How To Use viceregal In A Sentence
- One of the most important industries in viceregal Mexico was the production of tin-glazed earthenware, known as Talavera, which was made primarily in Puebla.
- In this case, the viceregal authority will regard the Senate's vote as a bit of political posturing which it has both constitutional and practical reasons to pay absolutely no attention to.
- While this meal is an extreme example of culinary excess, its description is a good preparation for accounts of the food traditions that developed during the Viceregal period and on into the nineteenth century in Mexico. The Mexican kitchen: a taste for all seasons
- Some of the silver and textiles produced in viceregal Peru found their way to Spain thanks to the great royal collector Philip II.
- Fray Diego took his passage in the galleon _San Diego_, and having arrived safely in the Viceregal Court of Mexico, he pressed his views on the Viceroy, who declared that he had no orders. The Philippine Islands
- The Viceregal Palace was a drafty mass of ruins except for the wing that Foundation workmen had restored.
- Refugees from the missions labored as gatherers of yerba, loggers, herders of cattle, supplied firewood for the viceregal capital, and crewed the many boats of the riverborne commerce of this region.
- But the later ones, from the viceregal period onwards, are in the vernacular and display a marked deterioration; one must suppose that they were printed for such of the common people as could still read (up to a few years ago, sixty-five per cent of the populace were analphabetic). Old Calabria
- At his death, Franz Mayer left his collection of viceregal Mexican art to his adopted nation to afford the people of Mexico tangible evidence of their rich colonial heritage.
- The silver made in Mexico during the viceregal period is legendary, yet most of the surviving examples are ecclesiastical rather than domestic.