
How To Use Vertebra In A Sentence

  • Lobefins today have dwindled to the lungfishes and the coelacanths ‘dwindled’ as ‘fish’, that is, but mightily expanded on land: we land vertebrates are aberrant lungfish. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • A couple of the multicellular test subjects died and the invertebrates had a fifty-fifty survival rate.
  • The lower opening is formed by the twelfth thoracic vertebra behind, by the eleventh and twelfth ribs at the sides, and in front by the cartilages of the tenth, ninth, eighth, and seventh ribs, which ascend on either side and form an angle, the subcostal angle, into the apex of which the xiphoid process projects. II. Osteology. 4. The Thorax
  • The relationships between hagfishes, lampreys, and jawed vertebrates are one of the still-unresolved problems in craniate phylogeny.
  • A large brain relative to body size is an almost universal foetal characteristic of vertebrates, and certainly of mammals.
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  • E.g. the genes are found in sea urchins and other non-vertebrate deuterostome genomes. Assessing Applegate's Attack
  • Cervical vertebra coping, of the belt headache. Left prothorax aches, it is how to return a responsibility, what disease be? How to administer?
  • Snakes have hundreds of similar vertebrae in their backbones, as can be seen in the skeleton of a python embryo.
  • It doesn't always work: Five years ago in the Alps she landed badly on a jump, breaking her pelvis and fracturing a vertebra.
  • More extensive staging revealed multiple vertebral lesions consistent with metastases, but no spread to abdominal viscera was visualized.
  • Five steps up the dirt path, my trachea crumpled, my vertebrae fused, and the small muscles in my back revolted and spasmed.
  • Neither type corresponds precisely to that seen in vertebrate enamel, and the extreme variation in crystal orientation is puzzling.
  • Following Simpson, Newell mentioned the example of the relatively wider limb bones of larger land vertebrates.
  • One is a broken awl, probably made from the neural spine of a bison vertebra.
  • A postdoctoral position, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, is available to work with Dr Tokiharu Takahashi on the evolutionary origin of multiple cell lineages in vertebrate haematopoiesis. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • In addition to fish, Pterois volitans feed on invertebrates such as amphipods, isopods, and other crustaceans.
  • There are more than 50 fish species whose lives are linked to Sargassum, and a myriad of invertebrates, including gastropods, polychaetes, bryozoans, anemones, and sea-spiders.
  • Bone of the cancellous type is found in the long bones, sternum, vertebrae and between layers of the cranium bones. We���re Born With 270 Bones. As Adults We Have 206
  • A slip at the level of rhomboideus minor, named rhomboideus minimus, extends from the scapula to thoracic or lower cervical vertebral spines.
  • Cope commented on this fragility, writing ‘in the extreme tenuity of all its parts, this vertebra exceeds this type of those already described, so that much care was requisite to secure its preservation’ (p. 563), and his drawing also suggests that the vertebra had been subjected to extensive weathering and hence was already fragile. Biggest sauropod ever (part…. II)
  • Strangles place direct pressure on both the carotid and vertebral arteries.
  • Two smaller arteries, the vertebral arteries, also supply blood to the brain.
  • Melanic forms of invertebrates might have advantages in thermoregulation and UV-B radiation protection [174]. Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
  • The fine-grained assemblage is dominated by tabular, low-density elements, such as cycloid scales and fish vertebrae. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Three main types of lumbar sympathetic nerve blockades for pain include the paravertebral approach and spinal and epidural injections of local anesthetics.
  • Lumbar disc disease is the drying out of the spongy interior matrix of an intervertebral disc in the spine. How do you find a diet and nutrition facts dabase online?
  • The vertebrates are characterized by the presence of a bony skeleton and a brain.
  • Tropical marine invertebrates, unlike marine fish which are notoriously difficult to successfully breed in captivity, are far more accommodating.
  • This is probably one of the most archaic sensory receptors, which is present even in invertebrates such as the roundworm, leech or aplysia Time-surface temperature thresholds for thermal injury of Human skin. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The scan shows a mild focal dilatation of the central canal of the spinal cord over two vertebral levels in the mid-dorsal region.
