How To Use Vial In A Sentence
Save for a worktable placed almost exactly in the center of the floor, I see only a few benches, some unlit rush lamps, a large set of scales, and a wooden crate, which I discover upon examination contains small crystal vials waiting to be filled.
Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
You may think this trivial; the point is that if I'd mounted Miss Fanny that day I daresay I'd have lost interest in her -- at all events I'd have been less concerned to please her later, and would have avoided a great deal of sorrow, and being chased and bullyragged halfway round the world.
Flash For Freedom
Proximally, the bursa is bordered by a synovial lining that separates the bursa from the proximal fat pad.
Not so with this trivial, lawless country club set of the 1920's, drunk part of the time and reckless all of it, codeless, dutiless, restless.
Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
I followed the daily activities of a trivial little person.
Somewhere East of Life
The correct designation of the early naturalists who tried to reconcile their observations with Genesis is "diluvialist.
Vulcanists & Neptunists
This is unsatisfying in many respects, for, as should be clear at this point, we often need to nontrivially reason about theories which
Impossible Worlds
He has learnt a smattering of Arabic and loves the convivial atmosphere.
Times, Sunday Times
Any book that is written for the public, as this one is, needs to bring across that maturity and complexity of thinking in such a way that it is digestible by nonspecialists, without trivializing the subject.
In old persons intracapsular fracture may be caused by such a trivial thing as turning in bed, and even a sudden twist of the ankle has been sufficient to produce this injury.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
By the study of the feature of alluvial gold conjuncture, its haul distance was determined, the types of its Primary deposits assessed and the target area for ProsPecting Primary deposit defined.
Eating has always been preeminently a human, communal and convivial pleasure.
Times, Sunday Times
How often I have I known him affect an open brow and a jovial manner, joining in the games of the gentry, and even in the sports of the common people, in order to invest himself with a temporary degree of popularity; while, in fact, his heart was bursting to witness what he called the degeneracy of the times, the decay of activity among the aged, and the want of zeal in the rising generation.
He would call about something trivial in the middle of the night.
The Sun
The first cycle initiated in the early Paleocene and represents a transition from Cretaceous marine turbidites and shales to subaerial fluvial sandstones and conglomerates.
That obvious familiarity of product and my jovial manner helped me pass through the whole security network unchecked.
Corporate Cloak and Dagger
Instead he plays Arthur as a terrifying yet avuncular figure, apt to switch from jovial bonhomie to murderous rage with lightning speed.
Let us not trivialise this by saying that it is because of parapsychology or telepathy.
a rapid sort of first "intellection," an error that made all departments of education so trivial, assumptive and dogmatic for centuries before Comenius, Basedow and Pestalozzi, has been banished everywhere save from moral and religious training, where it still persists in full force.
Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
Our ability to stress over trivial cultural issues while ignoring the extermination of the environment will make medieval peasants believing in miracles seem as reasonable as Einstein.
A trivial reason explaining how both step sizes can be the same, is that the labeled calmodulin is bound to the catalytic domain.
`Let's go and have a drink,' she said convivially
I should say that these errors have all been without exception quite trivial in themselves.
Shipping Girl Genius (and Other Trivial Matters) "Although strong drink is a mocker, I find that I need to be mocked.
Archive 2009-01-01
In Shakespeare's "Henry IV," the rotund, free-living Falstaff character was known as Plump Jack, famous for his speech defending jovial indulgences--"banish plump Jack and banish all the world.
To Ski Or Not To Ski
What on earth can such a trivial thing matter?
Times, Sunday Times
But they are too trivial even to be called antipopes.
The remains of the vial itself still contained the bulk of the fluid; at most, a teaspoonful.
We fell out over a trivial question
You medicalise trivial ailments and, worse, bore others with them.
Times, Sunday Times
The equipment includes sterile filtration, aseptic spray drying, secondary drying and vial filling, as well as terminal sterilization systems, lyophilisation, WFI and clean steam production utilities.
Lou prattled on about various trivialities till I wanted to scream.
His problems seemed trivial by comparison.
Reintroduction of gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) in Nepal.
Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
It is, however, much more common in alluvial grounds than among primitive and pyrogenous rocks.
The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
A repetitive set-top game called Search for the Spear of Destiny requires a beginner's level of dexterity, and delivers trivial lost-civilization factoids as reward cookies for successful play.
First came the Primitive or Primary rocks, then the Secondary, than finally the Alluvial or Tertiary.
But the notion of a film or TV show based on a Facebook status update is not necessarily a trivial or inane one.
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The Volokh Conspiracy » Velocious:
While he is always friendly, even jovial in a blokeish high-fiving way (his English having got better as my French gets worse) he tends to be infuriatingly circumspect and diplomatic.
Jovial and verbose, Godfrey hat been friendly to me ever since I had come to Pontywen.
Hillary Clinton and John Edwards caught making comments about getting rid of other candidates in debate the ones who quote, "trivialize" debates.
CNN Transcript Jul 15, 2007
Composed of hundreds of ephemeral objects, from sugar cookies to vials of cheap perfume to devotional candles, popular santos, kitschy trinkets and cans of Goya beans, ‘Infinito Botanica’ is a vast still life.
They may seem trivial to you, but think of it this way - if you could poll half a million people world wide each day as to what they thought the most important issue of the day was, wouldn't that be useful?
The law is not mindful of small things or trivial things.
A ryot cultivating alluvial lands, and having no seed, can hardly ever repay his advances; but it does not follow that he has been a loser, for he, perhaps, could not value his time, labor, and rent altogether at half the amount; and as long as this system is kept within moderate bounds, it answers much better than private cultivation to the manufacturer, and has many contingent advantages to the cultivator.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
Among people, John Woodward was known as a 'super-diluvialist'.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
The second law can be applied to the prediction of creep failure, such as rockslides, colluvial-deposit landslides and loess landslides as well as clay landslides with locked patches.
A modified hypsometric curve can be used to help describe the relationships between drainage, alluvial and shallow marine basins.
Ancient Greeks buried their dead with lacrimatories, vials full of mourners' tears.
But who shall do justice to the dinner, and describe the turkey, and chickens, and chicken pies, with all that endless variety of vegetables which the American soil and climate have contributed to the table, and which, without regard to the French doctrine of courses, were all piled together in jovial abundance upon the smoking board?
Oldtown Folks
The scattering cells consisted of polished borosilicate vials with stoppers.
The researchers need to gather thousands of the insects to get just a few milliliters of the insect's blood, called hemolymph, which is the green liquid in the vial.
Since the illness, well in the last few weeks really, he's lost it over trivial stupid things.
The association of the cherts with carbonaceous sandstones and lacustrine shales in the Rhynie Cherts Unit indicates sinter deposition interrupted alluvial floodplain sedimentation of mud and sand.
A repeating sequence of fining-upward sediments commonly capped by coaly layers is indicative of fluvial sediments.
Forest areas are characterized with blackcock (Lyrurus tetrix), and other forest birds (Dendrocopos major, Oriolus oriolus, Columba palumbus, Streptopelia turtur, Parus cyanus, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Anthus trivialis) and others.
Kazakh upland
Despotic as he was and became, Bonaparte always called theother Consuls about him before proceeding with the most trivial measure.
The Psychology of Revolution
The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
While during the day it is very relaxing, at night it is jovial and good humoured.
Objective To explore early diagnosis and operative treatment of primary synovial chondromatosis of the hip joint.
For some reason - whether through snobbery, ignorance, or the peculiarly British disease of self-deprecation - this valuable national treasure has been systematically trivialised and ridiculed over the years, to such an extent that today it remains almost unknown.
Manners are made up of trivialities of deportment which can be easily learned if one does not happen to know them; manner is personality - the outward manifestation of one's innate character and attitude toward life.
How dare this person measure the work of a pastor in such trivial terms?
Christianity Today
Yet is there not something trivial and demeaning about insisting that the'real' meaning of ancient texts is the path to peace and common understanding?
Times, Sunday Times
Mortality in vials containing sucrose solution without ethanol was negligible.
It is a sadly inverted and trivialized world in which all that is unimportant becomes important and all that is important becomes unimportant.
