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How To Use Vertically In A Sentence

  • The 30 propellant charges on the right in three rows of 10, stowed vertically on a horizontal conveyor belt that runs under the floor of the vehicle.
  • Graphics are generally more readable when explanatory variables are shown along a horizontal axis and outcome variables vertically.
  • The industry is highly vertically integrated, with poultry production companies (known as integrators) contracting with farmers (referred to as growers) to raise the birds prior to slaughter Number of broilers and other meat-type chickens sold in the United States, 2007 (Source: USDA Census of Agriculture, 2007). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • If the cylinder does not line up with the bore vertically, you are plumb out of luck since the base pin frame holes could be drilled crooked or the frame warped from heat treatment or stress.
  • In particular, light measurements are performed at sunset because increased prey and predator interactions occur at twilight, when animals previously hidden in the deep, aphotic (without light) zone migrate vertically up to the surface. Scientific American
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  • The sleeve maintains a consistently low temperature throughout the vertically disposed shelves of the cryobiological materials contained within the inner tank.
  • The glass threads are then pressed into the mastic vertically one by one.
  • But as with any thrown object as it falls vertically, it also travels horizontally.
  • In Chicago, O'Hare Airport features a soilless aeroponic garden springing up vertically from the mezzanine level of Terminal 3.
  • Line the pages for the graph both horizontally and vertically.
  • At the rear, the taillight clusters are stacked vertically, positioned high out of harm's way, and a high-level brake light is integrated into the roofline above the two rear doors.
  • Mirror rolled again, sideslipped vertically past the lead D4. The Final Reflection
  • Wearing a blue skirt, microstrip wheat color skin looks so healthy, black hair like a waterfall vertically over the shoulders, with a reddish face.
  • The lingual root arises directly from the base of the lingual shelf, is slender, and extends obliquely medially as well as vertically.
  • All along the rupture, the seafloor moved vertically about ten metres, which displaced hundreds of kilometres of overlaying water resulting in a massive tsunami.
  • These boards were erected vertically, butted side-by-side, to form the walls and then dressed out with furring strips and lath & plaster interior walls and the exterior covered with shiplap siding on the street-facing wall and tapered cypress weatherboard siding on the remaining exterior walls. Rebuilding New Orleans? « BuzzMachine
  • For example, ground birds can usually only walk horizontally on the ground whereas woodpeckers climb up and down vertically on tree trunks.
  • These days everybody has to be politically correct. I even heard someone the other day calling a short person 'vertically challenged'!
  • He saw it break its flight over a dell between the dunes, soar vertically and then head off at an angle.
  • Leaves sometimes distichous, vertically oriented, transversely or subtransversely inserted, but with ventral base succubous and sometimes decurrent, constantly 2-lobed to 0.1-0.6 their length.
  • This is a significant problem with the thin veneers if the stone was cut parallel to the bedding or the stone was placed vertically to the bedding, or on edge.
  • Taproot A persistent primary root that grows vertically downward. Swollen taproots used for food storage are common in many biennial plants, such as carrot (Daucus carota).
  • Best known Lock Stepper is Fred Barry aka Rerun from the hit 1970s black TV sitcom, What's Happenin '? simplest of daps is to tap closed fists together one time horizontally or vertically. Katie Halper: The Obama Pound: In Historic Moment, White People Exposed to "Fist Bump" for First Time
  • This is the equivalent of the Mexican "jacal" construction, and consists of series of poles or logs planted vertically in the ground close to each other and plastered with mud either outside or on both sides. The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894-95, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1897, pages 73-198
  • We sum vertically at a given quantity because everyone consumes the same quantity of a public good by definition.
  • The rear seats, though, are definitely lacking in legroom and are only really suitable for children or vertically challenged adults.
  • These structures do not correspond to trichocysts seen in phase micrographs (data not shown) but connect both horizontally and vertically to other vesicular-like signals.
