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How To Use Viable In A Sentence

  • That's, kind of, the heart of what they call compassionate conservatism: that the American experience must be alive and viable for everyone, and that government has a role to help people have the tools so they can help themselves. CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2004
  • Much derided, but with an unenviable job. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aliquots were withdrawn at the indicated times, the viable titer was determined, and the percentage of survivors was calculated.
  • With poor mineral resources, its prospects as an independent, viable country were secured by the invention of refrigeration.
  • But any candidate who does not reach 15 percent in a given precinct is deemed ‘not viable,’ and his supporters will then pick another.
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  • May is in an enviable position and enjoys huge backing from the public. The Sun
  • This was a cosy arrangement, but it is no longer viable.
  • Two catalytic subunits of PP2A are encoded by two closely related genes, ppa1 + and ppa2 +, and strains in which both genes are disrupted are inviable.
  • The active principle is extracted and purified from plant material for as long as that process remains economically viable compared with chemical synthesis.
  • He did so by rubbishing the only viable goal of any Liberal Democrat election campaign - a hung parliament.
  • I feel a commercially-viable High Street is an essential part of our community.
  • British Aerospace reckon that the plane will be commercially viable if 400 can be sold.
  • (Sadly, Jesse Jackson, Jr., though he appears to not have been involved in corruption, is now too tainted in the public memory as candidate #6 or whatever to have a viable chance at filling the seat.) Matthew Yglesias » Darrel Thompson Sure Can Quit Burris
  • Natural deterrents against sea erosion (mangroves, sandbanks, reefs etc.) have been depleted to such extents that their revival cannot be considered a viable plan to counter sea disasters.
  • The pair have an enviable track record. Times, Sunday Times
  • No matter what happens, Aube says Alchemy will continue to focus on the organizational infrastructure that makes a good cause not only well-run but financially viable. Steven Crandell: Annenberg's Alchemy
  • The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial: ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • In addition, Array has completed long-term preclinical regulated safety studies and has identified a commercially viable synthetic process and oral formulation for ARRY-162. Featured News and Stories
  • Treasurer Ella Flynn has the unenviable task of ensuring that the little funding the centre gets is put to the best possible use.
  • Giving them such empowerment is really investing in viable business capable of making long life profits.
  • In puzzle mode that initially just means activating them slowly enough not to cause collisions, but later levels demand deeper experimentation with order and timing before you wheedle out a viable solution. This week's new games
  • The shop and cafe were once a thriving business and despite a recent upturn in fortunes, a three-year period of losses have led to charity chiefs deciding it is no longer financially viable.
  • The Access Economics study undertaken shortly before construction began indicated it would be commercially viable, at least with the not inconsiderable investment of public funds in constructing the line.
  • It was a great moment near the end of the colloquium when it became clear that the three-choir polyphonic complexity scheduled for the last motet was not really viable. 250 Sing Liszt's Ave Maris Stella
  • As a key marginal producer of both oil and natural gas, Russia is now in an enviable position to catalyse this development.
  • Boys - If financially viable, buy your woman an epilator. Important Things to Remember for a Successful Life:
  • Dashed segments of the line indicate where viable seeds do not germinate at low temperatures.
  • The only way to make them economically viable is to intensively rear British farmers in huge barns where thousands of them can be kept in semi-darkness and fed mashed up, infected sheep pellets.
  • Animal consciousness has long been assumed to be a nonviable arena of investigation.
  • However, to continue in this enviable position, he must be prepared at a moment's notice to go scabbing again. THE SCAB
  • It helped to soften the nonviable tissues that we didn't have to invasively cut into his legs to remove and it worked beautifully on him.
  • If there was any delay then the rescue plan would cease to be viable.
  • Finally he stated that retention and conversion of the existing building was not viable.
  • Sheer tights are becoming a viable option on summer days that aren't very summery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or do they try to design cleverer, more desirable stuff and hope that this is ethically supportable and economically viable? Times, Sunday Times
  • We are now able to send our international customers to a viable, well-known computer builder in the UK.
  • We must change the way we live because pastoralism is no longer viable, and we have to look at other ways of livelihood, said Murugi. Kenya Minister ‘Satisfied’ With Effort to Combat Drought, Famine
  • Those are still enviable figures, mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, robots cannot do it all and to postulate successive layers of repair bots is not viable. Why the Moon? Here's Why. - NASA Watch
  • But failure to create a viable land settlement was politically perilous.
  • If there was any delay then the rescue plan would cease to be viable.
  • The committee came forward with one viable solution.
  • Rotherham is hoping to shrug off its unenviable title of the car crime capital of South Yorkshire with a new crackdown that aims to slash vehicle crime by a fifth.