  • The temperature at which the eggs of ectothermic vertebrates incubate can influence several phenotypic traits of offspring.
  • The remains include a complete tibia and shoulder blade, as well as parts of a femur, ribs, vertebrae, collarbone and pelvis, as well as an ankle bone.
  • Fish eat snails in their shells and hard-shelled crustacea as well as invertebrates with exoskeletons.
  • Some slips passing from the first and second ribs to the vertebral border of the scapula and supplied by the dorsal scapular nerve may be looked upon as belonging to the rhomboid sheet and therefore as variations of those muscles.
  • Other descendants of the marine invertebrates have also left the water.
  • At the end of the three-hour operation, his vertebral column looked straight.
  • The distribution, water chemistry, ecology, hydrology, limnology, and invertebrate and amphibian fauna of vernal ponds have been investigated.
  • Objective. To compare proliferation and expression of osteoblastic phenotype of cells derived from vertebral lamina and iliac grafting.
  • They commence anteriorly at the sternum, in the interspaces between the cartilages of the true ribs, and at the anterior extremities of the cartilages of the false ribs, and extend backward as far as the angles of the ribs, whence they are continued to the vertebral column by thin aponeuroses, the posterior intercostal membranes. IV. Myology. 6c. The Muscles of the Thorax
  • Apparently facultatively bipedal, with a toothless bird-like skull sporting large orbits, dinosaur-like cervical vertebrae possessing true pneumatic foramina, and reduced gracile forelimbs and a theropod-like pelvis, Effigia is strikingly like ornithomimosaurs (ostrich dinosaurs) in several details, mostly those concerning the skull and cervical vertebrae. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Your backbone (vertebral column) is actually a stack of more than 30 small bones called vertebrae.
  • The ganglia of the fifth lumbar and first four sacral lie within the vertebral canal, but these are also extradural.
  • As evidenced by the articles in this volume, a recent increase in interest in the mating systems of poikilothermic vertebrates has focused primarily on fishes, a few amphibians, and squamate reptiles.
  • Scientist Kristin Tessmar-Raible from Arendt's lab directly compared two types of hormone-secreting nerve cells of zebrafish, a vertebrate, and the annelid worm Platynereis dumerilii, and found some stunning similarities. 2007 June - Telic Thoughts
  • Their diet consists primarily of parasitic copepods and other invertebrates that are taken from the mouth and gill openings of larger fish.
  • The neck consists of how many cervical vertebrae? Times, Sunday Times
  • The rectus abdominis muscle inserts at the fifth through seventh costal cartilage, and it helps flex the vertebral column and provide support for the torso.
  • Were they perhaps influenced by the angularity of the nearby street sculpture, Vertebrae, by Henry Moore?
  • Mori has reported the vertebral, costal, and scapular origins as follows.
  • This jawless mouth sets the lamprey and its cousin the hagfish apart from all other modern vertebrates - animals with backbones.
  • The origin of vertebrates has always been a core question in evolutionary biology. It is well accepted that vertebrates and invertebrate chordate derived from a common ancestor.
  • The heart appears to be the most primitive of all adult vertebrates, with the auricle, ventricle and conus arteriosus arranged in straight line, rather than being doubled over one another.
  • Mites and ticks which feed on vertebrate hair or blood often carry disease organisms, such as spirochete bacteria, responsible for relapsing fever and Lyme disease.
  • These tooth marks suggest a diet of largely hadrosaurs and ceratopsians and typically occur more commonly on limb bones than on vertebrae.
  • The skeleton is highly incomplete, consisting of hand and foot bones, epiphyses, ribs, vertebrae, the right ilium, and teeth.
  • A computed tomographic scan showed several osteoblastic and osteolytic lesions in vertebral bodies and the pelvis, compatible with metastases.
  • Originating at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra, posterior to the cricoid cartilage, the esophagus passes through the thorax slightly to the right and behind the aortic arch and the left main stem bronchus.
  • In fact, the candiru is one of a very few vertebrate parasites that targets humans.
  • From the skull extends the spine of the whale, and the hump of the whale rises above the larger vertebrae.