  • If the positions of cylinder and piston be reversed, the piston pointing vertically upward and the sand "bled" into an orifice in or through it, the void caused by the outflow of this sand would be filled by sand displaced by the piston pressing upward rather than by sand from above. Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth American Society of Civil Engineers: Transactions, Paper No. 1174, Volume LXX, December 1910
  • It was like an escarpment, sloping up gently on one side and dropping vertically to 90m on the other.
  • The arm pull should be somewhat downward to break the torso out of the water vertically and provide for a forward lunge and initial kick which will take the body to its first surface streamline position.
  • _depth-gage_, _F_, adjusted by a screw, and a _slitting cutter_ with stop, a _sliding section_, _B_, with a vertically adjustable bottom, the _auxiliary center bottom_, _C_, to be placed when needed in front of the cutter as an extra support or stop. Handwork in Wood
  • They use a paper string to suspend a pipeful of rice, put a stick vertically into a jar of rice and sling the whole jar up.
  • The process of attaching the stages of a rocket to one another is known as integration, and it can be done in one of two ways - vertically and horizontally.
  • The babirusa's elaborate upper tusks are the upper canine teeth, whose sockets are reversed, so they grow vertically up through the skin of the snout.
  • Creating a massive weighty object that not only flies, but hovers and takes off vertically is an amazing innovation, a marvel of modern engineering.
  • It was thirty pages long, column after column of kanji characters arranged vertically on the pages, with never a strikeover or erasure, now and then a crude stick-figure drawing with arrows or dotted lines signifying this or that mysterious pathology. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • A vertically ovate leaf is the fame with an ob - verfely-ovate or obovate leaf; and a vertically cordate leaf is the fame with an obverfely cor - date or obcordate leaf. — The language of botany : being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, principally by Linneus ...
  • Since the human eye moves horizontally with less fatigue than vertically, the cone of vision tends to be flattened.
  • Many Japanese haiku were written as one-line poems (written vertically).
  • There aren't really any sea serpent accounts that describe oarfish to my knowledge, plus it now turns out that oarfishes hold their bodies VERTICALLY when swimming. Oarfish
  • Moss attacks vertically, using his speed to streak downfield and his size and leaping ability to snatch passes away from defenders.
  • These difficulties were exacerbated by the almost complete absence of indigenous, vertically-integrated companies.
  • As nectar is already secreted for her in its receptacle, she thrusts her tongue through the channel provided to guide it aright, and by the slight contact with the furrowed rostellum, it splits, and releases a boat-shaped disk standing vertically on its stern in the passage. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • According to the variational principle for wave propagation, the elastic wave equation and the compressional and shear wave equations in a vertically inhomogeneous medium are developed.
  • the required influence lines are found by subjecting the model to small displacements horizontally, vertically and rotationally
  • Utterly maintenance free, it's a warm natural finish, sometimes with salmon- or ochre-colored striations, and can be troweled smooth or scraped vertically for a rough finish.
  • On the medial side of the foot from behind forward may be felt the _medial process (internal tuberosity) _ of the calcaneus; the _sustentaculum tali_, which lies about 1 inch vertically below the tip of the malleolus; the _tubercle of the navicular_, about 1 inch in front of the malleolus, and at a slightly lower level; the _first (internal) cuneiform_, and the base, shaft, and head of the _first metatarsal_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Insert the fork vertically into spaghetti, tilt to thirty degrees. 3.
  • It was a dark green, an edgy criss-cross, vertically going over his left eye.
  • As be the vertically moved vehicle of the elevator has more undetectable effect in daily life.
  • Wearing a blue skirt, microstrip wheat color skin looks so healthy, black hair like a waterfall vertically over the shoulders, with a reddish face.
  • The mammee-tree and the genipa, * with large and shining leaves, raise their branches vertically towards the sky; whilst those of the courbaril and the erythrina form, as they extend, a thick canopy of verdure. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • A kakemono is intended to be displayed vertically as part of the interior decoration of a room.
  • Halve vertically with one piece slightly larger than the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • A big shoal of shrimpfish hung vertically nearby, trying to look like a growth of eelgrass.