  • Again, asking students to "please call to cancel" is not a viable solution. Private ESL Classes In Mexico
  • Those reliefs were crucial to the viable redevelopment of the Hotel.
  • A group of urban youngsters has turned a vacant piece of ground into a viable vegetable farm using hydroponics.
  • The current liquidity crisis has seen perfectly viable small companies dragged down. Times, Sunday Times
  • The British inland waterway system, flourishing in the early nineteenth century, was staffed by a large body of bargees who, like the railway navvies, earned an unenviable reputation for roughness.
  • In truth, not even the most passionately pro-choice individual supports the idea of aborting rather than delivering viable fetuses. Out of the mouths of pro-aborts
  • The project has built up a unique and enviable reputation among the local people and other community organisations.
  • As the day progressed, "The Maltese Unicorn" began to metamorphose from joke to viable story concept. Howard Hughes and the Ghost of Better Times
  • All viable candidates are likely to be far to the left of the regional average in lefty-gerrymandered districts and far to the right in right-gerrymandered districts. Matthew Yglesias » Busting More Gerrymandering Myths
  • The recent applications of the flexible TPS are reviewed and its viable design concept is pointed out to be a multi-layer insulation (MLI) covered with high temperature coatings.
  • Nothing could be gathered from the outside, except remarks on the various properties which philosophers ascribe to matter, -- length, breadth, depth, and weight, The packet was composed of strong thick paper, imperviable by the curious eyes of the gossips, though they stared as if they would burst from their sockets. The Antiquary — Complete
  • The central question is whether these are the only two viable alternatives — regimented sleep deprivation satisfying corporate America or unregimented sleep deprivation governed by one's own neuroses? Late Night with Richie
  • The job of editing this book must have been an unenviable one. THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
  • Unable to present a viable alternative, the royalists were outmanoeuvred, sidelined and, in 1998, defeated.
  • Conclusion. Combining vertebral augmentation and placement of an interspinous process spacer represents a viable option for treating such fragile patients.
  • Neither option seems logical or financially viable. The Sun
  • He achieved enviable results with the minimum of effort.
  • Cycling can and should be used when possible but for many it is simply not a viable option.
  • Only about 15% of viable microspores stayed at the haploid uninucleate or binucleate stages.
  • The building "massing" - size and shape - is the same, they confirmed, "because we believe it's viable. West Seattle Blog...
  • Dormancy is defined as the inability of a viable seed to germinate under conditions otherwise adequate for germination.
  • If the conservatory legally stands and you continue to feel that moving house isn't a viable option, alternative tactics could be adopted.
  • Both are exceedingly gifted individuals with enviable human qualities; both were once cherished friends to me; and both, I think, use rage and spite to palliate their unhealed wounds. Archive 2009-12-01
  • We can't try to keep people in nonviable jobs.
  • You could take off the Brooklyn Bridge's asphalt, remove half of the cables, make the piers a little narrower, make the span shorter, and you would still have a quite viable bridge.
  • I didn't know how many eggs I'd have left after treatment or if any remaining eggs would be chromosomally viable. Pregnancy After Breast Cancer
  • Viable molds and bacteria were determined by incubation on two different media.
  • The guard commander had an unenviable job. Dusty Warriors: Modern Soldiers at War
  • Rather he rejected it as a viable form of government and ignored it from there on. Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
  • Without a viable alternative, the impact of higher taxes is to raise business costs and reduce consumer incomes.
  • Currently the only viable crop worth converting into biofuel is sugar cane. Obama ad criticizes gas tax plan
  • Asking any other sector to give us a viable price for our produce is equivalent to begging.
  • The director can be forgiven for trying to make this dated, dynamic bewilderment into a viable dramatic tale.
  • He had an enviable reputation, once upon a time, as a symphonist of real individuality, like Simpson today.
  • A separate Palestinian state would most likely remain unviable and impoverished, whereas a "Jewish" state with a rising non-Jewish minority will increasingly be at odds with the principles of democracy and equality. Letters to the Editor
  • The Cardiff centre made a huge blunder three years ago when a couple's last viable embryo was placed in the wrong woman. The Sun
  • But a sale of the Asian business, while far from certain, would mean the company's focus will shift again to the Dubai-based shipyard, which is considered much more commercially viable and therefore could gain easier access to funding for now and once the debt restructuring talks are completed. Dubai May Sell Asia Shipping Arm
  • Viable industries and business undertakings were rendered unprofitable.
  • Yet beyond the brass, many successful dealmakers possess an enviable skill set - vision, confidence, perseverance, focus, even empathy.