Sometimes he presents her as a vain and trivial woman, sometimes as merely ignorant and fearful.
In his effort to keep hold of gun and vial, both went from his hands.
Must we really clamber up every alluvial fan, map every desert canyon, and slap a name on every dry lake and rocky outcropping?
If red roses are arranged with yellow roses or blossoms contain both red and yellow coloration, they express gaiety, joviality and happiness.
It was a lively, convivial atmosphere - gone but not forgotten.
It also has hybrids of the two, as well as the indigenous false gavial (Tomistoma schlegelii) and five exotic species: South American caiman (Caiman crocodilus), New Guinea freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus novaeguineae), Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis), broad-spouted caiman
Chapter 7
Father Whittaker appeared to be in a jovial mood.
The haecceity or thisness of an object, the property of being (identical to) that very object, provides a trivial example of an individual essence for each object.
Essential vs. Accidental Properties
The most careless and trivial movements were capable of transmitting the rudest and most insolent messages.
But the restrictions on individual licence which are due to respect for a known and friendly power allied to man, however trivial and absurd they may appear to us in their details, contain within them germinant principles of social progress and moral order.
Introduction to the Science of Sociology
He addressed me in a jovial manner.
It is understandable to feel overwhelmed in social situations - a convivial atmosphere is so at odds with how you feel.
Times, Sunday Times
As you know, psephology is the formal study of elections, apparently trivial but dripping with deep, dark paradoxes.
The battles about drivers or airline passengers using mobiles are not trivial.
Agni araflammed and Mithra monished and Shiva slew as maya-mutras the obluvial waters of our noarchic memory withdrew, windingly goharksome, to some hastyswasty timberman torch-priest, flamenfan, the ward of the wind that lightened the fire that lay in the wood that Jove bolt, at his rude word.
Finnegans Wake
The diamond mountains now orbiting among the satellites of Jupiter may open up the entire Solar System; how trivial, by comparison, appear all the ancient uses of the quartic-crystallized form of carbon!
2061 Odyssey Three
The door banged open then and William flounced into the room with a jovial grin.
B.when measured, unless the quantum state is an eigenstate of the measured observable A, the system does not possess any categorical property corresponding to A's having a specific value in the set B. Putnam seems to assume that a realist interpretation of (*) should consist in assigning to A some unknown value within B. for which quantum mechanics yields a non-trivial probability.
Puppet X: 1
-- I have often, I said, fancied that, besides the load of exuvial coats and breeches under which he staggers, there is another weight on him -- an atrior cura at his tail -- and while his unshorn lips and nose together are performing that mocking, boisterous, Jack-indifferent cry of "Clo ', clo'!" who knows what woeful utterances are crying from the heart within?
Catherine: a Story
The magazine also enhanced its reputation for conviviality.
Times, Sunday Times
It proclaims the burdens of pollution control regulation, displaying industry as suffocating under costly yet trivial constraints.
The most useful diagnostic procedure is aspiration and analysis of synovial fluid from an affected joint.
In the sequel to The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (which I just turned in to my editor, yay!), one character runs an organization that traffics in “godsblood”, which is exactly what it sounds like — small vials of blood drawn from willing gods.
Drugs and rock n’ roll «
All materials (cellulose Soxhlet thimbles, silica wool, vials) were cleaned with analytical grade organic solvents prior to use.
How has it come about that we are prepared to describe a serious physical mutilation as a trivial adjustment?
He could remember every trivial incident in great detail.
In the central and eastern parts of the range, the northern margin is also sharply defined, but separates bedrock from glacial and alluvial sediments or bedrock inliers.
The formation is composed of shales, mudstones, sandstones, oil shales and coal beds accumulated in fluvial to lacustrine environments.
First-year students learn aseptic transfer of drugs from vials and ampules and handling techniques for antineoplastic drugs.
Here there are frequent, warmly convivial gatherings which involve the consumption of generous quantities of alcohol.
Then there are actors who are haunted by what they perceive as the trivial and inconsequential nature of their work.
For the first time since Wednesday, I'm actually feeling nontrivially better.