  • When dry, the box was strong enough to support heavy weights that were loaded vertically.
  • Both the frites and haricots were presented vertically in a paper cone, which itself was placed in a copper spiral.
  • Both the melody and harmony share the same pentatonic scalar basis, and the intervals of perfect fourths and major seconds derived from the pentatonic scale are frequently used both linearly and vertically in all eight variations.
  • A profile pan located on the back edge of the grout box is equipped with a tamper bar that oscillates vertically to push aggregate below the profile pan as the concrete is screeded.
  • You can align text vertically or horizontally, can center, left - or right-justify multi-line labels, and even print "mirrored" labels where the letters are reversed/backwards. MAKE Magazine
  • Using sticky yellow polythene sheets, which are erected vertically on the windward side of the fields and nurseries, can help ward off these vectors.
  • In some cases this accumulation of earth and sand has protected and hidden that portion of the catacomb which is vertically underneath and thus rescued many precious memorials from the ill-considered attentions, or outrages, of earlier explorers. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • These difficulties were exacerbated by the almost complete absence of indigenous, vertically-integrated companies.
  • The sofas were white with green stripes running vertically downward.
  • The 'squatty' eyed the gesticulating Manarkan and spoke, in a beautifully modulated deep bass voice, to a supple, lithe, pantherish girl with vertically-slitted yellow eyes, pointed ears, and a long and sinuous, meticulously-groomed tail. Masters Of The Vortex
  • We are concerned with the predominantly horizontal mean flow of a fluid whose mean density varies vertically.
  • The aircraft appeared to dive vertically towards the crowd.
  • Halve any larger carrots vertically to make sure all are a similar size. Times, Sunday Times
  • He argues that the ‘mechanisms’ of the holding company and interlocking directorates vertically integrated each of the local industries to the U.S. sugar refining sector.
  • Wearing a blue skirt, microstrip wheat color skin looks so healthy, black hair like a waterfall vertically over the shoulders, with a reddish face.
  • The researchers have considered whether volcanism or salt diapirism (a process where evaporite minerals intrude vertically into surrounding rock, forming dome-like structures on the surface) could be responsible for the annulus. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • But again I damn my inexplicable vertically challenged self for not being able to reach it.
  • The seams were reinforced with decorated strips of material called ‘orphreys’, which were arranged to hang vertically front and back.
  • With increasing extension, or shear, vertically stacked books will progressively rotate, attaining ever-decreasing angles to the horizontal.
  • The circular stair silo that penetrates vertically through the sedimented floor levels is a restatement of human finitude.
  • Among other things, we are not a vertically challenged group.
  • The engineering and design function was likewise consolidated into a single vertically aligned group.
  • Although there were several doors, if one opened them one only found oneself standing in front of a dark, smooth rock-face, scarcely a handbreadth beyond the threshold and extending vertically upwards and horizontally on both sides, seemingly without any end. Kafka and the Coincidence of Opposites
  • Right now, these vertically integrated dinosaurs make everything from hard-disk drives to submarine cables.
  • A second moment they devoted to the wreckage of the same on deck -- the mizzen-topmast, thrust through the spanker and supported vertically by the stout canvas, thrashing back and forth with each thrash of the sail, the main - topmast squarely across the ruined companionway to the steerage. CHAPTER XV
  • Sajjil missile utilizes composite solid-propellant fuel and that unlike the Shahab-3 MRBM, which is launched only vertically, the Sajjil could be launched at a variable angle. - Articles related to UN sanctions bind Russia on Iran missiles: Report
  • Smaller gardens mean we need to grow vertically to get more foliage around our homes. The Sun
  • It comes with vertically stacked dual headlamps and a narrower passenger seat than other BMWcruisers.
  • Launched vertically on a rocket, but landing horizontally like an aircraft, its key asset is its reusability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Twist the rod until the hair section is spiralled around it (the barrel should be held vertically, so the top is pointing up).
  • Cut the citrus fruit in half vertically, and then slice it thinly, peel and all.
  • The cave descends almost vertically through a maze of boulders from a collapsed roof and is extremely wet and muddy.