  • The problem is not merely corruption and inefficiency, but the lack of viable alternatives. Times, Sunday Times
  • For most people the only viable option to an annuity is a drawdown plan. Times, Sunday Times
  • The need to be financially viable is a great spur to improvement and better service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aliquots were withdrawn at the indicated times, the viable titer was determined, and the percentage of survivors was calculated.
  • With such a tiny enrolment, online education was a desperate act to keep the course viable.
  • Viable and nonviable seeds can easily be distinguished using a binocular microscope, because the latter lack an embryo, whereas viable seeds contain an embryo.
  • Furthermore, India's nonwestern nationalists failed to consider that constructing a strong, stable, multiculturally tolerant, viable nation-state required, and could only be effectuated after, establishing vertical and horizontal political legitimacy. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • The clutch of one mother failed to produce hatchlings, thus yielding a data set of 22 viable clutches.
  • In ‘And Now for Something Completely Northern: Institutions of Governance in the Territorial North,’ Graham White offers the heartening possibility that there are indeed viable political options beyond the status quo.
  • The plants that survived appeared phenotypically normal in all growth phases and produce viable seed that germinated normally.
  • I am assured by advisers that the company is still viable but is going through a serious restructuring. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the individuals pertaining to those groups may argue that they feel they are viable blood donors, why take the risk?
  • Up close, the First Lady's yellow Isabel Toledo sheath and matching jacket revealed an intricate wool guipure detail, a choice which reflected both her enviable confidence and her bold approach to fas ... digg Brett Ashley McKenzie: Michelle: And Tall Women the World Over Rejoiced
  • This is an overgeneralization, but to date a viable one.
  • Such results can be related to the formation of meiotic trivalent in the hybrids leading to the production of viable aneuploid gametes and post-zygotic elimination of embryos due to chromosomal non disjunction events at meiosis. The Rise of Human Chromosome 2: Beyond the Deme - The Panda's Thumb
  • At 106 degrees, the eggs will addle (become unviable) or nestlings will die of heat stress.
  • Now it is not financially viable for many of them who don't work nine-to-five because of the cost of a nanny or childminder. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a viable alternative after all. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • It is an unenviable task but he must stand strong for the longterm good of racing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Translocations create the possibility of obtaining one, two, or three copies of a locus or region, which may result in balanced lethals or in high frequencies of nonviable oospores, as observed in many crosses.
  • They say the proposals will also offer a viable transport alternative to the car and will make inter-district travel a reality.
  • As one member of the freethought group at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, pointed out, I started going because I wanted to seriously consider whether religion, specifically Christianity, was viable. Amarnath Amarasingam: With Reason On Their Side: Is Secularism A Movement?
  • It is only their investment that makes the programme economically viable.
  • Protoplasts showing bright fluorescence were counted as viable.
  • Based on the good results with the cyclohexanone blend, the Eindhoven University of Technology filed three patents on the use of cyclic oxygenates in the combustion process, and is seeking to develop a commercially viable production route for C6 cyclic oxygenates such as cyclohexanone from biomass. Green Car Congress
  • As Mattie Ross, the 14-year-old heroine, obsessively pursues her father's killer, she proves to be an almost unbelievably viable outdoorswoman, stoically fording a river on horseback, camping out nightly without complaint, bracing the elements, staring down death. Avital Binshtock: An Environmentalist's Review of True Grit
  • But Tony Stewart proved Monday that everybody is a title contender when, days after crossing himself off a list of viable threats to win the championship, he snapped a 32-race winless streak with his victory at Chicago. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • He not only gave this hazy concept a viable definition, but also enlarged the scope.
  • Sure are imperviable to crumble, putrid, corrosion or insect infestation; be given barrier edifices formed in the Crosby Finance
  • He remarked that the Ring Road bus service, which looked worryingly unviable at first, was fast picking up, and would take a lot of pressure off the City's roads.
  • It put me in the unenviable position of having to lie.
  • The total number of cells exhibiting transport was thus 73%, while the remaining 27% of cells were nonviable.
  • Having looked at the project in detail however, I have come to the conclusion that conversion of the building to a shopping centre is not a viable option on a stand alone basis.
  • He is building an enviable record as captain, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another unenviable record is the 19 stabbings that occurred at a gig in Boston, although they were not a reaction to the band's music but the result of a nutter running amok through the crowd.
  • viable seeds
  • Is there a viable alternative to the present system?
  • A more ideal marker would be one which labelled an entire population within intact viable embryos without disrupting their integrity.
