less the gentry of the vicinity were anything but affluent, the profits may have been largely illusory.
  • It most likely represents the upper tier of a two-tiered hierarchy, as a large number of smaller sites have been recorded in the vicinity.
  • ‘We have also identified that most of these crimes occur at, or in the vicinity of, shebeens,’ she said.
  • BLITZER: And, Sara, are they still lotting you and the other journalists stay in the vicinity of this Taj Mahal Intercontinental Hotel? CNN Transcript Nov 28, 2008
  • There used to be a mill in the vicinity.
  • With the above example in mind, let us take a cursory view of Egg Mountain and vicinity.
  • Rolling my eyes at their puerility, I poked carefully at my meal and observed the fellow passengers in our immediate vicinity.
  • There are few traces of the mining in the immediate vicinity, but a hike up the mountain reveals many abandoned buildings and ironworks.
  • I engaged in mundane chit-chat and constantly asked dumb questions to just about anyone who happened to be loitering in the vicinity.
  • Afterwards, Ned even gives them a note addressed to the other rapparees in the vicinity to guarantee their safe passage.
  • All meteorites are of the same age, somewhere in the vicinity of 4.5 billion years old.
  • In this vicinity is a statue of himself seated rather woodenly on a horse. Joaquin Miller
  • In the vicinity of many fossilized animals, there is an absence of these algae, indicative of a heterogeneous environment.
  • The controlled blasting of limestone stalagmite in the vicinity of structures and pit border is introduced.
  • The activation, migration, and redistribution of heavy metal and metalloid elements in reconstructive areas must disturb the balance of geochemistry of mine areas and their vicinity.
  • It would appear that field crops were threshed and sieved in other locations, perhaps in the vicinity of nearby farmhouses, in the fields, or on threshing floors around the perimeter of the site.
  • _As the word Gethsemane means the "oil press" the "Garden" was in all probability an olive yard, whose actual site, though it cannot be determined with certainty, must have been in the immediate vicinity at least of the spot which age-long tradition indicates as the scene of the Agony. The Life of Jesus Christ for the Young
  • Much of the wealth he accumulated was invested in real estate in numerous rural areas in the vicinity of Lynn.
  • When glass or amber is heated by the fire in a dry season, I suspect that it becomes in some degree electric; as either of the electric ethers which is combined with them may have its combination with those materials loosened by the application of heat; and that on this account they may more forcibly attract the opposite one from the air in their vicinity. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • It was not long, however, before I was interrupted by shouts and screams from that vicinity and on returning thither I found that Chu Chu, with the assistance of her _riata_, had securely wound up two of my neighbors to the tree, where they presented the appearance of early Short Stories of Various Types
  • Update: Chef Sanjay is no longer with Tantra, and the management seems to have changed too; the food is not as great as it used to be, but is still decent to label Tantra as a nice restaurant to try in the vicinity! Archive 2008-03-01
  • Camped in the vicinity were many old Kaffrarian friends Barbers, McIntoshes, Cummings, and others. Reminiscences of a South African Pioneer
  • With a swifter pace than his half-pay leisure usually encouraged, or than his habitual dignity permitted, Captain MacTurk cleared the ground betwixt the Spring and its gay vicinity, and the ruins of the Aultoun, where reigned our friend Meg Dods, the sole assertor of its ancient dignities. Saint Ronan's Well
  • By degrees the dwellings became filled with a loose and lawless population; contrabandistas, who availed themselves of its independent jurisdiction to carry on a wide and daring course of smuggling, and thieves and rogues of all sorts, who made this their place of refuge whence they might depredate upon Granada and its vicinity. The Alhambra
  • Finally if you do not die, your loving wife -- who has not slept during the whole three weeks of your illness (a fact of which she will constantly remind you) -- will fall ill in her turn, waste away, suffer much, and become even more incapable of any useful pursuit than she was before; while by the time that you have regained your normal state of health she will express to you her self-sacrificing affection only by shedding around you a kind of benignant dullness which involuntarily communicates itself both to yourself and to every one else in your vicinity. Youth
  • Large numbers camped in wiltja constructions in the vicinity of the Mission.