  • Climb the crack / grooves with continual interest until the top - at the top either continue vertically or traverse leftwards around the bulge.
  • Suzuki has gone for vertically stacked headlights and no-maintenance LED-type rear tail lights.
  • In the Skara Brae object, you can see how cunningly the top and base ridges are off-centre, allowing it initially to be held vertically.
  • The vertically filtered station data from each section are interpolated onto an evenly spaced latitudinal or longitudinal grid depending on section orientation at 0.033° spacing using a shape-preserving piecewise cubic Hermite interpolant at each pressure level. Recyclable AbathyThermograph Instruments « Climate Audit
  • The phone has been designed with one unified shape, in which the handset and stand are interlocking and where the phone can be placed vertically or rested on horizontally.
  • I watch as he slides one hand vertically along the desk - slowly, caressingly.
  • The metal plates extend substantially vertically through the thicker dielectric material separating the interconnect layers, to provide a relatively high capacitance per unit of surface consumed.
  • We put wire fence in the middle of our beds, so tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, and other vine crops can grow vertically.
  • At sea, the boats of a South Sea-man (generally four in number, spare ones omitted,) are suspended by tackles, hooked above, to curved timbers called "davits," vertically fixed to the ship's sides. Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I (of 2)
  • The youngest terrace surfaces in the Camardi area show no offset along faults, whereas older terraces are laterally and vertically displaced.
  • As the books are arranged vertically on a central spine, it takes up very little floor space. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dismissing a writ appeal filed by the State, a Division Bench comprising Justice D. Murugesan and Justice M. Duraiswamy agreed with the student's counsel, Isaac Mohanlal, that the acrocentric chromosome of the nucleus of living cells does not have a static position and hence it could be drawn vertically upward or vertically downward or even horizontally. The Hindu - Front Page
  • White clouds cling to lofty mountain peaks, which rise vertically from out of glacial basins, stretching all the way back to the Southern Alps.
  • Riffles, another type of coarse deposit, develop beneath the thalweg in locations where the faster flow moves vertically up in the channel. Fluvial landforms
  • At 13 1/2 by 9 inches, this 185-page, clothbound publication is a large, vertically oriented book of 115 duotones surveying his production since 1984.
  • Once inside, immediately in front of the raised stern cabin, a large winch has fallen on one end and rests almost vertically on the centre line of the ship.
  • Cut each bulb in half vertically.
  • In the picture, a large, cylindrical structure cuts vertically across the bedding of the sedimentary rock.
  • It includes a column each for each bagman/shark, organized vertically with the relevant yacht, how much Duke scored from the given bagman, which house he helped with, and so forth.
  • Soundtrack promo (mis-presented in a 16: 9 format that looks vertically "squashed" - Home Theater Forum
  • These differences could be related to variation in degree of lithification of the overburden, causing it to collapse vertically rather than with more gentle downsagging.
  • The lamps were arranged vertically on the circumference of a drum around which the samples rotated at a distance of 3.5 cm.
  • Wearing a blue skirt, microstrip wheat color skin looks so healthy, black hair like a waterfall vertically over the shoulders, with a reddish face.
  • Unlike some birds, it does not dive vertically.
  • It should stack the products from both sides of the joist, the space between two joists should be equal or less than 60cm, and the joists should be arranged vertically with the profiles.
  • Each face is conjured from eloquent pencil lines and blurs of paint against a virginal white swath of satin, hung vertically like an iconic banner.
  • Using the sticks around me, I placed the ten trout vertically around the searing flame.
  • To minimise distortion, long cylindrical objects should be quenched vertically, flat sections edgeways and thick sections should enter the bath first.
  • Vertically centered in the backrest is a column of detailed carvings depicting animals, birds, flowers, hearts, and other designs based in Chinese folk art. Chinalyst - China blogs in English
  • Alternatively, you could cover the outside of the vase in double-sided adhesive tape, then stick large leaves vertically around it.