  • The processes of cell signaling important in inducing new tissues during gastrulation are similar in all vertebrates, and the same answers are turning up in fish and mice, despite the morphological differences in their layouts. A bit more on Haeckel - The Panda's Thumb
  • The containing group of jawed vertebrates and jawless fishes is vertebrata. A New Book
  • Recent modeling studies have focused on systems such as vertebrate jaws, limbs, tongues and tentacles and axial muscle.
  • It can be distinguished from congeners in having a combination of: postanal length 36·6-44·8 % standard length; pectoral-fin length 14·4-25·9% head length; 34-38 dorsal spines; 42-46 caudal vertebrae; 78-83 total vertebrae; brown background colour without or with only a limited and scattered dark brown reticulate pattern. Practical Fishkeeping
  • And then there were the bones-a bear's digit, with the great curved claw still attached; the complete vertebrae of a small snake, articulated and strung on a leather thong, so the whole string flexed in a lifelike manner; an assortment of teeth, ranging from a string of round, peglike things that Jamie said came from a seal, through the high-crowned, scythe-cusped teeth of deer, to something that looked suspiciously like a human molar. Dragonfly in Amber
  • Marine invertebrates feast on the wood, attracting other creatures from little fish, to birds and sharks.
  • Discussing the associated relations among the signal intensities of lumbar disc on T2-weighted MRI, age, intervertebral space and disc herniation.
  • Thomisids are among the favourite prey of insectivorous birds and other invertebrates.
  • Unlike all other jawed vertebrates, placoderms never had teeth, and did not descend from toothed ancestors.
  • Thus shear loading mechanisms may play a central role in integrative models of the vertebrate body axis.
  • Larger species of marine invertebrates that brood their young have evolved special ventilation mechanisms.
  • Conclusion. Combining vertebral augmentation and placement of an interspinous process spacer represents a viable option for treating such fragile patients.
  • The fate maps of the different vertebrates are thus similar when one looks at the relationship between the germ layers and the site of ingression of cells at gastrulation.
  • He was suffering huge pain from two crushed vertebrae in the back. Times, Sunday Times
  • The symptom of cervical vertebra disease? Diagnostic standard? Differentiate diagnose? Reach cure?
  • Numerous recent studies in vertebrate paleontology have focused on reconstructing the ecology of terrestrial fossil communities.
  • The notochord is a continuous rod of cartilage, or gristle, which in the embryological growth of vertebrate animals supports the spinal nerve cord before the formation of the vertebrae. The Elements of Geology
  • I had also cracked two vertebrae in my back. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trailing end has a height greater than the maximum height of the disc space forming a flanged portion adapted to overlie a part of the anterior aspects of the vertebral bodies adjacent and proximate the disc space to be fused.
  • Public aquariums are a good source of information regarding the status of captive breeding of invertebrates.
  • Most other closely related wrasses utilize a combination of suction and biting to take less elusive invertebrate prey items.
  • Xu notes that, except for exhibitions or scientific exchanges, it is against the law to export vertebrate fossils - fossils of animals with backbones - from China.
  • The axolotl is the champion of vertebrate regeneration, with the ability to replace whole limbs and even parts of its central nervous system," says Edward Scott, Ph. D., principal investigator for the grant and director of the McKnight Brain Institute's program in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. GEN News Highlights
  • All trematodes are parasitic, and most adult trematodes parasitize vertebrates.
  • Other important components of the fringing reef ecosystem include algae (brown, red and green), marine invertebrates (shrimp, lobster, crabs and sea urchins) and fishes (parrotfish, wrasses, damselfish, surgeonfish, goatfish, jacks and sharks). Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary
  • Sponges make up 70% of their diet with the rest of their diet consisting of gorgonian polyps, other invertebrates, and algae. Coral reef fish feeding behavior in the Caribbean
  • Small fish begin by feeding upon zooplankton, mainly cladocera, such as daphnia, before moving onto bloodworm and larger invertebrates as they grow.
  • The invertebrates are choking fishing nets and poisoning the catch with their toxic stingers, fishers say.