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Not for him the public walkabouts among adoring throngs that marked Bill Clinton's jovial foreign jaunts.
So with no further ado, here are two variations on simple (but not trivial) meditation.
He gives it a few lines in the context, and almost as an example of petty wrangling over trivial matters.
Christianity Today
Up to 2000 m of alluvial fan and fan delta deposits of early Cretaceous age are preserved in the Coastal Cordillera.
Teasing is awesome, and it must be done in the name of liberating all hearts to feel the less trivial, more outrageous love.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
Instead of arborio rice, which tends to be stodgy, use vialone nano (a lighter texture, good for seafood) or carnaroli (more substantial and creamy, great for meat-based risottos). news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
Michael was in a jovial and optimistic mood.
We should not trivialise it just because I am impersonating someone.
Playing Cranium feels like playing charades, Pictionary, Trivial Pursuit, Name That Tune and hangman all at once.
Myricaria laxiflora, on the other hand, prefers the alluvial soil with sand and gravel in subtropics climate. The soil is of weak alkalinity, has low content of nutrient but moderate salt.
He could remember every trivial incident in great detail.
They demonstrated that most rivers are very sensitive to temperature rises on the order of 1 to 3 ºC, and that nival (snow-dominated) rivers become less stable while pluvial (rain-dominated) rivers become more stable.
Terrestrial Water Balance in the Arctic
Early theories generated late in the nineteenth century correlated cold periods with times of pluvial conditions in arid regions.
Yet the clearly exhausted and jet-lagged international best-selling author radiates conviviality.
He still has a Quaker-like faith that if only people could hear the truth, untainted by spin, untrivialised by the media, they would begin to see the light.
The man-made lubricant would help knees, hips and hands to supplement the body's synovial fluid.
The Sun
If a trace of blood does not appear at the vaccination site within 15 to 30 seconds, three more punctures should be performed without reinserting the needle into the vaccine vial.
Not to trivialize his work, but one of the reasons I believe his work is so popular is the aphoristic style of his writing.
Curious though it sounds, from that vaguely trivial dispute grew a feud that has lasted to this day.
Times, Sunday Times
And say, " he whispered, jovially , pulling Hurstwood over by the shoulder so that he might whisper in his ear, "if this isn't a good show, I'll punch your head.
The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
It does not matter that the offences are trivial or made under the immunity perhaps conferred by the Senate in the course of an inquiry.
I have often been accused of thinking too much, of over-analyzing trivialities.
It's people like Prather who trivialize the world, turning a buck on whatever rare loveliness they can defile in the name of commerce.
There was a very convivial atmosphere and here at Norton Rose we served tea and biscuits for the police.
Times, Sunday Times
Both were kept in clear glass vials, which were identical in size and shape.
The alternative possibility, that incision was achieved by fluvial processes during an end-Permian eustatic lowstand, is less likely for the following reasons.
The atmosphere was convivial and the crowds thronged accordingly.
Shelbourne of the League of Ireland would obviously be highly convivial opposition if they come through Round One.
While Howard mixes Scotch and sodas, Rupert fills a syringe from a vial of aminophylline he has taken from its place behind a gelatin salad mold in the refrigerator.
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
The cost to Greece of default is relatively trivial compared to the cost to its creditors, mostly European banks uneager to take large write-downs.
Everything's Fine With Greece, Just Ignore Some Facts
It's a convivial scene where people actually talk to each other; it is definitely not for those who prefer to stand and pose and give off icy attitude.
Regulation of interleukin-1beta-induced chemokine production and matrix metalloproteinase 2 activation by epigallocatechin-3-gallate in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts.
The Autoimmune Epidemic
And while the occasional privacy violation seems trivial, perhaps even silly to some readers, these abuses really do add up over time.
Hurley's show was a brilliant reflection of Kiwi culture and portrayal of the triviality of politics and the public's attitude towards them.
This may seem trivial compared with the high drama of 'saving the world'; but if this analysis is correct, our underlying problem is being 'dissociated', and we ought to be asking constantly how we restore a sense of association with the material place and time and climate we inhabit and are part of.
