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  1. any of numerous tropical or subtropical American plants of the genus Verbena grown for their showy spikes of variously colored flowers

How To Use vervain In A Sentence

  • They have him strung up from the rafters with ropes soaked in vervain. OBS RECAPS & REVIEWS: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES EPISODE 17:LET THE RIGHT ONE IN | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Some of my favourites include vervain, rosemary, lemon balm, skullcap, wild oats and ginseng.
  • By the signs I expected them both to live, and I had what was needed to hand, in bark and roots gathered the night before, and herbs the old carnifex gave me, dried vervain and wormwood and seeds of parsley. Wildfire
  • Damon tries using his powers and Elena tells him that she has vervain on her. OBS RECAPS & REVIEWS: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES EPISODE 13: CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • The ornamental verbena, sometimes also known as vervain, refers to (among others) Verbena bonariensis, the purple topped tallish plant that has colonised roadways and pasture throughout Australia.
  • Sheriff Forbes mentions that they plan to give the guards vervain to increase security. OBS RECAPS & REVIEWS: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES EPISODE 19:MISS MYSTIC FALLS | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • His father fed him vervain because he grew suspicious after their conversation about his sympathetic feelings toward vampires. OBS RECAPS & REVIEWS: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES EPISODE 13: CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Birds in the grounds included the usual gang of Greater Antillean Grackles, an exquisite Vervain Hummingbird singing from the very top of a dead tree and seemingly all the White-chinned Thrushes chacking away at some unseen predator, just like all thrushes do throughout the world.
  • In England the Common vervain is found growing by roadsides and in sunny pastures.
  • He had seen, on the previous day, no trace of jealousy or resentment in his betrothed: he could still hear the candid ring of the girl's praise of Mrs. Vervain.
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