  • Today, scientists can offer a real-life glimpse of this developmental bifurcation by pointing to vertebrates, such as zebrafish, that retain pharyngeal teeth only; others, such as mouse and human, that have oral teeth only; and a subset, including cichlids, that thrives with both. Emaxhealth
  • Owing to the difference of development he would not homologise these bones in the newt with the palatine and pterygoid of other Vertebrates. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Parasitism is a common phenomenon in many animal taxa, from simple platyhelminths to vertebrates such as fish and birds.
  • Objective To utilize SOCON nail and hook system for pedicle of vertebral arch in the treatment of lumbar vertebrae isthmus spondyloschisis in teenager, and observe the fixation and fusion effect.
  • Myriapod animals were probably one of the invertebrate animal groups that first colonized the terrestrial ecosystem during Early Paleozoic.
  • It's not a form of manipulation, she says, but a way of allowing the vertebrae to relax into a natural, unstressed position.
  • Most investigation into such an antipredatory benefit has focused on caudal autotomy in vertebrate taxa.
  • The saw is also used as a digging tool to probe in mud and sand in search of crustaceans and other small invertebrates.
  • The temperature at which the eggs of ectothermic vertebrates incubate can influence several phenotypic traits of offspring.
  • I just want to send a big congratulations out there to my friend Laura Wilson whose first published paper "Comparative taphonomy and paleoecological reconstruction of two microvertebrate accumulations from the Late Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation Maastrichtian, eastern Montana" came out in the new issue of PALAIOS today. CONGRATS LAURA!!!
  • Aquatic invertebrates are also eaten, especially by breeding females and the young.
  • If a salamander is to swim straight, the action of these muscle fibers must be balanced by muscle fibers dorsal to the vertebral centra, presumably in the epaxial musculature.
  • Microsporidian can infect a wide rage of the invertebrates and vertebrates, especially including the economic insect, fish, rabbits, fur animal, nibbling the teeth and primate.
  • Planktonic larvae, also known as "meroplankton" are the most common early life stage of marine invertebrates, many of whom live on the bottom as adults. Planktonic larvae
  • Among vertebrates, newts and other urodele amphibians show a remarkable capacity for regeneration.
  • GUPTA: Doctors say Britt suffered from a vertebral basilar stroke, caused by excessive neck manipulation to the spinal column. CNN Transcript Jun 25, 2008
  • This process puts greater stress on the articular cartilage of the vertebrae and their respective end plates.
  • The vertebrae on the inside are regularly placed upon one another, but behind they are connected by a cartilaginous ligament; they are articulated in the form of synarthrosis at the back part of the spinal marrow; behind they have a sharp process having a cartilaginous epiphysis, whence proceeds the roots of nerves running downward, as also muscles extending from the neck to the loins, and filling the space between the ribs and the spine. Instruments Of Reduction
  • Like sheep, they have vertebral arteries which cannot be cut because they are shielded by the vertebrae. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, the tight articulation of the vertebrae throughout the vertebral column obscures details of accessory intervertebral articulations.
  • In vertebrates, the smallest number of research citations on these peptides are commonly in the cyclostomes and elasmobranchs.
  • Object:To observe improvement of cervical vertebrae in the radicular spondylosis and instant effect to relieve spinal root pain with Fu'Subcutaneous Needling.
  • I also read more of the December issue of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology — "Comparison and biomechanical interpretations of the vertebrae and osteoderms of Cacops aspidephorus and Dissorophus multicinctus (Temnospondyli; Dissorophoridae)," and "A possible new ctenosauriscid archosaur from the Middle Triassic Manda Beds of Tanzania. What I Did During My Plague Vacation ( by Me)
  • Several of the only known localities for endemic harvestman, spiders, land snails, and other invertebrates have been heavily altered or lost through logging within the last decade, and the current status of these species is unknown. Klamath-Siskiyou forests
  • Chiropractic adjustments aim to realign your vertebrae, restore range of motion and free up your nerve pathways.
  • This dive is better in the deeper section, where large gorgonian seafans stretch out into the current, surrounded by large numbers of fish, corals, invertebrates, and some huge barrel sponges.
  • Shear loading may also explain the bending mechanics of the interspinous ligaments running axially between the zygopophyses of the neural spines of dolphin vertebrae.