Act local as well as national urges Archbishop
In the poet's mind, the fact has gone quite over into the new element of thought, and has lost all that is exuvial.
Representative Man (1850)
The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
Most recently, the alluvial gem gravels of the Songea and Tunduru regions in the south have been productive.
nontrivial" in the sense that it wasn't easy to accomplish.
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With a deep breath for courage, I picked up the vial of ammoniacal spirits.
Sick Cycle Carousel
Especially something as trivial as incorrect dress (assuming it’s not something like forgetting to put your trousers on!); this is classic Army RSM behaviour for getting new rookies under the thumb; nitpick. on January 30, 2007 at 11: 37 am | Reply Teeth grinder from the South
Memory Is The Guardian Of Everything « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Now we argue most days over trivial things.
The Sun
You should hear how men howl at this finding: What a trivial excuse, how silly.
The exhibition was mounted in consultation with Inuvialuit elders and community members.
Yeah, you're a busy man and you sure as hell don't have time for such triviality as shaving.
Vegetation dominated by low density stands of podocarp and taxodiod conifers grew on mobile braided alluvial plains where it was subject to regular catastrophic flooding events.
They tend to amble along in the beginning, bogged down in trivialities.
A jovial person, his speeches are peppered with humour.
The tunicle became the customary vestment of the subdeacons; the chasuble was the vestment exclusively worn at the celebration of the Mass, as the pluvial, the liturgical caps, took its place at the other functions.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
A quick Latin lesson: flocci is derived from floccus, literally a tuft of wool and the source of English words like flocculate, but figuratively in Latin something trivial; pili is likewise the plural of pilus, a hair, which we have inherited in words like depilatory, but which in Latin could meant a whit, jot, trifle or generally something insignificant; nihili is from nihil, nothing, as in words like nihilism and annihilate; nauci just means worthless. source
The Floccinaucinihilipilificators
Our conversation was hampered by the presence of the driver of the hired wagonette, so that we were forced to talk of trivial matters when our nerves were tense with emotion and anticipation.
The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
Work is common but great, trivial and difficult, difficult and difficult.
Sidonie was an 'etagere' covered with childish toys, petty, trivial knickknacks, microscopic fans, dolls 'tea-sets, gilded shoes, little shepherds and shepherdesses facing one another, exchanging cold, gleaming, porcelain glances.
The French Immortals Series — Complete
These products contain tiny glass vials filled with a radioactive gas such as tritium.
Mr Madhi escaped from Iran in February 2008 after being sentenced to 73 years in jail for what he described as a trivial charge.
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They've said there was the wrong drug in the vial which they experimented on the animals.
Leaf tissue was placed in vials containing silica gel and stored at room temperature.
Claim everything for the Bible as lawbook and you end up claiming nothing, Hooker says; you end up trivialising creation and redemption alike.
The Richard Hooker Lecture: Richard Hooker (c1554-1600): The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity Revisited The Temple Church, London
The walnut box has a window through which we see three glass vials on a shelf lit from behind.
If it rained, we sat around playing backgammon and Trivial Pursuit and trying to kill time.
The doctrines which the sages had associated with the idea of Serapis, debased and degraded by the most contemptible trivialities; lost all their worth and dignity; and after the great
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By the end of the programme, all the jovial banter has ceased.
Times, Sunday Times
Silicate minerals constitute most alluvial sediment on Earth.
(Although perhaps I shouldn't trivialize it quite so much by calling it "blather"; it's precisely this NYT-style blather that helped get us in the current "complicated" mess in Iraq.)
Narrative Strategies
Inherited verbal or other social responses are fragmentary and trivial.
Actually, when you're dead you don't seem to notice the passing of time quite so much; it begins to seem very, very trivial.
So, next time someone enjoins you in a chinwag about ‘sticky-business’, you'll certainly have something trivial to add to the conversation besides the price of tea in Tuktoyuktuk.
If nothing else, those with purple feelers are less likely to want to be out in freezing weather, to pick a trivial example.
The peacoats, polos, Frisbee sports, and Arrested Development DVDs might seem like trivial favorites of the white elite, but they represent certain gateways that minorities have to navigate.