  • Left: Concord Quantum Gravity The craziest watch of the day: a tourbillion that rotates both vertically and horizontally, a power reserve that uses liquid expanding and contracting to indicate levels, and a suspension bridge linking all of it together. Times Are a-Changing: Watches From Baselworld 2009
  • The Baroque introduced grotesques along with the heavy ball dangling from the central shaft, anchoring detachable rows of arms that allowed the hanging fixture to mutate vertically.
  • Daughter corallites generally diverge at various angles, and subsequently turn vertically and grow subparallel.
  • This facies comprises interlaminated to interbedded, dark grey to black carbonaceous claystone and coaly stringers that often grade vertically and laterally into economically exploitable coal seams.
  • The areas feel unique, with branching paths in all directions, including vertically. The Sun
  • To bani...a gore is an extra piece of fabric spliced vertically into a skirt. A masochist is someone who - A Dress A Day
  • Make a series of U - shaped tubes or channels to fit inside the "firepit", placed vertically on their side with the base of the U toward the back and the open end of the U facing the front. What choice for heating?
  • Features a water pump , heating element, biomechanical filter, and an air diffuser . Works vertically and horizontally.
  • I like the slubbed silk idea, but I've read somewhere that if you use dupion or shantung with the "lines" sorry, can't remember the proper word running vertically, the seams tend to unravel. A Perfect Storm - A Dress A Day
  • A variation is for a pair of capstans (vertically mounted winches), again more common on warships.
  • The builders of Tusayan appear to have been afraid to add the necessary weight of mud mortar to produce this finished effect, the hoods usually showing a vertically ridged or crenated surface, caused by the sticks of the framework showing through the thin mud coat. A Study of Pueblo Architecture: Tusayan and Cibola Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1886-1887, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891, pages 3-228
  • Line the pages for the graph both horizontally and vertically.
  • It's why a shapely bottom suits a body-con dress and a slight waist can carry off a pencil skirt, why tall women look effortlessly chic in jeans and flats, and vertically challenged girls get away with six-inch heels and floral tea dresses. Shaping up: how the right clothes can help create a perfect shape
  • The range to the target is apparently ascertained by those near the guns by a large telemeter, or other range finder, which is kept trained on the aeroplane, so that when the signal is made the distance to the target vertically below is at once obtained. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol 1, Issue 4, January 23, 1915
  • Far-red or red background lights irradiated vertically from above drastically inhibited phototaxis toward red light or far-red light, respectively.
  • Cargill is vertically integrated, operating at every stage of the food supply chain, from seed to packaged end product.
  • _ If a field be divided by lines drawn bendwise, and also by others drawn either vertically or horizontally, it is “_paly bendy_,” as No. 118, or “_barry bendy_,” as No. 119. The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • A wall of rock towered vertically up on one side of the narrow mountain path.
  • As cities grow in all directions, horizontally and vertically, there is hardly any space left for trees to grow, for the cuckoos to build their nest or parrots to rest on branches and prattle away.
  • Horizontal tubular-steel purlins running over the arches in turn support vertically aligned tapered arms ending in stainless-steel fixings.
  • Wearing a blue skirt, microstrip wheat color skin looks so healthy, black hair like a waterfall vertically over the shoulders, with a reddish face.
  • The window is an "oriel" in the Perpendicular style, separated vertically by mullions into three lights in front, with one at each end of the projection, and horizontally by transoms into an upper and lower tier, the former having a trefoil heading to each division. Bell's Cathedrals: The Priory Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Great, Smithfield A Short History of the Foundation and a Description of the Fabric and also of the Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Less
  • In a circuit diagram, on the other hand, a resistor might be oriented horizontally or vertically, and it might appear above, below, or next to the preceding circuit element.
  • Secondly, the principles and projects to passing azimuth angle vertically are expatiated.
  • Further south, e.g. in the region round Beit Jibrin, they are more frequently sunk vertically, the entrance being in the roof of the burial chamber, or approached by a square shaft (a reversion to the Second Semitic form, except that these latter have _round_ shafts). How to Observe in Archaeology
  • The shed is secured by metal pin-piles drilled into the sandy soil and connected at the base of the building to vertically cantilevered fir posts.