  • True, their position in a small open "rodney" in the middle of a dark, rough night in the North Atlantic was not exactly enviable, especially as the biting winter wind was freezing their clothing solid, and steadily sapping their small stock of remaining vitality. Labrador Days Tales of the Sea Toilers
  • I will agree that I don't think Ares I as currently posited is a viable vehicle. Shuttle Shutdown Coming - NASA Watch
  • Telephone lines and coaxial cable will be the only real options for commercially viable and reliable high speed Internet service.
  • To be viable, cellphones and future wireless Internet access devices will need to be mass-produced.
  • The Army said it made safe what it described as a viable improvised explosive device found under the private car. Breaking News
  • They also claimed that printing and binding would make such sized books economically unviable, which is a claim that had me blinking at its self-evident absurdity. Greasing the Wheel of Time for all it's worth
  • Wherever there were regular shifts, buses can be a viable alternative.
  • The company is continually striving to develop and cultivate its presence as a viable force in the dairy industry.
  • As individual health-insurance policy premiums approach $30,000 annually, self-insurance—meaning no insurance in New York because the law prevents me from buying the catastrophic-only coverage policy I'd prefer—becomes an economically viable and sane option. The Other Side of Insurance Mandates
  • So someone had the unenviable task of condensing a five decade recording career into one teeny tiny album.
  • Although the design has evolved over the years, the first and the latest Volkswagen Transporter share the same badge on the front and the same design principles of a generous loadspace and an enviable reputation for quality and durability. Releases feed from RealWire
  • You'll have an enviable lifestyle. The Sun
  • To be economically viable classes will have to be larger. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are so many fresh ideas for worksheets and lesson plans available online and in homeschooling groups that there is no need to shun the use of these viable reading tools. How To Find Free Homeschooling Resources To Help Your Child To Learn To Read « Articles « Literacy News
  • The almighty dollar, which at one time served as a tool of hegemony, is not as viable a tool at present.
  • In London Mercedes-Benz is building an enviable reputation as the fashion extravaganza's final act: the hottest ticket at London Fashion Week in September 2011 was the star-studded aftershow party hosted by Giles Deacon and Mercedes-Benz to showcase the Concept A-CLASS. Gearing up for London Fashion Week
  • He could not convince those who held the money bags that his idea was viable.
  • None of the projects proved financially viable.
  • He has an unenviable task of improving national and international competitiveness for Scottish food products.
  • Studies suggest that sputum smears persistently positive despite negative culture results may in some patients be due to nonviable or atypical mycobacteria.
  • If the ruling party doesn't perform well, the opposition can offer a viable alternative.
  • Cash alone will not make Eastern Europe's banks viable.
  • Extraordinary things are born to woman: mutants of another race, unviable. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • Sheer tights are becoming a viable option on summer days that aren't very summery. Times, Sunday Times
  • His intention was to assist in the creation of a viable and efficient indigenous cement industry, and it was part of the strategy to build up an industrial base here behind protective tariffs.
  • That is a more viable option to pass time than to watch this jarring take on a surge of youthful passion.
  • This may involve paying an excess charge, so may not be commercially viable. Times, Sunday Times
  • This view is not derived from a sense of optimism, but from a realisation that viable alternatives need to be developed to reduce car usage and pollution.
  • There are more politically viable alternatives to a carbon tax, writes Jeffrey Sachs: A feed-in tariff subsidizes the low-carbon energy source rather than taxing the high-carbon energy source. Wonkbook: 57% worry about mortgage; midterm might cost $4 billion; to triangulate or not to triangulate?
  • On July 19, 2003 a non-viable, addled osprey egg was collected from a nest at the northern end of Upper Richardson Lake in Richardsontown Township in western Maine.
  • Ron L. Hubbard was nothing more than a con man and a scam artist as well as a second rate sci-fi writer, who managed to cash in on a viable scam to bilk honest hard working people out of their money. Scientologists, WWII Star of David spoof
  • When frozen assets are released and the oil starts pumping again, Libya will find itself in an enviable situation economically.
  • And just think, if we ever achieve proper reform and a genuinely proportional system, we might see the splitting apart of the big old parties and perhaps a genuinely progressive, genuinely viable alternative to the preening, self serving, oleaginous Labour Party, which has failed everyone in this country who claims a leftist or liberal bent, will emerge. Constitutional reform: Alternative currents | Editorial
  • The Universal Community, which possessed truth in its totality, became for Royce a viable alternative to the Absolute.
  • It is perhaps not so much for specific human rights abuses that Singapore has attracted considerable attention from human rights activists as for the government's clear articulation of a viable alternative position.
  • Has the comical and enviable habit of making most defenders look not unlike Wile E Coyote in pursuit of the roadrunner when he puts his foot down.