  • Almost all the land in the vicinity is excellent and well calculated for cultivation, and several spots which we have visited, would be admirably adapted to the captain's views, but that there is not a sufficient extent unincumbered, or which could be fitted for the purposes of tillage in a space of time short enough to be serviceable; others are at some seasons inundated, which is an insurmountable objection. Townsend Chapter 10
  • An earthshaking boom resonated throughout the vicinity as the pair of horrors became two winding black snakes.
  • Several thugs wanted to attack a military post and vandalise public property in the vicinity of Azadi Square," the radio said referring to the site of the rally held on Monday. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Tuesday June 16)
  • All the players are in place: silent, petulant Bush demanding not to be questioned because he's the Decider; Dick Cheney is the Enforcer, twisting senators 'arms and breathing his brimstone in their faces (any time you see "jawbone" used as a verb, you know Cheney must be in the vicinity); an appointee of the executive testifying to the need for a radical consolidation of power in one agency, a la Ashcroft 2001. Pete Cenedella: Disaster Movie 2: If You Liked the Patriot Act, You'll Love BAILOUT!
  • No enemy aircraft was seen in the vicinity. Plane Speaking - a personal view of aviation history
  • Another was in the vicinity, egging him on with shouts.
  • There are several hotels in the immediate vicinity of the station.
  • One year later, the Church of All Nations, a Methodist missionary organization in the district, counted forty-two nationalities in its vicinity. A Renegade History of the United States
  • In some instances, they would place antipersonnel mines in the vicinity of the IEDs in the hopes of killing soldiers sweeping the area around an IED.
  • American history -- that is to say, some thirty years since -- a worthy wight of the name of Ichabod Crane, who sojourned, or, as he expressed it, "tarried," in Sleepy Hollow for the purpose of instructing the children of the vicinity. The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • Possession of Warsaw and nearby Modlin gave Napoleon a strong strategic position, for the rivers Narew, Bug and Ukra flowed into the Vistula in this vicinity, providing several possible lines of operations for the next spring. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • Before his recapture, he stayed at inns or slept at video game rooms, all located in the vicinity of the two marketplaces.
  • She'd found plenty of driftwood and deadfalls in the vicinity of the gazebo, enough to construct a crude lean-to on the creek bank.
  • Although the merlin was usually out of sight, the sanderlings never forgot that a predator was in the vicinity.
  • Further, he maintains that the Carson City vicinity is “one of the most beautiful areas” in the West. New Weekly Column: Coin Rarities & Related Topics : Coin Collecting News
  • Dumps and outcrops in the vicinity have produced hand specimens of antigorite, chrysotile, and impressive crystals of grass-green talc with snow-white dolomite.
  • The hotel was well out of the centre in a slightly grotty area, and so there wasn't much to see in the immediate vicinity, but in any case I wanted to work on the act for the night.
  • The aftershock is equally deadly for those who live in the vicinity.
  • Then came a waste of bog and boulders, and then a long, neat stone wall, well coped with unhewn stone, which announced the vicinity of Father M'Fadden's house, quite the best structure in the place after the chapel and the hotel. Ireland Under Coercion (2nd ed.) (1 of 2) (1888)
  • There was no one on the street in that vicinity and they met only three cars on the way back to the motel.
  • Control air traffic on and within vicinity of airport and movement of air traffic between altitude sectors and control centers according to established procedures and policies. Top Paying Jobs | Impact Lab
  • The disappearance of tungsten minerals from alluvial materials which are undergoing laterization, which has been described in Burma, [32] seems to indicate that the tungsten is dissolved in surface waters to some extent; but in the main it is probably carried completely out of the vicinity and not reprecipitated below. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • His senses enable him to detect objects and energies light years away, and to perceive matter and energy in subatomic detail; he can even see through time, and with concentration can achieve limited perception of past and future events in his general vicinity. Marvel Thursday Thirteen -
  • In addition, Cannon includes, throughout the book, an extensive collection of black-and-white photographs and assorted plat maps of the town and vicinity.
  • Later that day, my friend espied no less than 6 coyotes -- he thought they were all from the same pack -- in the vicinity of the dead calf. The Coyote--to Shoot or Not to Shoot. That is the Question.
  • The zoospores are disseminated by rain splash to grape tissues where they swim to the vicinity of stomata and encyst.

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