  • It's a vertical-hanging painting with a first draft in the middle and silk purfle surrounded. Suspend vertically.
  • This charming village is huddled against a cliff which drops vertically to the river Dordogne.
  • To see how the array of possibilities is again the Riemann sphere, imagine the photon to be travelling vertically upwards.
  • Structurally, it acts like a giant ribcage consisting of 25 vertically spanning timber trusses.
  • Other tanks in the exhibition will house a variety of eels, from razor-toother morays to a colony of distinctive garden eels, which anchor themselves in burrows with the tops of their tails and stand vertically like strands of seaweed.
  • It is spatialized vertically, organized chromatically, and this hierarchical spatialization is logocentric in its opposition between orality and literacy.
  • The rocky cliffs, about eighty feet in height at the highest point, were formed of vertically lying slate rocks -- a very uniform series of phyllite and sericite-schist. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • The areas feel unique, with branching paths in all directions, including vertically. The Sun
  • A large panel on the side began to lift open vertically at a dramatically slow speed and with a dull noise, revealing several dark shapes, silhouetted against a large white backlight.
  • This causes the particles to become "supersaturated" with silicon from the gas, which will then precipitate into a solid, forming a wire that grows vertically. Gizmodo
  • Teal-blue water licked at uninhabited gleaming, creamy beaches backdropped by vertically faced limestone cliffs hundreds of feet straight up.
  • - The courter is a steel cutting blade which cuts the soil vertically along the furrow wall. 3.1 Cattle harness
  • Even the romanized names were typeset vertically in very small letters, rendering them hardly legible.
  • All I want is to achor the image at the right side of that wall, next to the doorway, and spread the left boarder vertically to make the ceiling and floor lines straight, albeit getting progressively wider from each other as you get to the leftern edge of the photo. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • The easiest way to cut it into cubes is to slice though the fruit on both sides of the flat pit and parallel to it, then cut through the flesh just to the skin, both vertically and horizontally. Mango salsa: Salsa de mango
  • The Cells were in groups of five and each of those groups stood vertically around a metal pillar.
  • Arms vertically extended, I turned with the slow deliberation of a cornered felon.
  • When a number of well-defined strata cleave vertically, and one end of the series sags below the other, or lifts above it, the process which geologists call faulting, the scenic effect is varied and striking; sometimes, as in The Book of the National Parks
  • Thus, markets were increasingly dominated by a small number of large vertically integrated enterprises.
  • I slipped on my pink and white vertically stripped bikini top and boy short bottoms then I put on a pink sweat skirt over the bottoms.
  • The prostatic portion (pars prostatica), the widest and most dilatable part of the canal, is about 3 cm. long, It runs almost vertically through the prostate from its base to its apex, lying nearer its anterior than its posterior surface; the form of the canal is spindle-shaped, being wider in the middle than at either extremity, and narrowest below, where it joins the membranous portion. XI. Splanchnology. 3b. 4. The Male Urethra
  • Unlike all other Semitic systems of writing (except the Ethiopic, which is an adaptation of the Greek), that of the Assyro-Babylonians generally runs from left to right in horizontal lines, although in some very early inscriptions the lines run vertically from top to bottom like the Chinese. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The pivotable attachment of the cylinder may be horizontally and vertically offset from a pivot connection of the scissors lift.
  • The helibus lurched over on its side, its blades chopping vertically at the air. Ice Hunt
  • The highlight of a number of pieces of rare 18th century English porcelain is Worcester's nod to the orient, a porcelain teapot in vertically fluted baluster form circa 1750-58.
  • Early pictorial representation, using graphic symbols, reads both horizontally along register lines and vertically in an open field in the picture surface.
  • Designers put a zillion vertically striped things on their catwalks this season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wearing a blue skirt, microstrip wheat color skin looks so healthy, black hair like a waterfall vertically over the shoulders, with a reddish face.