  • Well, he recuperated from that situation, but now he has invertebral disk disease (slipped disk), and he is crated for 6 weeks and I have to carry him everywhere again. The seventh house is in uranus
  • At the other end of the vertebrate scale, hominoids have similarly provided the butt for many a joke, while Darwin himself has not escaped completely the humorists' pen or pencil.
  • The cells of this layer proliferate rapidly, and extending medialward surround the notochord; at the same time they grow backward on the lateral aspects of the neural tube and eventually surround it, and thus the notochord and neural tube are enveloped by a continuous sheath of mesoderm, which is termed the membranous vertebral column. II. Osteology. 1. Development of the Skeleton
  • The cells of this layer proliferate rapidly, and extending medialward surround the notochord; at the same time they grow backward on the lateral aspects of the neural tube and eventually surround it, and thus the notochord and neural tube are enveloped by a continuous sheath of mesoderm, which is termed the membranous vertebral column. II. Osteology. 1. Development of the Skeleton
  • Oh, and I observed World Turtle Day by reading "Anatomy of Condorchelys antiqua Sterli, 2008, and the origin of the modern jaw closure mechanism in turtles" in the March Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Insert [nothing witty] here.
  • And while jawless vertebrates were present in the Cambrian, it was not until the Ordovician that armored fish became common enough to leave a rich fossil record.
  • If preferred prey species are not present at these depths, lake trout may then resort to feeding on zooplankton and invertebrates.
  • The technique of free hand insertion with the lateral mass screw of atlas and vertebra dentata pedicle screw is simple, fixation is reliability and is well worth to spreading.
  • Most adult electric eels will feed on smaller fish, while juveniles will prey mainly on smaller invertebrates.
  • The same kind of coelom-formation as in sagitta was afterwards found by Kowalevsky in brachiopods and other invertebrates, and in the lowest vertebrate -- the amphioxus. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • In contrast to flies, which have a clearly segmented ectoderm, the mesoderm is the primary vertebrate tissue that is organized in a metameric pattern. Nobel Lecture The Identification Of Genes Controlling Development In Flies And Fishes
  • The vertebrae on the inside are regularly placed upon one another, but behind they are connected by a cartilaginous ligament; they are articulated in the form of synarthrosis at the back part of the spinal marrow; behind they have a sharp process having a cartilaginous epiphysis, whence proceeds the roots of nerves running downward, as also muscles extending from the neck to the loins, and filling the space between the ribs and the spine. Instruments Of Reduction
  • How does the bone after losing treatment highlight thoracic vertebra bone to do?
  • In 1940, curare was introduced to moderate the vertebrae-cracking force of the convulsions, and succinylcholine was introduced in 1952.
  • —Its tributaries are the left vertebral, left internal mammary, left inferior thyroid, and the left highest intercostal veins, and occasionally some thymic and pericardiac veins. VII. The Veins. 3c. The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
  • There are no transverse costal pits on the transverse processes of the eleventh and twelfth vertebrae.
  • However, their vertebral structure appears to have retained the primitive undulatory movement of the axial column.
  • If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs. Archive 2006-06-01
  • At some point this morning, I dreamed of finding a very small plesiosaur vertebra, no larger than a quarter. "There is no real decay. The flesh is barely bruised"
  • Li Shan supports warm temperate forest that is reported to provide habitat for several rare vertebrates including Chinese populations of rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), musk deer (Moschus berezovskii), giant salamander (Megalobatrachus davidiana), and Koklass pheasant (Pucrasia macrolopha). Central China loess plateau mixed forests
  • In galloping, the epaxial and hypaxial muscles function to produce dorsoventral bending of the vertebral column, and muscles fire bilaterally and uniphasically.
  • Another of the positions is keeping the back straight and erect, with the vertebrae of the spinal column in a straight line.
  • As is apparent from the brief review given above, the relationship between genome size and erythrocyte size is detectable in each of the vertebrate classes, even in the uniquely enucleate case of mammals. A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
  • The vertebral column surrounds and protects the spinal cord.
