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vertical surface

  1. a surface that is vertical

How To Use vertical surface In A Sentence

  • What is needed is a power handsaw that can cut a kerf immediately adjacent to a corner juncture defined by a horizontal surface and a vertical surface.
  • The Climber easily scales many smooth and uneven vertical surfaces - wall board, plaster, brick, cinder block, and siding are negotiable for this versatile robot.
  • Newly emerged moths scurry to the nearest vertical surface, such as a wall, until their cuticles harden.
  • The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.
  • The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.
  • The returning bee dances in a figure - of - eight on the vertical surface of the comb.
  • The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical surface.
  • Briefly, the process is as follows: 2 slugs climb up a vertical surface, one leading the other; then they start circling each other; then they intertwine and suspend themselves by a thick strand of mucus; their penises evert and they too intertwine forming a bell-shaped structure at their lower end; the exchange of spermatophores presumably takes place within the bell; following this, the slugs abruptly separate and move away. Limax maximus
  • The nests are usually constructed of mud mixed with straw, grasses, or horsehair, and cemented to the vertical surfaces of old beams or rafters.
  • This can mean paint runs, sags and wrinkling on vertical surfaces, plus an overall reduced rate of coverage per gallon.
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