  • Rising vertically from the plains, some of these huge monoliths soar to a height of 400 metres, and the squat buildings on top of each appear to be hewn out of living rock.
  • Some siphonophores may reach lengths of over a meter and migrate up to 300 meters vertically in the water column in an hour.
  • His trained eyes slid vertically down the paragraph and he sighed in disgust.
  • In the UK, gossamer is the creation of a million baby spiders that spin threads vertically from the top of bushes which will carry them off into the wind, enabling them to travel for miles.
  • The sides of my slab were ripped vertically by ancient geologic forces. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Without changing your elbow angle, keep your left elbow glued to your side and rotate your left shoulder, raising your forearm vertically as far as you can, aiming for a perpendicular position.
  • Technologies advance vertically to higher levels of performance and complexity, but they also advance horizontally or sidewise into new markets and applications.
  • I kept buying pinstripe suits with the stripes running vertically. Christianity Today
  • Alternatively, you could cover the outside of the vase in double-sided adhesive tape, then stick large leaves vertically around it.
  • It has sparse or absent body hair, a nearly hairless tail tuft, and long, relatively thick upper canines that emerge vertically, converge slightly and curl dorsally in a circle. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Hydrostatic elongation of the tongue involves narrowing of the tongue vertically and consequent lengthening and protraction from the mouth.
  • A flight of timber treads is cantilevered off the wall, supported by an internal edge beam of welded steel angles, some of which return vertically to form the framework for the glass balustrade.
  • Together, the two measured 82 feet 5 inches in length and were launched vertically.
  • The drive can either sit on your desk horizontally on top of a rubber ring that attaches to its side or it can be mounted vertically using a supplied stand.
  • Shielded lights running along the bottom edge of each vault vertically project light that subtly bathes the arching gridwork of ribs and recesses. Shaping the City: Let there be light (carefully) in Metro stations
  • The Right Innominate Vein (v. anonyma dextra) is a short vessel, about 2.5 cm. in length, which begins behind the sternal end of the clavicle, and, passing almost vertically downward, joins with the left innominate vein just below the cartilage of the first rib, close to the right border of the sternum, to form the superior vena cava. VII. The Veins. 3c. The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
  • The notes are arranged chromatically in rows, and vertically by fourths, which is analogous to the four low strings on a guitar in standard tuning, and allows for easy chording. MAKE Magazine
  • The door closes and the helicopter immediately ascends vertically to 1000 feet.
  • Frequency domain anisotropy was measured by exciting the sample with the amplitude-modulated light polarized vertically.
  • Instead, he slowed, hovered vertically, and spread his wings as far as they would go, using them as scoops, to drive the hapless, cowlike civilians back toward the edge of the roof. The Sinister Six Combo
  • This tool rotates horizontally rather than vertically in the soil, thereby disrupting fewer layers, and the couple hopes it will serve to discourage the gophers.
  • Blake is blessed with one of the strongest arms in the league, which allows him to uncork uncannily accurate deep balls and stretch defenses vertically.
  • He saw it break its flight over a dell between the dunes, soar vertically and then head off at an angle.
  • Descending vertically between the medial pterygoid plate and the Pterygoideus internus it ends in a tendon which winds around the pterygoid hamulus, being retained in this situation by some of the fibers of origin of the Pterygoideus internus. XI. Splanchnology. 2b. The Fauces
  • At the centre, vertically under the gable, there should be room for three triglyphs and three metopes, in order that the centre intercolumniation, by its greater width, may give ample room for people to enter the temple, and may lend an imposing effect to the view of the statues of the gods. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • The nettled banks rose vertically and the barbed branches made it impossible to clamber up short of a mile or so downriver. Polly Samson | The Man Who Fell
  • The system utilized a screw-threaded plug which, by being screwed and unscrewed vertically at the rear of the barrel, sealed and unsealed the breech for loading with powder and ball.
  • The center fin was a fixed surface, extending vertically above the stabilizer at the center line of the airplane.
  • Daughter corallites then turn vertically, giving the corallum a robust appearance.

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