How To Use Versifier In A Sentence
El Greco was like a writer, sometimes a poet and sometimes a versifier, who had little command of syntax.
And hereof saith a noble versifier: Transit ad æthera, virgo puerpera, virgula Jesse, Non sine corpore, sed sine tempore, tendit adesse.
The Golden Legend, vol. 4
Johnson of Cheshire: that he was himself likely the compiler of the four parts of _The Merry-Thought_ and that, whatever the individual versifiers may have intended, this infamous collection of graffiti -- _as collection_ -- shares very closely with Johnson’s other work a spirit of wild variety, eccentric juxtaposition, and essential anarchism that is meant to lead, not to clever parody of polite literature, but to a new, almost apocalyptic vision of the sublime.
The Merry-Thought: or the Glass-Window and Bog-House Miscellany Parts 2, 3 and 4
To suggest that the noble versifier is at sixes and sevens?
The Times Literary Supplement
Thus, the claim that "I've kept as yet from thieving pretty free" is undercut by a "stolen" form, or rather one that evokes a high-literate and aristocratic practice of satire, casting the lowly versifier as a clown in lordly clothing.

If any campus-bound versifier of today boasts a similar wound in pursuit of metre, we'll offer sympathetic space.
The Times Literary Supplement
dactylic" hexameters of Longfellow, written though they were by a skilful versifier, quite conform to "the nature of the language.
A Study of Poetry
In addition to the poet, there is another type of versifier, the bard, who lacked the professional training of the fili.
And yet his work stands out from the ruck of the contemporary versifiers as a balas ruby among carrots.
Chapter 32
He was a stained-glass designer, amateur architect, and occasional versifier (author of ‘I never saw a purple cow’).
A remarkable versifier, Dylan exploits the possibilities of poetic form more vitally and vigorously than ever.
THE AUTHOR OF A LETTER TO MR CIBBER says, 'Pope was so good a versifier [once], that, his predecessor, Mr
The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Volume 2
Gongoristic compositions due to himself and to two other versifiers,
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
The internet in its early years was hailed as the media's great diversifier and democratiser.
Times, Sunday Times
During the 1820s, a pompous and untalented versifier referred to the Pacific as a ‘liquid waste’, which makes it sound like sewage.
But in the old days, popular poets and versifiers knew their high culture: they mocked and they borrowed.
Nostradamus's formal range as a versifier is slight.
The Times Literary Supplement
At Oxford, Carroll made a name for himself as a freelance humorist, parodist, and versifier.