  • The Sidmouth to Beer Coast SSSI supports the most westerly example of species-rich grassland in England and a diverse invertebrate fauna including the nationally scarce rufous grasshopper Gomphocerippus rufu. Dorset and East Devon Coast, United Kingdom
  • It was soon evident to every clear-headed thinker that this question could only be answered in the sense of our anthropogeny, by admitting that man had descended from a long series of Vertebrates by gradual modification and improvement. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • Including abnormal curvature of cervical vertebrae, hyperosteogeny, narrowing of vertebrae tube and disc height.
  • Megascolides australis phylum Annelida is truly a giant among terrestrial invertebrates; according to this document lengths of adults average under 1 m. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Conclusion It provide testing datas for studying xenogeneic intervertebral disc transplantation from pig to human furtherly.
  • Thus most of the "animal organs" take part in this vertebration. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Again, as Mr. Darwin says, "In the embryos of all air-breathing vertebrates, certain glands, called the corpora Wolffiana, correspond with and act like the kidneys of mature fishes;" and during the sixth month the whole body is covered very thickly with wool-like hair -- even the forehead and ears being closely coated; but it is, as Mr. Darwin observes, "a significant fact that the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet are quite naked, like the inferior surfaces of all four extremities in most of the lower animals," including monkeys. The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution
  • Chiropractors who believe that slightly misaligned vertebrae can cause disease often use machines or small hand-held spring-loaded mallets to tap misaligned vertebrae back into place.
  • No ossification centers were evident for either the cervical or the last lumbar vertebrae.
  • The shell is considered the most highly developed protective armor of any vertebrate species.
  • It can be diagnosed by various details of the premaxilla, nasal, and dentary in the skull and the shape of the distal caudal vertebrae.
  • Based on the clear clustering of the Wnt gene families it is highly unlikely that a single Wnt gene independently expanded in the cnidarian and vertebrate lineages. Death of a popular anti-ID argument
  • Insects, spiders, and other invertebrates make up most of the Hermit Warbler's diet.
  • P. conybeari, based on caudal vertebrae, chevrons and a large and gracile humerus, is a basal titanosauriform, perhaps a brachiosaurid. Archive 2006-02-01
  • And while jawless vertebrates were present in the Cambrian, it was not until the Ordovician that armored fish became common enough to leave a rich fossil record.
  • The color yellow in the animal world comes from pigments called carotenoids, which vertebrates cannot synthesize and must therefore obtain directly from their diets.
  • Tuberculous infection may result in vertebral collapse and a sharply angulated deformity (Pott's disease).
  • In particular, there is a significant phylogenetic gap in information for the urochordates, a subphylum near the invertebrate-vertebrate transition.
  • Curving appendages attached to oblong shapes or to punctured spheres in some of the works may allude to other life-forms such as insects or invertebrates.
  • One of the best known examples in vertebrates is the cooperative breeding system of the pied kingfisher, where less related secondary helpers invest less in feeding hatchlings.
  • The oldest true vertebrate fossils date back 530 million years.
  • Bilateral vertebral artery in the neck MR angiography and angiography were normal.
  • Shrikes use their hooked bills to break the necks of vertebrate prey.
  • He fractured two vertebrae and was left paralysed from the neck down. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have also pleased myself by making a special group of the six radiating muscles which diverge from the spine of the axis, or second cervical vertebra, and by giving to it the name stella musculosa nuchaee. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • Surgeonfishes and parrotfishes remove coral polyps to get the algae or invertebrates that have bored into the coral skeleton. Coral reef fish feeding behavior in the Caribbean
  • At surgery, there was a significant deformity of the cranial vault at the level of the occiput and first and second cervical vertebrae.
  • This structure of vertebrae and discs is supported along its length by muscles and ligaments.
  • Jack worked in many different areas of vertebrate paleontology during his long career, but he is best known for his pioneering research on the Tertiary mammals and biostratigraphy of west Texas and Mexico. John A. Wilson, 1914 - 2008
  • some invertebrates can regrow limbs or their tail after they lost it due to an injury
  • The tall neural spines of early synapsids, which in life would have been connected to neighboring spines by equally tall interspinous ligaments, may have served to prevent hyper-rotation of the vertebral column during locomotion.
