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How To Use Vibrational In A Sentence

  • Other studies reveal the properties of glasses made by one particular sugar, trehalose, in reducing the anharmonicity of slow vibrational modes of embedded proteins.
  • Aromatherapy incorporates yin and yang, reflexology, shiatsu, pressure points, vibrational healing, colour therapy, crystals and meditation.
  • Triphenylmethane (TPM) dyes normally render rather weak fluorescence due to easy vibrational deexcitation.
  • A number of INS studies have been performed on proteins such as myoglobin, lysozyme, and [beta] lactoglobulin in which the low-frequency vibrational density of states has been measured.
  • Femtosecond x-rays could shed new light on these coherent phonons by providing direct information about atomic displacements and enabling us to map out the energy transfer between vibrational modes and vibrational damping.
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  • Molecules absorb radiation at characteristic wavelengths that excite one or more of their rotational, vibrational or electronic degrees of freedom.
  • A linear molecule has only two rotations, and so it has 3N - 5 vibrational modes.
  • However, this estimate does not include the dissipation of energy in the excited state due to solvation and vibrational cooling before dumping.
  • Since we have removed an anti-bonding electron the vibrational frequency of the ion is greater than that of the molecule.
  • This phenomenon, known as Fermi resonance, occurs because the two vibrationally excited states mix.
  • The reverse process, you have something that's vibrationally excited colliding with a molecule.
  • We now have eight sets of mirrors that cover the vibrational infrared from 2 to 11m.
  • Yes | No | Report from curt88 wrote 6 weeks 3 days ago im gonna have to say that all three are important to me. i use dinger style baits as one of my main bass techniques and since hits come most often on a slack line fall, line watching is critical, however i also invest heavily in high end rods and line to enhance sensitivity as much as possible and i can say that as both an avid basser and a materials engineer the lighter, stiffer rods should and do produce a higher sensitivity, however the line plays an important factor into the sensitivity equation as it connects the fish to the rod and in terms of sensitivity line stiffness is key to reducing vibrational damping and allowing the largest possible vibration to reach the rod tip and thus allowing whatevers going on on the other end of the line to be felt. How do You Detect a Bite?
  • However, Marcus's expression is only applicable at temperatures sufficiently high that equipartition holds for all vibrational modes coupled to the ET reaction.
  • If the heating is carried out at a slow rate, low-frequency vibrational modes are responsible for destabilizing the microporous crystalline structure.
  • Ground-state vibration frequencies are obtained as shifts from the exciting frequency or from the vibrational origin of the electronic band.
  • Such photons will excite the higher vibrational levels of the OH molecule.
  • Thus, in order to calculate the vibrational frequencies and the rotational constants of a molecule all that is is needed is the input.
  • This means certain groups of atoms have similar energies, so have similar vibrational spectra.
  • Their research shows that the surfactant layer must be analyzed in terms of its vibrational couplings, rather than by ordinary heat conduction.
  • Microtubules have vibrational resonances in the kilohertz (10 to the third power Hz) for tubulin C-termini, megahertz (10 to the 6th power Hz) for tubulin, and gigahertz (10 to the ninth power Hz) for ordered water in hollow microtubule cores. Deepak Chopra: Can Science Explain the Soul?
  • In the end, we obtain the optimized project after rationality analysis to vibrational detritus stake.
  • More or less earth determines entry time founded upon vibrational threshold that is global in nature.
  • Shull was rewarded with the Physics Prize in 1994, together with Bertram N. Brockhouse, who specialized in another aspect of neutron scattering on condensed material: the small energy losses resulting when neutrons excite vibrational modes (phonons) in a crystalline lattice. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • Depending on the vibrational motion, it could be either an upshift or a downshift.
  • Coriolis flowmeters using fibers and anisotropic material to control selected vibrational flowmeter characteristics
  • Conservation of energy requires a corresponding change in the vibrational energy of the molecule.
  • The audio reverberator system includes a piezoelectric transducer having an intrinsic capacitance coupled to an additional circuit element to form a low-pass type filter circuit for attenuating higher frequency inputs to the transducer to provide a desired flat frequency response for an audio vibrational output to vibrate a reverberation plate for production of a desired audio output.
  • Fig. 5.24 shows how such measurements can be used in the assignment of bands to particular vibrational modes. 5.8.3.
  • After light excitation, the protein transfers the excess energy via vibrational relaxation to the surrounding water bath.
  • It was shown that the molecule structure and vibrational modes of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide can be analyzed by the combination of simulation and experimental results.
  • Vibrational modes of the qing resemble those of a bell.
  • Their molecules are diatomic, and as such they aren't capable of achieving the quantized vibrational, rotational or rovibrational states responsible for absorption and emission of thermal radiation. Hansen: Obama has only four years to save the world - NASA Watch
  • Electrons at the probe tip are excited and interact with the vibrational atoms of the sample to produce a spectrum identifying the chemical composition of the material.
  • Moreover, the vibrational frequencies of the core barrel in still water are much lower than its corresponding order frequencies in air.
  • It is also fairly common knowledge to UV/Vis spectroscopists that the shifted spectrum they observe with fluorescence is due to radiationless decay of the vibrational levels of the excited state. Unthreaded #20 « Climate Audit
  • Motivated by an evolutionary Force ... this integral activism (i.e. Enlightenment Virus - ed.) effectively reunites the once-polarized paths of peace and power; invoking an invincible evolutionary dynamic that acts directly, vibrationally upon the body, cellular and terrestrial; not simply overpowering from without but setting up a resonance that" agitates "the" particles "of consciousness in the surrounding material field. Triggering the Enlightenment Virus
  • One can have as much of any vibrational thread required to weave a creation.
  • I should also point out, as Shebardigan mentioned in an earlier post, microwave ovens and diathermy essentially heat by coupling energy from an RF field to the vibrational and rotational modes of molecules, especially complex organic molecules. Freshwater: A Bonsell in the offing? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The process of vibrational relaxation involves the dissipation of excess vibrational energy into the surroundings.
  • The magneton is feathered to give the ice more time to thermalize its vibrational energy. Quantum Hyperion
  • Wide amplitude rovibrational bound state calculations in tri- and tetratomic molecules have advanced enormously in recent years.
  • The vibrational threshold of Earth shall be high enough to support such human births.
  • Vibrational communication among group members might also be expected in taxa such as many lepidopterans, some aphids, Neuroptera, tingid bugs, and ant-attended cicadellids and fulgoroids.
  • Measuring the frequency of vibrational modes using infrared spectroscopy reveals the molecular fingerprint of the compounds in a sample.
  • Aim To validate spectrum analysis of oxalyl fluoride neutral molecule(FCO)2 and study vibrational mode of the two configuration.
  • However, with slightly higher vibrational excitation, a 23-quanta boost, the bromine anharmonicity led to sharing of the kinetic energy between the Ne atoms and a much more complicated dissociation mechanism. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Each state represents a different combination of rotational, vibrational, or orbital energy for the molecule.
  • In our previous study on vibrational relaxation in HRP the relaxation time varied in the range of 1-10 ps for different vibrational modes of pyrrole tautomers of the chromophore.

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