  • When someone runs a viable candidate who is a true conservative, he/she/it will get my vote.
  • There was a viable alternative after all. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • I would guess this is at the extremis of what's economically viable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Considering there are some six billion people on this planet, individuality is an enviable trait! Robert Tornambe, M.D.: Accepting Your Genetic Destiny
  • Johnson MP, Childs MD, Isada NB, Koppitch III GC, Evans MI: Trisomy 16 CVS and viable pregnancy: Lethal aneuploidy compartmentalized to the trophoblast in two otherwise normal pregnancies. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • Just what is it that makes the stingiest people in Britain pinch the pennies to such extremes that they have won the unenviable moniker of tightwad?
  • I hope I’m wrong, but I fear that this permitted berm is not a viable solution. Current Affairs
  • The process permits the production of concentrated ceric sulphate solutions at commercially viable current densities and efficiencies.
  • Cemetery managers, like parishes, have inherited an unenviable legacy from past generations.
  • They also wanted high ceilings, clean white walls to display their enviable art collection, and good natural light. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of our brainchildren is a still viable Science and Philip W. Anderson - Autobiography
  • If bicycling is going to become a viable mode of transportation, bicycles need to be seen as a means of conveyance, not an entry point to a lifestyle that requires specialized clothing, new lingo, or dedication to a particular political ideology. We Need People Who Ride Bikes, Not Cyclists « PubliCola
  • You are in a position that many would consider enviable.
  • If farming is to make sense it has to be a viable business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sheer tights are becoming a viable option on summer days that aren't very summery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The factory is no longer economically viable.
  • The answer will make an enormous difference to whether you have a viable business proposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mistry took a more conventional view of the situation, and struggled to see a viable turnaround. Times, Sunday Times
  • The current liquidity crisis has seen perfectly viable small companies dragged down. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the "few" viable pathways diverging from the first dinosaur includes stegosaurus and tyrannosaurus. Biomolecular Networks
  • It is due to this severe downturn in business that the business has become unviable in its present form to the point where the owners have sought to sell the whole property inclusive of outbuildings.
  • This method for measuring the perception of respiratory sensation may be a viable alternative to the bronchial provocation test.
  • With progressively more disease states manifesting GSH deficiency, repletion is a viable preventive, therapeutic, and anti-aging strategy.
  • For some couples the most viable option may be for one parent to take temporary hiatus from the workforce. Finding Balance
  • In conventional terms, the demand far outreaches supply; today, what modern composer of any reputation would, or even could, supply a viable full-evening ballet score?
  • The danger with satires of this sort is that film-makers, in trying to make their production a viable entry into the genre as well as a spoof of it, lose sight of the initial goal.
  • She's in the enviable position of being able to choose who she works for.
  • In recent years coal gasification has become increasingly economically viable due to technological developments.
  • Rearrangements can occur during the recombination event, with duplications of the wild-type counterpart of the mutant locus producing a recombinant that would otherwise be inviable.
  • Conclusion Viable donor cells in cryopreserved tendon allografts did not survive longer than 8 weeks following transplantation in an extra-articular environment.
  • They maintain the enviable skill of being able to entertain an audience young and old.
  • The alternative route was chosen on three criteria: that it should be environmentally acceptable, operationally effective and financially viable.
  • We were looking to make a commercially viable 'cool-off' product, and came across a cooling substance called dimethyl ether," says Hiroya Iida , an operations representative at Iida. Dog Days of Summer in Japan Call for Quirky Ways to Stay Cool
  • He said the tax, which the Treasurer claims will see two-thirds of clubs pay either no tax or less tax, would also hurt smaller clubs, making them unviable.
  • Firms sold off non-viable businesses or impaired assets.
  • It is at this time that the idea of conquering a people and subjugating them became a viable model, rather than total extermination.
  • It would be up to the scientists to decide which is the viable option and which belongs to the realm of science fiction.
  • Controls issue from the diencephalon which harness the functional capacities of individual organs in viable responses. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • There is a continuing debate about the age at which a human fetus can be considered viable.
  • The acquisition makes it the world leader in this niche area, an enviable position.
  • The Cardiff centre made a huge blunder three years ago when a couple's last viable embryo was placed in the wrong woman. The Sun
  • Similarly, in polygamous societies, the operation of sexual selection would have increased the differential advantage of the most viable in finding mates and having progeny.
  • The minimum occupancy level for homes to remain commercially viable is 84 %.
  • Along the way, the actress gained a reputation for qualities brash and enviable, as well as easily mocked: She was the sloe-eyed hipster, the vintage-clad vamp, the film snob.

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