  • Vertebrae or facet joints can present subluxation or dislocate.
  • In dry years, such as the year of this study, ponds were dry by mid-June, invertebrate and amphibian larvae were unable to develop enough to metamorphose and emerge from the water.
  • Vertebrates and yet show no particular annelidan affinities? Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Populations of these invertebrates have been decimated or even eradicated in areas where wasps are common.
  • Geneticists will be able to track the same set of genes across a variety of species - say, the genes for backbones in vertebrates.
  • Corals, like the majority of marine invertebrates can also reproduce sexually by releasing eggs and sperm.
  • But she did not hear his plea because the vertebrae in her neck had already snapped.
  • Technically an invertebrate, amphioxus is classified in subphylum Protochordata, phylum Chordata.
  • It is characterised by stenoses (narrowing) of the internal jugular vein (which runs down the side of the neck) and/or the azygous veins (which run up the side of the vertebrae). - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Common osteoporotic fracture sites include the vertebrae, the hip, the distal radius of the forearm, and the proximal humerus.
  • The history of the epibranchials presumably begins wherever vertebrates first developed a jointed, internal branchial arch rather than an unjointed, external branchial basket.
  • Our results indicate that mesopelagic fish pose a stronger predatory threat than invertebrates to overwintering Calanus.
  • As you let the doctor insert the otoscope in your ear or examine your vertebrae, you might reflect on how odd this is, the fact that we need an extra pair of eyes to be able to see ourselves. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • The articulation of the rib and intercostal cartilage and the articulation between vertebral bodies are considered synarthroses.
  • Small quantities of copper are often fatal to invertebrates.
  • Protruding from the frozen earth, like dinosaur fossils in a matrix of rock, was a row of brown vertebrae, ancient and massive.
  • He then told us that these first life-forms evolved into bacteria and then into the invertebrate animals, as well as plants.
  • Let us review the fundamental features of the vertebrate body as context for notochords and backbones.
  • The beluga sturgeon is one of the most long-lived of all vertebrate species.
  • In spite of, or perhaps because of, the relative dearth of information on the vertebrate body axis, a groundswell of interest and activity is underway.
  • (_hs_); the vertebral rib is the "pleurapophysis" (_pl_); the sternal rib the "hæmapophysis" (_h_); the uncinate process of the vertebral rib is known as the "diverging appendage" (_a_). Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • We learned (more about) and actually tried our hand at scientific illustration, saw fossils and the prehistoric invertebrates that are believed to have been predators, and discussed with a fossil comparer how her degree in art led (or didn't) to her career at the Field. Archive 2006-03-01
  • Your vertebrae begin to grow together, forming vertical bony outgrowths and becoming stiff and inflexible.
  • This could result in the disturbance of the nerves or blood supply that runs through the vertebrae. Dictionary of Mind, Body and Spirit
  • By doing this, there is generally a lift of the rib cage and a straightening of the upper spine or cervical vertebra.
  • In short, the vertebrate eye is a masterpiece not of design, but of jury-rigged compensations for a fundamentally defective architecture.
  • There are also many fossils of plesio-and pliosaurs, including the famous nearly complete articulated skeleton of a juvenile Liopleurodon ferox from the Oxford Clays from which many life-reconstructions are based but actually when I took a closer look I was under the strong impression that the intervertebral distance is too big and some tail vertebrae seems missing too... Color Underwater
  • What is called a bony lesion by the osteopath and a subluxation by the chiropractor, is in reality a "ligatight," that is, a shrunken condition of the connective tissue forming the various ligaments that bind the vertebrae together. Nature Cure
  • This junction is clearly visible as a dark band or basal lamina in electron micrographs of developing vertebrate teeth.
  • But, in the upper part of the vertebral column, there may be a dislocation of the vertebrae unaccompanied by a fracture.
  • River bed invertebrates support a diverse birdlife including wrybill Anarhynchus frontalis, paradise shelduck Tadorna variegata, black-billed gull, black-fronted tern Sterna albistriata and banded dotterel Pluvialis obscura. Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area), New Zealand

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