Certainly it was all very merry, convivial and informal.
There are several lessons to be learned from this incident, some trivial, some quite important.
These pioneer prospectors practiced surface mining, obtaining gold from the alluvial deposits called placers.
I have written before that any history of poetry is inevitably a history of change in poetry, and that an inevitable consequence is that the well-wrought urn is almost invariably a trivial accomplishment.
Only Change and No Urns?
a convivial atmosphere at the reunion
Edson jovially stresses the capaciousness of the genre.
The director tried to wave aside these issues as trivial details that could be settled later.
It would be a waste of time, in the present state of science, to controvert this hypothesis, as it is now admitted that even if the rush of a diluvial current, invented for the occasion and wholly without analogy in the known course of nature, be granted, it would be inadequate to explain the uniformity, parallelism, persistency, and rectilinearity of the so-called glacial furrows.
The Antiquity of Man
The snake-head, Chelone glabra, grew close to the shore, while a kind of coreopsis, turning its brazen face to the sun, full and rank, and a tall dull red flower, Eupatorium purpureum, or trumpet-weed, formed the rear rank of the fluvial array.
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
I must have a pluvial character because this sort of weather is my favourite.
They are respectively turbidity fan, brackish lake, shore and shallow lake-beach, delta, alluvial fan and river-alluviation depositional systems.
My only point was that, no matter what your version of quantum BRST, you are using homological techniques to isolate an invariant piece of some non-trivial representation, and understanding how this works out requires working with non-trivial representations.
String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
Is fond of his friends," continued the Professor, "and the heartier they are the better; might even be convivially inclined -- if so tempted -- but prudent -- in a degree," loiteringly concluded the speaker, as though unable to find the exact bump with which to bolster up the last named attribute.
The Complete Works of James Whitcomb Riley, Volume 10
Those words of my New Hampshire neighbor seem to mock my trivial but obstinate frustration.
The houseman who attended to him was conservative, and would not depart from Boillot's orders in the most trivial detail.
Tony often gets angry about trivial things.
That is practically what Michelet did, and though the garrulous old gossip drivelled endlessly about matters of supreme unimportance and ecstasized in his mild way over trivial anecdotes which he expanded beyond all proportion, and though his sentimentality and chauvinism sometimes discredited his quite plausible conjectures, he was nevertheless the only French historian who had overcome the limitation of time and made another age live anew before our eyes.
The brigadier is a capital fellow; and though he does keep us hard at work, at any rate he works hard himself, and does not send us galloping about with all sorts of trivial messages that might as well be unsent.
With Moore at Corunna
To draw blood for the test, a nurse or technician cleans the skin over a vein, usually in the crook of your elbow, inserts a needle, and collects blood into a syringe or vial.
I think this Atomic Energy Lab kit from the 1950’s may have contained anactual vial of 235U (for educational purposes only).
Where oh where have all the really cool toys gone?
The term degenerative arthritis is a general term used to describe degenerative changes in any type of articulation whether synovial, cartilaginous or fibrous.
All blunt orbital trauma should be taken seriously even when an injury is apparently trivial.
I know you can't dine here in consequence of the tempestuous weather on the Covent Garden shores, but if you will come in when you have done Trinculizing, you will delight me greatly, and add in no inconsiderable degree to the "conviviality" of the meeting.
The Letters of Charles Dickens Vol. 3 (of 3), 1836-1870
Work is common but great, trivial and difficult, difficult and difficult.
While the word quantum is now used as an exotic adjective to augment the sales of everything from diets to fishing tackle, the connection proposed here is not trivial.
I don't wish to trivialise a potentially fatal disease but received wisdom isn't always infallible, not even received medical wisdom.
Her feelings for Simon seemed trivial by comparison .
It was a trivial habit; it smacked of privatism, of egoizing.
If even a single atom of the substance decays during the test period, a relay mechanism will trip a hammer, which will, in turn, break the vial and kill the cat.
From the long tapering fingers of her right hand a golden chain dangled and swinging idly from its end hung a small iridescent vial.
A woman writer who evokes an intensely personal landscape still finds she is dismissed as slight, precious, trivial.